path: root/files/zh-tw/web/svg
diff options
authorPeter Bengtsson <mail@peterbe.com>2020-12-08 14:43:23 -0500
committerPeter Bengtsson <mail@peterbe.com>2020-12-08 14:43:23 -0500
commit218934fa2ed1c702a6d3923d2aa2cc6b43c48684 (patch)
treea9ef8ac1e1b8fe4207b6d64d3841bfb8990b6fd0 /files/zh-tw/web/svg
parent074785cea106179cb3305637055ab0a009ca74f2 (diff)
initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'files/zh-tw/web/svg')
13 files changed, 1386 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/files/zh-tw/web/svg/attribute/fill-rule/index.html b/files/zh-tw/web/svg/attribute/fill-rule/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..56fafea9e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/zh-tw/web/svg/attribute/fill-rule/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+title: fill-rule
+slug: Web/SVG/Attribute/fill-rule
+translation_of: Web/SVG/Attribute/fill-rule
+<p>« <a href="/en/SVG/Attribute" title="en/SVG/Attribute">SVG Attribute reference home</a></p>
+<p>The <code>fill-rule</code> attribute indicates the algorithm which is to be used to determine what side of a path is inside the shape. For a simple, non-intersecting path, it is intuitively clear what region lies "inside"; however, for a more complex path, such as a path that intersects itself or where one subpath encloses another, the interpretation of "inside" is not so obvious.</p>
+<h2 id="Usage_context">Usage context</h2>
+<table class="standard-table">
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <th scope="row">Categories</th>
+ <td>Presentation attribute</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th scope="row">Value</th>
+ <td><strong>nonzero</strong> | evenodd | inherit</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th scope="row">Animatable</th>
+ <td>Yes</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th scope="row">Normative document</th>
+ <td><a class="external" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/painting.html#FillRuleProperty" title="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/painting.html#FillRuleProperty">SVG 1.1 (2nd Edition)</a></td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+<p>The <code>fill-rule</code> property provides two options for how the inside of a shape is determined:</p>
+ <dt>
+ nonzero</dt>
+ <dd>
+ This value determines the "insideness" of a point in the shape by drawing a ray from that point to infinity in any direction and then examining the places where a segment of the shape crosses the ray. Starting with a count of zero, add one each time a path segment crosses the ray from left to right and subtract one each time a path segment crosses the ray from right to left. After counting the crossings, if the result is zero then the point is outside the path. Otherwise, it is inside.</dd>
+ <dt>
+ evenodd</dt>
+ <dd>
+ This value determines the "insideness" of a point in the shape by drawing a ray from that point to infinity in any direction and counting the number of path segments from the given shape that the ray crosses. If this number is odd, the point is inside; if even, the point is outside.</dd>
+<h2 id="Examples">Examples</h2>
+<h2 id="Elements">Elements</h2>
+<p>The following elements can use the <code>fill-rule</code> attribute</p>
+ <li><a href="/en/SVG/Element#Shape" title="en/SVG/Element#Shape">Shape elements</a> »</li>
+ <li><a href="/en/SVG/Element#TextContent" title="en/SVG/Element#TexteContent">Text content elements</a> »</li>
diff --git a/files/zh-tw/web/svg/attribute/index.html b/files/zh-tw/web/svg/attribute/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..47051214f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/zh-tw/web/svg/attribute/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+title: SVG Attribute reference
+slug: Web/SVG/Attribute
+ - Fixit
+ - NeedsHelp
+ - NeedsTranslation
+ - SVG
+ - SVG Attribute
+ - SVG Reference
+ - TopicStub
+translation_of: Web/SVG/Attribute
+<p>« <a href="/en/SVG" title="en/SVG">SVG</a> / <a href="/en/SVG/Element" title="en/SVG/Element">SVG Element reference</a> »</p>
+<h2 id="SVG_Attributes">SVG Attributes</h2>
+<div style="-moz-column-width: 14em; -webkit-columns: 14em; columns: 14em;">
+ <h3 id="A">A</h3>
+ <ul>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("accent-height") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("accumulate") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("additive") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("alignment-baseline") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("allowReorder") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("alphabetic") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("amplitude") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("arabic-form") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("ascent") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("attributeName") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("attributeType") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("azimuth") }}</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h3 id="B">B</h3>
+ <ul>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("baseFrequency") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("baseline-shift") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("baseProfile") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("bbox") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("begin") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("bias") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("by") }}</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h3 id="C">C</h3>
+ <ul>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("calcMode") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("cap-height") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("class") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("clip") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("clipPathUnits") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("clip-path") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("clip-rule") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("color") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("color-interpolation") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("color-interpolation-filters") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("color-profile") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("color-rendering") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("contentScriptType") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("contentStyleType") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("cursor") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("cx") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("cy") }}</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h3 id="D">D</h3>
+ <ul>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("d") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("descent") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("diffuseConstant") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("direction") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("display") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("divisor") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("dominant-baseline") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("dur") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("dx") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("dy") }}</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h3 id="E">E</h3>
+ <ul>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("edgeMode") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("elevation") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("enable-background") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("end") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("exponent") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("externalResourcesRequired") }}</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h3 id="F">F</h3>
+ <ul>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("fill") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("fill-opacity") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("fill-rule") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("filter") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("filterRes") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("filterUnits") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("flood-color") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("flood-opacity") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("font-family") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("font-size") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("font-size-adjust") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("font-stretch") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("font-style") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("font-variant") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("font-weight") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("format") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("from") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("fx") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("fy") }}</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h3 id="G">G</h3>
+ <ul>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("g1") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("g2") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("glyph-name") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("glyph-orientation-horizontal") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("glyph-orientation-vertical") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("glyphRef") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("gradientTransform") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("gradientUnits") }}</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h3 id="H">H</h3>
+ <ul>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("hanging") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("height") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("horiz-adv-x") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("horiz-origin-x") }}</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h3 id="I">I</h3>
