package mpb

import (


const (
	// default RefreshRate
	prr = 120 * time.Millisecond

// Progress represents the container that renders Progress bars
type Progress struct {
	ctx          context.Context
	uwg          *sync.WaitGroup
	cwg          *sync.WaitGroup
	bwg          *sync.WaitGroup
	operateState chan func(*pState)
	done         chan struct{}
	refreshCh    chan time.Time
	once         sync.Once
	dlogger      *log.Logger

type pState struct {
	bHeap            priorityQueue
	heapUpdated      bool
	pMatrix          map[int][]chan int
	aMatrix          map[int][]chan int
	barShutdownQueue []*Bar
	barPopQueue      []*Bar

	// following are provided/overrided by user
	idCount          int
	reqWidth         int
	popCompleted     bool
	rr               time.Duration
	uwg              *sync.WaitGroup
	refreshSrc       <-chan time.Time
	renderDelay      <-chan struct{}
	shutdownNotifier chan struct{}
	parkedBars       map[*Bar]*Bar
	output           io.Writer
	debugOut         io.Writer

// New creates new Progress container instance. It's not possible to
// reuse instance after *Progress.Wait() method has been called.
func New(options ...ContainerOption) *Progress {
	return NewWithContext(context.Background(), options...)

// NewWithContext creates new Progress container instance with provided
// context. It's not possible to reuse instance after *Progress.Wait()
// method has been called.
func NewWithContext(ctx context.Context, options ...ContainerOption) *Progress {
	s := &pState{
		bHeap:      priorityQueue{},
		rr:         prr,
		parkedBars: make(map[*Bar]*Bar),
		output:     os.Stdout,
		debugOut:   ioutil.Discard,

	for _, opt := range options {
		if opt != nil {

	p := &Progress{
		ctx:          ctx,
		uwg:          s.uwg,
		cwg:          new(sync.WaitGroup),
		bwg:          new(sync.WaitGroup),
		operateState: make(chan func(*pState)),
		done:         make(chan struct{}),
		dlogger:      log.New(s.debugOut, "[mpb] ", log.Lshortfile),

	go p.serve(s, cwriter.New(s.output))
	return p

// AddBar creates a new progress bar and adds it to the rendering queue.
func (p *Progress) AddBar(total int64, options ...BarOption) *Bar {
	return p.Add(total, NewBarFiller(DefaultBarStyle, false), options...)

// AddSpinner creates a new spinner bar and adds it to the rendering queue.
func (p *Progress) AddSpinner(total int64, alignment SpinnerAlignment, options ...BarOption) *Bar {
	return p.Add(total, NewSpinnerFiller(DefaultSpinnerStyle, alignment), options...)

// Add creates a bar which renders itself by provided filler.
// Set total to 0, if you plan to update it later.
// Panics if *Progress instance is done, i.e. called after *Progress.Wait().
func (p *Progress) Add(total int64, filler BarFiller, options ...BarOption) *Bar {
	if filler == nil {
		filler = BarFillerFunc(func(io.Writer, int, decor.Statistics) {})
	result := make(chan *Bar)
	select {
	case p.operateState <- func(ps *pState) {
		bs := ps.makeBarState(total, filler, options...)
		bar := newBar(p, bs)
		if bs.runningBar != nil {
			bs.runningBar.noPop = true
			ps.parkedBars[bs.runningBar] = bar
		} else {
			heap.Push(&ps.bHeap, bar)
			ps.heapUpdated = true
		result <- bar
		bar := <-result
		return bar
	case <-p.done:
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("%T instance can't be reused after it's done!", p))

func (p *Progress) dropBar(b *Bar) {
	select {
	case p.operateState <- func(s *pState) {
		if b.index < 0 {
		heap.Remove(&s.bHeap, b.index)
		s.heapUpdated = true
	case <-p.done:

func (p *Progress) setBarPriority(b *Bar, priority int) {
	select {
	case p.operateState <- func(s *pState) {
		if b.index < 0 {
		b.priority = priority
		heap.Fix(&s.bHeap, b.index)
	case <-p.done:

// UpdateBarPriority same as *Bar.SetPriority(int).
func (p *Progress) UpdateBarPriority(b *Bar, priority int) {
	p.setBarPriority(b, priority)

// BarCount returns bars count
func (p *Progress) BarCount() int {
	result := make(chan int, 1)
	select {
	case p.operateState <- func(s *pState) { result <- s.bHeap.Len() }:
		return <-result
	case <-p.done:
		return 0

// Wait waits far all bars to complete and finally shutdowns container.
// After this method has been called, there is no way to reuse *Progress
// instance.
func (p *Progress) Wait() {
	if p.uwg != nil {
		// wait for user wg

