path: root/files/pl/mozilla/persona
diff options
authorPeter Bengtsson <mail@peterbe.com>2020-12-08 14:42:52 -0500
committerPeter Bengtsson <mail@peterbe.com>2020-12-08 14:42:52 -0500
commit074785cea106179cb3305637055ab0a009ca74f2 (patch)
treee6ae371cccd642aa2b67f39752a2cdf1fd4eb040 /files/pl/mozilla/persona
parentda78a9e329e272dedb2400b79a3bdeebff387d47 (diff)
initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'files/pl/mozilla/persona')
2 files changed, 199 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/files/pl/mozilla/persona/branding/index.html b/files/pl/mozilla/persona/branding/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1b4ac3ba7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/pl/mozilla/persona/branding/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+title: Zasoby Branding
+slug: Mozilla/Persona/branding
+translation_of: Archive/Mozilla/Persona/User_interface_guidelines
+<h2 id="Przyciski_logowania_za_pomocą_Persony">Przyciski logowania za pomocą Persony</h2>
+<h3 id="Obrazkowe">Obrazkowe</h3>
+<p>Przyciski logowania dostępne są w trzech wersjach i kolorach:</p>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th scope="row"> </th>
+ <th scope="col">Sign in with your Email</th>
+ <th scope="col">Sign in with Persona</th>
+ <th scope="col">Sign in</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <th scope="row">Czarny</th>
+ <td><img alt="" src="/files/3955/email_sign_in_black.png" style="width: 202px; height: 25px;"></td>
+ <td><img alt="" src="/files/3961/persona_sign_in_black.png" style="width: 185px; height: 25px;"></td>
+ <td><img alt="" src="/files/3967/plain_sign_in_black.png" style="width: 95px; height: 25px;"></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th scope="row">Niebieski</th>
+ <td><img alt="" src="/files/3957/email_sign_in_blue.png" style="width: 202px; height: 25px;"></td>
+ <td><img alt="" src="/files/3963/persona_sign_in_blue.png" style="width: 185px; height: 25px;"></td>
+ <td><img alt="" src="/files/3969/plain_sign_in_blue.png" style="width: 95px; height: 25px;"></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th scope="row">Czerwony</th>
+ <td><img alt="" src="/files/3959/email_sign_in_red.png" style="width: 202px; height: 25px;"></td>
+ <td><img alt="" src="/files/3965/persona_sign_in_red.png" style="width: 185px; height: 25px;"></td>
+ <td><img alt="" src="/files/3971/plain_sign_in_red.png" style="width: 95px; height: 25px;"></td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+<h3 id="Bazujące_na_CSS">Bazujące na CSS</h3>
+<p><a href="http://sawyerhollenshead.com/" title="http://sawyerhollenshead.com/">Sawyer Hollenshead</a> stworzył powyższe przyciski za pomocą CSS.<br>
+ <a href="/files/3973/persona-css-buttons.zip" style="line-height: inherit;" title="/files/3973/persona-css-buttons.zip">Pobierz (.zip)</a></p>
+<h2 id="Więcej_informacji">Więcej informacji</h2>
+<p>Więcej informacji na tematy designu Persony możesz znaleść w <a href="http://people.mozilla.org/~smartell/persona/" title="http://people.mozilla.org/~smartell/persona/">Sean Martell's style primer</a>.</p>
diff --git a/files/pl/mozilla/persona/index.html b/files/pl/mozilla/persona/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9ff44aa7c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/pl/mozilla/persona/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+title: Persona
+slug: Mozilla/Persona
+translation_of: Archive/Mozilla/Persona
+<div class="callout-box">
+ <ul>
+ <li><strong>Bądź w kontakcie lub uzyskaj pomoc!</strong></li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>Śledź <a class="external" href="http://identity.mozilla.com/" title="http://identity.mozilla.com/">naszego bloga</a>, dołącz do <a class="link-https" href="https://lists.mozilla.org/listinfo/dev-identity" title="https://lists.mozilla.org/listinfo/dev-identity">naszej listy mailingowej</a>, lub znajdź nas <a class="link-irc" href="irc://irc.mozilla.org/identity" title="irc://irc.mozilla.org/identity">#identity</a> na <a class="link-https" href="https://wiki.mozilla.org/IRC" title="https://wiki.mozilla.org/IRC">IRC</a>.</p>
+ <dd style="text-align: right;">
