// Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Uber Technologies, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package config

import (


	throttler "github.com/uber/jaeger-client-go/internal/throttler/remote"

const defaultSamplingProbability = 0.001

// Configuration configures and creates Jaeger Tracer
type Configuration struct {
	// ServiceName specifies the service name to use on the tracer.
	// Can be provided via environment variable named JAEGER_SERVICE_NAME
	ServiceName string `yaml:"serviceName"`

	// Disabled can be provided via environment variable named JAEGER_DISABLED
	Disabled bool `yaml:"disabled"`

	// RPCMetrics can be provided via environment variable named JAEGER_RPC_METRICS
	RPCMetrics bool `yaml:"rpc_metrics"`

	// Tags can be provided via environment variable named JAEGER_TAGS
	Tags []opentracing.Tag `yaml:"tags"`

	Sampler             *SamplerConfig             `yaml:"sampler"`
	Reporter            *ReporterConfig            `yaml:"reporter"`
	Headers             *jaeger.HeadersConfig      `yaml:"headers"`
	BaggageRestrictions *BaggageRestrictionsConfig `yaml:"baggage_restrictions"`
	Throttler           *ThrottlerConfig           `yaml:"throttler"`

// SamplerConfig allows initializing a non-default sampler.  All fields are optional.
type SamplerConfig struct {
	// Type specifies the type of the sampler: const, probabilistic, rateLimiting, or remote
	// Can be set by exporting an environment variable named JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE
	Type string `yaml:"type"`

	// Param is a value passed to the sampler.
	// Valid values for Param field are:
	// - for "const" sampler, 0 or 1 for always false/true respectively
	// - for "probabilistic" sampler, a probability between 0 and 1
	// - for "rateLimiting" sampler, the number of spans per second
	// - for "remote" sampler, param is the same as for "probabilistic"
	//   and indicates the initial sampling rate before the actual one
	//   is received from the mothership.
	// Can be set by exporting an environment variable named JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAM
	Param float64 `yaml:"param"`

	// SamplingServerURL is the address of jaeger-agent's HTTP sampling server
	// Can be set by exporting an environment variable named JAEGER_SAMPLER_MANAGER_HOST_PORT
	SamplingServerURL string `yaml:"samplingServerURL"`

	// MaxOperations is the maximum number of operations that the sampler
	// will keep track of. If an operation is not tracked, a default probabilistic
	// sampler will be used rather than the per operation specific sampler.
	// Can be set by exporting an environment variable named JAEGER_SAMPLER_MAX_OPERATIONS
	MaxOperations int `yaml:"maxOperations"`

	// SamplingRefreshInterval controls how often the remotely controlled sampler will poll
	// jaeger-agent for the appropriate sampling strategy.
	// Can be set by exporting an environment variable named JAEGER_SAMPLER_REFRESH_INTERVAL
	SamplingRefreshInterval time.Duration `yaml:"samplingRefreshInterval"`

// ReporterConfig configures the reporter. All fields are optional.
type ReporterConfig struct {
	// QueueSize controls how many spans the reporter can keep in memory before it starts dropping
	// new spans. The queue is continuously drained by a background go-routine, as fast as spans
	// can be sent out of process.
	// Can be set by exporting an environment variable named JAEGER_REPORTER_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE
	QueueSize int `yaml:"queueSize"`

	// BufferFlushInterval controls how often the buffer is force-flushed, even if it's not full.
	// It is generally not useful, as it only matters for very low traffic services.
	// Can be set by exporting an environment variable named JAEGER_REPORTER_FLUSH_INTERVAL
	BufferFlushInterval time.Duration

	// LogSpans, when true, enables LoggingReporter that runs in parallel with the main reporter
	// and logs all submitted spans. Main Configuration.Logger must be initialized in the code
	// for this option to have any effect.
	// Can be set by exporting an environment variable named JAEGER_REPORTER_LOG_SPANS
	LogSpans bool `yaml:"logSpans"`

	// LocalAgentHostPort instructs reporter to send spans to jaeger-agent at this address
	// Can be set by exporting an environment variable named JAEGER_AGENT_HOST / JAEGER_AGENT_PORT
	LocalAgentHostPort string `yaml:"localAgentHostPort"`