+ <ul>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("id") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("ideographic") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("image-rendering") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("in") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("in2") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("intercept") }}</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h3 id="K">K</h3>
+ <ul>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("k") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("k1") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("k2") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("k3") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("k4") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("kernelMatrix") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("kernelUnitLength") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("kerning") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("keyPoints") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("keySplines") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("keyTimes") }}</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h3 id="L">L</h3>
+ <ul>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("lang") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("lengthAdjust") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("letter-spacing") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("lighting-color") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("limitingConeAngle") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("local") }}</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h3 id="M">M</h3>
+ <ul>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("marker-end") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("marker-mid") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("marker-start") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("markerHeight") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("markerUnits") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("markerWidth") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("mask") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("maskContentUnits") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("maskUnits") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("mathematical") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("max") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("media") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("method") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("min") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("mode") }}</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h3 id="N">N</h3>
+ <ul>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("name") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("numOctaves") }}</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h3 id="O">O</h3>
+ <ul>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("offset") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("onabort") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("onactivate") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("onbegin") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("onclick") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("onend") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("onerror") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("onfocusin") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("onfocusout") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("onload") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("onmousedown") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("onmousemove") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("onmouseout") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("onmouseover") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("onmouseup") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("onrepeat") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("onresize") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("onscroll") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("onunload") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("onzoom") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("opacity") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("operator") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("order") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("orient") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("orientation") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("origin") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("overflow") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("overline-position") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("overline-thickness") }}</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h3 id="P">P</h3>
+ <ul>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("panose-1") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("paint-order") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("path") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("pathLength") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("patternContentUnits") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("patternTransform") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("patternUnits") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("pointer-events") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("points") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("pointsAtX") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("pointsAtY") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("pointsAtZ") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("preserveAlpha") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("preserveAspectRatio") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("primitiveUnits") }}</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h3 id="R">R</h3>
+ <ul>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("r") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("radius") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("refX") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("refY") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("rendering-intent") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("repeatCount") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("repeatDur") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("requiredExtensions") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("requiredFeatures") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("restart") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("result") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("rotate") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("rx") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("ry") }}</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h3 id="S">S</h3>
+ <ul>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("scale") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("seed") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("shape-rendering") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("slope") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("spacing") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("specularConstant") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("specularExponent") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("spreadMethod") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("startOffset") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("stdDeviation") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("stemh") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("stemv") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("stitchTiles") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("stop-color") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("stop-opacity") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("strikethrough-position") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("strikethrough-thickness") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("string") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("stroke") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("stroke-dasharray") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("stroke-dashoffset") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("stroke-linecap") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("stroke-linejoin") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("stroke-miterlimit") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("stroke-opacity") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("stroke-width") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("style") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("surfaceScale") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("systemLanguage") }}</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h3 id="T">T</h3>
+ <ul>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("tableValues") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("target") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("targetX") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("targetY") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("text-anchor") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("text-decoration") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("text-rendering") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("textLength") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("to") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("transform") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("type") }}</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h3 id="U">U</h3>
+ <ul>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("u1") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("u2") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("underline-position") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("underline-thickness") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("unicode") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("unicode-bidi") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("unicode-range") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("units-per-em") }}</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h3 id="V">V</h3>
