path: root/files/zh-cn/web/api/response
diff options
authorPeter Bengtsson <mail@peterbe.com>2021-07-16 16:27:00 -0400
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2021-07-17 04:27:00 +0800
commitb9afb23d12dcae1e09f8d04c72143c5ddaa34aea (patch)
treef6c20844119bcaf0131ad4a037e0245577927f2c /files/zh-cn/web/api/response
parent1aa671566c3a990ec2df9a46137471d624b6f7ff (diff)
delete conflicting/orphaned docs (zh-CN) (#1412)
* delete conflicting docs (zh-CN) * and redirects * do orphaned as well * fix * remove more orphans * revert orphaned docs that can identify origin * move orphaned docs to current loc * adjust slug path * fix redirect change from rebase Co-authored-by: Irvin <irvinfly@gmail.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'files/zh-cn/web/api/response')
7 files changed, 839 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/files/zh-cn/web/api/response/arraybuffer/index.html b/files/zh-cn/web/api/response/arraybuffer/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..48ec4e65a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/zh-cn/web/api/response/arraybuffer/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+title: Response.arrayBuffer()
+slug: Web/API/Response/arrayBuffer
+translation_of: Web/API/Response/arrayBuffer
+ - API
+ - ArrayBuffer
+ - Fetch
+ - Method
+ - Reference
+ - Response
+browser-compat: api.Response.arrayBuffer
+<p>{{APIRef("Fetch")}}{{ SeeCompatTable() }}</p>
+<p> {{domxref("Response")}}上的<strong><code>方法 arrayBuffer()</code></strong> 接受一个 {{domxref("Response")}} 流, 并等待其读取完成. 它返回一个 promise 实例, 并 resolve 一个 {{domxref("ArrayBuffer")}} 对象.</p>
+<h2 id="语法">语法</h2>
+<pre class="brush: js">response.arrayBuffer().then(function(buffer) {
+ // do something with buffer
+<h3 id="参数">参数</h3>
+<h3 id="返回值">返回值</h3>
+<p>A promise that resolves with an {{domxref("ArrayBuffer")}}.</p>
+<h2 id="例子">例子</h2>
+<p>In our <a href="https://github.com/mdn/fetch-examples/tree/gh-pages/fetch-array-buffer">fetch array buffer example</a> (run <a href="http://mdn.github.io/fetch-examples/fetch-array-buffer/">fetch array buffer live</a>), we have a Play button. When pressed, the <code>getData()</code> function is run.</p>
+<p>In <code>getData()</code> we create a new request using the {{domxref("Request.Request")}} constructor, then use it to fetch an OGG music track. We also use {{domxref("AudioContext.createBufferSource")}} to create an audio buffer source.  When the fetch is successful, we read an {{domxref("ArrayBuffer")}} out of the response using <code>arrayBuffer()</code>, decode the audio data using {{domxref("AudioContext.decodeAudioData")}}, set the decoded data as the audio buffer source's buffer (<code>source.buffer</code>), then connect the source up to the {{domxref("AudioContext.destination")}}.</p>
+<p>Once <code>getData()</code> has finished running, we start the audio source playing with <code>start(0)</code>, then disable the play button so it can't be clicked again when it is already playing (this would cause an error.)</p>
+<pre class="brush: js">function getData() {
+ source = audioCtx.createBufferSource();
+ var myRequest = new Request('viper.ogg');
+ fetch(myRequest).then(function(response) {
+ response.arrayBuffer().then(function(buffer) {
+ audioCtx.decodeAudioData(buffer, function(decodedData) {
+ source.buffer = decodedData;
+ source.connect(audioCtx.destination);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+// wire up buttons to stop and play audio
+play.onclick = function() {
+ getData();
+ source.start(0);
+ play.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
