package netlink

import (


const (
	NDA_UNSPEC = iota

// Neighbor Cache Entry States.
const (
	NUD_NONE       = 0x00
	NUD_STALE      = 0x04
	NUD_DELAY      = 0x08
	NUD_PROBE      = 0x10
	NUD_FAILED     = 0x20
	NUD_NOARP      = 0x40

// Neighbor Flags
const (
	NTF_USE    = 0x01
	NTF_SELF   = 0x02
	NTF_MASTER = 0x04
	NTF_PROXY  = 0x08
	NTF_ROUTER = 0x80

type Ndmsg struct {
	Family uint8
	Index  uint32
	State  uint16
	Flags  uint8
	Type   uint8

func deserializeNdmsg(b []byte) *Ndmsg {
	var dummy Ndmsg
	return (*Ndmsg)(unsafe.Pointer(&b[0:unsafe.Sizeof(dummy)][0]))

func (msg *Ndmsg) Serialize() []byte {
	return (*(*[unsafe.Sizeof(*msg)]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(msg)))[:]

func (msg *Ndmsg) Len() int {
	return int(unsafe.Sizeof(*msg))

// NeighAdd will add an IP to MAC mapping to the ARP table
// Equivalent to: `ip neigh add ....`
func NeighAdd(neigh *Neigh) error {
	return pkgHandle.NeighAdd(neigh)

// NeighAdd will add an IP to MAC mapping to the ARP table
// Equivalent to: `ip neigh add ....`
func (h *Handle) NeighAdd(neigh *Neigh) error {
	return h.neighAdd(neigh, unix.NLM_F_CREATE|unix.NLM_F_EXCL)

// NeighSet will add or replace an IP to MAC mapping to the ARP table
// Equivalent to: `ip neigh replace....`
func NeighSet(neigh *Neigh) error {
	return pkgHandle.NeighSet(neigh)

// NeighSet will add or replace an IP to MAC mapping to the ARP table
// Equivalent to: `ip neigh replace....`
func (h *Handle) NeighSet(neigh *Neigh) error {
	return h.neighAdd(neigh, unix.NLM_F_CREATE|unix.NLM_F_REPLACE)

// NeighAppend will append an entry to FDB
// Equivalent to: `bridge fdb append...`
func NeighAppend(neigh *Neigh) error {
	return pkgHandle.NeighAppend(neigh)

// NeighAppend will append an entry to FDB
// Equivalent to: `bridge fdb append...`
func (h *Handle) NeighAppend(neigh *Neigh) error {
	return h.neighAdd(neigh, unix.NLM_F_CREATE|unix.NLM_F_APPEND)

// NeighAppend will append an entry to FDB
// Equivalent to: `bridge fdb append...`
func neighAdd(neigh *Neigh, mode int) error {
	return pkgHandle.neighAdd(neigh, mode)

// NeighAppend will append an entry to FDB
// Equivalent to: `bridge fdb append...`
func (h *Handle) neighAdd(neigh *Neigh, mode int) error {
	req := h.newNetlinkRequest(unix.RTM_NEWNEIGH, mode|unix.NLM_F_ACK)
	return neighHandle(neigh, req)

// NeighDel will delete an IP address from a link device.
// Equivalent to: `ip addr del $addr dev $link`
func NeighDel(neigh *Neigh) error {
	return pkgHandle.NeighDel(neigh)

// NeighDel will delete an IP address from a link device.
// Equivalent to: `ip addr del $addr dev $link`
func (h *Handle) NeighDel(neigh *Neigh) error {
	req := h.newNetlinkRequest(unix.RTM_DELNEIGH, unix.NLM_F_ACK)
	return neighHandle(neigh, req)

func neighHandle(neigh *Neigh, req *nl.NetlinkRequest) error {
	var family int

	if neigh.Family > 0 {
		family = neigh.Family
	} else {
		family = nl.GetIPFamily(neigh.IP)

	msg := Ndmsg{
		Family: uint8(family),
		Index:  uint32(neigh.LinkIndex),
		State:  uint16(neigh.State),
		Type:   uint8(neigh.Type),
		Flags:  uint8(neigh.Flags),

	ipData := neigh.IP.To4()
	if ipData == nil {
		ipData = neigh.IP.To16()

	dstData := nl.NewRtAttr(NDA_DST, ipData)

	if neigh.LLIPAddr != nil {
		llIPData := nl.NewRtAttr(NDA_LLADDR, neigh.LLIPAddr.To4())
	} else if neigh.Flags != NTF_PROXY || neigh.HardwareAddr != nil {
		hwData := nl.NewRtAttr(NDA_LLADDR, []byte(neigh.HardwareAddr))

	if neigh.Vlan != 0 {
		vlanData := nl.NewRtAttr(NDA_VLAN, nl.Uint16Attr(uint16(neigh.Vlan)))

	if neigh.VNI != 0 {
		vniData := nl.NewRtAttr(NDA_VNI, nl.Uint32Attr(uint32(neigh.VNI)))