+ <ul>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("v-alphabetic") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("v-hanging") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("v-ideographic") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("v-mathematical") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("values") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("version") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("vert-adv-y") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("vert-origin-x") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("vert-origin-y") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("viewBox") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("viewTarget") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("visibility") }}</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h3 id="W">W</h3>
+ <ul>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("width") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("widths") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("word-spacing") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("writing-mode") }}</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h3 id="X">X</h3>
+ <ul>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("x") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("x-height") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("x1") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("x2") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("xChannelSelector") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("xlink:actuate") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("xlink:arcrole") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("xlink:href") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("xlink:role") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("xlink:show") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("xlink:title") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("xlink:type") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("xml:base") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("xml:lang") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("xml:space") }}</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h3 id="Y">Y</h3>
+ <ul>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("y") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("y1") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("y2") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("yChannelSelector") }}</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h3 id="Z">Z</h3>
+ <ul>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("z") }}</li>
+ <li>{{ SVGAttr("zoomAndPan") }}</li>
+ </ul>
+<h2 id="Categories">Categories</h2>
+<h3 id="Animation_event_attributes">Animation event attributes</h3>
+<p>{{ SVGAttr("onbegin") }}, {{ SVGAttr("onend") }}, {{ SVGAttr("onload") }}, {{ SVGAttr("onrepeat") }}</p>
+<h3 id="AnimationAttributeTarget" name="AnimationAttributeTarget">Animation attribute target attributes</h3>
+<p>{{ SVGAttr("attributeType") }}, {{ SVGAttr("attributeName") }}</p>
+<h3 id="Animation_timing_attributes">Animation timing attributes</h3>
+<p>{{ SVGAttr("begin") }}, {{ SVGAttr("dur") }}, {{ SVGAttr("end") }}, {{ SVGAttr("min") }}, {{ SVGAttr("max") }}, {{ SVGAttr("restart") }}, {{ SVGAttr("repeatCount") }}, {{ SVGAttr("repeatDur") }}, {{ SVGAttr("fill") }}</p>
+<h3 id="Animation_value_attributes">Animation value attributes</h3>
+<p>{{ SVGAttr("calcMode") }}, {{ SVGAttr("values") }}, {{ SVGAttr("keyTimes") }}, {{ SVGAttr("keySplines") }}, {{ SVGAttr("from") }}, {{ SVGAttr("to") }}, {{ SVGAttr("by") }}</p>
+<h3 id="Animation_addition_attributes">Animation addition attributes</h3>
+<p>{{ SVGAttr("additive") }}, {{ SVGAttr("accumulate") }}</p>
+<h3 id="Conditional_processing_attributes">Conditional processing attributes</h3>
+<p>{{ SVGAttr("requiredExtensions") }}, {{ SVGAttr("requiredFeatures") }}, {{ SVGAttr("systemLanguage") }}.</p>
+<h3 id="Core_attributes">Core attributes</h3>
+<p>{{ SVGAttr("id") }}, {{ SVGAttr("xml:base") }}, {{ SVGAttr("xml:lang") }}, {{ SVGAttr("xml:space") }}</p>
+<h3 id="Document_event_attributes">Document event attributes</h3>
+<p>{{ SVGAttr("onabort") }}, {{ SVGAttr("onerror") }}, {{ SVGAttr("onresize") }}, {{ SVGAttr("onscroll") }}, {{ SVGAttr("onunload") }}, {{ SVGAttr("onzoom") }}</p>
+<h3 id="Filter_primitive_attributes">Filter primitive attributes</h3>
+<p>{{ SVGAttr("height") }}, {{ SVGAttr("result") }}, {{ SVGAttr("width") }}, {{ SVGAttr("x") }}, {{ SVGAttr("y") }}</p>
+<h3 id="Graphical_event_attributes">Graphical event attributes</h3>
+<p>{{ SVGAttr("onactivate") }}, {{ SVGAttr("onclick") }}, {{ SVGAttr("onfocusin") }}, {{ SVGAttr("onfocusout") }}, {{ SVGAttr("onload") }}, {{ SVGAttr("onmousedown") }}, {{ SVGAttr("onmousemove") }}, {{ SVGAttr("onmouseout") }}, {{ SVGAttr("onmouseover") }}, {{ SVGAttr("onmouseup") }}</p>
+<h3 id="Presentation_attributes">Presentation attributes</h3>
+<div class="note">
+ Note that all SVG presentation attributes can be used as CSS properties.</div>
+<p>{{ SVGAttr("alignment-baseline") }}, {{ SVGAttr("baseline-shift") }}, {{ SVGAttr("clip") }}, {{ SVGAttr("clip-path") }}, {{ SVGAttr("clip-rule") }}, {{ SVGAttr("color") }}, {{ SVGAttr("color-interpolation") }}, {{ SVGAttr("color-interpolation-filters") }}, {{ SVGAttr("color-profile") }}, {{ SVGAttr("color-rendering") }}, {{ SVGAttr("cursor") }}, {{ SVGAttr("direction") }}, {{ SVGAttr("display") }}, {{ SVGAttr("dominant-baseline") }}, {{ SVGAttr("enable-background") }}, {{ SVGAttr("fill") }}, {{ SVGAttr("fill-opacity") }}, {{ SVGAttr("fill-rule") }}, {{ SVGAttr("filter") }}, {{ SVGAttr("flood-color") }}, {{ SVGAttr("flood-opacity") }}, {{ SVGAttr("font-family") }}, {{ SVGAttr("font-size") }}, {{ SVGAttr("font-size-adjust") }}, {{ SVGAttr("font-stretch") }}, {{ SVGAttr("font-style") }}, {{ SVGAttr("font-variant") }}, {{ SVGAttr("font-weight") }}, {{ SVGAttr("glyph-orientation-horizontal") }}, {{ SVGAttr("glyph-orientation-vertical") }}, {{ SVGAttr("image-rendering") }}, {{ SVGAttr("kerning") }}, {{ SVGAttr("letter-spacing") }}, {{ SVGAttr("lighting-color") }}, {{ SVGAttr("marker-end") }}, {{ SVGAttr("marker-mid") }}, {{ SVGAttr("marker-start") }}, {{ SVGAttr("mask") }}, {{ SVGAttr("opacity") }}, {{ SVGAttr("overflow") }}, {{ SVGAttr("pointer-events") }}, {{ SVGAttr("shape-rendering") }}, {{ SVGAttr("stop-color") }}, {{ SVGAttr("stop-opacity") }}, {{ SVGAttr("stroke") }}, {{ SVGAttr("stroke-dasharray") }}, {{ SVGAttr("stroke-dashoffset") }}, {{ SVGAttr("stroke-linecap") }}, {{ SVGAttr("stroke-linejoin") }}, {{ SVGAttr("stroke-miterlimit") }}, {{ SVGAttr("stroke-opacity") }}, {{ SVGAttr("stroke-width") }}, {{ SVGAttr("text-anchor") }}, {{ SVGAttr("text-decoration") }}, {{ SVGAttr("text-rendering") }}, {{ SVGAttr("unicode-bidi") }}, {{ SVGAttr("visibility") }}, {{ SVGAttr("word-spacing") }}, {{ SVGAttr("writing-mode") }}</p>
+<h3 id="Transfer_function_attributes">Transfer function attributes</h3>
+<p>{{ SVGAttr("type") }}, {{ SVGAttr("tableValues") }}, {{ SVGAttr("slope") }}, {{ SVGAttr("intercept") }}, {{ SVGAttr("amplitude") }}, {{ SVGAttr("exponent") }}, {{ SVGAttr("offset") }}</p>
+<h3 id="XLink_attributes">XLink attributes</h3>
+<p>{{ SVGAttr("xlink:href") }}, {{ SVGAttr("xlink:type") }}, {{ SVGAttr("xlink:role") }}, {{ SVGAttr("xlink:arcrole") }}, {{ SVGAttr("xlink:title") }}, {{ SVGAttr("xlink:show") }}, {{ SVGAttr("xlink:actuate") }}</p>
diff --git a/files/zh-tw/web/svg/attribute/stroke-dashoffset/index.html b/files/zh-tw/web/svg/attribute/stroke-dashoffset/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e8a076e352
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/zh-tw/web/svg/attribute/stroke-dashoffset/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+title: stroke-dashoffset
+slug: Web/SVG/Attribute/stroke-dashoffset
+ - 可縮放矢量圖形
+ - 可縮放矢量圖形 屬性
+translation_of: Web/SVG/Attribute/stroke-dashoffset
+<p>« <a href="/en/SVG/Attribute" title="en/SVG/Attribute">SVG 屬性引用首頁</a></p>
+<p><code>stroke-dashoffset</code> 屬性指定一個數值至虛線的開頭。</p>
+<p>如果使用 <a href="/en/SVG/Content_type#Percentage" title="en/SVG/Content_type#Percentage">&lt;percentage&gt;</a> ,值則會代表當前viewport的百分比。<br>
+ <br>
+ 值允許為負值。</p>
+<h2 id="Usage_context">Usage context</h2>
+<table class="standard-table">
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <th scope="row">類別</th>
+ <td>Presentation attribute</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th scope="row">可用值</th>
+ <td><a href="/en/SVG/Content_type#Percentage" title="en/SVG/Content_type#Percentage">&lt;percentage&gt;</a> | <a href="/en/SVG/Content_type#Length" title="en/SVG/Content_type#Length"><span>&lt;length&gt;</span></a> | inherit</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th scope="row">初始值</th>
+ <td>0</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th scope="row">可動畫化</th>
+ <td>是</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th scope="row">規範文件</th>
+ <td><a class="external" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/painting.html#StrokeDashoffsetProperty" title="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/painting.html#StrokeDashoffsetProperty">SVG 1.1 (2nd Edition)</a></td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+<h2 id="範例" name="範例">範例</h2>
+<h3 id="HTML_內容">HTML 內容</h3>
+<pre class="brush: html">&lt;svg width="200" height="200" viewBox="0 0 200 200" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"&gt;
+    &lt;line stroke-dashoffset="0" stroke-dasharray="20" x1="0" y1="10" x2="200" y2="10"/&gt;
+    &lt;line stroke-dashoffset="10" stroke-dasharray="20" x1="0" y1="20" x2="200" y2="20"/&gt;
+    &lt;line stroke-dashoffset="20" stroke-dasharray="20" x1="0" y1="30" x2="200" y2="30"/&gt;
+    &lt;line stroke-dashoffset="50%" stroke-dasharray="20" x1="0" y1="40" x2="200" y2="40"/&gt;
+    &lt;line stroke-dashoffset="25%" stroke-dasharray="20" x1="0" y1="50" x2="200" y2="50"/&gt;
+    &lt;line stroke-dashoffset="0%" stroke-dasharray="20" x1="0" y1="60" x2="200" y2="60"/&gt;
+<h3 id="CSS_內容">CSS 內容</h3>
+<pre class="brush: css">line{
+    stroke: #51BBA7;
+    stroke-width: 2;
+<h3 id="結果">結果</h3>
+<p>{{ EmbedLiveSample('範例') }}</p>
+<h2 id="適用元素">適用元素</h2>
+<p>以下元素可以使用 <code>stroke-dashoffset</code> 屬性</p>
+ <li><a href="/en/SVG/Element#Shape" title="en/SVG/Element#Shape">Shape elements</a> »</li>
+ <li><a href="/en/SVG/Element#TextContent" title="en/SVG/Element#TextContent">Text content elements</a> »</li>
