import sys import os import time from concurrent import futures import requests import progressbar from .lib.util import parse_date, parse_argv PAPERTRAIL_API_TOKEN = os.environ.get('PAPERTRAIL_API_TOKEN', None) ARCHIVES_URL = '' DEFAULT_REMAIN_SIZE = 25 HEADERS = {'X-Papertrail-Token': PAPERTRAIL_API_TOKEN} MIN_INTERVAL_SEC = 0.1 def get_ppheader(response): hist = [response] + response.history for h in hist: if 'X-Rate-Limit-Remaining' not in h.headers: continue return ( int(h.headers['X-Rate-Limit-Limit']), int(h.headers['X-Rate-Limit-Remaining']), int(h.headers['X-Rate-Limit-Reset']) ) def do_download(url, filename, index): while True: try: with requests.Session() as s: res = s.get(url, headers=HEADERS) finishtime = time.time_ns() (limit, rem, reset) = get_ppheader(res) if 200 <= res.status_code < 300: with open(filename, "wb") as f: for chunk in res.iter_content(chunk_size=128): f.write(chunk) return (limit, rem, reset, finishtime, index) except requests.ConnectionError: time.sleep(1) def main(): if not PAPERTRAIL_API_TOKEN: print('Not set the environment variable `PAPERTRAIL_API_TOKEN`', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) date_from, date_to = parse_argv(sys.argv) print("fetching log archives information ...", end="\r", file=sys.stderr) r = requests.get(ARCHIVES_URL, headers=HEADERS) r.raise_for_status() archives = [ ar for ar in r.json() if ( # If `date_from` is None, # then it gets archives without `date_from` limitation ((not date_from) or date_from <= parse_date(ar["start"])) # ... and `date_to` is as well. and ((not date_to) or parse_date(ar["end"]) < date_to) ) ] with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10) as executor: future_list = [] remain = DEFAULT_REMAIN_SIZE until_reset_sec = 0 lasttime = time.time_ns() with progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=len(archives)) as bar: for i, ar in enumerate(archives): future_list.append( executor.submit( do_download, ar['_links']['download']['href'], ar['filename'], i ) ) if len(future_list) < remain: time.sleep(MIN_INTERVAL_SEC) continue for future in future_list: (_, rem, reset, finishtime, index) = future.result() if finishtime > lasttime: remain = rem until_reset_sec = reset lasttime = finishtime bar.update(index) future_list = [] if remain <= 0: time.sleep(until_reset_sec) remain = DEFAULT_REMAIN_SIZE continue time.sleep(MIN_INTERVAL_SEC)