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10 files changed, 1126 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/files/ar/mdn/contribute/howto/do_a_technical_review/index.html b/files/ar/mdn/contribute/howto/do_a_technical_review/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..72774721a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/files/ar/mdn/contribute/howto/do_a_technical_review/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +--- +title: كيفية القيام بمراجعة فنية +slug: MDN/Contribute/Howto/Do_a_technical_review +translation_of: MDN/Contribute/Howto/Do_a_technical_review +--- +<div>{{MDNSidebar}}</div> + +<div>{{IncludeSubnav("/en-US/docs/MDN")}}</div> + +<p class="summary">تتكون <strong>المراجعة الفنية</strong> من مراجعة الدقة الفنية واكتمال مقال ما وتصحيحه إذا لزم الأمر. إذا أراد كاتب مقال أن يقوم شخص آخر بالتحقق من المحتوى الفني لمقال ما ، فإن الكاتب يضع علامة اختيار في خانة "المراجعة الفنية" أثناء التحرير. غالبًا ما يتصل الكاتب بمهندس معين لإجراء المراجعة الفنية ، ولكن يمكن لأي شخص لديه خبرة فنية في الموضوع أن يفعل ذلك.</p> + +<p>توضح هذه المقالة كيفية إجراء مراجعة فنية ، مما يساعد على ضمان دقة محتوى MDN</p> + +<p dir="rtl"><strong>ما هي المهمة؟</strong></p> + +<dl> + <dd dir="rtl">مراجعة وتصحيح المقالات للتأكد من دقتها واكتمالها.</dd> + <dt dir="rtl">أين يجب القيام به؟</dt> + <dd dir="rtl">في مقالات محددة تم وضع علامة على أنها تتطلب <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/needs-review/technical">مراجعة فنية</a>.</dd> + <dt dir="rtl">ما الذي تحتاج إلى معرفته لأداء المهمة؟</dt> + <dd> + <ul> + <li dir="rtl">معرفة الخبراء بموضوع المقالة التي تراجعها. إذا كانت قراءة المقال لا تعلمك أي شيء جديد ، فاعتبر نفسك خبيرًا.</li> + <li> + <p dir="rtl">كيفية تحرير مقالة ويكي على MDN.</p> + </li> + </ul> + </dd> + <dt> + <p>ما هي خطوات القيام بذلك؟</p> + </dt> + <dd> + <ol> + <li>اختيار مقال للمراجعة: + <ol> + <li>انتقل إلى قائمة الصفحات التي تحتاج إلى <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/needs-review/technical">مراجعات فنية</a>. هذا يسرد جميع الصفحات التي طلبت مراجعة فنية لها.</li> + <li>اختر صفحة موضوعك مألوفة لديك.</li> + <li>انقر على رابط المقال لتحميل الصفحة.</li> + </ol> + </li> + <li>اقرأ المقال ، مع إيلاء اهتمام وثيق للتفاصيل الفنية: هل المقال صحيح؟ هل هناك شيء مفقود؟ لا تتردد في التبديل إلى صفحة مختلفة إذا كانت أول صفحة تختارها لا تناسبك. + <ol> + </ol> + </li> + <li>إذا لم تكن هناك أخطاء ، فلن تحتاج إلى تعديل المقالة لوضع علامة عليها كمراجعة. ابحث عن مربع "المراجعة السريعة" في الشريط الجانبي الأيسر من الصفحة. يسرد هذا المربع الأصفر أي مراجعات معلقة ويسمح لك بمسح علامة طلب المراجعة. يبدو مثل هذا إذا تم طلب مراجعة فنية:<br> + <img alt="Screenshot of the sidebar's box listing reviews that have been requested and allowing the flags to be changed." src="https://mdn.mozillademos.org/files/13016/SidebarTechReviewRequested.png"></li> + <li> + <p>ألغ تحديد مربع الاختيار <strong>الفني</strong> ، وانقر فوق "<strong>حفظ</strong>".</p> + </li> + <li> + <p>إذا وجدت أخطاء تحتاج إلى تصحيح ، فسيسعدك معرفة أنه يمكنك أيضًا تغيير حالة طلب المراجعة من داخل المحرر. إليك سير العمل:</p> + + <ol> + <li>لتحرير الصفحة ، انقر فوق الزر "<strong>تحرير</strong>" بالقرب من أعلى الصفحة ؛ هذا يضعك في محرر MDN.</li> + <li>إصلاح أي معلومات فنية غير صحيح ، و / أو إضافة أي معلومات مهمة مفقودة.</li> + <li>أدخل <strong>تعليق المراجعة</strong> في أسفل المقال. هذه رسالة مختصرة تصف ما قمت به ، مثل "إكمال المراجعة الفنية". إذا قمت بتصحيح المعلومات ، فقم بتضمينها في تعليقك ، على سبيل المثال "المراجعة الفنية وأوصاف المعلمات الثابتة". يساعد ذلك المساهمين الآخرين ومحرري الموقع في معرفة ما الذي قمت بتغييره ولماذا. يمكنك أيضًا ذكر ما إذا كانت هناك وحدات بت محددة لم تشعر أنها مؤهلة للمراجعة</li> + <li>ألغ تحديد المربع<strong> الفني</strong> تحت <strong>المراجعة المطلوبة</strong>؟ أسفل منطقة تعليق المراجعة بالصفحة.</li> + <li>انقر على زر <strong>نشر</strong>.</li> + </ol> + </li> + </ol> + + <p dir="rtl">تهانينا! لقد أنهيت أول مراجعة فنية لك! شكرا لك على مساعدتك!</p> + </dd> +</dl> + +<div id="eJOY__extension_root"> </div> diff --git a/files/ar/mdn/contribute/howto/do_an_editorial_review/index.html b/files/ar/mdn/contribute/howto/do_an_editorial_review/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1ba5c000fd --- /dev/null +++ b/files/ar/mdn/contribute/howto/do_an_editorial_review/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +--- +title: كيفية القيام بمراجعة تحريرية +slug: MDN/Contribute/Howto/Do_an_editorial_review +translation_of: MDN/Contribute/Howto/Do_an_editorial_review +--- +<div>{{MDNSidebar}}</div> + +<div>{{IncludeSubnav("/en-US/docs/MDN")}}</div> + +<p class="summary"><strong>Editorial reviews</strong> consist of fixing typos, spelling, grammar, usage, or textual errors in an article. One does not have to be a writing expert to make valuable contributions to MDN's technical documentation, but articles still need copy-editing and proof-reading. This is done in an editorial review.</p> + +<p class="simple-translate-result" dir="rtl" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"><span class="seoSummary">توضح هذه المقالة كيفية إجراء مراجعة تحريرية ، مما يساعد على ضمان دقة محتوى MDN وكتابته بشكل جيد.</span></p> + +<dl> + <dt>ما هي المهمة؟</dt> + <dd> + <p class="simple-translate-result" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">تحرير النسخ وقراءة التجارب للمقالات التي تم تحديدها على أنها تتطلب مراجعة تحريرية.</p> + </dd> + <dt> + <p class="simple-translate-result" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">أين يجب القيام به؟</p> + </dt> + <dd> + <p class="simple-translate-result" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">ضمن مقالات محددة تم تعليمها على أنها تتطلب مراجعة افتتاحية.</p> + </dd> + <dt>ما الذي تحتاج إلى معرفته لأداء المهمة؟</dt> + <dd>You need to have good English grammar and spelling skills. An editorial review is about ensuring that the grammar, spelling, and wording are correct and make sense, and that the <a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Guidelines/Writing_style_guide">MDN writing style guide</a> is followed.</dd> + <dt> + <p class="simple-translate-result" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">ما هي خطوات القيام بذلك؟</p> + </dt> + <dd> + <ol> + <li>Pick an article to review: + <ol> + <li>Go to the list of <a href="/en-US/docs/needs-review/editorial">articles needing editorial review</a>. This lists all the pages for which an editorial review has been requested.</li> + <li>Click on the article link to load the page.<br> + <strong>Note: </strong>This listing is generated automatically but infrequently, so some articles appear on the list that no longer need editorial review. If the article you picked does <em>not</em> display a banner that says "This article needs an editorial review", skip that article and pick a different one.</li> + </ol> + </li> + <li id="core-steps">Read the article carefully, looking out for typos, spelling, grammar, or usage errors. Don't hesitate to switch to a different page if the first one you choose doesn't suit you.</li> + <li>If there are no errors, you don't need to edit the article to mark it as reviewed. Look for the "quick review" box in the left sidebar of the page:<br> + <img alt="Screenshot of the editorial review request sidebar box" src="https://mdn.mozillademos.org/files/13018/SidebarReviewBoxEditorial.png"></li> + <li>Deselect the <strong>Editorial</strong> box and click <strong>Save</strong>.</li> + <li>If you find errors that need to be corrected: + <ol> + <li>Click the <strong>Edit</strong> button near the top of the page; this brings you into the <a href="/en-US/docs/Project:MDN/Contributing/Editor_guide">MDN editor</a>.</li> + <li>Correct any typos and spelling, grammar, or usage errors you find. You don't have to fix everything to be useful, but be sure to leave the editorial review request in place if you don't feel reasonably sure that you've done a complete review of the entire article.</li> + <li>Enter a <strong>Revision Comment</strong> at the bottom of the article; something like '<em>Editorial review: fixed typos, grammar & spelling.