diff --git a/files/zh-tw/web/svg/index.html b/files/zh-tw/web/svg/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..86aa0e1479
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/zh-tw/web/svg/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+title: SVG
+slug: Web/SVG
+translation_of: Web/SVG
+<p> </p>
+<div class="callout-box"><strong><a href="/zh_tw/SVG/教學" title="zh tw/SVG/教學">由此開始</a></strong><br>
+本教程將輔助你開始使用 SVG。</div>
+<div><strong>可縮放向量圖形 (Scalable Vector Graphics,SVG)</strong> 是用於描述二維向量圖形的 <a href="/en/XML" title="en/XML">XML</a> 標記語言。基本上,SVG 用於圖形,而 XHTML 用於文字。
+<p>SVG 類似 Adobe 專有的 Flash 技術,SVG 與 Flash 兩者最大的分別在於 SVG 為 <a class="external" href="http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/">W3C 所推薦</a> (即標準),並以 XML 為基礎,而非封閉的二進制格式。SVG 設計為與其他 <a class="external" href="http://www.w3.org/">W3C</a> 標準 (如 <a href="/en/CSS" title="en/CSS">CSS</a>、<a href="/en/DOM" title="en/DOM">DOM</a> 及 <a class="external" href="http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/">SMIL</a>) 一同運作。</p>
+<p> </p>
+<table class="topicpage-table"> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <h4 id="Why_use_SVG.3F" name="Why_use_SVG.3F">為何使用 SVG?</h4> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <dl> <dt>更好的圖形格式</dt> <dd><small>SVG 是一種向量圖形格式。</small><small>向量圖形可縮可放,圖形完全不會失真,為</small><small>像素圖形所不能及。</small></dd> </dl> <ul> <li><a class="external" href="http://www.croczilla.com/svg/samples/lion/lion.svg">Lion</a>, <a class="external" href="http://www.croczilla.com/svg/samples/butterfly/butterfly.svg">Butterfy</a> &amp; <a class="external" href="http://www.croczilla.com/svg/samples/tiger/tiger.svg">Tiger</a></li> <li><a class="external" href="http://plurib.us/1shot/2007/svg_gallery/">SVG 藝術圖庫</a></li> <li>更多範例 (<a class="external" href="http://www.croczilla.com/svg/samples/">SVG 範例 croczilla.com</a>, <a class="external" href="http://www.carto.net/papers/svg/samples/">carto.net</a>)</li> </ul> <p> </p> <dl> <dt>增強 HTML 內容的表現</dt> <dd><small>SVG 可和 HTML、CSS 及 JavaScript 一同運作。使用 SVG 增強普通 HTML 頁面或 web 應用程式。</small></dd> </dl> <ul> <li>如何<a class="internal" href="/en/SVG_In_HTML_Introduction" title="en/SVG In HTML Introduction">在 XHTML 中使用 SVG</a> 教程</li> <li>Google <a class="external" href="http://maps.google.com">Maps</a> (路徑圖) &amp; <a class="external" href="http://docs.google.com">Docs</a> (試算表繪圖)</li> <li><a class="external" href="http://starkravingfinkle.org/projects/demo/svg-bubblemenu-in-html.xml">SVG 泡沫選單</a></li> </ul> <p> </p> <dl> <dt>Mozilla 裡的 SVG</dt> <dd><small>SVG 如何在 Mozilla 裡實作的註解和資訊。</small></dd> </dl> <ul> <li>Firefox 目前已實作 <a href="/En/SVG_in_Firefox" title="en/SVG_in_Firefox">SVG 1.1 規範</a></li> <li><a class="external" href="http://jwatt.org/svg/authoring/">SVG 編寫指南</a></li> <li><a href="/en/Mozilla_SVG_Project" title="en/Mozilla_SVG_Project">Mozilla SVG 專案</a>概述</li> <li>有關 SVG 和 Mozilla 的<a class="internal" href="/En/SVG/FAQ" title="En/SVG/FAQ">問答集</a></li> </ul> <p> </p> <dl> <dt>工具</dt> </dl> <p> </p> <ul> <li><a class="external" href="http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/">SVG Test Suite</a></li> <li><a class="external" href="http://jiggles.w3.org/svgvalidator/">SVG Validator</a></li> <li><a href="/Special:Tags?tag=SVG:Tools&amp;language=en" title="Special:Tags?tag=SVG:Tools&amp;language=en">更多工具...</a></li> </ul> <p> </p> </td> <td> <dl> <dt>動畫和互動</dt> <dd><small>如同 HTML,SVG 也有一個 DOM、事件,並且可由 JavaScript 存取。這可讓開發者建立豐富的動畫和互動式圖形。</small></dd> </dl> <ul> <li>Firefox extension (<a class="external" href="http://schepers.cc/grafox/">Grafox</a>) to add a subset of SMIL animation support</li> <li>Interactive <a class="external" href="http://people.mozilla.com/~vladimir/demos/photos.svg">photos</a> manipulation</li> <li><a class="external" href="http://starkravingfinkle.org/blog/2007/07/firefox-3-svg-foreignobject/">HTML transformations</a> using SVG's <code>foreignObject</code></li> <li>Animated <a class="external" href="http://lab.vodafone.com/vienna/">art</a></li> </ul> <p> </p> <dl> <dt>繪圖、圖表、遊戲 &amp; 3D 實驗</dt> <dd><small>只需少許 SVG 即可增強網頁內容,這裡有一些重量級 SVG 用法的範例。</small></dd> </dl> <ul> <li><a class="external" href="http://www.croczilla.com/svg/samples/svgtetris/svgtetris.svg">Tetris</a>, <a class="external" href="http://www.codedread.com/yastframe.php">Yet Another SVG Tetris</a> &amp; <a class="external" href="http://www.treebuilder.de/svg/connect4.svg">Connect 4</a></li> <li><a class="external" href="http://files.myopera.com/orinoco/svg/USStates.svg">Find the State</a> game</li> <li><a class="external" href="http://www.carto.net/papers/svg/us_population/index.html">US popuplation map</a> &amp; <a class="external" href="http://www.destatis.de/jetspeed/portal/cms/Sites/destatis/Internet/EN/Content/Statistics/Bevoelkerung/VorausberechnungBevoelkerung/InteraktiveDarstellung/Content75/Bevoelkerungspyramide1W1,templateId=renderSVG.psml">Germany population chart</a></li> <li><a class="external" href="http://www.treebuilder.de/default.asp?file=441875.xml">3D box</a> &amp; <a class="external" href="http://www.treebuilder.de/default.asp?file=206524.xml">3D boxes</a></li> <li><a class="external" href="http://www.amaltas.org/svgapp">SVG+DOM based drawing tool</a></li> </ul> <p> </p> <dl> <dt>Community</dt> </dl> <p> </p> <ul> <li>View Mozilla forums...</li> </ul> <p>{{ DiscussionList("dev-tech-svg", "mozilla.dev.tech.svg") }}</p> <ul> <li><a class="external" href="http://wiki.svg.org/">SVG Wiki</a></li> </ul> <p> </p> </td> </tr> </tbody>
+<p><span class="alllinks"><a href="/Special:Tags?tag=SVG&amp;language=en" title="Special:Tags?tag=SVG&amp;language=en">View All...</a></span></p>
+<h4 id="Related_Topics" name="Related_Topics">關聯主題</h4>
+<dl> <dd><a href="/en/XML" title="en/XML">XML</a>, <a href="/en/HTML/Canvas" title="en/HTML/Canvas">Canvas</a></dd>
+<p><span class="comment">Categories</span></p>
+<p><span class="comment">Interwiki Language Links</span></p>
+<p> </p>
+<p>{{ languages( {"en": "en/SVG", "de": "De/SVG", "es": "es/SVG", "fr": "fr/SVG", "it": "it/SVG", "ja": "ja/SVG", "pl": "pl/SVG", "pt": "pt/SVG" } ) }}</p>
diff --git a/files/zh-tw/web/svg/tutorial/fills_and_strokes/index.html b/files/zh-tw/web/svg/tutorial/fills_and_strokes/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..568647df13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/zh-tw/web/svg/tutorial/fills_and_strokes/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+title: 填充与边框
+slug: Web/SVG/Tutorial/Fills_and_Strokes
+translation_of: Web/SVG/Tutorial/Fills_and_Strokes
+<p>{{ PreviousNext("SVG/Tutorial/Paths", "SVG/Tutorial/Gradients") }}</p>
+<h2 id="Fill_and_Stroke_Attributes" name="Fill_and_Stroke_Attributes">fill(填充)和stroke(边框)属性</h2>
+<h3 id="Painting" name="Painting">上色</h3>
+<pre class="brush:xml;"> &lt;rect x="10" y="10" width="100" height="100" stroke="blue" fill="purple"
+ fill-opacity="0.5" stroke-opacity="0.8"/&gt;
+<p>此外,在SVG中你可以分别定义填充色和边框色的透明度,它们分别由<code> fill-opacity </code>和<code> stroke-opacity </code>两个属性控制。</p>
+<div class="note style-wrap">注意,FireFox 3+支持rgba值,并且能够提供同样的效果,但是为了在其他浏览器中保持兼容,最好将它和边框/填充的透明度分开使用。如果同时定义了rgba值和透明度,它们将被一起调用。</div>
+<h3 id="Stroke" name="Stroke">边框</h3>
+<p><img align="right" alt="" class="internal" src="/@api/deki/files/355/=SVG_Stroke_Linecap_Example.png"></p>
+<pre class="brush:xml;">&lt;?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?&gt;
+&lt;svg width="160" height="140" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1"&gt;
+ &lt;line x1="40" x2="120" y1="20" y2="20" stroke="black" stroke-width="20" stroke-linecap="butt"/&gt;
+ &lt;line x1="40" x2="120" y1="60" y2="60" stroke="black" stroke-width="20" stroke-linecap="square"/&gt;
+ &lt;line x1="40" x2="120" y1="100" y2="100" stroke="black" stroke-width="20" stroke-linecap="round"/&gt;
+<p><img align="right" alt="" class="internal" src="/@api/deki/files/356/=SVG_Stroke_Linejoin_Example.png"></p>
+<pre class="brush:xml;">&lt;?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?&gt;
+&lt;svg width="160" height="280" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1"&gt;
+ &lt;polyline points="40 60 80 20 120 60" stroke="black" stroke-width="20"
+ stroke-linecap="butt" fill="none" stroke-linejoin="miter"/&gt;
+ &lt;polyline points="40 140 80 100 120 140" stroke="black" stroke-width="20"
+ stroke-linecap="round" fill="none" stroke-linejoin="round"/&gt;
+ &lt;polyline points="40 220 80 180 120 220" stroke="black" stroke-width="20"
+ stroke-linecap="square" fill="none" stroke-linejoin="bevel"/&gt;
+<p><img align="right" alt="" class="internal" src="/@api/deki/files/354/=SVG_Stroke_Dasharray_Example.png"></p>
+<pre class="brush:xml;">&lt;?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?&gt;
+&lt;svg width="200" height="150" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1"&gt;
+ &lt;path d="M 10 75 Q 50 10 100 75 T 190 75" stroke="black"
+ stroke-linecap="round" stroke-dasharray="5,10,5" fill="none"/&gt;
+ &lt;path d="M 10 75 L 190 75" stroke="red"
+ stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="1" stroke-dasharray="5,5" fill="none"/&gt;
+<h2 id="Using_CSS" name="Using_CSS">使用CSS</h2>
+<div class="note style-wrap">
+<a class="external" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/propidx.html" title="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/propidx.html">SVG规范</a>将属性区分成<em>properties</em>和<em>其他attributes</em>,前者是可以用CSS设置的,后者不能。</div>
+<pre class="brush:xml;"> &lt;rect x="10" height="180" y="10" width="180" style="stroke: black; fill: red;"/&gt;
+<p>或者通过&lt;style&gt;设置一段样式段落。在html里这样的段落一般放在里,在svg则放在&lt;a href="/en/SVG/Element/defs" title="en/SVG/Element/defs"&gt;&lt;code&gt;&lt;defs&gt;&lt;/code&gt;&lt;/a&gt;标签里。&lt;code&gt;&lt;defs&gt;&lt;/code&gt;表示定义,这里可以定义一些不会在SVG图形中出现的元素,但是它们可以被其他元素使用。&lt;code&gt;&lt;head&gt;&lt;/code&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
+&lt;pre class="brush:xml;"&gt;
+&lt;?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?&gt;
+&lt;svg width="200" height="200" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1"&gt;
+ &lt;defs&gt;
+ &lt;style type="text/css"&gt;&lt;![CDATA[
+ #MyRect {
+ stroke: black;
+ fill: red;
+ }
+ ]]&gt;&lt;/style&gt;
+ &lt;/defs&gt;
+ &lt;rect x="10" height="180" y="10" width="180" id="MyRect"/&gt;
+&lt;pre class="brush:css;"&gt;
+ #MyRect:hover {
+ stroke: black;
+ fill: blue;
+ }
+&lt;p&gt;你也可以定义一个外部的样式表,但是要符合&lt;a class="external" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-stylesheet/" title="http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-stylesheet/"&gt;normal XML-stylesheet syntax&lt;/a&gt;的CSS规则:&lt;/p&gt;