	_, err := req.Execute(unix.NETLINK_ROUTE, 0)
	return err

// NeighList gets a list of IP-MAC mappings in the system (ARP table).
// Equivalent to: `ip neighbor show`.
// The list can be filtered by link and ip family.
func NeighList(linkIndex, family int) ([]Neigh, error) {
	return pkgHandle.NeighList(linkIndex, family)

// NeighProxyList gets a list of neighbor proxies in the system.
// Equivalent to: `ip neighbor show proxy`.
// The list can be filtered by link and ip family.
func NeighProxyList(linkIndex, family int) ([]Neigh, error) {
	return pkgHandle.NeighProxyList(linkIndex, family)

// NeighList gets a list of IP-MAC mappings in the system (ARP table).
// Equivalent to: `ip neighbor show`.
// The list can be filtered by link and ip family.
func (h *Handle) NeighList(linkIndex, family int) ([]Neigh, error) {
	return h.neighList(linkIndex, family, 0)

// NeighProxyList gets a list of neighbor proxies in the system.
// Equivalent to: `ip neighbor show proxy`.
// The list can be filtered by link, ip family.
func (h *Handle) NeighProxyList(linkIndex, family int) ([]Neigh, error) {
	return h.neighList(linkIndex, family, NTF_PROXY)

func (h *Handle) neighList(linkIndex, family, flags int) ([]Neigh, error) {
	req := h.newNetlinkRequest(unix.RTM_GETNEIGH, unix.NLM_F_DUMP)
	msg := Ndmsg{
		Family: uint8(family),
		Index:  uint32(linkIndex),
		Flags:  uint8(flags),

	msgs, err := req.Execute(unix.NETLINK_ROUTE, unix.RTM_NEWNEIGH)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	var res []Neigh
	for _, m := range msgs {
		ndm := deserializeNdmsg(m)
		if linkIndex != 0 && int(ndm.Index) != linkIndex {
			// Ignore messages from other interfaces

		neigh, err := NeighDeserialize(m)
		if err != nil {

		res = append(res, *neigh)

	return res, nil

func NeighDeserialize(m []byte) (*Neigh, error) {
	msg := deserializeNdmsg(m)

	neigh := Neigh{
		LinkIndex: int(msg.Index),
		Family:    int(msg.Family),
		State:     int(msg.State),
		Type:      int(msg.Type),
		Flags:     int(msg.Flags),

	attrs, err := nl.ParseRouteAttr(m[msg.Len():])
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// This should be cached for perfomance
	// once per table dump
	link, err := LinkByIndex(neigh.LinkIndex)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	encapType := link.Attrs().EncapType

	for _, attr := range attrs {
		switch attr.Attr.Type {
		case NDA_DST:
			neigh.IP = net.IP(attr.Value)
		case NDA_LLADDR:
			// BUG: Is this a bug in the netlink library?
			// #define RTA_LENGTH(len) (RTA_ALIGN(sizeof(struct rtattr)) + (len))
			// #define RTA_PAYLOAD(rta) ((int)((rta)->rta_len) - RTA_LENGTH(0))
			attrLen := attr.Attr.Len - unix.SizeofRtAttr
			if attrLen == 4 && (encapType == "ipip" ||
				encapType == "sit" ||
				encapType == "gre") {
				neigh.LLIPAddr = net.IP(attr.Value)
			} else if attrLen == 16 &&
				encapType == "tunnel6" {
				neigh.IP = net.IP(attr.Value)
			} else {
				neigh.HardwareAddr = net.HardwareAddr(attr.Value)
		case NDA_VLAN:
			neigh.Vlan = int(native.Uint16(attr.Value[0:2]))
		case NDA_VNI:
			neigh.VNI = int(native.Uint32(attr.Value[0:4]))

	return &neigh, nil