</em>' This lets other contributors and site editors know what you changed and why.</li> + <li>Deselect the <strong>Editorial</strong> box under <strong>Review Needed?</strong>. This is located just below the Revision Comment section of the page.</li> + <li>Click the <strong>Publish</strong> button.</li> + </ol> + </li> + </ol> + + <div class="note"> + <p class="simple-translate-result" dir="rtl" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">التغييرات الخاصة بك قد لا تكون مرئية مباشرة بعد الحفظ ؛ قد يكون هناك تأخير أثناء معالجة الصفحة وحفظها.</p> + </div> + </dd> +</dl> diff --git a/files/ar/mdn/contribute/howto/index.html b/files/ar/mdn/contribute/howto/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6623e08af6 --- /dev/null +++ b/files/ar/mdn/contribute/howto/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +--- +title: How-to guides +slug: MDN/Contribute/Howto +tags: + - Documentation + - Landing + - MDN + - NeedsTranslation + - TopicStub +translation_of: MDN/Contribute/Howto +--- +<div>{{MDNSidebar}}</div><div>{{IncludeSubnav("/ar/docs/MDN")}}</div> + +<p>These articles provide step-by-step guides to accomplishing specific goals when contributing to MDN.</p> + +<p>{{LandingPageListSubpages}}</p> diff --git a/files/ar/mdn/contribute/howto/report_a_problem/index.html b/files/ar/mdn/contribute/howto/report_a_problem/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..32a5b16087 --- /dev/null +++ b/files/ar/mdn/contribute/howto/report_a_problem/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: كيفية الإبلاغ عن مشكلة في MDN +slug: MDN/Contribute/Howto/Report_a_problem +translation_of: MDN/Contribute/Howto/Report_a_problem +--- +<div>{{MDNSidebar}}</div> + +<p>Now and then, you may run into problems while using MDN. Whether it's a problem with site infrastructure or an error in documentation content, you can either try to fix it yourself or report the problem. While the former is preferred, the latter is sometimes the best you can manage, and that's okay too.</p> + +<h2 id="Documentation_errors_or_requests">Documentation errors or requests</h2> + +<p>Obviously, since MDN is a wiki, the best thing you can possibly do is fix problems you spot yourself. But maybe you don't know the answer or are in the middle of a deadline on your own project or something, and need to jot down the problem so someone can look at it later.</p> + +<p>The way to report a documentation problem by filing an <a href="https://github.com/mdn/sprints/issues/new?template=issue-template.md&projects=mdn/sprints/2&labels=user-report">documentation issue</a>. The issue template contains sections for the information needed to get us started on fixing the issue. Feel free to delete any part of the template that isn't helpful or relevant to your issue.</p> + +<p>Of course, our writing community is busy, so sometimes the quickest way to see a documentation problem resolved is to fix it yourself. See <a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Howto/Create_and_edit_pages" title="/en-US/docs/Project:MDN/Contributing/Creating_and_editing_pages">How to create and edit pages</a> for details. </p> + +<h2 id="Site_bugs_or_feature_requests">Site bugs or feature requests</h2> + +<p><a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Kuma" title="/en-US/docs/Project:MDN/Kuma">Kuma</a>, the Mozilla-developed platform used for the MDN web site, is in a state of continuous development. Our developers—as well as a number of volunteer contributors—are constantly making improvements. If you see a bug, or have a problem with the site, or even have a suggestion for something that could make the software more awesome, you can use the <a href="https://github.com/mdn/kuma/issues/new">Kuma bug form</a> to file a report. You can also use this form to report performance problems with the site, though odds are that performance-monitoring tools have already notified the appropriate people.</p> + +<div id="eJOY__extension_root"></div> diff --git a/files/ar/mdn/contribute/howto/set_the_summary_for_a_page/index.html b/files/ar/mdn/contribute/howto/set_the_summary_for_a_page/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7f1598cb01 --- /dev/null +++ b/files/ar/mdn/contribute/howto/set_the_summary_for_a_page/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +--- +title: How to set the summary for a page +slug: MDN/Contribute/Howto/Set_the_summary_for_a_page +translation_of: MDN/Contribute/Howto/Set_the_summary_for_a_page +--- +<div>{{MDNSidebar}}</div> + +<div>{{IncludeSubnav("/en-US/docs/MDN")}}</div> + +<p><span class="seoSummary">في هذه المقالة ، سنعرض كيفية تعيين ملخص تحسين محركات البحث (المعروف أيضًا بالوصف أو ملخصًا فقط) لمقالة على موقع مستندات ويب MDN. يستخدم الملخص بعدة طرق:</span></p> + +<ul> + <li> يتم استخدام جوجل ومحركات البحث الاخرى للمساعدة على فهرسة الصفحات.</li> + <li>تعرض محركات البحث الملخص في صفحات نتائج البحث لمساعدة القراء على اختيار الصفحة الأكثر تطابقاً لاحتياجاتهم.</li> + <li>غالبًا ما تعرض قوائم MDN والصفحات المقصودة للموضوع الملخص أسفل عنوان المقالة ، ومرة أخرى لمساعدة المستخدمين في العثور على المعلومات التي يبحثون عنها.</li> + <li>تحتوي الروابط على MDN بشكل متكرر على تلميحات تحتوي على نص الملخص ، لتوفير نظرة سريعة للمستخدمين دون الحاجة إلى النقر على المقالة نفسها.</li> +</ul> + +<p>لذلك ، يجب أن يكون الملخص نصًا منطقيًا في سياق المقالة نفسها وكذلك عند تقديمه بمفرده في سياقات أخرى. يجب عليك أيضًا الاحتفاظ بدليل نمط كتابة <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Guidelines/Writing_style_guide">MDN </a>في الاعتبار أثناء كتابة نص الملخص.</p> + + + +<h2 dir="rtl" id="الملخص_الافتراضي">الملخص الافتراضي</h2> + +<p dir="rtl">تعتمد الصفحات التي لا تحتوي أي ملخص على الملخص الافتراضي.<br> + بشكل افتراضي يعتبر ملخص الصفحة هو أول قسم من الصفحة مكتوب ب <br> + {{Glossary("HTML")}}<br> + لذلك من الممكن أي يكون الملخص عبارة عن نص وليس عنوان. </p> + +<p dir="rtl">هذا النص ليس الأفضل للاستخدام دائما ولكن ولبعض الأسباب المذكورة أدناه يعتبر أفضل استخدام.</p> + +<ul dir="rtl"> + <li>النص الأول يعتبر شيء جانبي أو ملاحظة ما, ولا يقدم أي مراجعة كاملة للصفحة</li> + <li><span style="font-size: 1rem; letter-spacing: -0.00278rem;">أول نص مكتوب يعتبر نص محتوى ولكن لا يقدم مراجعة كاملة لمحتوى المقالة</span></li> + <li><span style="font-size: 1rem; letter-spacing: -0.00278rem;">النص طويل أو قصير للغاية</span></li> +</ul> + +<p dir="rtl">من الأفضل كتابة وتحديد ملخص الصفحة لضمان سهولة قراءة الملخصات واعتبارها مفيدة بقدر الإمكان.</p> + +<h2 id="Setting_the_summary">Setting the summary</h2> + +<p>Let's look at how to go about setting a page's summary.</p> + +<dl> + <dt><strong>What is the task?</strong></dt> + <dd>Marking the text within a page that should be used as its summary in other contexts; if appropriate text isn't already available, this task might include writing a small amount of appropriate text.</dd> + <dt><strong>Where does it need to be done?</strong></dt> + <dd>On pages that lack a summary, have a summary that isn't helpful, or have a summary that unnecessarily fails to meet recommended guidelines.</dd> + <dt><strong>What do you need to know to do the task?</strong></dt> + <dd>Ability to use the MDN editor; good English writing skills; enough familiarity with the topic of the page to write a good summary.</dd> + <dt><strong>What are the steps to do it?</strong></dt> +</dl> + +<ul> + <li>Pick a page on which to set the summary. If you already have one in mind, great! You can skip to step 2; otherwise, to find a page to fix: + <ol> + <li>In the <a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Doc_status">MDN documentation status</a> page, click the link under <strong>Sections</strong> for a topic that you know something about (for example, HTML):<br> + <img alt="" src="https://mdn.mozillademos.org/files/8681/sections.png" style="height: 130px; width: 504px;"></li> + <li>On the topic's documentation status page, click the <strong>Pages</strong> header in the <strong>Summary</strong> table. This takes you to an index of all the pages in that topic section; it shows the page links in the left column, and the tags and summaries in the right column:<br> + <img alt="" src="https://mdn.mozillademos.org/files/8675/pages.png" style="height: 82px; width: 361px;"></li> + <li>Pick a page that is missing a summary, or that has a poor summary:<br> + <img alt="" src="https://mdn.mozillademos.org/files/8677/summary.png" style="height: 38px; width: 296px;"></li> + <li>Click the link to go to that page.