+&lt;pre class="brush:xml;"&gt;
+&lt;?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?&gt;
+&lt;?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="style.css"?&gt;
+&lt;svg width="200" height="150" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1"&gt;
+ &lt;rect height="10" width="10" id="MyRect"/&gt;
+&lt;pre class="brush:css;"&gt;
+#MyRect {
+ fill: red;
+ stroke: black;
+&lt;p&gt;{{ PreviousNext("SVG/Tutorial/Paths", "SVG/Tutorial/Gradients") }}&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/style&gt;</p>
diff --git a/files/zh-tw/web/svg/tutorial/getting_started/index.html b/files/zh-tw/web/svg/tutorial/getting_started/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..177e9ad15b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/zh-tw/web/svg/tutorial/getting_started/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+title: 入門
+slug: Web/SVG/Tutorial/Getting_Started
+translation_of: Web/SVG/Tutorial/Getting_Started
+<p>{{ PreviousNext("SVG/Tutorial/Introduction", "SVG/Tutorial/Positions") }}</p>
+<h3 id="A_Simple_Example" name="A_Simple_Example">一個簡單的例子</h3>
+<pre class="brush: xml">&lt;svg version="1.1"
+ baseProfile="full"
+ xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"&gt;
+ &lt;rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="red" /&gt;
+ &lt;circle cx="150" cy="100" r="80" fill="green" /&gt;
+ &lt;text x="150" y="125" font-size="60" text-anchor="middle" fill="white"&gt;SVG&lt;/text&gt;
+<p>複製這段程式碼,在一個文件裡貼上,給該文件起名為demo1.svg,然後用Firefox打開它,會渲染成下面截圖的樣子。(Firefox 用户: 點<a class="external" href="http://developer.mozilla.org/@api/deki/files/4571/=svgdemo1.xml" title="http://developer.mozilla.org/@api/deki/files/4571/=svgdemo1.xml">這裡</a>)</p>
+<p><img alt="svgdemo1.png" class="default internal" src="/@api/deki/files/4928/=svgdemo1.png"></p>
+ <li>我們先看一下<code>svg</code>根元素:
+ <ul>
+ <li>不使用類似(X)HTML的文檔聲明,因為基於SVG的DTD會造成很多問題,弊大於利。</li>
+ <li>為了明確SVG版本,<code>version</code> 和 baseProfile 兩個屬性必須要寫</li>
+ <li>作為XML方言,SVG必須始終绑定正確的命名空間(xmlns属性)。更多資訊,請參考<a href="/en/SVG/Namespaces_Crash_Course" title="en/SVG/Namespaces_Crash_Course">命名空間速成班頁面</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>畫一個覆蓋整個圖形的矩形 ,將背景設為红色</li>
+ <li>在红色矩形中間畫一個綠色的圓形<code>,半徑是80像素(圓心坐標:x軸向左偏移150像素,y軸向上偏移100像素)【坐標系統會在後面章節介紹】</code></li>
+ <li><code>描繪“SVG”文字,字母填充成白色,通過設定錨點定義文本的中點,在這個例子裡,中點是綠色圓形的圓心,通過調整字號和垂直位置,確保最終顯示效果的美觀</code></li>
+<h3 id="SVG文件的基本屬性"><code>SVG文件的基本屬性</code></h3>
+ <li><code>首先要注意的是元素渲染的順序,SVG的全局規則是:<em>靠後的元素,將在靠前的元素上面渲染</em>。</code></li>
+ <li><code>在web上,SVG可以直接放進瀏覽器裡顯示,或者通過以下幾種方式嵌入到HTML文檔中顯示: </code>
+ <ul>
+ <li><code>如果是XHTML文檔,並且響應端接受<code>application/xhtml+xml類型</code>,SVG就可以在XML源裡直接嵌入</code></li>
+ <li><code>如果是HTML5文檔,並且瀏覽器支持HTML5,SVG也可以直接嵌入,但是語法上需要修改,以符合HTML5規範。</code></li>
+ <li><code>SVG可以通過<code>Object</code>元素引入: </code>
+ <pre><code> &lt;object data="image.svg" type="image/svg+xml" /&gt;</code></pre>
+ <code> </code></li>
+ <li><code>同樣可以通過<code>iframe</code>引入: </code>
+ <pre><code> &lt;iframe src="image.svg"&gt;&lt;/iframe&gt;</code></pre>
+ <code> </code></li>
+ <li><code>理論上,<code>img</code>元素也可以用来引入SVG,但是Firefox 4.0之前的版本不支持這一功能。</code></li>
+ <li><code>最後,SVG可以用JavaScript動態創建,並且注入到HTML DOM裡面。這樣做的好處是,對於不支持SVG的瀏覽器,可以啟用其它替代技術。</code></li>
+ </ul>
+ <code> 這是一個深入探討該主題的<a href="/en/SVG_In_HTML_Introduction" title="en/svg in html introduction">專題頁面</a>。 </code></li>
+ <li><code>SVG如何處理大小和單位,將在<a href="/en/SVG/Tutorial/Positions" title="en/SVG/Tutorial/Positions">下一頁</a>進行解釋。</code></li>
+<h3 id="SVG_File_Types" name="SVG_File_Types"><code>SVG文件的類型</code></h3>
+<h3 id="A_Word_on_Webservers" name="A_Word_on_Webservers"><code>關於web服務器</code></h3>
+<pre><code>Content-Type: image/svg+xml
+<pre><code>Content-Type: image/svg+xml
+Content-Encoding: gzip
+<p><code>你可以通過一些網站來檢查你的服務器是否使用了正确的響應端,比如 <a class="external" href="http://web-sniffer.net/">web-sniffer.net</a>,提交一個SVG文件的URL,看一下響應端是什麼。如果你的服務器在響應裡没能返回上面的内容,那麼你應該聯繫一下您的主機服務商。如果他們不提供相關的配置服務,你也可以自動動手,具體方法可以查閱SVG wiki的 <a class="external" href="http://svg-whiz.com/wiki/index.php?title=Server_Configuration">服務器配置頁面</a>。</code></p>
+<p><code>{{ PreviousNext("SVG/Tutorial/Introduction", "SVG/Tutorial/Positions") }}</code></p>
+<p><code>{{ languages( { "fr": "fr/SVG/Tutoriel/Premiers_pas", "ja": "ja/SVG/Tutorial/Getting_Started", "zh-TW":"zh-TW/SVG/Tutorial/Getting_Started" } ) }}</code></p>
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index 0000000000..63a0949cc3
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+title: 漸層
+slug: Web/SVG/Tutorial/Gradients
+translation_of: Web/SVG/Tutorial/Gradients
+<p>{{ PreviousNext("SVG/Tutorial/Fills_and_Strokes", "SVG/Tutorial/Patterns") }}</p>
+<p>除了基本的 fill 和 stroke 之外,我們還有一個更令人興奮的功能:給邊框和填充設置漸層。</p>
+<p>漸層的類型有兩種,線形漸層和放射形漸層。線形漸層沿直線變化,在 defs元素裡創建一個 {{SVGElement('linearGradient')}} 元素,就創建了一個線形漸層。漸變<strong>必須</strong>有一個<code>id</code>屬性,否則它不能被其他元素引用,等於白做了。</p>
+<p><img alt="" class="internal" src="/@api/deki/files/347/=SVG_Linear_Gradient_Example.png" style="float: right;"></p>
+<pre class="brush: xml">&lt;?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?&gt;
+&lt;svg width="120" height="240" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"&gt;
+ &lt;defs&gt;
+ &lt;linearGradient id="Gradient1"&gt;
+ &lt;stop class="stop1" offset="0%"/&gt;
+ &lt;stop class="stop2" offset="50%"/&gt;
+ &lt;stop class="stop3" offset="100%"/&gt;
+ &lt;/linearGradient&gt;
+ &lt;linearGradient id="Gradient2" x1="0" x2="0" y1="0" y2="1"&gt;
+ &lt;stop offset="0%" stop-color="red"/&gt;
+ &lt;stop offset="50%" stop-color="black" stop-opacity="0"/&gt;
+ &lt;stop offset="100%" stop-color="blue"/&gt;
+ &lt;/linearGradient&gt;
+ &lt;style type="text/css"&gt;&lt;![CDATA[
+ #rect1 { fill: url(#Gradient1); }
+ .stop1 { stop-color: red; }
+ .stop2 { stop-color: black; stop-opacity: 0; }
+ .stop3 { stop-color: blue; }
+ ]]&gt;&lt;/style&gt;
+ &lt;/defs&gt;
+ &lt;rect id="rect1" x="10" y="10" rx="15" ry="15" width="100" height="100"/&gt;
+ &lt;rect x="10" y="120" rx="15" ry="15" width="100" height="100" fill="url(#Gradient2)"/&gt;
+<p>在上面的例子裡,一個線形漸層被用在<code>&lt;rect&gt;</code>元素上,線形漸層內部有若干 {{SVGElement('stop')}} 節點,它們用來指定漸變應該在什麼位置形成什麼顏色,其中兩個屬性分別是:定義偏移位置的<code>offset</code>屬性和定義顏色的<code>stop-color</code>屬性。另外,它們可以直接設置,或通過CSS設置。上面的例子裡混合使用了這兩種形式。比如,這個例子的漸變是從紅色開始,到中間漸變成黑色,最後漸變到藍色。你可以按照自己的想法設置各種<code>stop-color</code>,但是它們的offset必須是從0%逐漸提高到100%。(如果不加%,就是0-1)。如果有重複的值,不會被分配到xml樹的最後。另外像fill和stroke一樣,你也可以設置一個<code>stop-opacity</code>屬性表示透明度。 (ff3裡這裡也可以用rgba值)</p>
+<pre class="eval"> &lt;stop offset="100%" stop-color="yellow" stop-opacity="0.5"/&gt;
+<p>使用漸變時,我們需要在對象的fill或stroke屬性裡引用它。就像在CSS里通過<code>url</code>來引用其他元素一樣,在這裡,url引用的是我們給漸變設置的id,所以只需要將fill屬性設置成<code>url(#Gradient) </code>,我們的對象就可以呈現出五彩斑斕的效果。另外你也可以給stroke進行同樣的設置。</p>
+<p><code>&lt;linearGradient&gt;</code>元素還可以設置其他一些屬性,用來定義尺寸和样​​式。比如漸變的方向是由兩個點控制的,它們用<code>x1</code>, <code>x2</code>,<code>y1</code>,<code>y2</code>四個屬性控制,形成一條直線,漸變就沿這條直線變化。漸變默認的方向是水平方向,使用這些屬性就可以改變方向。上面例子裡的Gradient2就是一個垂直的漸變。</p>
+<pre class="eval"> &lt;linearGradient id="Gradient2" x1="0" x2="0" y1="0" y2="1"&gt;
+<div class="note">你也可以在漸變中使用<code>xlink:href</code>屬性,它可以將一個漸變的屬性和stop節點,引入到另一個漸變中。在下面的例子裡,我們就不需要在Gradient2裡重新創建許多stop節點。
+<pre class="eval"> &lt;linearGradient id="Gradient1"&gt;
+ &lt;stop id="stop1" offset="0%"/&gt;
+ &lt;stop id="stop2" offset="50%"/&gt;
+ &lt;stop id="stop3" offset="100%"/&gt;
+ &lt;/linearGradient&gt;
+ &lt;linearGradient id="Gradient2" x1="0" x2="0" y1="0" y2="1"
+ xmlns:xlink="<a class="external" href="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" rel="freelink">http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="#Gradient1"/&gt;
+這裡我直接在元素裡定義了xlink的命名空間,通常我們會在文檔的頂部定義它。在 <a href="/en/SVG/Tutorial/Other_content_in_SVG" title="en/SVG/Tutorial/Other content in SVG">talk about images</a> 有更多相關內容。</div>
+<p>放射形漸層很類似線形漸層,只不過是從一個點向外發散漸變。在文檔的 defs 段落裡增加一個 {{SVGElement('radialGradient')}} 元素,就可以創建放射形漸層。</p>
+<p><img alt="" class="internal" src="/@api/deki/files/351/=SVG_Radial_Gradient_Example.png" style="float: right;"></p>
+<pre>&lt;?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?&gt;
+&lt;svg width="120" height="240" version="1.1"
+ xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"&gt;
+ &lt;defs&gt;
+ &lt;radialGradient id="Gradient1"&gt;
+ &lt;stop offset="0%" stop-color="red"/&gt;
+ &lt;stop offset="100%" stop-color="blue"/&gt;
+ &lt;/radialGradient&gt;
+ &lt;radialGradient id="Gradient2" cx="0.25" cy="0.25" r="0.25"&gt;
+ &lt;stop offset="0%" stop-color="red"/&gt;
+ &lt;stop offset="100%" stop-color="blue"/&gt;
+ &lt;/radialGradient&gt;
+ &lt;/defs&gt;
+ &lt;rect x="10" y="10" rx="15" ry="15" width="100" height="100" fill="url(#Gradient1)"/&gt;
+ &lt;rect x="10" y="120" rx="15" ry="15" width="100" height="100" fill="url(#Gradient2)"/&gt;
+<p><img alt="" class="internal" src="/@api/deki/files/352/=SVG_Radial_Grandient_Focus_Example.png" style="float: right;"></p>
+<pre>&lt;?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?&gt;
+&lt;svg width="120" height="120" version="1.1"
+ xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"&gt;
+ &lt;defs&gt;
+ &lt;radialGradient id="Gradient"
+ cx="0.5" cy="0.5" r="0.5" fx="0.25" fy="0.25"&gt;
+ &lt;stop offset="0%" stop-color="red"/&gt;
+ &lt;stop offset="100%" stop-color="blue"/&gt;
+ &lt;/radialGradient&gt;
+ &lt;/defs&gt;
+ &lt;rect x="10" y="10" rx="15" ry="15" width="100" height="100"
+ fill="url(#Gradient)" stroke="b​​lack" stroke-width="2"/&gt;
+ &lt;circle cx="60" cy="60" r="50" fill="transparent" stroke="white" stroke-width="2"/&gt;
+ &lt;circle cx="35" cy="35" r="2" fill="white" stroke="white"/&gt;
+ &lt;circle cx="60" cy="60" r="2" fill="white" stroke="white"/&gt;
+ &lt;text x="38" y="40" fill="white" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="10pt"&gt;(fx,fy)&lt;/text&gt;
+ &lt;text x="63" y="63" fill="white" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="10pt"&gt;(cx,cy)&lt;/text&gt;
+<p>兩種漸變都可以通過一些屬性,定義諸如變形等樣式。在這裡僅提其中一個:<code>spreadMethod</code>屬性。當漸變已經到達範圍邊緣,但圖形對像還沒被完全填充時,這一屬性​​將決定接下來會發生什麼。它有三個可用值,"pad", "reflect", 以及 "repeat"。 "pad"的效果你已經看到過了,當漸變到達範圍邊緣,最後一個顏色將用來填充圖形剩下的區域。 "reflect"是繼續漸變,但是會從100%處的顏色漸變會0%的位置,然後再翻過來繼續。 "Repeat"也是讓漸變繼續,不過是跳過返回的過程,直接回到起始狀態,然後重新漸變。</p>
+<p><img alt="" class="internal" src="/@api/deki/files/353/=SVG_SpreadMethod_Example.png" style="float: right;"></p>
+<pre>&lt;?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?&gt;
+&lt;svg width="220" height="220" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"&gt;