+<h2 id="标准">标准</h2>
+<table class="standard-table">
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <th scope="col">标准</th>
+ <th scope="col">状态</th>
+ <th scope="col">备注</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>{{SpecName('Fetch','#dom-body-arraybuffer','arrayBuffer()')}}</td>
+ <td>{{Spec2('Fetch')}}</td>
+ <td> </td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+<h2 id="浏览器兼容性">浏览器兼容性</h2>
+<p>{{ CompatibilityTable() }}</p>
+<div id="compat-desktop">
+<table class="compat-table">
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Feature</th>
+ <th>Chrome</th>
+ <th>Firefox (Gecko)</th>
+ <th>Internet Explorer</th>
+ <th>Opera</th>
+ <th>Safari (WebKit)</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Basic support</td>
+ <td>{{ CompatChrome(41) }}<sup>[1]</sup><br>
+ {{ CompatChrome(42) }}<br>
+  </td>
+ <td>34<sup>[1]</sup><br>
+ {{ CompatGeckoDesktop(39)}}</td>
+ <td>{{ CompatNo }}</td>
+ <td>
+ <p>28<sup>[1]</sup><br>
+ 29</p>
+ </td>
+ <td>{{ CompatNo }}</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+<div id="compat-mobile">
+<table class="compat-table">
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Feature</th>
+ <th>Android</th>
+ <th>Firefox Mobile (Gecko)</th>
+ <th>Firefox OS (Gecko)</th>
+ <th>IE Phone</th>
+ <th>Opera Mobile</th>
+ <th>Safari Mobile</th>
+ <th>Chrome for Android</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Basic support</td>
+ <td>{{ CompatNo }}</td>
+ <td>{{ CompatNo }}</td>
+ <td>{{ CompatNo }}</td>
+ <td>{{ CompatNo }}</td>
+ <td>{{ CompatNo }}</td>
+ <td>{{ CompatNo }}</td>
+ <td>{{ CompatNo }}</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+<p>[1] In Chrome 42, Firefox 34 and Opera 28 support for <code>arrayBuffer()</code> was hidden behind a preference.</p>
+<h2 id="参考">参考</h2>
+ <li><a href="/en-US/docs/Web/API/ServiceWorker_API">ServiceWorker API</a></li>
+ <li><a href="/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Access_control_CORS">HTTP access control (CORS)</a></li>
+ <li><a href="/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP">HTTP</a></li>
+<div id="sVim-command" class="hidden">-- NORMAL --</div>
diff --git a/files/zh-cn/web/api/response/blob/index.html b/files/zh-cn/web/api/response/blob/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..89444de3d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/zh-cn/web/api/response/blob/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+title: Response.blob()
+slug: Web/API/Response/blob
+translation_of: Web/API/Response/blob
+ - API
+ - Blob
+ - Fetch
+ - Method
+ - Reference
+ - Response
+browser-compat: api.Response.blob
+<p>{{domxref("Response")}}  mixin的 <strong><code>blob()</code></strong>方法使用一个 {{domxref("Response")}} 流,并将其读取完成。它返回一个使用{{domxref("Blob")}}解决的promise。</p>
+<h2 id="句法">句法</h2>
+<pre class="brush: js">response.blob().then(function(myBlob) {
+ // do something with myBlob
+<h3 id="参数">参数</h3>
+<h3 id="返回值">返回值</h3>
+<p>A promise that resolves with a {{domxref("Blob")}}.</p>
+<h2 id="例子">例子</h2>
+<p>在我们 <a href="https://github.com/mdn/fetch-examples/tree/gh-pages/fetch-request">fetch request example</a> (run <a href="http://mdn.github.io/fetch-examples/fetch-request/">fetch request live</a>)中,我们使用<a href="/zh-CN/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/webRequest/RequestFilter">Request.Request</a>构造方法创建了一个新的request对象,然后使用它来获取一个JPG文件。当fetch成功的时候,我们使用blob()从response中读取一个<a href="/zh-CN/docs/Web/API/Blob">Blob</a>对象,并使用<a href="/zh-CN/docs/Web/API/URL/createObjectURL">URL.createObjectURL</a> 将它放入一个object URL ,然后把URL设置为<a href="/zh-CN/docs/Web/HTML/Element/img">img</a>元素的src属性以显示这张图片。</p>