</li> + </ol> + </li> +</ul> + +<dl> + <dd> + <ol> + <li>Once on the page to which you wish to add a summary, click <strong>Edit</strong> to open the page in the MDN editor. See the <a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Editor">Guide to the MDN editor</a> if you need information about using the editor.</li> + <li>Look for a sentence or two that works as a summary, even if taken out of context. If needed, edit the existing content to create or modify the text until you can select a sentence or two that make a good summary. See {{anch("Crafting a good summary")}} for help selecting or creating an appropriate summary.</li> + <li>Select the text to be used as a summary.</li> + <li>In the <em>Styles</em> widget of the editor toolbar, select <strong>SEO Summary</strong>. In the page source, this creates a {{HTMLElement("span")}} element with <code>class="seoSummary"</code> around the selected text.<br> + <img alt="" src="https://mdn.mozillademos.org/files/8679/styles.png" style="height: 231px; width: 403px;"></li> + <li>Save your changes with a revision comment. The comment is optional, but we encourage you to provide one. It makes it easier for other people to track the changes. Something like "Set SEO summary" is enough.</li> + </ol> + </dd> +</dl> + +<h2 id="Crafting_a_good_summary">Crafting a good summary</h2> + +<p>The summary is used in many different scenarios, including these:</p> + +<ul> + <li>As the description of the article on search results pages on MDN as well as on Google and other search engines.</li> + <li>As the description of the article in menus and topic landing pages on MDN itself.</li> + <li>In contextual tooltips when the user hovers the cursor over links to articles on MDN.</li> +</ul> + +<p>It's important to keep these scenarios in mind while composing a summary. In order to help ensure that the summary works well in all of these situations, please try to follow the guidelines below.</p> + +<div class="note"> +<p><strong>Note:</strong> Unless otherwise specifically stated, these are <em>guidelines</em>, not hard and fast rules. While you should do what you can to meet these guidelines, sometimes there are exceptions that can't be avoided.</p> +</div> + +<ul> + <li>The summary should indicate both the topic and the type of page. "In this guide, we'll learn to use the Intersection Observer API to create responsive web apps that only update animations that are currently visible on screen." is 160 characters, for example, and explains what technology is being covered, how the technology is being used, and that the article is a tutorial.</li> + <li>You can choose text from anywhere within any paragraph in the article, but it should ideally be within the first paragraph (or the second, in some cases). If the point of the article isn't made in those paragraphs, the introduction of the page probably needs rewriting.</li> + <li>The summary must still fit well within the context of the article's body, since it is in fact part of the article.</li> + <li>It's okay to have links to other pages within the summary. These are automatically removed before being given to search engines, and do not count against you. They're also removed before the summary is used as a tooltip. Links are <em>not</em> removed from the summary when used as a page description within menus and landing pages on MDN, which is really convenient as well.</li> + <li>The summary should include an appropriate selection of key terms likely to be searched for by someone looking for information contained on the page. In the example case about the Intersection Observer API, those keywords include the API name, "animations", "visible", "responsive", and "web apps", possibly among others.</li> + <li>To optimize the <strong>Search Engine Optimization</strong> (SEO) value gained from a summary, it should be no shorter than 150 characters long.</li> + <li>Since a <strong>search engine result page</strong> (<strong>SERP</strong>) typically doesn't show more than 160 characters of the summary, you should avoid summaries longer than that. Having your text unceremoniously chopped off can dissuade people from clicking the link.</li> + <li>It might be tempting to write a great summary that doesn't work on page, then hide the summary inside a block with the <code>"hidden"</code> class on it. But <em>this doesn't work</em>, because search engines ignore text that's not visible to the user.</li> +</ul> + +<p>Think of the summary as being akin to the {{interwiki("wikipedia", "blurb")}} on the back or inside the front cover of a book. This short text has to catch the reader's attention quickly and encourage them to read on.</p> + +<p>It can be a little tricky to write an summary that works well both for search engine result pages and within the article text itself, but currently MDN doesn't offer a way to create an SEO summary separate from the page content, so do the best you can.</p> + +<h2 id="See_also">See also</h2> + +<ul> + <li><a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Howto/Write_for_SEO">How to write with SEO in mind on MDN Web Docs</a></li> +</ul> diff --git a/files/ar/mdn/contribute/howto/tag/index.html b/files/ar/mdn/contribute/howto/tag/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ec40ef97c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/files/ar/mdn/contribute/howto/tag/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,376 @@ +--- +title: How to properly tag pages +slug: MDN/Contribute/Howto/Tag +translation_of: MDN/Contribute/Howto/Tag +--- +<pre dir="rtl">{{MDNSidebar}}</pre> + +<p class="summary"><strong>Article tags</strong> are an important way to put visitors in touch with helpful content. Each page should normally have several tags to help keep content organized. <span class="seoSummary">This page explains the best way to tag pages so that our readers can find information and we can keep ourselves organized.</span></p> + +<p>For a help with the user interface for editing tags, see the <a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Editor/Basics#The_tags_box">tagging section</a> in our editor guide.</p> + +<p>Please use tags properly as explained below. If you don't, our automated tools will not correctly generate lists of content, landing pages, and cross-linking of articles.</p> + +<h2 id="How_MDN_uses_tags">How MDN uses tags</h2> + +<p>Tags get used on MDN several ways:</p> + +<dl> + <dt>{{anch("Document category", "Document categorization")}}</dt> + <dd>What type of document is it? Is it a reference? A tutorial? A landing page? Our visitors can use these tags to filter searches, so they're really important!</dd> + <dt>{{anch("Topic", "Topic identification")}}</dt> + <dd>What is the article about? Is it about an API? The DOM? Graphics? Again, these tags are important because they can filter searches.</dd> + <dt>{{anch("API identification")}}</dt> + <dd>Reference pages about an API need to identify the specific component of the API being documented (that is, what interface it's a part of, and what property or method the page covers, if applicable).</dd> + <dt>{{anch("Technology status")}}</dt> + <dd>What's the status of the technology? Is it non-standard? Obsolete or deprecated? Experimental?</dd> + <dt>{{anch("Skill level")}}</dt> + <dd>For tutorials and guides, how advanced is the material covered by the article?</dd> + <dt>{{anch("Document metadata")}}</dt> + <dd>The writing community uses tags to keep track of which pages need what kind of work.</dd> +</dl> + +<h2 id="Tag_type_guide">Tag type guide</h2> + +<p>Here's a quick guide to the types of tags and possible values for them.