	// CollectorEndpoint instructs reporter to send spans to jaeger-collector at this URL
	// Can be set by exporting an environment variable named JAEGER_ENDPOINT
	CollectorEndpoint string `yaml:"collectorEndpoint"`

	// User instructs reporter to include a user for basic http authentication when sending spans to jaeger-collector.
	// Can be set by exporting an environment variable named JAEGER_USER
	User string `yaml:"user"`

	// Password instructs reporter to include a password for basic http authentication when sending spans to
	// jaeger-collector. Can be set by exporting an environment variable named JAEGER_PASSWORD
	Password string `yaml:"password"`

// BaggageRestrictionsConfig configures the baggage restrictions manager which can be used to whitelist
// certain baggage keys. All fields are optional.
type BaggageRestrictionsConfig struct {
	// DenyBaggageOnInitializationFailure controls the startup failure mode of the baggage restriction
	// manager. If true, the manager will not allow any baggage to be written until baggage restrictions have
	// been retrieved from jaeger-agent. If false, the manager wil allow any baggage to be written until baggage
	// restrictions have been retrieved from jaeger-agent.
	DenyBaggageOnInitializationFailure bool `yaml:"denyBaggageOnInitializationFailure"`

	// HostPort is the hostPort of jaeger-agent's baggage restrictions server
	HostPort string `yaml:"hostPort"`

	// RefreshInterval controls how often the baggage restriction manager will poll
	// jaeger-agent for the most recent baggage restrictions.
	RefreshInterval time.Duration `yaml:"refreshInterval"`

// ThrottlerConfig configures the throttler which can be used to throttle the
// rate at which the client may send debug requests.
type ThrottlerConfig struct {
	// HostPort of jaeger-agent's credit server.
	HostPort string `yaml:"hostPort"`

	// RefreshInterval controls how often the throttler will poll jaeger-agent
	// for more throttling credits.
	RefreshInterval time.Duration `yaml:"refreshInterval"`

	// SynchronousInitialization determines whether or not the throttler should
	// synchronously fetch credits from the agent when an operation is seen for
	// the first time. This should be set to true if the client will be used by
	// a short lived service that needs to ensure that credits are fetched
	// upfront such that sampling or throttling occurs.
	SynchronousInitialization bool `yaml:"synchronousInitialization"`

type nullCloser struct{}

func (*nullCloser) Close() error { return nil }

// New creates a new Jaeger Tracer, and a closer func that can be used to flush buffers
// before shutdown.
// Deprecated: use NewTracer() function
func (c Configuration) New(
	serviceName string,
	options ...Option,
) (opentracing.Tracer, io.Closer, error) {
	if serviceName != "" {
		c.ServiceName = serviceName

	return c.NewTracer(options...)

// NewTracer returns a new tracer based on the current configuration, using the given options,
// and a closer func that can be used to flush buffers before shutdown.
func (c Configuration) NewTracer(options ...Option) (opentracing.Tracer, io.Closer, error) {
	if c.Disabled {
		return &opentracing.NoopTracer{}, &nullCloser{}, nil

	if c.ServiceName == "" {
		return nil, nil, errors.New("no service name provided")

	opts := applyOptions(options...)
	tracerMetrics := jaeger.NewMetrics(opts.metrics, nil)
	if c.RPCMetrics {
				opts.metrics.Namespace(metrics.NSOptions{Name: "jaeger-rpc", Tags: map[string]string{"component": "jaeger"}}),
		)(&opts) // adds to c.observers
	if c.Sampler == nil {
		c.Sampler = &SamplerConfig{
			Type:  jaeger.SamplerTypeRemote,
			Param: defaultSamplingProbability,
	if c.Reporter == nil {
		c.Reporter = &ReporterConfig{}

	sampler := opts.sampler
	if sampler == nil {
		s, err := c.Sampler.NewSampler(c.ServiceName, tracerMetrics)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, err
		sampler = s

	reporter := opts.reporter
	if reporter == nil {
		r, err := c.Reporter.NewReporter(c.ServiceName, tracerMetrics, opts.logger)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, err
		reporter = r

	tracerOptions := []jaeger.TracerOption{

	for _, tag := range opts.tags {
		tracerOptions = append(tracerOptions, jaeger.TracerOptions.Tag(tag.Key, tag.Value))

	for _, tag := range c.Tags {
		tracerOptions = append(tracerOptions, jaeger.TracerOptions.Tag(tag.Key, tag.Value))