+<p> </p>
+<pre class="brush: js">var myImage = document.querySelector('img');
+var myRequest = new Request('flowers.jpg');
+.then(function(response) {
+  return response.blob();
+.then(function(myBlob) {
+  var objectURL = URL.createObjectURL(myBlob);
+  myImage.src = objectURL;
+<h2 id="规范">规范</h2>
+<table class="standard-table">
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <th scope="col">规范</th>
+ <th scope="col">状态</th>
+ <th scope="col">说明</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>{{SpecName('Fetch','#dom-body-blob','blob()')}}</td>
+ <td>{{Spec2('Fetch')}}</td>
+ <td> </td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+<h2 id="浏览器兼容性">浏览器兼容性</h2>
+<p>{{ CompatibilityTable}}</p>
+<div id="compat-desktop">
+<table class="compat-table">
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Feature</th>
+ <th>Chrome</th>
+ <th>Edge</th>
+ <th>Firefox (Gecko)</th>
+ <th>Internet Explorer</th>
+ <th>Opera</th>
+ <th>Safari (WebKit)</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Basic support</td>
+ <td>{{ CompatChrome(42) }} [1]<br>
+  </td>
+ <td>{{CompatVersionUnknown}}</td>
+ <td>{{ CompatGeckoDesktop(39)}} [2]</td>
+ <td>{{ CompatNo }}</td>
+ <td>
+ <p>29 [3]</p>
+ </td>
+ <td>{{ CompatNo }}</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+<div id="compat-mobile">
+<table class="compat-table">
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Feature</th>
+ <th>Android</th>
+ <th>Edge</th>
+ <th>Firefox Mobile (Gecko)</th>
+ <th>Firefox OS (Gecko)</th>
+ <th>IE Phone</th>
+ <th>Opera Mobile</th>
+ <th>Safari Mobile</th>
+ <th>Chrome for Android</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Basic support</td>
+ <td>{{ CompatNo }}</td>
+ <td>{{CompatVersionUnknown}}</td>
+ <td>{{ CompatNo }}</td>
+ <td>{{ CompatNo }}</td>
+ <td>{{ CompatNo }}</td>
+ <td>{{ CompatNo }}</td>
+ <td>{{ CompatNo }}</td>
+ <td>{{ CompatNo }}</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+<p>[1] Behind a preference in version 41.</p>
+<p>[2] Behind a preference starting with version 34.</p>
+<p>[3] Behind a preference in version 28.</p>
+<h2 id="另见">另见</h2>
+ <li><a href="/en-US/docs/Web/API/ServiceWorker_API">ServiceWorker API</a></li>
+ <li><a href="/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Access_control_CORS">HTTP access control (CORS)</a></li>
+ <li><a href="/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP">HTTP</a></li>
diff --git a/files/zh-cn/web/api/response/body/index.html b/files/zh-cn/web/api/response/body/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ffd78b8dfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/zh-cn/web/api/response/body/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+title: Response.body
+slug: Web/API/Response/body
+translation_of: Web/API/Response/body
+ - API
+ - Fetch
+ - Property
+ - Reference
+ - Streams
+ - Response
+browser-compat: api.Response.body
+<p>{{domxref("Response")}} mixin的只读getter属性 <strong><code>body</code></strong> 用于暴露其body内容的{{domxref("ReadableStream")}}(流读取)。</p>
+<h2 id="语法">语法</h2>
+<pre class="brush: js">var stream = responseInstance.body;</pre>
+<h3 id="Value">Value</h3>
+<p>一个 {{domxref("ReadableStream")}}.</p>
+<h2 id="例程">例程</h2>
+<p>在我们的 <a href="https://mdn.github.io/dom-examples/streams/simple-pump.html">simple stream pump</a> 例程中我们fetch一个图片地址,使用<code>response.body</code>暴露响应的流,用{{domxref("Response.getReader()", "ReadableStream.getReader()")}}创建一个读取器,然后将其置入第二个自定义读取流中——有效的创建了一个完全相同的图片副本。</p>
+<pre class="brush: js">const image = document.getElementById('target');
+// 请求原始图片
+// 取出body