</p> + +<h3 id="Document_category">Document category</h3> + +<p>When you tag an article with one of these categories, you help the automated tools more accurately generate landing pages, tables of contents, and so on. Our new search system will also use these terms so that our visitors can locate reference or guide information at will.</p> + +<p>We use the following category names as standard tagging terms:</p> + +<dl> + <dt><code>{{Tag("Intro")}}</code></dt> + <dd>The article provides introductory material about a topic. Ideally each technology area should have only one "Intro"</dd> + <dt><code>{{Tag("Reference")}}</code></dt> + <dd>The article contains reference material about an API, element, attribute, property, or the like.</dd> + <dt><code>{{Tag("Landing")}}</code></dt> + <dd>The page is a landing page.</dd> + <dt><code>{{Tag("Guide")}}</code></dt> + <dd>The article is a how-to or guide page.</dd> + <dt><code>{{Tag("Example")}}</code></dt> + <dd>The article is a code sample page, or has code samples (that is, actual snippets of useful code, not one-line "syntax examples").</dd> +</dl> + +<h3 id="Topic">Topic</h3> + +<p>By identifying the article's topic area, you are helping generate better search results (and landing pages and navigation as well).</p> + +<p>While there's some room for flexibility here as we identify new topic areas, we try to limit ourselves to the names of APIs or technologies. Some useful examples:</p> + +<ul> + <li><code>{{Tag("HTML")}}</code></li> + <li><code>{{Tag("CSS")}}</code></li> + <li><code>{{Tag("JavaScript")}}</code> (notice the capital "S"!)</li> + <li><code>{{Tag("Document")}}</code></li> + <li><code>{{Tag("DOM")}}</code></li> + <li><code>{{Tag("API")}}</code> for each API's overview, interface, method, and property.</li> + <li><code>{{Tag("Method")}}</code> for each method of an API</li> + <li><code>{{Tag("Property")}}</code> for each property of an API</li> + <li><code>{{Tag("Graphics")}}</code></li> + <li><code>{{Tag("SVG")}}</code></li> + <li><code>{{Tag("WebGL")}}</code></li> + <li><code>{{Tag("Tools")}}</code></li> + <li><code>{{Tag("Web")}}</code></li> + <li><code>{{Tag("Element")}}</code></li> + <li><code>{{Tag("Extensions")}}</code> and <code>{{Tag("WebExtensions")}}</code> for WebExtension documentation.</li> +</ul> + +<p>In general, your topic identification tag should be the name of an interface with a number of related pages (like <a href="/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node">Node</a>, which has many pages for its various properties and methods), or the name of an overall technology type. You might tag a page about WebGL with <code>Graphics</code> and <code>WebGL</code>, for example, but a page about {{HTMLElement("canvas")}} with <code>HTML</code>, <code>Element</code>, <code>Canvas</code>, and <code>Graphics</code>.</p> + +<h4 id="Mozilla-specific_content">Mozilla-specific content</h4> + +<p>These tags are used in Mozilla-specific content only:</p> + +<ul> + <li><code>{{Tag("Mozilla")}}</code></li> + <li><code>{{Tag("Firefox")}}</code></li> + <li><code>{{Tag("Firefox OS")}}</code></li> + <li><code>{{Tag("Gecko")}}</code></li> + <li><code>{{Tag("XUL")}}</code></li> + <li><code>{{Tag("XPCOM")}}</code></li> +</ul> + +<h3 id="API_identification">API identification</h3> + +<p>Within the API reference, each article should identify which part of the API it covers:</p> + +<dl> + <dt><code>{{tag("Interface")}}</code></dt> + <dd>The main article for an interface should have this tag. For example, {{DOMxRef("RTCPeerConnection")}}.</dd> + <dt><code>{{tag("Constructor")}}</code></dt> + <dd>Each interface may have up to one page tagged "Constructor"; this is the interface's constructor. The page should have the same name as the interface, like {{DOMxRef("RTCPeerConnection.RTCPeerConnection()", "RTCPeerConnection()")}}.</dd> + <dt><code>{{tag("Property")}}</code></dt> + <dd>Every article describing a particular property within an interface needs this tag. See {{DOMxRef("RTCPeerConnection.connectionState")}}, for example.</dd> + <dt><code>{{tag("Method")}}</code></dt> + <dd>Each article documenting an interface method needs this tag. See {{DOMxRef("RTCPeerConnection.createOffer()")}} for example.</dd> +</dl> + +<p>In addition, the reference pages need to include interface, property, and method names among their tags. Some examples:</p> + +<dl> + <dt>The interface {{DOMxRef("RTCPeerConnection")}}</dt> + <dd>Include the tag <code>{{Tag("RTCPeerConnection")}}</code> along with the other relevant tags (<code>{{Tag("Interface")}}</code>, <code>{{Tag("WebRTC")}}</code>, <code>{{Tag("WebRTC API")}}</code>, <code>{{Tag("API")}}</code>, <code>{{Tag("Reference")}}</code>, and so forth).</dd> + <dt>The method {{DOMxRef("RTCPeerConnection.createOffer()")}}</dt> + <dd>Include the tags <code>{{Tag("RTCPeerConnection")}}</code> and <code>{{Tag("createOffer")}}</code> (note <em>no</em> parentheses in tag names!) along with the other relevant tags, including <code>{{Tag("Method")}}</code>, <code>{{Tag("WebRTC")}}</code>, <code>{{Tag("WebRTC API")}}</code>, <code>{{Tag("API")}}</code>, <code>{{Tag("Reference")}}</code>, and so forth. Consider including things like <code>{{Tag("Offer")}}</code> and <code>{{Tag("SDP")}}</code>, which are also relevant here.</dd> + <dt>The property {{DOMxRef("RTCPeerConnection.iceConnectionState")}}</dt> + <dd>Include the tags <code>{{Tag("RTCPeerConnection")}}</code> and <code>{{Tag("iceConnectionState")}}</code> along with the other relevant tags, including <code>{{Tag("Property")}}</code>, <code>{{Tag("WebRTC")}}</code>, <code>{{Tag("WebRTC API")}}</code>, <code>{{Tag("API")}}</code> and <code>{{Tag("Reference")}}</code>. Also consider including <code>{{Tag("ICE")}}</code>.</dd> +</dl> + +<h3 id="Technology_status">Technology status</h3> + +<p>To help the reader understand how viable a technology is, we use tags to label pages as to the status of the technology's specification. This isn't as detailed as actually explaining what the spec is and how far the technology has come in the specification process (that's what the Specifications table is for), but it helps the reader judge, at a glance, whether it's a good idea to use the technology described in the article.</p> + +<p>Here are possible values for these tags:</p> + +<dl> + <dt><code>{{Tag("Read-only")}}</code></dt> + <dd>Apply this tag to reference pages which describe a property or attribute which is read-only.</dd> + <dt><code>{{Tag("Non-standard")}}</code></dt> + <dd>Indicates that the technology or API described on the page is not part of a standard, whether it's stable or not in any browsers which implement it (if it's not stable, it should also be {{Tag("Experimental")}}). If you don't use this tag, your readers will assume the technology is standard. The compatibility table on the page should clarify which browser(s) support this technology or API.</dd> + <dt><code>{{Tag("Deprecated")}}</code></dt> + <dd>The technology or API covered on the page is marked as deprecated in the specification, and is likely to eventually be removed, but is generally still available in current versions of browsers.</dd> + <dt><code>{{Tag("Obsolete")}}</code></dt> + <dd>The technology or API has been deemed obsolete and has been removed (or is actively being removed) from all or most current browsers.</dd> + <dt><code>{{Tag("Experimental")}}</code></dt> + <dd>The technology is not standardized, and is an experimental technology or API that may or may not ever become part of a standard. It is also subject to change in the browser engine (typically only one) that implements it. If the technology isn't part of any specification (even in draft form), it should also have the {{tag("Non-standard")}} tag.</dd> + <dt><code>{{Tag("Needs Privileges")}}</code></dt> + <dd>The API requires privileged access to the device on which the code is running.</dd> + <dt><code>{{Tag("Certified Only")}}</code></dt> + <dd>The API only works in certified code.