+ <a class="link-https" href="https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/persona/" title="https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/persona/">Mozilla Persona</a> jest kompletnie zdecentalizowanym i bezpiecznym systemem autoryzacji, opartym na protokole BrowseID. <span id="result_box" lang="pl"><span class="hps">Aby zapewnić, że</span> <span class="hps">Persona</span> <span class="hps">działa wszędzie</span> <span class="hps">i dla wszystkich</span><span>, Mozilla</span> <span class="hps alt-edited">prowadzi obecnie</span> <span class="hps">niewielki</span> <span class="hps">zestaw</span> </span><a href="/en-US/docs/Persona/Bootstrapping_Persona" title="/en-US/docs/Persona/Bootstrapping_Persona">opcjonalnych, scentralizowanych usług</a><span id="result_box" lang="pl"> <span class="hps alt-edited">związanych z</span> <span class="hps">Persona</span><span>.</span></span></dd>
+ <li><strong>Persona jest łatwa w użyciu.</strong> Zaledwie dwa kliknięcia wystarczą, aby użytkwonik Persona mógł zarejestrować się na nowej stronie, takiej jak <a href="http://voo.st" title="http://voo.st">Voost</a> czy <a href="http://crossword.thetimes.co.uk/" title="http://crossword.thetimes.co.uk/">The Times Crossword</a>, pomijając trud związany z tworzeniem nowego konta.</li>
+ <li><strong>Persona jest łatwa w implementacji. </strong>Deweloperzy mogą dodać Persona do swojej strony w ciągu zaledwie jednego popołudnia.</li>
+ <li>Co najlepsze, <strong>nie ma ograniczeń</strong>. Deweloperzy otrzymują zweryfikowany adres mail od wszystkich użytkowników, a użytkownicy mogą używać dowolnego adresu mail w ramach Persona.</li>
+ <li><strong>Persona jest tworzona z wykorzystaniem protokołu BrowserID. </strong>Po implementacji protokołu BrowserID przez innych twórców przeglądarek, <b>nie będą oni musieli polegać już na Mozilli, aby się zalogować.</b></li>
+<p>Czytaj dalej, aby rozpocząć!</p>
+<div class="note">
+ <strong>Note:</strong> Persona jest aktywnie tworzona. Zobacz <a class="external" href="http://identity.mozilla.com/" title="http://identity.mozilla.com/">nasz blog</a>, żeby dowiedzieć się o nowych funkcjach, lub dołącz do <a class="link-https" href="https://lists.mozilla.org/listinfo/dev-identity" title="https://lists.mozilla.org/listinfo/dev-identity">naszej listy mailingowej</a> i zgłoś swoje uwagi!</div>
+<h2 id="Używaj_Persona_na_Twojej_stronie">Używaj Persona na Twojej stronie</h2>
+<table class="topicpage-table">
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <h3 id="Getting_started">Getting started</h3>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>
+ <a href="/en-US/docs/Persona/Why_Persona" title="en/BrowserID/Why_BrowserID">Dlaczego Persona?</a></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Learn about reasons to support Persona on your site, and how it compares to other identity and authentication systems.</dd>
+ <dt>
+ <a href="/en/Persona/Quick_Setup" title="BrowserID/Quick setup">Quick setup</a></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Szybkie wprowadzenie pokazujące jak dodać Persona do Twojej strony.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <h3 id="Persona_API_reference">Persona API reference</h3>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>
+ <a href="/en/DOM/navigator.id" title="navigator.id">The navigator.id API reference</a></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Reference for the <code>navigator.id</code> object, which web developers can use to integrate Persona into sites.</dd>
+ <dt>
+ <a href="/en/Persona/Remote_Verification_API" title="en/BrowserID/Remote_Verification_API">Verification API reference</a></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Reference for the remote verification API hosted at <code>https://verifier.login.persona.org/verify</code>.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <h3 id="Guides">Guides</h3>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>
+ <a href="/en/Persona/Security_Considerations" title="BrowserID/Security considerations">Security considerations</a></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Practices and techniques to make sure your Persona deployment is secure.</dd>
+ <dt>
+ <a href="/en/Persona/Browser_compatibility" title="/Browser_compatibility">Browser compatibility</a></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Learn exactly which browsers support Persona.</dd>
+ <dt>