+.then(response =&gt; response.body)
+.then(body =&gt; {
+ const reader = Response.getReader();
+ return new ReadableStream({
+ start(controller) {
+ return pump();
+ function pump() {
+ return reader.read().then(({ done, value }) =&gt; {
+ // 读不到更多数据就关闭流
+ if (done) {
+ controller.close();
+ return;
+ }
+ // 将下一个数据块置入流中
+ controller.enqueue(value);
+ return pump();
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ })
+.then(stream =&gt; new Response(stream))
+.then(response =&gt; response.blob())
+.then(blob =&gt; URL.createObjectURL(blob))
+.then(url =&gt; console.log(image.src = url))
+.catch(err =&gt; console.error(err));</pre>
+<h2 id="规范">规范</h2>
+<table class="standard-table">
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <th scope="col">规范</th>
+ <th scope="col">状态</th>
+ <th scope="col">备注</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>{{SpecName('Fetch','#dom-body-body','body')}}</td>
+ <td>{{Spec2('Fetch')}}</td>
+ <td> </td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+<h2 id="浏览器兼容性">浏览器兼容性</h2>
+<p> </p>
+<h2 id="相关链接">相关链接</h2>
+ <li><a href="/en-US/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API">Fetch API</a></li>
+ <li><a href="/en-US/docs/Web/API/Streams_API">Streams API</a></li>
+ <li><a href="/en-US/docs/Web/API/ServiceWorker_API">ServiceWorker API</a></li>
diff --git a/files/zh-cn/web/api/response/bodyused/index.html b/files/zh-cn/web/api/response/bodyused/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2e9428b9c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/zh-cn/web/api/response/bodyused/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+title: Response.bodyUsed
+slug: Web/API/Response/bodyUsed
+translation_of: Web/API/Response/bodyUsed
+ - API
+ - Fetch
+ - Property
+ - Reference
+ - bodyUsed
+ - Response
+browser-compat: api.Response.bodyUsed
+<p>{{APIRef("Fetch")}}{{ SeeCompatTable }}</p>
+<p><strong><code>bodyUsed</code></strong><code> 是</code>{{domxref("Response")}} mixin中的一个<code>只读属性。用以表示该body是否被使用过。</code></p>
+<h2 id="语法">语法</h2>
+<pre class="brush: js">var myBodyUsed = response.bodyUsed;</pre>
+<h3 id="可能的值">可能的值</h3>
+<h2 id="示例">示例</h2>
+<p>在以下<a href="https://github.com/mdn/fetch-examples/tree/gh-pages/fetch-request">fetch 请求示例</a>(运行 <a href="http://mdn.github.io/fetch-examples/fetch-request/">fetch request live</a>)。通过{{domxref("Request.Request")}}构造器创建了一个fetch请求,来获得一张JPG图片。当fetch成功后,通过{{domxref("Blob")}} 来使用了fetch返回的资源--{{domxref("URL.createObjectURL")}}创建该资源的URL,并作为 {{htmlelement("img")}}元素的src源来显示图片。</p>
+<h3 id="HTML_Content">HTML Content</h3>
+<pre class="brush: html">&lt;img class="my-image" src="https://wikipedia.org/static/images/project-logos/frwiki-1.5x.png"&gt;
+<h3 id="JS_Content">JS Content</h3>
+<pre class="brush: js">var myImage = document.querySelector('.my-image');
+fetch('https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/77/Delete_key1.jpg').then(function(response) {
+ console.log(response.bodyUsed);
+ var res = response.blob();
+ console.log(response.bodyUsed);
+    return res;
+}).then(function(response) {
+    var objectURL = URL.createObjectURL(response);
+    myImage.src = objectURL;
+<p>{{ EmbedLiveSample('Example', '100%', '250px') }}</p>
+<h2 id="Specifications">Specifications</h2>
+<table class="standard-table">
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <th scope="col">Specification</th>
+ <th scope="col">Status</th>
+ <th scope="col">Comment</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>{{SpecName('Fetch','#dom-body-bodyused','bodyUsed')}}</td>
+ <td>{{Spec2('Fetch')}}</td>
