path: root/files/ar/games/index.html
diff options
authorPeter Bengtsson <mail@peterbe.com>2020-12-08 14:41:15 -0500
committerPeter Bengtsson <mail@peterbe.com>2020-12-08 14:41:15 -0500
commit4b1a9203c547c019fc5398082ae19a3f3d4c3efe (patch)
treed4a40e13ceeb9f85479605110a76e7a4d5f3b56b /files/ar/games/index.html
parent33058f2b292b3a581333bdfb21b8f671898c5060 (diff)
initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'files/ar/games/index.html')
1 files changed, 98 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/files/ar/games/index.html b/files/ar/games/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8bf9ec3ff9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/ar/games/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+title: Games development
+slug: Games
+ - Apps
+ - Game Development
+ - Gamedev
+ - Games
+ - HTML5 Games
+ - JavaScript Games
+ - NeedsTranslation
+ - TopicStub
+ - Web
+translation_of: Games
+<div class="summary">
+<p dir="rtl"><span class="seoSummary">الألعاب هي واحدة من أكثر أنشطة الكمبيوتر شعبية.تصل التقنيات الحديثة باستمرار لتتمكن من تطوير ألعاب أفضل وأكثر قوة حيث يمكن تشغيلها في أي متصفح ويب متوافق مع المعايير.</span></p>
+<div>{{EmbedGHLiveSample("web-tech-games/index.html", '100%', 820)}}</div>
+<div class="column-container">
+<div class="column-half">
+<h2 dir="rtl" id="تطوير_ألعاب_الويب">تطوير ألعاب الويب</h2>
+<p dir="rtl"></p>
+<p dir="rtl">مرحبًا بك في مركز تطوير ألعاب MDN! في هذا المجال من الموقع ، نوفر موارد لمطوري الويب الراغبين في تطوير الألعاب. ستجد العديد من البرامج التعليمية والمقالات المفيدة في القائمة الرئيسية على اليسار ، لذلك لا تتردد في الاستكشاف.</p>
+<p dir="rtl">لقد قمنا أيضًا بتضمين قسم مرجعي حتى تتمكن من العثور بسهولة على معلومات حول جميع واجهات برمجة التطبيقات الأكثر شيوعًا المستخدمة في تطوير اللعبة.</p>
+<p dir="rtl"></p>
+<div class="note" dir="rtl">ملاحظة: يعتمد إنشاء الألعاب على الويب على عدد من تقنيات الويب الأساسية مثل HTML و CSS و JavaScript. تعتبر <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn">منطقة التعلم</a> مكانًا جيدًا للبدء في الأساسيات.</div>
+<div class="column-half">
+<h2 id="Port_native_games_to_the_Web">Port native games to the Web</h2>
+<p>If you are a native developer (for example writing games in C++), and you are interested in how you can port your games over to the Web, you should learn more about our <a href="http://kripken.github.io/emscripten-site/index.html">Emscripten</a> tool — this is an LLVM to JavaScript compiler, which takes LLVM bytecode (e.g. generated from C/C++ using Clang, or from another language) and compiles that into <a href="/en-US/docs/Games/Tools/asm.js">asm.js</a>, which can be run on the Web.</p>
+<p>To get started, see:</p>
+ <li><a href="http://kripken.github.io/emscripten-site/docs/introducing_emscripten/about_emscripten.html">About Emscripten</a> for an introduction including high-level details.</li>
+ <li><a href="http://kripken.github.io/emscripten-site/docs/getting_started/downloads.html">Download and Install</a> for installing the toolchain.</li>
+ <li><a href="http://kripken.github.io/emscripten-site/docs/getting_started/Tutorial.html">Emscripten Tutorial</a> for a tutorial to teach you how to get started.</li>
+<div class="column-container">
+<div class="column-half">
+<h2 dir="rtl" id="أمثلة">أمثلة</h2>
+<p dir="rtl">للحصول على قائمة من أمثلة ألعاب الويب. انظر <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Games/Examples">صفحة الأمثلة</a> لدينا. أيضا تحقق من <a href="https://games.mozilla.org/">games.mozilla.org</a> لمزيد من الموارد المفيدة!</p>
+<h2 id="See_also">See also</h2>
+<div class="column-container">
+<div class="column-half">
+ <dt><a href="http://buildnewgames.com/">Build New Games</a></dt>
+ <dd>A collaborative site featuring a large number of open web game development tutorials. Has not been very active recently, but still holds some nice resources.</dd>
+ <dt><a href="http://creativejs.com/">Creative JS</a></dt>
+ <dd>A collection of impressive JavaScript techniques and experiments, not specific to games, but helpful nonetheless. Has not been very active recently, but still holds some nice resources.</dd>
+ <dt><a href="http://gameprogrammingpatterns.com/">Game programming patterns</a></dt>
+ <dd>An online book, written by Bob Nystrom, which discusses programming patterns in the context of game development with the aim of helping game developers produce more effective and efficient code.</dd>
+ <dt><a href="http://gamedevjsweekly.com/">Gamedev.js Weekly</a></dt>
+ <dd>Weekly newsletter about HTML5 game development, sent every Friday. Contains the latest articles, tutorials, tools and resources.</dd>
+ <dt><a href="http://www.html5gamedevs.com/">HTML5 Game Devs Forum</a></dt>
+ <dd>Forums for developers, framework creators and publishers. Ask questions, get feedback and help others.</dd>
+<div class="column-half">
+ <dt><a href="http://html5gameengine.com/">HTML5 Game Engine</a></dt>
+ <dd>List of the most popular HTML5 game frameworks along with their rating, features and samples.</dd>
+ <dt><a href="http://www.jsbreakouts.org/">JSBreakouts</a></dt>
+ <dd>Compare JavaScript Breakout clones in different frameworks to help you choose the right one for you.</dd>
+ <dt><a href="http://gamedevelopment.tutsplus.com/">Tuts+ Game Development</a></dt>
+ <dd>Tutorials and articles about game development in general.</dd>
+ <dt><a href="http://html5devstarter.enclavegames.com/">HTML5 Gamedev Starter</a></dt>
+ <dd>Starter for the new game developers, a curated list of links to various, useful resources around the web.</dd>
+ <dt><a href="http://js13kgames.com/">js13kGames</a></dt>
+ <dd>JavaScript coding competition for HTML5 game developers with the file size limit set to 13 kilobytes. All the submitted games are available in a readable form on GitHub.</dd>
+ <dt><a href="https://hacks.mozilla.org/category/games/">Mozilla Hacks blog</a></dt>
+ <dd>Games category on the Mozilla Hacks blog containing interesting gamedev related articles.</dd>