	for _, obs := range opts.observers {
		tracerOptions = append(tracerOptions, jaeger.TracerOptions.Observer(obs))

	for _, cobs := range opts.contribObservers {
		tracerOptions = append(tracerOptions, jaeger.TracerOptions.ContribObserver(cobs))

	for format, injector := range opts.injectors {
		tracerOptions = append(tracerOptions, jaeger.TracerOptions.Injector(format, injector))

	for format, extractor := range opts.extractors {
		tracerOptions = append(tracerOptions, jaeger.TracerOptions.Extractor(format, extractor))

	if c.BaggageRestrictions != nil {
		mgr := remote.NewRestrictionManager(
		tracerOptions = append(tracerOptions, jaeger.TracerOptions.BaggageRestrictionManager(mgr))

	if c.Throttler != nil {
		debugThrottler := throttler.NewThrottler(

		tracerOptions = append(tracerOptions, jaeger.TracerOptions.DebugThrottler(debugThrottler))

	tracer, closer := jaeger.NewTracer(

	return tracer, closer, nil

// InitGlobalTracer creates a new Jaeger Tracer, and sets it as global OpenTracing Tracer.
// It returns a closer func that can be used to flush buffers before shutdown.
func (c Configuration) InitGlobalTracer(
	serviceName string,
	options ...Option,
) (io.Closer, error) {
	if c.Disabled {
		return &nullCloser{}, nil
	tracer, closer, err := c.New(serviceName, options...)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return closer, nil

// NewSampler creates a new sampler based on the configuration
func (sc *SamplerConfig) NewSampler(
	serviceName string,
	metrics *jaeger.Metrics,
) (jaeger.Sampler, error) {
	samplerType := strings.ToLower(sc.Type)
	if samplerType == jaeger.SamplerTypeConst {
		return jaeger.NewConstSampler(sc.Param != 0), nil
	if samplerType == jaeger.SamplerTypeProbabilistic {
		if sc.Param >= 0 && sc.Param <= 1.0 {
			return jaeger.NewProbabilisticSampler(sc.Param)
		return nil, fmt.Errorf(
			"Invalid Param for probabilistic sampler: %v. Expecting value between 0 and 1",
	if samplerType == jaeger.SamplerTypeRateLimiting {
		return jaeger.NewRateLimitingSampler(sc.Param), nil
	if samplerType == jaeger.SamplerTypeRemote || sc.Type == "" {
		sc2 := *sc
		sc2.Type = jaeger.SamplerTypeProbabilistic
		initSampler, err := sc2.NewSampler(serviceName, nil)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		options := []jaeger.SamplerOption{
		if sc.MaxOperations != 0 {
			options = append(options, jaeger.SamplerOptions.MaxOperations(sc.MaxOperations))
		if sc.SamplingRefreshInterval != 0 {
			options = append(options, jaeger.SamplerOptions.SamplingRefreshInterval(sc.SamplingRefreshInterval))
		return jaeger.NewRemotelyControlledSampler(serviceName, options...), nil
	return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unknown sampler type %v", sc.Type)

// NewReporter instantiates a new reporter that submits spans to the collector
func (rc *ReporterConfig) NewReporter(
	serviceName string,
	metrics *jaeger.Metrics,
	logger jaeger.Logger,
) (jaeger.Reporter, error) {
	sender, err := rc.newTransport()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	reporter := jaeger.NewRemoteReporter(
	if rc.LogSpans && logger != nil {
		logger.Infof("Initializing logging reporter\n")
		reporter = jaeger.NewCompositeReporter(jaeger.NewLoggingReporter(logger), reporter)
	return reporter, err

func (rc *ReporterConfig) newTransport() (jaeger.Transport, error) {
	switch {
	case rc.CollectorEndpoint != "" && rc.User != "" && rc.Password != "":
		return transport.NewHTTPTransport(rc.CollectorEndpoint, transport.HTTPBatchSize(1),
			transport.HTTPBasicAuth(rc.User, rc.Password)), nil
	case rc.CollectorEndpoint != "":
		return transport.NewHTTPTransport(rc.CollectorEndpoint, transport.HTTPBatchSize(1)), nil
		return jaeger.NewUDPTransport(rc.LocalAgentHostPort, 0)