+ &lt;defs&gt;
+ &lt;radialGradient id="Gradient"
+ cx="0.5" cy="0.5" r="0.25" fx=".25" fy=".25"
+ spreadMethod="repeat"&gt;
+ &lt;stop offset="0%" stop-color="red"/&gt;
+ &lt;stop offset="100%" stop-color="blue"/&gt;
+ &lt;/radialGradient&gt;
+ &lt;/defs&gt;
+ &lt;rect x="50" y="50" rx="15" ry="15" width="100" height="100"
+ fill="url(#Gradient)"/&gt;
+<p>另外,兩個漸變都有一個名為<code>gradientUnits</code>的屬性,它用來決定漸變的單位。它有兩個可用值:<code>userSpaceOnUse</code> or <code>objectBoundingBox</code>。 <code>objectBoundingBox</code>是默認值,表示漸變會使用圖形對象的單位,所以你定義坐標時使用的是0到1,它們會自動計算成你的圖形對象使用的尺寸。 <code>userSpaceOnUse</code>表示要用絕對單位,所以你必須知道你的圖形對象的位置,然後將漸變的位置放在那兒。於是放射形漸層可以這樣寫:</p>
+<pre class="eval"> &lt;radialGradient id="Gradient" cx="60" cy="60" r="50" fx="35" fy="35" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"&gt;
+<p>你還可以使用<code>gradientTransform</code>屬性創建其他類型的變換,但現在我們還沒說到<a href="/en/SVG/Tutorial/Basic_Transformations" title="en/SVG/Tutorial /Basic Transformations">introduced transforms</a>,所以這些內容會留到後面再講。</p>
+<p>{{ PreviousNext("SVG/Tutorial/Fills_and_Strokes", "SVG/Tutorial/Patterns") }}</p>
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@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+title: SVG教學
+slug: Web/SVG/Tutorial
+translation_of: Web/SVG/Tutorial
+<p><a href="/en/SVG" title="en/SVG">SVG</a>是W3C XML的方言之一,用於標記可縮放的向量圖形。目前在Firefox、Opera、Webkit瀏覽器、IE等瀏覽器中已經部分實作。</p>
+<p>本教學之目標在解釋SVG內部的技術細節。如果你只是想要畫出漂亮的圖形,你可以在<a class="external" href="http://inkscape.org/doc/" title="http://inkscape.org/doc/">Inkscape的文件頁面</a>上找到更多有用的資源。或是看看另一個好的SVG介绍:<a class="external" href="http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/IG/resources/svgprimer.html" title="http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/IG/resources/svgprimer.html">W3C的SVG入門</a>。</p>
+<div class="note">本教學文件還在初期階段,如果你有能力,可以來增加擴展一兩段,寫一整頁的话會更好!</div>
+<h5 id="從頭介紹SVG">從頭介紹SVG</h5>
+ <li><a href="/zh-TW/SVG/Tutorial/Introduction" title="zh-TW/SVG/Tutorial/Introduction">導論</a></li>
+ <li><a href="/en/SVG/Tutorial/Getting_Started" title="en/SVG/Tutorial/Getting_Started">開始</a></li>
+ <li><a href="/en/SVG/Tutorial/Positions" title="en/SVG/Tutorial/Positions">坐標定位</a></li>
+ <li><a href="/en/SVG/Tutorial/Basic_Shapes" title="en/SVG/Tutorial/Basic_Shapes">基本形状</a></li>
+ <li><a href="/en/SVG/Tutorial/Paths" title="en/SVG/Tutorial/Paths">路徑</a></li>
+ <li><a href="/en/SVG/Tutorial/Fills_and_Strokes" title="en/SVG/Tutorial/Fills_and_Strokes">填充與邊框</a></li>
+ <li><a href="/en/SVG/Tutorial/Gradients" title="en/SVG/Tutorial/Gradients">漸變</a></li>
+ <li><a href="/en/SVG/Tutorial/Patterns" title="en/SVG/Tutorial/Patterns">模式</a></li>
+ <li><a href="/en/SVG/Tutorial/Texts" title="en/SVG/Tutorial/Texts">文字</a></li>
+ <li><a href="/en/SVG/Tutorial/Basic_Transformations" title="en/SVG/Tutorial/Basic_Transformations">基本變换</a></li>
+ <li><a href="/en/SVG/Tutorial/Clipping_and_masking" title="en/SVG/Tutorial/Clipping_and_masking">裁剪和遮罩</a></li>
+ <li><a href="/en/SVG/Tutorial/Other_content_in_SVG" title="en/SVG/Tutorial/Other content in SVG">其他SVG内容</a></li>
+ <li><a href="/en/SVG/Tutorial/Filter_effects" title="en/SVG/Tutorial/Filter effects">濾镜效果</a></li>
+ <li><a href="/en/SVG/Tutorial/SVG_fonts" title="en/SVG/Tutorial/SVG fonts">SVG字型</a></li>
+ <li><a href="/en/SVG/Tutorial/SVG_Image_Tag" title="en/SVG/Tutorial/SVG Image Tag">SVG的Image標籤</a></li>
+ <li><a href="/en/SVG/Tutorial/Tools_for_SVG" title="en/SVG/Tutorial/Tools_for_SVG">SVG工具</a></li>
+<h5 id="JavaScript脚本化SVG">JavaScript脚本化SVG</h5>
+<h5 id="SVG濾镜教學">SVG濾镜教學</h5>
+<h5 id="SVG的SMIL動畫">SVG的SMIL動畫</h5>
+<h5 id="在SVG中建立字形">在SVG中建立字形</h5>
+<p>{{ languages( { "de": "de/SVG/Tutorial", "fr": "fr/SVG/Tutoriel", "ja": "ja/SVG/Tutorial", "pl": "pl/SVG/Przewodnik", "zh-CN":"zh-CN/SVG/Tutorial" } ) }}</p>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..44901017bf
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+++ b/files/zh-tw/web/svg/tutorial/introduction/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+title: 引言
+slug: Web/SVG/Tutorial/Introduction
+translation_of: Web/SVG/Tutorial/Introduction
+<p>{{ PreviousNext("SVG/Tutorial", "SVG/Tutorial/Getting_Started") }}</p>
+<p><img align="right" alt="" class="internal" src="/@api/deki/files/348/=SVG_Overview.png"><a href="/en/SVG" title="en/SVG">SVG</a>(Scalable Vector Graphics)是<a href="/en/XML" title="en/XML">XML</a>的方言,有点类似XHTML,它可以用来绘制矢量图形,例如右面展示的图形。SVG可以通过定义必要的线和形状来创建一个图形,也可以修改已有的位图,或者将这两种方式结合起来创建图形。图形和其组成部分可以变形,可以合并,也可以通过滤镜完全改变外观。</p>
+<p>SVG于1999年推出,之前有几个相互竞争的格式规范被提交到<a class="external" href="http://www.w3.org" title="en/W3C">W3C</a>,但是都没有完全通过。虽然规范已经出现存在很长时间了,但浏览器实现的进度却比较缓慢,所以目前(2009年)应用在web上的SVG内容并不是很多。即便浏览器实现了一些规范,但实现速度完全不能和竞争技术相比,比如<a href="/en/HTML/Canvas" title="en/HTML/Canvas">HTML Canvas</a>和Adobe Flash,都已经实现了成熟的应用接口。但是SVG也有自身的优点,比如它实现了DOM接口(比Canvas方便),不需要安装第三方插件就可以在浏览器中使用(比Flash方便)。当然,是否使用SVG还要取决于你要实现什么。</p>
+<h3 id="基本要素">基本要素</h3>
+<h3 id="Before_you_start" name="Before_you_start">开始之前</h3>
+<p>包括<a class="external" href="http://www.inkscape.org/">Inkscape</a>在内的很多免费应用原生支持SVG格式的文件。但是本教程建议在学习过程中使用XML或文本编辑器,因为想要理解SVG内部的原理,最好的方法就是动手取写一些SVG的标记。各种SVG浏览器是有差别的,因此很可能当你制作了一个SVG图形,并且用一个工具调试正常后,却在另外一个浏览器中无法正常显示。这是因为不同的浏览器支持SVG标准的程度不同,另外,如果你将其他技术和SVG一起使用(比如a href="/en/JavaScript" title="en/JavaScript"&gt;JavaScript和<a href="/en/CSS" title="en/CSS">CSS</a>),也会出现类似的情况。</p>
+<p>并非所有的现代浏览器都支持SVG,<a class="external" href="http://wiki.svg.org/Viewer_Implementations">SVG wiki</a>上有一份比较详细的SVG浏览器列表,Firefox支持SVG 1.5版本中的部分内容,并且支持的程度越来越高。希望通过这里的教程,MDC能帮助开发者理解Gecko内核和其他一些主要实现之间的差异。</p>
+<p>正式开始之前,你需要基本掌握XML或其他像<abbr title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</abbr>的标记语言,如果你不是很熟悉XML,这里有几个重点一定要记住:</p>
+ <li>SVG的元素和属性必须按标准格式书写,因为XML是区分大小写的(这一点和html不同)</li>
+ <li>SVG里的属性值必须用引号引起来,就算是数值也必须这样做。</li>
+<p>SVG是一个庞大的规范,本教程主要涵盖的是基础内容,一旦掌握了这些内容,你就有能力使用<a href="/en/SVG/Element" title="en/SVG/Element">元素文档</a>和<a href="/en/SVG/Interface" title="en/SVG/Interface">接口文档</a>,去了解其他任何你想要掌握的内容。</p>
+<h3 id="SVG的种类">SVG的种类</h3>
+<p>除了完整的SVG标准,W3C工作组还在2003年推出了SVG Tiny和SVG Basic。首先SVG Tiny主要是为性能低的小设备生成图元,而SVG Basic实现和完整版SVG里的很多功能,只是舍弃了难以实现的大型渲染(比如动画)。2008年,SVG Tiny1.2成为W3C推荐标准。</p>
+<p>{{ PreviousNext("SVG/Tutorial", "SVG/Tutorial/Getting_Started") }}</p>
+<p>{{ languages( { "de": "de/SVG/Tutorial/Einführung", "fr": "fr/SVG/Tutoriel/Introduction", "ja": "ja/SVG/Tutorial/Introduction", "zh-CN": "zh-CN/SVG/Tutorial/Introduction" } ) }}</p>
diff --git a/files/zh-tw/web/svg/tutorial/patterns/index.html b/files/zh-tw/web/svg/tutorial/patterns/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a4a8723e39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/zh-tw/web/svg/tutorial/patterns/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+title: 图案
+slug: Web/SVG/Tutorial/Patterns
+translation_of: Web/SVG/Tutorial/Patterns
+<p>{{ PreviousNext("SVG/Tutorial/Gradients", "SVG/Tutorial/Texts") }}</p>
+<p>pattern(图案)是一个比较难理解的填充类型。同时,pattern的作用很强大,所以在这里需要进行一些讨论,以便对填充模式有一个大致的了解。和渐变一样,<a href="/en/SVG/Element/pattern" title="en/SVG/Element/pattern"><code>&lt;pattern&gt;</code></a>元素也需要放在SVG文件的<code>&amp;ltldefs&gt;</code>段落里。</p>
+<p><img align="right" alt="" class="internal" src="/@api/deki/files/350/=SVG_Pattern_Example.png"></p>
+<pre>&lt;?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?&gt;
+&lt;svg width="200" height="200" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1"&gt;
+ &lt;defs&gt;
+ &lt;linearGradient id="Gradient1"&gt;
+ &lt;stop offset="5%" stop-color="white"/&gt;
+ &lt;stop offset="95%" stop-color="blue"/&gt;
+ &lt;/linearGradient&gt;
+ &lt;linearGradient id="Gradient2" x1="0" x2="0" y1="0" y2="1"&gt;
+ &lt;stop offset="5%" stop-color="red"/&gt;
+ &lt;stop offset="95%" stop-color="orange"/&gt;
+ &lt;/linearGradient&gt;
+ &lt;pattern id="Pattern" x=".05" y=".05" width=".25" height=".25"&gt;
+ &lt;rect x="0" y="0" width="50" height="50" fill="skyblue"/&gt;
+ &lt;rect x="0" y="0" width="25" height="25" fill="url(#Gradient2)"/&gt;
+ &lt;circle cx="25" cy="25" r="20" fill="url(#Gradient1)" fill-opacity="0.5"/&gt;
+ &lt;/pattern&gt;
+ &lt;/defs&gt;
+ &lt;rect fill="url(#Pattern)" stroke="black" x="0" y="0" width="200" height="200"/&gt;
+<pre class="eval"> &lt;pattern id="Pattern" width=".25" height=".25" patternContentUnits="objectBoundingBox"&gt;
+ &lt;rect x="0" y="0" width=".25" height=".25" fill="skyblue"/&gt;
+ &lt;rect x="0" y="0" width=".125" height=".125" fill="url(#Gradient2)"/&gt;
+ &lt;circle cx=".125" cy=".125" r=".1" fill="url(#Gradient1)" fill-opacity="0.5"/&gt;
+ &lt;/pattern&gt;
+<p>在Gecko引擎中,如果圆形的半径小于 0.075将会出现一些问题。(这可能是pattern独有的bug,也可能在所有情况下都是bug,尚不确定。)为了避免这种错误出现,应尽量避免使用objectBoundingBox。</p>
+<pre class="eval"> &lt;pattern id="Pattern" x="10" y="10" width="50" height="50" patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse"&gt;
+ &lt;rect x="0" y="0" width="50" height="50" fill="skyblue"/&gt;
+ &lt;rect x="0" y="0" width="25" height="25" fill="url(#Gradient2)"/&gt;
+ &lt;circle cx="25" cy="25" r="20" fill="url(#Gradient1)" fill-opacity="0.5"/&gt;
+ &lt;/pattern&gt;
+<p><img alt="Image:SVG_Pattern_Comparison_of_Units.png" class="internal" src="/@api/deki/files/349/=SVG_Pattern_Comparison_of_Units.png">o</p>
+<p>{{ PreviousNext("SVG/Tutorial/Gradients", "SVG/Tutorial/Texts") }}</p>
+<p>{{ languages( { "ja": "ja/SVG/Tutorial/Patterns"} ) }}</p>
diff --git a/files/zh-tw/web/svg/tutorial/positions/index.html b/files/zh-tw/web/svg/tutorial/positions/index.html
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@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+title: 座標定位
+slug: Web/SVG/Tutorial/Positions
+ - SVG
+ - 'SVG:教程'
+translation_of: Web/SVG/Tutorial/Positions
+<p>{{ PreviousNext("Web/SVG/Tutorial/Basic_Shapes", "Web/SVG/Tutorial/Fills_and_Strokes") }}</p>
+<h2 id="The_grid" name="The_grid">網格</h2>
+<p><img alt="" src="/@api/deki/files/78/=Canvas_default_grid.png"> 對於所有元素,SVG使用的座標系统或者說網格系統,和<a href="/zh-CN/HTML/Canvas" title="zh-CN/HTML/Canvas">Canvas</a>用的差不多(所有電腦繪圖绘图都差不多)。這種座標系统是:以頁面的左上角為(0,0)坐標點,坐標以像素為單位,x軸正方向是向右,y軸正方向是向下。注意,這和你小時候所教的繪圖方式是相反的。但是在HTML文檔中,元素都是用這種方式定位的。</p>
+<h4 id="範例:">範例:</h4>
+<pre>&lt;rect x="0" y="0" width="100" height="100" /&gt;
+<h3 id="什麼是_像素">什麼是 "像素"?</h3>
+<p>基本上,在 SVG 文檔中的1个像素對應輸出設備(比如螢幕)上的1個像素。但是這種情况是可以改變的,否則 SVG 的名字裡也不至於會有“Scalable”(可縮放)這個詞。如同CSS可以定義字體的絕對大小和相對大小,SVG也可以義絕對大小(比如使用“pt”或“cm”標示單位)同時SVG也能使用相對大小,只需给出數字,不標明單位,輸出時就會採用用戶的單位。</p>
+<pre>&lt;svg width="100" height="100"&gt;
+<pre>&lt;svg width="200" height="200" <strong>viewBox="0 0 100 100"</strong>&gt;