+ <td> </td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+<h2 id="浏览器兼容性">浏览器兼容性</h2>
+<p>{{ CompatibilityTable}}</p>
+<div id="compat-desktop">
+<table class="compat-table">
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Feature</th>
+ <th>Chrome</th>
+ <th>Edge</th>
+ <th>Firefox (Gecko)</th>
+ <th>Internet Explorer</th>
+ <th>Opera</th>
+ <th>Safari (WebKit)</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Basic support</td>
+ <td>{{ CompatChrome(42) }} [1]<br>
+  </td>
+ <td>{{CompatVersionUnknown}}</td>
+ <td>{{ CompatGeckoDesktop(39)}} [2]</td>
+ <td>{{ CompatNo }}</td>
+ <td>
+ <p>29 [3]</p>
+ </td>
+ <td>{{ CompatNo }}</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+<div id="compat-mobile">
+<table class="compat-table">
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Feature</th>
+ <th>Android</th>
+ <th>Edge</th>
+ <th>Firefox Mobile (Gecko)</th>
+ <th>Firefox OS (Gecko)</th>
+ <th>IE Phone</th>
+ <th>Opera Mobile</th>
+ <th>Safari Mobile</th>
+ <th>Chrome for Android</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Basic support</td>
+ <td>{{ CompatNo }}</td>
+ <td>{{CompatVersionUnknown}}</td>
+ <td>{{ CompatNo }}</td>
+ <td>{{ CompatNo }}</td>
+ <td>{{ CompatNo }}</td>
+ <td>{{ CompatNo }}</td>
+ <td>{{ CompatNo }}</td>
+ <td>{{ CompatNo }}</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+<p>[1] Behind a preference in version 41.</p>
+<p>[2] Behind a preference starting with version 34.</p>
+<p>[3] Behind a preference in version 28.</p>
+<h2 id="See_also">See also</h2>
+ <li><a href="/en-US/docs/Web/API/ServiceWorker_API">ServiceWorker API</a></li>
+ <li><a href="/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Access_control_CORS">HTTP access control (CORS)</a></li>
+ <li><a href="/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP">HTTP</a></li>
diff --git a/files/zh-cn/web/api/response/formdata/index.html b/files/zh-cn/web/api/response/formdata/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..26b61274fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/zh-cn/web/api/response/formdata/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+title: Response.formData()
+slug: Web/API/Response/formData
+translation_of: Web/API/Response/formData
+ - API
+ - Fetch
+ - Fetch API
+ - FormData
+ - Method
+ - NeedsExample
+ - Reference
+ - Response
+browser-compat: api.Response.formData
+<p> {{domxref("Response")}} 对象中的<strong><code>formData()</code></strong> 方法将 {{domxref("Response")}} 对象中的所承载的数据流读取并封装成为一个对象,该方法将返回一个 <strong><code>Promise</code></strong>  对象,该对象将产生一个{{domxref("FormData")}} 对象。</p>
+<div class="note">
+<p><strong>注意</strong>: 该方法主要与 <a href="/en-US/docs/Web/API/ServiceWorker_API">service workers</a> 有关. 如果客户端提交的一个表单请求被Service Worker 所截取,您可以像下述的样例一样,调用 <code>formData()</code> 方法来获取一个key-value 字典, 对该字典可以进行修饰, 然后将修饰后的表填提交给远端服务器 (或在本地应用)。</p>
+<h2 id="语法">语法</h2>
+<pre class="syntaxbox">response.formData()
+.then(function(formdata) {
+ // do something with your formdata
+<h3 id="参数">参数</h3>
+<h3 id="返回值">返回值</h3>
+<p>生成 {{domxref("FormData")}}对象的{{domxref("Promise")}} 对象.</p>
+<h2 id="样例">样例</h2>
+<h2 id="详述">详述</h2>
+<table class="standard-table">
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <th scope="col">Specification</th>
+ <th scope="col">Status</th>
+ <th scope="col">Comment</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>{{SpecName('Fetch','#dom-body-formdata','formData()')}}</td>
+ <td>{{Spec2('Fetch')}}</td>
+ <td> </td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+<h2 id="Browser_compatibility">Browser compatibility</h2>
+<p>{{ CompatibilityTable}}</p>
+<div id="compat-desktop">