</dd> +</dl> + +<p>These tags are no excuse to leave out the <a href="/en-US/docs/Project:Compatibility_tables">compatibility table</a> in your article! That should always be present.</p> + +<h3 id="Skill_level">Skill level</h3> + +<p>Use the skill-level tag type only for guides and tutorials (that is, pages tagged <code>Guide</code>) to help users choose tutorials based on how familiar they are with a technology. There are three values for this:</p> + +<dl> + <dt><code>{{Tag("Beginner")}}</code></dt> + <dd>Articles designed to introduce the reader to a technology they've never used or have only a passing familiarity with.</dd> + <dt><code>{{Tag("Intermediate")}}</code></dt> + <dd>Articles for users who have gotten started with the technology but aren't experts.</dd> + <dt><code>{{Tag("Advanced")}}</code></dt> + <dd>Articles about stretching the capabilities of a technology and of the reader.</dd> +</dl> + +<h3 id="Document_metadata">Document metadata</h3> + +<p>The writing community uses tags to label articles as requiring specific types of work. Here's a list of the ones we use most:</p> + +<dl> + <dt><code>{{Tag("Draft")}}</code></dt> + <dd>The article is not complete, and is at least in theory still actively being updated (although it's also possible it's been forgotten about). Try to check with the most recent contributors before making changes, in order to avoid potential content collisions.</dd> + <dt><code>{{Tag("NeedsCompatTable")}}</code></dt> + <dd>The article needs a table to specify compatibility of a feature across browsers. <a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Structures/Compatibility_tables">See here</a> for a guide on contributing to browser compatibility.</dd> + <dt><code>{{Tag("NeedsContent")}}</code></dt> + <dd>The article is a stub, or is otherwise lacking information. This tag means that someone should review the content and add more details and/or finish writing the article.</dd> + <dt><code>{{Tag("NeedsExample")}}</code></dt> + <dd>The article needs one or more examples created to help illustrate the article's point. These examples should use the <a href="/en-US/docs/Project:MDN/Contributing/How_to_help/Code_samples">live sample system</a>.</dd> + <dt><code>{{Tag("NeedsLiveSamples")}}</code></dt> + <dd>The article has one or more examples that need to be updated to use the <a href="/en-US/docs/Project:MDN/Contributing/How_to_help/Code_samples">live sample system</a>.</dd> + <dt><code>{{Tag("NeedsMarkupWork")}}</code></dt> + <dd>The article needs improvement to the page markup (usually because the page content consists mostly or entirely of {{HTMLElement("p")}} tags).</dd> + <dt><code>{{Tag("NeedsSpecTable")}}</code></dt> + <dd>The article needs a table to indicate on which specification document(s) the feature was defined.</dd> + <dt><code>{{Tag("NeedsUpdate")}}</code></dt> + <dd>The content is out of date and needs to be updated.</dd> + <dt><code>{{Tag("l10n:exclude")}}</code></dt> + <dd>The content is not really worth localizing and will not appear on localization status pages.</dd> + <dt><code>{{Tag("l10n:priority")}}</code></dt> + <dd>The content is important and should be marked as a priority for MDN translators. Shows up in an extra priority table on localization status pages.</dd> +</dl> + +<h2 id="Putting_it_all_together">Putting it all together</h2> + +<p>So to each page you assign tags from several tag types, for example</p> + +<dl> + <dt>A tutorial about WebGL for beginners</dt> + <dd>{{Tag("WebGL")}}, {{Tag("Graphics")}}, {{Tag("Guide")}}, {{Tag("Beginner")}}</dd> + <dt>Reference page for {{HTMLElement("canvas")}}</dt> + <dd>{{Tag("Canvas")}}, {{Tag("HTML")}}, {{Tag("Element")}}, {{Tag("Graphics")}}, {{Tag("Reference")}}</dd> + <dt>A landing page for Firefox OS developer tools</dt> + <dd>{{Tag("Tools")}}, {{Tag("Firefox OS")}}, {{Tag("Landing")}}</dd> +</dl> + +<h2 id="Tagging_and_search_filters">Tagging and search filters</h2> + +<p>Search filters won't work properly unless we tag MDN pages properly. Here's a table of search filters and which tags they look for.</p> + +<div class="blockIndicator note"> +<p><strong>Note:</strong> If multiple tags are listed under "Tag name," that means any one or more of these tags must be present for the article to match.</p> +</div> + +<div class="blockIndicator todo"> +<p><strong>FIXME:</strong> Filter topics have been changed since this was last updated.</p> +</div> + +<table class="standard-table"> + <thead> + <tr> + <th scope="col">Filter group</th> + <th scope="col">Search filter name</th> + <th scope="col">Tag name</th> + </tr> + </thead> + <tbody> + <tr> + <th rowspan="23" scope="row" style="vertical-align: baseline;">Topic</th> + <td>APIs and DOM</td> + <td>{{Tag("API")}} || {{Tag("DOM")}} {{Deprecated_Inline}}</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td>Add-ons & Extensions {{Deprecated_Inline}}</td> + <td>{{Tag("Add-ons")}} || {{Tag("Extensions")}} || {{Tag("Plugins")}} || {{Tag("Themes")}} || {{Tag("WebExtensions")}}</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td>CSS</td> + <td>{{Tag("CSS")}}</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td>Canvas</td> + <td>{{Tag("Canvas")}}</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td>Firefox</td> + <td>{{Tag("Firefox")}}</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td>Firefox for Android {{Obsolete_Inline}}</td> + <td>{{Tag("Firefox Mobile")}}</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td>Firefox for Desktop {{Obsolete_Inline}}</td> + <td>{{Tag("Firefox Desktop")}}</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td>Firefox OS</td> + <td>{{Tag("Firefox OS")}}</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td>Games</td> + <td>{{Tag("Games")}}</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td>HTML</td> + <td>{{Tag("HTML")}}</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td>HTTP</td> + <td>{{Tag("HTTP")}}</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td>JavaScript</td> + <td>{{Tag("JavaScript")}}</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td>Marketplace {{Non-standard_Inline}}</td> + <td>{{Tag("Marketplace")}}</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td>MathML</td> + <td>{{Tag("MathML")}}</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td>Mobile</td> + <td>{{Tag("Mobile")}}</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td>Open Web Apps {{Non-standard_Inline}}</td> + <td>{{Tag("Apps")}}</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td>SVG</td> + <td>{{Tag("SVG")}}</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td>Web Development</td> + <td>{{Tag("Web Development")}}</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td>Web Standards</td> + <td>{{Tag("Web")}}</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td>WebExtensions</td> + <td>{{Tag("WebExtensions")}}</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td>WebGL</td> + <td>{{Tag("WebGL")}}</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td>XPCOM {{Non-standard_Inline}}</td> + <td>{{Tag("XPCOM")}}</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td>XUL {{Non-standard_Inline}}</td> + <td>{{Tag("XUL")}}</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <th rowspan="3" scope="row" style="vertical-align: baseline; white-space: nowrap;">{{anch("Skill level")}}</th> + <td>I'm an Expert</td> + <td>{{Tag("Advanced")}}</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td>Intermediate</td> + <td>{{Tag("Intermediate")}}</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td>I'm Learning</td> + <td>{{Tag("Beginner")}}</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <th rowspan="7" scope="row" style="vertical-align: baseline; white-space: nowrap;">Document type</th> + <td>Docs</td> + <td><em>This restricts the search to docs content, leaving out Hacks and other MDN content.</em></td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td>Demos</td> + <td><em>This includes Demo Studio content in the search results.