+<p>[…] 假設在用戶的設備環境裡,1px等於0.2822222毫米(即分辨率是90dpi),那麼所有的SVG內容都會按照這種比例處理: […] "1cm" 等於 "35.43307px" (即35.43307用戶單位);</p>
+<p>{{ PreviousNext("Web/SVG/Tutorial/Basic_Shapes", "Web/SVG/Tutorial/Fills_and_Strokes") }}</p>
diff --git a/files/zh-tw/web/svg/tutorial/路径/index.html b/files/zh-tw/web/svg/tutorial/路径/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e0a107f49a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/zh-tw/web/svg/tutorial/路径/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+title: 路徑
+slug: Web/SVG/Tutorial/路径
+ - SVG
+translation_of: Web/SVG/Tutorial/Paths
+<p>{{ PreviousNext("Web/SVG/Tutorial/Basic_Shapes", "Web/SVG/Tutorial/Fills_and_Strokes") }}</p>
+<p><code><a href="/en-US/Web/SVG/Element/path">&lt;path&gt;</a></code> 元件可說是SVG程式庫中最強大的<a href="/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Tutorial/Basic_Shapes">基本形狀</a>了,你可以用它來產生線條、曲線、圓弧等形狀。</p>
+<p>路徑(paths) 藉由結合多個直線或曲線來產生複雜形狀。路徑和折線雖然可以產生相似外觀的形狀,例如:<span style="font-size: 1rem; letter-spacing: -0.00278rem;">可由</span><a href="/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Tutorial/Basic_Shapes#Polyline" style="font-size: 1rem; letter-spacing: -0.00278rem;">折線</a><span style="font-size: 1rem; letter-spacing: -0.00278rem;">組成由單純的直線組成的複雜形狀 。但折線需要產生許多小段的直線去模擬曲線的外觀,如果遇到需要放大的情形,會較難 </span>scale。好好瞭解路徑對於繪製 SVG 是重要的。雖然不建議使用XML編輯器或文字編輯器建立複雜路徑,但了解它們的工作原理,將與助於發現和修復 SVG 的顯示問題。</p>
+<p>path 元素,由一個屬性定義:{{ SVGAttr("d") }}(可參考<a href="/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Tutorial/Basic_Shapes">基本形狀</a> )。 <code>"d"</code> 屬性包含了一系列的指令(command),以及這些指令各自使用的參數。</p>
+<p> </p>
+<p>Each of the commands is instantiated (for example, creating a class, naming and locating it) by a specific letter. For instance, let's move to the x and y coordinates (10, 10). The "Move to" command is called with the letter M. When the parser runs into this letter, it knows you want to move to a point. So, to move to (10,10) you would use the command "M 10 10". After that, the parser begins reading for the next command.</p>
+<p>All of the commands also come in two variants. An <strong>uppercase letter</strong> specifies absolute coordinates on the page, and a <strong>lowercase letter</strong> specifies relative coordinates (e.g. <em>move from the last point 10px up and 7px to the left</em>).</p>
+<p>Coordinates in the <code>"d"</code> attribute are <strong>always unitless</strong> and hence in the user coordinate system. Later, we will learn how paths can be transformed to suit other needs.</p>
+<h2 id="Line_commands">Line commands</h2>
+<p>There are five line commands for <code>&lt;path&gt;</code> nodes. The first command is the "Move To" or M, which was described above. It takes two parameters, a coordinate  ' x ' and coordinate ' y ' to move to. If your cursor already was somewhere on the page, no line is drawn to connect the two places. The "Move To" command appears at the beginning of paths to specify where the drawing should start. e.g. :</p>
+<pre>M x y
+<pre>m dx dy</pre>
+<p>In the following example we only have a point at (10,10). Note, though, that it wouldn't show up if you were just drawing the path normally. For example:</p>
+<p><img alt="" class="internal" src="/@api/deki/files/45/=Blank_Path_Area.png" style="float: right;"></p>
+<pre class="brush: xml">&lt;svg width="200" height="200" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"&gt;
+ &lt;path d="M10 10"/&gt;
+ &lt;!-- Points --&gt;
+ &lt;circle cx="10" cy="10" r="2" fill="red"/&gt;
+<p>There are three commands that draw lines. The most generic is the "Line To" command, <code>called with L</code>. <code>L</code> takes two parameters—x and y coordinates—and draws a line from the current position to a new position.</p>
+<pre> L x y (or l dx dy)
+<p>There are two abbreviated forms for drawing horizontal and vertical lines. <code>H</code> draws a horizontal line, and <code>V</code> draws a vertical line. Both commands only take one argument since they only move in one direction.</p>
+<pre> H x (or h dx)
+ V y (or v dy)
+<p>An easy place to start is by drawing a shape. We will start with a rectangle (the same type that could be more easily made with a <code>&lt;rect&gt;</code> element). It's composed of horizontal and vertical lines <span style="line-height: 1.5;">only</span><span style="line-height: 1.5;">:</span></p>
+<p><img alt="" class="internal" src="/@api/deki/files/292/=Path_Line_Commands.png" style="float: right;"></p>
+<pre class="brush: xml">&lt;svg width="100" height="100" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"&gt;
+ &lt;path d="M10 10 H 90 V 90 H 10 L 10 10"/&gt;
+ &lt;!-- Points --&gt;
+ &lt;circle cx="10" cy="10" r="2" fill="red"/&gt;
+ &lt;circle cx="90" cy="90" r="2" fill="red"/&gt;
+ &lt;circle cx="90" cy="10" r="2" fill="red"/&gt;
+ &lt;circle cx="10" cy="90" r="2" fill="red"/&gt;
+<p>We can shorten the above path declaration a little bit by using the "Close Path" command, called with <code>Z</code>. This command draws a straight line from the current position back to the first point of the path. It is often placed at the end of a path node, although not always. There is no difference between the uppercase and lowercase command.</p>
+<pre> Z (or z)
+<p>So our path above could be shortened to:</p>
+<pre class="brush: xml"> &lt;path d="M10 10 H 90 V 90 H 10 Z" fill="transparent" stroke="black"/&gt;
+<p>You can also use the relative form of these commands to draw the same picture. Relative commands are called by using lowercase letters, and rather than moving the cursor to an exact coordinate, they move it relative to its last position. For instance, since our box is 80 x 80, the path element could have been written:</p>
+<pre class="brush: xml"> &lt;path d="M10 10 h 80 v 80 h -80 Z" fill="transparent" stroke="black"/&gt;
+<p>The path will move to point (10,10) and then move horizontally 80 points to the right, then 80 points down, then 80 points to the left, and then back to the start.</p>
+<p>In these examples, it would probably be simpler to use the &lt;polygon&gt; or &lt;polyline&gt; elements. However, paths are used so often in drawing SVG that developers may be more comfortable using them instead. There is no real performance penalty or bonus for using one or the other.</p>
+<h2 id="Curve_commands">Curve commands</h2>
+<p>There are three different commands that you can use to create smooth curves. Two of those curves are Bezier curves, and the third is an "arc" or part of a circle. You might have already gained practical experience with Bezier curves using path tools in Inkscape, Illustrator or Photoshop. For a complete description of the math behind Bezier curves, go to a reference like the one on <a class="external" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%A9zier_curve">Wikipedia</a>. There are an infinite number of Bezier curves, but only two simple ones are available in path elements: a cubic one, called with C, and a quadratic one, called with Q.</p>
+<h3 id="Bezier_Curves">Bezier Curves</h3>
+<p>The cubic curve, C, is the slightly more complex curve. Cubic Beziers take in two control points for each point. Therefore, to create a cubic Bezier, you need to specify three sets of coordinates.</p>
+<pre> C x1 y1, x2 y2, x y (or c dx1 dy1, dx2 dy2, dx dy)
+<p>The last set of coordinates here (x,y) are where you want the line to end. The other two are control points. (x1,y1) is the control point for the start of your curve, and (x2,y2) is the control point for the end. The control points essentially describe the slope of your line starting at each point. The Bezier function then creates a smooth curve that transfers you from the slope you established at the beginning of your line, to the slope at the other end.</p>
+<p><img alt="Cubic Bézier Curves with grid" class="internal" src="https://mdn.mozillademos.org/files/10401/Cubic_Bezier_Curves_with_grid.png" style="float: right; height: 160px; width: 190px;"></p>
+<pre class="syntaxbox">&lt;svg width="190" height="160" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"&gt;
+ &lt;path d="M10 10 C 20 20, 40 20, 50 10" stroke="black" fill="transparent"/&gt;
+ &lt;path d="M70 10 C 70 20, 120 20, 120 10" stroke="black" fill="transparent"/&gt;
+ &lt;path d="M130 10 C 120 20, 180 20, 170 10" stroke="black" fill="transparent"/&gt;
+ &lt;path d="M10 60 C 20 80, 40 80, 50 60" stroke="black" fill="transparent"/&gt;
+ &lt;path d="M70 60 C 70 80, 110 80, 110 60" stroke="black" fill="transparent"/&gt;
+ &lt;path d="M130 60 C 120 80, 180 80, 170 60" stroke="black" fill="transparent"/&gt;
+ &lt;path d="M10 110 C 20 140, 40 140, 50 110" stroke="black" fill="transparent"/&gt;
+ &lt;path d="M70 110 C 70 140, 110 140, 110 110" stroke="black" fill="transparent"/&gt;
+ &lt;path d="M130 110 C 120 140, 180 140, 170 110" stroke="black" fill="transparent"/&gt;
+<p>The example above creates nine Cubic Bezier curves. As the curves move toward the right, the control points become spread out horizontally. As the curves move downward, they become further separated from the end points. The thing to note here is that the curve starts in the direction of the first control point, and then bends so that it arrives along the direction of the second control point.</p>
+<p>You can string together several Bezier curves to create extended, smooth shapes. Often, the control point on one side of a point will be a reflection of the control point used on the other side to keep the slope constant. In this case, you can use a shortcut version of the cubic Bezier, designated by the command <code>S</code> (or <code>s</code>).</p>
+<pre> S x2 y2, x y (or s dx2 dy2, dx dy)
+<p><code>S</code> produces the same type of curve as earlier, but if it follows another <code>S</code> command or a <code>C</code> command, the first control point is assumed to be a reflection of the one used previously. If the <code>S</code> command doesn't follow another <code>S</code> or <code>C</code> command, then the current position of the cursor is used as the first control point. In this case the result is the same as what the <code>Q</code> command would have produced with the same parameters. An example of this syntax is shown below, and in the figure to the left the specified control points are shown in red, and the inferred control point in blue.</p>
+<p><img alt="ShortCut_Cubic_Bezier_with_grid.png" class="internal" src="https://mdn.mozillademos.org/files/10405/ShortCut_Cubic_Bezier_with_grid.png" style="float: right; height: 160px; width: 190px;"></p>