+<table class="compat-table">
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Feature</th>
+ <th>Chrome</th>
+ <th>Firefox (Gecko)</th>
+ <th>Internet Explorer</th>
+ <th>Opera</th>
+ <th>Safari (WebKit)</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Basic support</td>
+ <td>
+ <p>{{CompatChrome(60)}}</p>
+ </td>
+ <td>{{ CompatGeckoDesktop(39)}} [1]</td>
+ <td>{{ CompatNo }}</td>
+ <td>
+ <p>{{CompatOpera(47)}}</p>
+ </td>
+ <td>{{ CompatNo }}</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+<div id="compat-mobile">
+<table class="compat-table">
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Feature</th>
+ <th>Android Webview</th>
+ <th>Chrome for Android</th>
+ <th>Firefox Mobile (Gecko)</th>
+ <th>Firefox OS (Gecko)</th>
+ <th>IE Phone</th>
+ <th>Opera Mobile</th>
+ <th>Safari Mobile</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Basic support</td>
+ <td>
+ <p>{{CompatChrome(60)}}</p>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <p>{{CompatChrome(60)}}</p>
+ </td>
+ <td>{{ CompatNo }}</td>
+ <td>{{ CompatNo }}</td>
+ <td>{{ CompatNo }}</td>
+ <td>
+ <p>{{CompatOperaMobile(47)}}</p>
+ </td>
+ <td>{{ CompatNo }}</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+<p>[1] Behind a preference starting with version 34.</p>
+<h2 id="See_also">See also</h2>
+ <li><a href="/en-US/docs/Web/API/ServiceWorker_API">ServiceWorker API</a></li>
+ <li><a href="/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Access_control_CORS">HTTP access control (CORS)</a></li>
+ <li><a href="/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP">HTTP</a></li>
diff --git a/files/zh-cn/web/api/response/json/index.html b/files/zh-cn/web/api/response/json/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..360c349054
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/zh-cn/web/api/response/json/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+title: Response.json()
+slug: Web/API/Response/json
+translation_of: Web/API/Response/json
+ - API
+ - Fetch
+ - JSON
+ - Method
+ - Reference
+ - Response
+browser-compat: api.Response.json
+<div>{{domxref("Response")}}  mixin 的 <strong><code>json()</code></strong> 方法接收一个 {{domxref("Response")}} 流,并将其读取完成。它返回一个 Promise,Promise 的解析 resolve 结果是将文本体解析为 {{jsxref("JSON")}}。</div>
+<h2 id="语法">语法</h2>
+<pre class="brush: js">response.json().then(data =&gt; {
+ // do something with your data
+<h3 id="参数">参数</h3>
+<h3 id="返回值">返回值</h3>
+<p>返回一个被解析为<a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/API/JSON" title="此页面仍未被本地化, 期待您的翻译!"><code>JSON</code></a>格式的promise对象,这可以是任何可以由JSON表示的东西 - 一个object,一个array,一个string,一个number...</p>
+<h2 id="示例">示例</h2>
+<p>在我们的  <a href="https://github.com/mdn/fetch-examples/tree/master/fetch-json">fetch json 示例</a> 中(运行 <a href="http://mdn.github.io/fetch-examples/fetch-json/">fetch json live</a>), 我们使用 {{domxref("Request.Request")}} 构造函数创建一个新的请求, 然后使用它来获取一个 <code>.json</code> 文件。当获取成功时,我们使用 <code>json()</code> 读取并解析数据,然后像预期的那样从结果对象中读取值,并将其插入到列表项中以显示我们的产品数据。</p>
+<pre class="brush: js highlight[5]">const myList = document.querySelector('ul');
+const myRequest = new Request('products.json');
+ .then(response =&gt; response.json())
+ .then(data =&gt; {
+ for (const product of data.products) {
+ let listItem = document.createElement('li');
+ listItem.appendChild(
+ document.createElement('strong')
+ ).textContent = product.Name;
+ listItem.append(
+ ` can be found in ${
+ product.Location
+ }. Cost: `
+ );
+ listItem.appendChild(
+ document.createElement('strong')
+ ).textContent = `£${product.Price}`;
+ myList.appendChild(listItem);
+ }
+ });</pre>