	// wait for bars to quit, if any


	// wait for container to quit

func (p *Progress) shutdown() {

func (p *Progress) serve(s *pState, cw *cwriter.Writer) {
	defer p.cwg.Done()

	p.refreshCh = s.newTicker(p.done)

	for {
		select {
		case op := <-p.operateState:
		case <-p.refreshCh:
			if err := s.render(cw); err != nil {
		case <-s.shutdownNotifier:
			if s.heapUpdated {
				if err := s.render(cw); err != nil {

func (s *pState) newTicker(done <-chan struct{}) chan time.Time {
	ch := make(chan time.Time)
	if s.shutdownNotifier == nil {
		s.shutdownNotifier = make(chan struct{})
	go func() {
		if s.renderDelay != nil {
		if s.refreshSrc == nil {
			ticker := time.NewTicker(s.rr)
			defer ticker.Stop()
			s.refreshSrc = ticker.C
		for {
			select {
			case tick := <-s.refreshSrc:
				ch <- tick
			case <-done:
	return ch

func (s *pState) render(cw *cwriter.Writer) error {
	if s.heapUpdated {
		s.heapUpdated = false

	tw, err := cw.GetWidth()
	if err != nil {
		tw = s.reqWidth
	for i := 0; i < s.bHeap.Len(); i++ {
		bar := s.bHeap[i]
		go bar.render(tw)

	return s.flush(cw)

func (s *pState) flush(cw *cwriter.Writer) error {
	var lineCount int
	bm := make(map[*Bar]struct{}, s.bHeap.Len())
	for s.bHeap.Len() > 0 {
		b := heap.Pop(&s.bHeap).(*Bar)
		if b.toShutdown {
			if b.recoveredPanic != nil {
				s.barShutdownQueue = append(s.barShutdownQueue, b)
				b.toShutdown = false
			} else {
				// shutdown at next flush
				// this ensures no bar ends up with less than 100% rendered
				defer func() {
					s.barShutdownQueue = append(s.barShutdownQueue, b)
		lineCount += b.extendedLines + 1
		bm[b] = struct{}{}

	for _, b := range s.barShutdownQueue {
		if parkedBar := s.parkedBars[b]; parkedBar != nil {
			parkedBar.priority = b.priority
			heap.Push(&s.bHeap, parkedBar)
			delete(s.parkedBars, b)
			b.toDrop = true
		if b.toDrop {
			delete(bm, b)
			s.heapUpdated = true
		} else if s.popCompleted {
			if b := b; !b.noPop {
				defer func() {
					s.barPopQueue = append(s.barPopQueue, b)
	s.barShutdownQueue = s.barShutdownQueue[0:0]

	for _, b := range s.barPopQueue {
		delete(bm, b)
		s.heapUpdated = true
		lineCount -= b.extendedLines + 1
	s.barPopQueue = s.barPopQueue[0:0]

	for b := range bm {
		heap.Push(&s.bHeap, b)

	return cw.Flush(lineCount)

func (s *pState) updateSyncMatrix() {
	s.pMatrix = make(map[int][]chan int)
	s.aMatrix = make(map[int][]chan int)
	for i := 0; i < s.bHeap.Len(); i++ {
		bar := s.bHeap[i]
		table := bar.wSyncTable()
		pRow, aRow := table[0], table[1]

		for i, ch := range pRow {
			s.pMatrix[i] = append(s.pMatrix[i], ch)

		for i, ch := range aRow {
			s.aMatrix[i] = append(s.aMatrix[i], ch)

func (s *pState) makeBarState(total int64, filler BarFiller, options ...BarOption) *bState {
	bs := &bState{
		id:       s.idCount,
		priority: s.idCount,
		reqWidth: s.reqWidth,
		total:    total,
		filler:   filler,
		extender: func(r io.Reader, _ int, _ decor.Statistics) (io.Reader, int) { return r, 0 },
		debugOut: s.debugOut,

	for _, opt := range options {
		if opt != nil {

	if bs.middleware != nil {
		bs.filler = bs.middleware(filler)
		bs.middleware = nil

	if s.popCompleted && !bs.noPop {
		bs.priority = -1

	bs.bufP = bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, 128))
	bs.bufB = bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, 256))
	bs.bufA = bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, 128))

	return bs

func syncWidth(matrix map[int][]chan int) {
	for _, column := range matrix {
		column := column
		go func() {
			var maxWidth int
			for _, ch := range column {
				if w := <-ch; w > maxWidth {
					maxWidth = w
			for _, ch := range column {
				ch <- maxWidth