+<pre class="brush: xml">&lt;svg width="190" height="160" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"&gt;
+ &lt;path d="M10 80 C 40 10, 65 10, 95 80 S 150 150, 180 80" stroke="black" fill="transparent"/&gt;
+<p>The other type of Bezier curve, the quadratic curve called with Q, is actually a simpler curve than the cubic one. It requires one control point which determines the slope of the curve at both the start point and the end point. It takes two arguments: the control point and the end point of the curve. Note that the co-ordinate deltas for <code>q</code> are both relative to the previous point (that is, <code>dx</code> and <code>dy</code> are not relative to <code>dx1</code> and <code>dy1</code>).</p>
+<pre> Q x1 y1, x y (or q dx1 dy1, dx dy)
+<p><img alt="Quadratic Bézier with grid" class="internal" src="https://mdn.mozillademos.org/files/10403/Quadratic_Bezier_with_grid.png" style="float: right; height: 160px; width: 190px;"></p>
+<pre class="brush: xml">&lt;svg width="190" height="160" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"&gt;
+ &lt;path d="M10 80 Q 95 10 180 80" stroke="black" fill="transparent"/&gt;
+<p>As with the cubic Bezier curve, there is a shortcut for stringing together multiple quadratic Beziers, called with T.</p>
+<pre> T x y (or t dx dy)
+<p>This shortcut looks at the previous control point you used and infers a new one from it. This means that after your first control point, you can make fairly complex shapes by specifying only end points.</p>
+<div class="note">
+<p>This only works if the previous command was a Q or a T command. If it is not, then the control point is assumed to be the same as the previous point, and you'll only draw lines.</p>
+<p><img alt="Shortcut_Quadratic_Bezier_with_grid.png" class="internal" src="https://mdn.mozillademos.org/files/10407/Shortcut_Quadratic_Bezier_with_grid.png" style="float: right; height: 158px; width: 188px;"></p>
+<pre class="brush: xml">&lt;svg width="190" height="160" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"&gt;
+ &lt;path d="M10 80 Q 52.5 10, 95 80 T 180 80" stroke="black" fill="transparent"/&gt;
+<p>Both curves produce similar results, although the cubic allows you greater freedom in exactly what your curve looks like. Deciding which curve to use is situational and depends on the amount of symmetry your line has.</p>
+<h3 id="Arcs" name="Arcs">Arcs</h3>
+<p>The other type of curved line you can create using SVG is the arc, called with A. Arcs are sections of circles or ellipses. For a given x-radius and y-radius, there are two ellipses that can connect any two points (as long as they're within the radius of the circle). Along either of those circles there are two possible paths that you can take to connect the points, so in any situation there are four possible arcs available. Because of that, arcs have to take in quite a few arguments:</p>
+<pre> A rx ry x-axis-rotation large-arc-flag sweep-flag x y
+ a rx ry x-axis-rotation large-arc-flag sweep-flag dx dy
+<p>At its start, the arc element takes in two arguments for the x-radius and y-radius. If you need to, look up <a href="/en-US/Web/SVG/Element/ellipse">ellipses</a> to see how they behave. The final two arguments designate the x and y coordinates to end the stroke. Together, these four values define the basic structure of the arc.</p>
+<p>The third parameter describes the rotation of the arc. This is best explained with an example:</p>
+<p><img alt="SVGArcs_XAxisRotation_with_grid" class="internal" src="https://mdn.mozillademos.org/files/10409/SVGArcs_XAxisRotation_with_grid.png" style="float: right; height: 201px; width: 200px;"></p>
+<pre class="brush: xml">&lt;svg width="320" height="320" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"&gt;
+ &lt;path d="M10 315
+ L 110 215
+ A 30 50 0 0 1 162.55 162.45
+ L 172.55 152.45
+ A 30 50 -45 0 1 215.1 109.9
+ L 315 10" stroke="black" fill="green" stroke-width="2" fill-opacity="0.5"/&gt;
+<p>The example shows a path element that goes diagonally across the page. At its center, two elliptical arcs have been cut out (x radius = 30, y radius = 50). In the first one, the x-axis-rotation has been left at 0, so the ellipse that the arc travels around (shown in gray) is oriented straight up and down. For the second arc, though, the x-axis-rotation is set to -45 degrees. This rotates the ellipse so that it is aligned with its minor axis along the path direction, as shown by the second ellipse in the example image.</p>
+<p>For the unrotated ellipse in the image above, there are only two different arcs and not four to choose from because the line drawn from the start and end of the arc goes through the center of the ellipse. In a slightly modified example you can see the two ellipses that form the four different arcs:</p>
+<p><img alt="Show the 4 arcs on the Ellipse example" src="https://mdn.mozillademos.org/files/15822/SVGArcs_XAxisRotation_with_grid_ellipses.png" style="height: 320px; width: 320px;"></p>
+<pre>&lt;svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="320" height="320"&gt;
+  &lt;path d="M10 315
+  L 110 215
+  A 36 60 0 0 1 150.71 170.29
+  L 172.55 152.45
+  A 30 50 -45 0 1 215.1 109.9
+  L 315 10" stroke="black" fill="green" stroke-width="2" fill-opacity="0.5"/&gt;
+  &lt;circle cx="150.71" cy="170.29" r="2" fill="red"/&gt;
+  &lt;circle cx="110" cy="215" r="2" fill="red"/&gt;
+  &lt;ellipse cx="144.931" cy="229.512" rx="36" ry="60" fill="transparent" stroke="blue"/&gt;
+  &lt;ellipse cx="115.779" cy="155.778" rx="36" ry="60" fill="transparent" stroke="blue"/&gt;
+<p>Notice that each of the blue ellipses are formed by two arcs, depending if you travel clockwise or counter-clockwise. Each ellipse has one short arc and one long arc. The two ellipses are just mirror images of each other. They are flipped along the line formed from the start-&gt;end points.</p>
+<p>If the start-&gt;end points are farther than the ellipse's x and y radius can reach, the ellipse's radii will be minimally expanded so it could reach the start-&gt;end points. The interactive codepen at the bottom of this page demonstrates this well. To determine if your ellipse's radii is large enough to require expanding, you would need to solve a system of equations such as <a href="https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=solve+((110+-+x)%5E2%2F36%5E2)+%2B+((215+-+y)%5E2%2F60%5E2)+%3D+1,+((150.71+-+x)%5E2%2F36%5E2)+%2B+((170.29+-+y)%5E2%2F60%5E2)+%3D+1">this on wolfram alpha</a>. This computation is for the non-rotated ellipse with start-&gt;end (110, 215)-&gt;(150.71, 170.29). The solution, (x, y), is the center of the ellipse(s). The solution will be <a href="https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=solve+((110+-+x)%5E2%2F30%5E2)+%2B+((215+-+y)%5E2%2F50%5E2)+%3D+1,+((162.55+-+x)%5E2%2F30%5E2)+%2B+((162.45+-+y)%5E2%2F50%5E2)+%3D+1">imaginary</a> if your ellipse radii is too small. This second computation is for the non-rotated ellipse with start-&gt;end (110, 215)-&gt;(162.55, 162.45). The solution has a small imaginary component because the ellipse was just barely expanded.</p>
+<p>The four different paths mentioned above are determined by the next two argument flags. As mentioned earlier, there are still two possible ellipses for the path to travel around and two different possible paths on both ellipses, giving four possible paths. The first argument is the large-arc-flag. It simply determines if the arc should be greater than or less than 180 degrees; in the end, this flag determines which direction the arc will travel around a given circle. The second argument is the sweep-flag. It determines if the arc should begin moving at positive angles or negative ones, which essentially picks which of the two circles you will travel around. The example below shows all four possible combinations, along with the two circles for each case.</p>
+<p><img alt="" class="internal" src="/@api/deki/files/345/=SVGArcs_Flags.png" style="float: right;"></p>
+<pre class="brush: xml">&lt;svg width="325" height="325" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"&gt;
+ &lt;path d="M80 80
+ A 45 45, 0, 0, 0, 125 125
+ L 125 80 Z" fill="green"/&gt;
+ &lt;path d="M230 80
+ A 45 45, 0, 1, 0, 275 125
+ L 275 80 Z" fill="red"/&gt;
+ &lt;path d="M80 230
+ A 45 45, 0, 0, 1, 125 275
+ L 125 230 Z" fill="purple"/&gt;
+ &lt;path d="M230 230
+ A 45 45, 0, 1, 1, 275 275
+ L 275 230 Z" fill="blue"/&gt;
+<p>Arcs are an easy way to create pieces of circles or ellipses in your drawings. For instance, a pie chart would require a different arc for each piece.</p>
+<p>If you're transitioning to SVG from <a href="/en/HTML/Canvas">Canvas</a>, arcs can be the hardest thing to learn, but are also much more powerful. Complete circles and ellipses are actually the only shapes that SVG arcs have trouble drawing. Because the start and end points for any path going around a circle are the same point, there are an infinite number of circles that could be chosen, and the actual path is undefined. It's possible to approximate them by making the start and end points of your path slightly askew, and then connecting them with another path segment. For example, you can make a circle with an arc for each semicircle. At that point, it's often easier to use a real circle or ellipse node instead. This interactive demo might help you understand the concepts behind SVG arcs: <a href="http://codepen.io/lingtalfi/pen/yaLWJG">http://codepen.io/lingtalfi/pen/yaLWJG</a> (tested in chrome and firefox only, might not work in your browser)</p>
+<p>{{ PreviousNext("Web/SVG/Tutorial/Basic_Shapes", "Web/SVG/Tutorial/Fills_and_Strokes") }}</p>
diff --git a/files/zh-tw/web/svg/教學/index.html b/files/zh-tw/web/svg/教學/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5521386506
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/zh-tw/web/svg/教學/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+title: 教學
+slug: Web/SVG/教學
+<p> </p>
+本教學解說 <a href="/zh_tw/SVG" title="zh tw/SVG">SVG</a>(Scalable Vector Graphics)的 1.1 版本,是一種 W3C XML 的衍伸語言,且已部分實裝於 Firefox 1.5、Opera 8.5 還有其他的瀏覽器。</p>
+<h5 id="Introduction" name="Introduction">簡介</h5>
+<ul> <li><a href="/zh_tw/SVG/教學/簡介" title="zh tw/SVG/教學/簡介">簡介</a></li> <li><a href="/zh_tw/SVG/教學/起步" title="zh_tw/SVG/教學/起步">起步</a></li> <li>在此增加其他內容</li> <li><a href="/zh_tw/SVG/教學/其他教學" title="zh_tw/SVG/教學/其他教學">其他教學</a></li>
+<p>{{ languages( { "en": "en/SVG/Tutorial", "fr": "fr/SVG/Tutoriel", "ja": "ja/SVG/Tutorial", "pl": "pl/SVG/Przewodnik" } ) }}</p>