</em></td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td>Tools</td> + <td>{{Tag("Tools")}}</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td>Code Samples</td> + <td>{{Tag("Example")}}</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td>How-To & Tutorial</td> + <td>{{Tag("Guide")}}</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td>Developer Profiles</td> + <td><em>This includes developer profiles from the MDN site in the search results.</em></td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td>External Resources</td> + <td><em>The dev team is still figuring this out...</em></td> + </tr> + </tbody> +</table> + +<h2 id="Tagging_problems_you_can_fix">Tagging problems you can fix</h2> + +<p>There are several kinds of tag problems you can help fix:</p> + +<dl> + <dt>No tags</dt> + <dd>Generally articles should have at <em>least</em> a "{{anch("Document category", "category")}}" tag and a "{{anch("Topic", "topic")}}" tag. Usually other tags are appropriate as well, but if you can help us ensure that the minimum tags are present, you'll be a documentation hero!</dd> + <dt>Tags that don't follow our tagging standards</dt> + <dd>Please fix any documents whose tags don't follow the standards on this page.<br> + Note that you may occasionally see some localized tags (such as <code>Référence</code>) showing up on some English pages. This was due to a <a href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=776048">bug in Kuma</a>, which caused the tags to reappear even if they were deleted. That bug has <a href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=776048#c37">since been fixed</a>, so any remaining localized tags can be cleaned up if they're spotted.</dd> + <dt>Incorrect tags</dt> + <dd>If you're looking at an article about HTML and it's tagged "JavaScript", that's probably wrong! Likewise, if an article discusses Mozilla internals but has a "Web" tag, that's probably wrong too. Remove these tags and add the right tags if they aren't already there. Please also correct misspelled tags (e.g., "Javascript" will still match, since tags are case-insensitive, but let's not be sloppy!).</dd> + <dt>Missing tags</dt> + <dd>If an article has some but not all of the tags it needs, feel free to add more. For example, if a page in JavaScript reference is (correctly) tagged "JavaScript" but nothing else, you're invited to tag the page "Reference" or {{anch("Document category", "another category tag")}} as well!</dd> + <dt>Tag spam</dt> + <dd>This insidious beast is the most revolting tag problem of all: some Web vermin has deposited its droppings in the page tags (like "Free warez!" or "Hey I was browsing your site and wanted to ask you if you could help me solve this problem I'm having with Flash crashing all the time"). We've got to delete these right away! They're ugly, they're hard to manage if they're allowed to linger too long, and they're terrible for {{Glossary("SEO")}}.</dd> +</dl> + +<p>If you see one (or more) of these problems, please <a href="/en-US/docs/Project:MDN/Contributing/Getting_started#Logging_into_MDN">log into MDN</a> and click EDIT at the top right of the MDN window. Once the editor loads up, scroll down to the bottom of the page, where you'll see the tag box. For more details on the tagging interface, see "<a href="/en-US/docs/Project:MDN/Contributing/Editor_guide#The_tags_box">The tags box</a>" in the <a href="/en-US/docs/Project:MDN/Contributing/Editor_guide">MDN editor guide</a>.</p> diff --git a/files/ar/mdn/contribute/howto/write_a_new_entry_in_the_glossary/index.html b/files/ar/mdn/contribute/howto/write_a_new_entry_in_the_glossary/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c97cbc3136 --- /dev/null +++ b/files/ar/mdn/contribute/howto/write_a_new_entry_in_the_glossary/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,138 @@ +--- +title: كيفية الكتابة والرجوع إلى التدوين في قاموس المصطلحات +slug: MDN/Contribute/Howto/Write_a_new_entry_in_the_Glossary +translation_of: MDN/Contribute/Howto/Write_a_new_entry_in_the_Glossary +--- +<div>{{MDNSidebar}}</div> + +<div>{{IncludeSubnav("/en-US/docs/MDN")}}</div> + +<p><span class="seoSummary">In this article, we cover how to add and link to entries in the <a href="/en-US/docs/Glossary">MDN Web Docs glossary</a>. We also provide guidelines about glossary entry layout and content.</span> The glossary provides definitions for all of the terms, jargon, abbreviations, and acronyms you'll come across when reading about the web and about web development.</p> + +<p class="simple-translate-result" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">المسرد ليس كاملاً ، وربما لن يكتمل. الويب يتغير دائمًا وينمو دائمًا. يمكنك مساعدتنا في الحفاظ على تحديث المسرد ، وملء أي فجوات ، من خلال المساهمة في إدخالات جديدة في المسرد (أو حتى عن طريق إصلاح المشكلات التي تحددها في الإدخالات الحالية).</p> + +<p class="simple-translate-result" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">المساهمة في المسرد هي طريقة سهلة للمساعدة في جعل شبكة الإنترنت أسهل للجميع لفهمها. لا تحتاج إلى مستوى عالٍ من المهارة الفنية للقيام بذلك ، أيضًا ، لأن مقالات المسرد تهدف إلى أن تكون واضحة وموجزة.</p> + +<h2 id="كيف_تكتب_في_قاموس">كيف تكتب في قاموس</h2> + +<p>If you're looking for topics that need a glossary entry, check the <a href="/en-US/docs/Glossary#Contribute_to_the_glossary">list of undocumented terms</a> at the end of the <a href="/en-US/docs/Glossary">Glossary landing page</a>; click any of those links to start a new Glossary page for the item you clicked; then follow the steps below.</p> + +<p class="simple-translate-result" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">إذا كانت لديك فكرة عن إدخال مسرد مصطلحات جديد ، فما عليك سوى فتح الزر التالي في علامة تبويب جديدة ، ثم اتبع الخطوات الموجودة أسفل الزر:</p> + + + +<div class="align-center"><a class="button ignore-external mega positive" href="/en-US/docs/new?parent=4391">Write a new entry in the glossary</a> + +<div></div> +</div> + + + +<h3 id="Step_1_Select_a_term_to_explain">Step 1: Select a term to explain</h3> + +<p>The first thing to do is to choose a term to write about. If you don't know which terms are in need of definitions, you can <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary#Contribute_to_the_glossary">check out our list of suggestions</a>. Just click one and get started writing! If you're logged in already, you'll wind up in the MDN editor.</p> + +<h3 id="Step_2_Write_a_summary">Step 2: Write a summary</h3> + +<p>The first paragraph of any glossary page is a simple and short description of the term (preferably no more than two sentences). Make sure anyone reading the description can understand the defined term immediately.</p> + +<div class="note"> +<p class="simple-translate-result" dir="rtl" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"> <strong>ملاحظة:</strong> يرجى عدم نسخ تعريفات ولصقها من أي مكان آخر (لا سيما ويكيبيديا ، لأن مجموعة إصدارات الترخيص الخاصة بها أصغر ، وبالتالي فهي غير متوافقة مع نسخة MDN). من المهم حقًا التأكد من أن هذا المحتوى بسيط وسهل الفهم. الأمر يستحق قضاء بعض الوقت على ذلك بدلاً من سرقة المحتوى بشكل أعمى. يجب أن يكون هذا المسرد محتوى جديدًا مفيدًا ، وليس تكرار الأشياء من مكان آخر.</p> +</div> + +<h4 id="Writing_a_good_glossary_entry">Writing a good glossary entry</h4> + +<p>If you must, you can add a few extra paragraphs, but it's very easy to find yourself writing a whole article. Writing a whole article is fine, but please don't put it in the glossary. If you aren't sure where to put your article, feel free to <a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Community#Join_our_mailing_lists">reach out to discuss it</a>.</p> + +<p>A few simple guidelines to consider while writing a glossary entry that may help you create a better one:</p> + +<ul> + <li>When you use terms in the glossary's description of the term or abbreviation, you should create appropriate links for them. Often, this will just involve creating links to other pages in the glossary (see <a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Howto/Write_a_new_entry_in_the_Glossary#How_to_use_the_Glossary_macro">How to use the Glossary macro</a> below). For terms directly related to the term being described by the glossary, it may be more useful to link to MDN Web Docs' main body article on the topic.