+<h2 id="规范">规范</h2>
+<table class="standard-table">
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th scope="col">Specification</th>
+ <th scope="col">Status</th>
+ <th scope="col">Comment</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td>{{SpecName("Fetch", "#dom-body-json", "Response.json()")}}</td>
+ <td>{{Spec2("Fetch")}}</td>
+ <td>Initial definition</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+<h2 id="浏览器兼容性">浏览器兼容性</h2>
+<h2 id="相关链接">相关链接</h2>
+ <li><a href="/zh-CN/docs/Web/API/ServiceWorker_API">ServiceWorker API</a></li>
+ <li><a href="/zh-CN/docs/Web/HTTP/Access_control_CORS">HTTP access control (CORS)</a></li>
+ <li><a href="/zh-CN/docs/Web/HTTP">HTTP</a></li>
diff --git a/files/zh-cn/web/api/response/text/index.html b/files/zh-cn/web/api/response/text/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a56418518f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/zh-cn/web/api/response/text/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+title: Response.text()
+slug: Web/API/Response/text
+translation_of: Web/API/Response/text
+ - API
+ - Fetch
+ - Method
+ - Reference
+ - Text
+ - Response
+browser-compat: api.Response.text
+<p>{{domxref("Response")}} mixin 的 <strong><code>text()</code></strong> 方法提供了一个可供读取的“返回流”({{domxref("Response")}} stream),并将它读取完。它返回一个包含 {{domxref("USVString")}} 对象(也就是文本)的 Promise 对象,返回结果的编码<em>永远是</em> UTF-8。</p>
+<h2 id="语法">语法</h2>
+<pre class="brush: js">response.text().then(function (text) {
+ // do something with the text response
+<h3 id="参数">参数</h3>
+<h3 id="返回值">返回值</h3>
+<p>A promise that resolves with a {{domxref("USVString")}}.</p>
+<h2 id="示例">示例</h2>
+<p>在我们 <a href="https://github.com/mdn/fetch-examples/tree/gh-pages/fetch-text">fetch text example</a> (运行 <a href="http://mdn.github.io/fetch-examples/fetch-text/">fetch text live</a>)的案例中, 我们有一个 {{htmlelement("article")}} 元素和三个链接(储存在 <code>myLinks </code> 数组中),首先,遍历 <code>myLinks </code> 数组,并且给数组中的所有元素添加 <code>onclick</code> 事件监听器,当按钮被点击的时候,链接的 <code>data-page</code> 标识作为会参数传入 <code>getData()</code> 中。</p>
+<p>当进入 <code>getData()</code> 函数, 我们使用 {{domxref("Request.Request","Request()")}} 构造函数创建了一个请求(Request)对象,然后,使用它获取指定的<code>.txt</code>的文件, 当fetch 函数执行成功, 我们使用 <code>text()</code> 函数来返回一个{{jsxref("USVString")}} (text) 对象,将它设置到 {{htmlelement("article")}} 对象的{{domxref("Element.innerHTML","innerHTML")}} (元素文本)中。</p>
+<pre class="brush: js">const myArticle = document.querySelector('article');
+const myLinks = document.querySelectorAll('ul a');
+for(i = 0; i &lt;= myLinks.length-1; i++) {
+ myLinks[i].onclick = function(e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ var linkData = e.target.getAttribute('data-page');
+ getData(linkData);
+ }
+function getData(pageId) {
+ console.log(pageId);
+ const myRequest = new Request(pageId + '.txt');
+ fetch(myRequest).then(function(response) {
+ return response.text().then(function(text) {
+ myArticle.innerHTML = text;
+ });
+ });
+<h2 id="规范">规范</h2>
+<table class="standard-table">
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <th scope="col">规范</th>
+ <th scope="col">状态</th>
+ <th scope="col">备注</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>{{SpecName('Fetch','#dom-body-text','text()')}}</td>
+ <td>{{Spec2('Fetch')}}</td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+<h2 id="浏览器兼容性">浏览器兼容性</h2>
+<h2 id="See_also">See also</h2>
+ <li><a href="/zh-CN/docs/Web/API/ServiceWorker_API">ServiceWorker API</a></li>
+ <li><a href="/zh-CN/docs/Web/HTTP/Access_control_CORS">HTTP access control (CORS)</a></li>
+ <li><a href="/zh-CN/docs/Web/HTTP">HTTP</a></li>