+ <a href="/en/Persona/Internationalization" title="/Internationalization">Internationalization</a></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Learn how Persona handles different languages.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <h3 id="Resources">Resources</h3>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>
+ <a class="link-https" href="https://github.com/mozilla/browserid/wiki/Persona-Libraries" title="https://github.com/mozilla/browserid/wiki/BrowserID-Libraries">Libraries and plugins</a></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Find a drop-in library for your favorite programming language, web framework, blog, or content management system.</dd>
+ <dt>
+ <a class="link-https" href="https://github.com/mozilla/browserid-cookbook" title="https://github.com/mozilla/browserid-cookbook">The Persona cookbook</a></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Example source code for Persona sites. Includes snippets in PHP, Node.JS, and more.</dd>
+ <dt>
+ <a href="/en-US/docs/persona/branding" title="/en-US/docs/persona/branding">Branding resources</a></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Sign in buttons and other graphics to help present Persona to your users.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+<p> </p>
+<table class="topicpage-table">
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <h2 id="Information_for_Identity_Providers">Information for Identity Providers</h2>
+ <p>If you're an email provider or another identity-providing service, check out the links below to learn about becoming a Persona Identity Provider.</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>
+ <a href="/en-US/docs/Persona/Identity_Provider_Overview" title="IdP">IdP Overview</a></dt>
+ <dd>
+ A high level view of Persona Identity Providers.</dd>
+ <dt>
+ <a href="/en/Persona/Implementing_a_Persona_IdP" title="Guide to Implementing a Persona IdP">Implementing an IdP</a></dt>
+ <dd>
+ A detailed guide to the technical details of becoming an IdP.</dd>
+ <dt>
+ <a href="/en-US/Persona/IdP_Development_tips" title="Developer tips">Development tips</a></dt>
+ <dd>
+ A set of tips and tricks useful while developing a new Identity Provider.</dd>
+ <dt>
+ <a href="/en-US/docs/Persona/.well-known-browserid" title="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Persona/.well-known-browserid">.well-known/browserid</a></dt>
+ <dd>
+ An overview of the structure and purpose of the <code>.well-known/browserid</code> file, which IdPs use to advertise their support for the protocol.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <h2 id="The_Persona_Project">The Persona Project</h2>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>
+ <a href="/en/Persona/Glossary" title="navigator.id">Glossary</a></dt>
+ <dd>
+ BrowserID and Persona terminology defined.</dd>
+ <dt>
+ <a href="/en/Persona/FAQ" title="en/BrowserID/FAQ">FAQ</a></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Answers to common questions.</dd>
+ <dt>
+ <a href="/en/Persona/Protocol_Overview" title="BrowserID/Protocol overview">Protocol overview</a></dt>
+ <dd>
+ A mid-level technical overview of the underlying BrowserID protocol.</dd>
+ <dt>
+ <a href="/en/persona/Crypto" title="MDN">Crypto</a></dt>
+ <dd>
+ A look at the cryptographic concepts behind Persona and BrowserID.</dd>
+ <dt>
+ <a class="link-https" href="https://github.com/mozilla/id-specs/blob/master/browserid/index.md" title="https://github.com/mozilla/id-specs/blob/master/browserid/index.md">The Spec</a></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Deep technical details live here.</dd>
+ <dt>
+ <a href="/Persona/Bootstrapping_Persona" title="en/BrowserID/Bootstrapping_BrowserID">The Persona Website</a></dt>
+ <dd>
+ To get Persona going, we're hosting three services at <a class="link-https" href="https://login.persona.org" rel="freelink">https://login.persona.org</a>: a fallback Identity Provider, a portable implementation of the {{ domxref("navigator.id") }} APIs, and an identity assertion verification service.</dd>
+ <dt>
+ <a href="https://github.com/mozilla/browserid">The Persona Source Code</a></dt>
+ <dd>
+ The code behind the Persona website lives in a repository on GitHub. Patches welcome!</dd>
+ </dl>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+<p> </p>