</li> + <li>Try to use appropriate related terms (with links) within your article if it can be done without making the article hard to follow. Having a good web of related, useful inks can make a page or set of pages much easier to use.</li> + <li>Think about what you would type into a search engine if you wanted to find this page. Try to use all the words you'd search on in the article, without making the article nonsensical, overly long, or difficult to read.</li> +</ul> + +<h4 id="Specifying_the_tooltip">Specifying the tooltip</h4> + +<p>As is the case with most MDN links, hovering the mouse cursor over a gossary link will show a brief description of the page (in this case, a short summary of the term's definition). By default, the tooltip is the entire first paragraph of the article, but this is often too long.</p> + +<p>You can specify a subsection of text that will be used as the page summary (and therefore the tooltip text) by selecting a sentence or two that best summarize the definition of the term, then adding the "SEO Summary" style to them. This not only establishes the tooltip text, but also specifies the text that will be sent to Google and other search engines when they ask for a brief summary describing the page contents. For that reason, specifically selecting a page summary is also valuable for helping your new page get found more easily.</p> + +<div class="note"> +<p class="simple-translate-result" dir="rtl" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"><strong>ملاحظة:</strong> من الناحية المثالية ، يجب أن يتراوح الملخص بين 150 و 160 حرفًا ؛ أقل ما يرام ، وأكثر ليست جيدة ولكن لن كسر أي شيء ، احد الامرين.</p> +</div> + +<h3 id="Step_3_Expand_with_links">Step 3: Expand with links</h3> + +<p>Finally, a glossary entry should always end with a "Learn more" section. This section should contain links to help the reader move forward: discovering more details, learning to use the relevant technology, and so on.</p> + +<p>We recommend that you sort the links into at least these three groups:</p> + +<dl> + <dt>General knowledge</dt> + <dd>Links that provide more general information; for example, such as a link to a relevant page on <a href="http://wikipedia.org/">Wikipedia</a>.</dd> + <dt>Technical reference</dt> + <dd>Links to more in-depth technical information, on MDN Web Docs or elsewhere.</dd> + <dt>Learn about it</dt> + <dd>Links to tutorials, exercises, examples, or any other materials that help the reader learn to use the technology behind the defined term.</dd> +</dl> + +<h2 id="التعامل_مع_الغموض">التعامل مع الغموض</h2> + +<p>Sometimes, a term has several meanings depending on the context. To resolve the ambiguities, you must follow those guidelines:</p> + +<ul> + <li>The term's main page must be a disambiguation page containing the {{TemplateLink("GlossaryDisambiguation")}} macro.</li> + <li>The term has subpages that define the term for a given context.</li> +</ul> + +<p>Let's illustrate that with an example. The term <em>signature</em> can have different meanings in at least three different contexts: <em>security</em>, <em>function</em> and <em>email</em>.</p> + +<ol> + <li>The page <a href="/en-US/docs/Glossary/Signature">Glossary/Signature</a> is the disambiguation page with the {{TemplateLink("GlossaryDisambiguation")}} macro.</li> + <li>The page <a href="/en-US/docs/Glossary/Signature/Security">Glossary/Signature/Security</a> is the page defining a signature in a security context.</li> + <li>The page <a href="/en-US/docs/Glossary/Signature/Function">Glossary/Signature/Function</a> is the page defining a function signature.</li> + <li>The page <a href="/en-US/docs/Glossary/Signature/Email">Glossary/Signature/Email</a> is the page defining email signature.</li> +</ol> + +<h2 id="How_to_use_the_Glossary_macro">How to use the \{{Glossary}} macro</h2> + +<p>The glossary is much more useful when people can access the definitions from another document without navigating away from what they're reading. Therefore we urge you to link to the glossary whenever you can, using the {{TemplateLink("Glossary")}} macro:</p> + +<table class="standard-table"> + <thead> + <tr> + <th scope="col">Macro</th> + <th scope="col">Result</th> + <th scope="col">Note</th> + </tr> + </thead> + <tbody> + <tr> + <td>\{{Glossary("browser")}}</td> + <td>{{Glossary("browser")}}</td> + <td>When a text matches the term to be defined, just use the macro as is (it's case insensitive)</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td>\{{Glossary("browser", "Web browser")}}</td> + <td>{{Glossary("browser","Web browser")}}</td> + <td>To display an alternative text, use the second argument to specify that text</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td>\{{Glossary("browser", "Web browser", 1)}}</td> + <td>{{Glossary("browser","Web browser",1)}}</td> + <td>Specify <code>1</code> as an optional third argument to display the link as a regular link rather than a subtle hint</td> + </tr> + </tbody> +</table> + +<p>Links created with the \{{Glossary}} macro always display a tooltip containing the glossary entry's summary paragraph or the "SEO summary" if one has been selected as described in <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Howto/Write_a_new_entry_in_the_Glossary#Specifying_the_tooltip">Specifying the tooltip above</a>.</p> + +<h3 id="Using_the_macro_wisely">Using the macro wisely</h3> + +<p>In many cases, it's perfectly safe to use the Glossary macro anywhere on MDN. There are a couple of guidelines to consider, though:</p> + +<ul> + <li>If a term already has a link to an appropriate page somewhere else on MDN, don't replace the link with a glossary link.</li> + <li>Within an article section, use the \{{Glossary}} macro only once for the same term (<em>hint: a section always starts with a title</em>).</li> +</ul> diff --git a/files/ar/mdn/contribute/howto/write_an_article_to_help_learn_about_the_web/index.html b/files/ar/mdn/contribute/howto/write_an_article_to_help_learn_about_the_web/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1c993c9677 --- /dev/null +++ b/files/ar/mdn/contribute/howto/write_an_article_to_help_learn_about_the_web/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +--- +title: كيفية كتابة مقال لمساعدة الناس على التعرف على شبكة الإنترنت +slug: MDN/Contribute/Howto/Write_an_article_to_help_learn_about_the_Web +translation_of: MDN/Contribute/Howto/Write_an_article_to_help_learn_about_the_Web +--- +<div>{{MDNSidebar}}</div> + +<p class="simple-translate-result" dir="rtl" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"><a href="/ar/docs/Learn">منطقة التعلم MDN</a> هي موطننا للمقالات التي تقدم مفاهيم الويب للمطورين الجدد. نظرًا لأن محتواها يستهدف المبتدئين في الغالب ، فهو مكان رائع لمشاركة معرفتك ومساعدة القادمين الجدد على التعرف على الويب. من المهم التأكد من أن المطورين الجدد يمكنهم متابعة هذا المحتوى ، لذلك نولي اهتمامًا خاصًا به.</p> + +<p class="simple-translate-result" dir="rtl" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"><span class="seoSummary">يشرح هذا المقال كيفية كتابة صفحات لل<a href="/ar/docs/Learn">منطقة التعليمية</a>.</span></p> + +<h2 id="How_to_write_a_Learning_Area_article">How to write a Learning Area article</h2> + +<p>To start contributing your knowledge, simply click the big green button, then follow the five steps below. If you're looking for ideas, please take a look at the <a href="https://trello.com/b/LDggrYSV">our team Trello board</a>!</p> + + + +<div class="align-center"><a class="button ignore-external mega positive" href="/en-US/docs/new?parent=111819">Write a new learning article</a> + +<div></div> +</div> + + + +<p>This article might not end up in exactly the right place, but at least it's on MDN. If you need to talk to someone about getting it moved to the right place, please <a href="/en-US/docs/Learn#Contact_us">Contact us</a>.</p> + +<h3 id="Step_1_Write_a_two-liner">Step 1: Write a two-liner</h3> + +<p>Your article's first sentence needs to summarize what subject you're going to cover, and the second one should go into a few more specifics of the items that you'll put in the article. For example:</p> + +<div class="summary"> +<p>Whereas {{glossary("HTML")}} files contain structured content, {{Glossary("CSS")}}, another major Web technology, makes the content look the way you want. In this article we are going to cover how this technology works, and how to write your own basic example.</p> +</div> + +<p>Note how the example briefly explains that CSS is a core Web technology used to style pages. That's enough for the reader to get a pretty good idea what the article covers.</p> + +<p>Because Learning Area articles primarily target beginners, each article should cover one straightforward topic so as not to overwhelm the reader with too much new information. If you can't summarize the article in one sentence, you might be trying to do too much in one article!</p> + +<h3 id="Step_2_Add_a_top_box">Step 2: Add a top box</h3> + +<p>Add a<strong> top box</strong> to help readers understand where they are in the learning process. Here's an example of a top box from <a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/Understanding_URLs">"Understanding URLs and their structure"</a>. You can use this article as an model when writing your own.</p> + +<table class="learn-box standard-table"> + <tbody> + <tr> + <th scope="row">Prerequisites:</th> + <td>You need to first know <a class="new" href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/How_the_Internet_works">how the Internet works</a>, <a class="new" href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/What_is_a_Web_server">what a Web server is</a>, and <a class="new" href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Understanding_links_on_the_web">the concepts behind links on the web</a>.</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <th scope="row">Objective:</th> + <td>You will learn what a URL is and how it works on the Web.</td> + </tr> + </tbody> +</table> + +<dl> + <dt>Prerequisites</dt> + <dd>What must the reader already know to follow the article? When possible, make each prerequisite a link to another Learning Area article covering the concept (unless it's a really basic article that doesn't require prior knowledge).</dd> + <dt>Objectives</dt> + <dd>This section briefly states what the reader will learn over the course of the article. This is a bit different than the one-liner; the one-liner summarizes the topic of the article, while the objectives section specifically lays out what the reader can expect to accomplish over the course of the article.</dd> +</dl> + +<div class="note"> +<p><strong>Note:</strong> To create this table, you can either copy and paste the example table above, or use MDN's editor's <a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Editor/Tables">table tool</a>. If you choose to use the table tool, you need to specifically add the <code>learn-box</code> CSS class in addition to the default <code>standard-table</code> class. To do this, when you create or edit the table's properties, go to the "Advanced" panel and set the <strong>Stylesheet Classes</strong> field to "<code>standard-table learn-box</code>".</p> +</div> + +<h3 id="Step_3_Write_a_full_description">Step 3: Write a full description</h3> + +<p>Next, write a longer description that provides a more thorough overview of the article highlighting the most important concepts. Don't forget to explain why the reader should take the time to learn this topic and read your article!</p> + +<h3 id="Step_4_Dig_deeper">Step 4: Dig deeper</h3> + +<p>When you're done with all that, you can finally dive deeply into the topic. You can structure this part of your article however you like (although feel free to consult our <a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Style_guide">style guide</a>). This is your chance to shine! Go into detail explaining the topic you're writing about. Provide links to the full reference documentation, explain how the technology works in detail, provide syntax and usage details, and so forth. It's up to you!</p> + +<p>As a guide, here are some writing tips for beginners:</p> + +<ul> + <li>Focus on a single topic. If you feel like you need to cover other topics, it means either you're missing a prerequisite article, or you need to break up your article into more than one.</li> + <li>Use simple English. Avoid technical terms when you can, or at least define them and <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Howto/Write_a_new_entry_in_the_Glossary#How_to_use_the_.7B.7BGlossary.7D.7D_macro">link to their glossary entries</a> where applicable.</li> + <li>Include straightforward examples to make the theoretical concepts easier to grasp. Many people learn best by example. Rather than writing academic papers, we want beginners to follow the text readily.</li> + <li>Visual aids often can make things easier to digest and carry extra information, so feel free to use images, diagrams, videos, and tables. If you're using diagrams or charts that include text, we encourage you to use {{Glossary("SVG")}} so our translation teams can localize the text.</li> +</ul> + +<p>Have a look at the first few sections of our <a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/JavaScript/Building_blocks/Functions">Functions — reusable blocks of code</a> article for some good descriptive sections.</p> + +<h3 id="Step_5_Provide_active_learning_material">Step 5: Provide "active learning" material</h3> + +<p>To illustrate the article and help the reader better understand what they're learning, be sure to provide exercises, tutorials, and tasks to accomplish. By having them actively and practically using and experimenting with the concepts your article explains, you can help "lock" the information into their brains.</p> + +<p>You can choose to include the examples directly in the page as <a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Structures/Live_samples">live samples</a> or <a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Editor/Links">link to them</a> if they don't really work as a live sample. If you're interested in helping create these valuable materials, please read the article <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Howto/Create_an_interactive_exercise_to_help_learning_the_web">Create an interactive exercise to help learning the Web</a>.</p> + +<p>If you can't provide links to existing active learning materials (you don't know of any or don't have time to create them), you should add the tag {{Tag("NeedsActiveLearning")}} to the article. That way other contributors can find articles that need active learning materials and help you come up with them.</p> + +<p>Have a look at <a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/CSS/Introduction_to_CSS/Simple_selectors#Active_learning_Selecting_different_elements">Active learning: selecting different elements</a> for a live interactive learning exercise, or <a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/JavaScript/Building_blocks/Functions#Active_learning_Playing_with_scope">Active learning: Playing with scope</a> for a different style of exercise that calls upon them to download a template locally and modify it following the provided steps.</p> + +<h3 id="Step_6_Get_the_article_reviewed_and_put_into_the_Learning_Area_navigation_menu">Step 6: Get the article reviewed, and put into the Learning Area navigation menu</h3> + +<p>After you've written your article, let us know so we can have a look at it, do a review, and suggest improvements. Again, see our <a href="/en-US/docs/Learn#Contact_us">Contact us</a> section for the best ways to get in touch.</p> + +<p>The last step is adding your article to the Learning Area main navigation menu. This menu is generated by the <a href="/en-US/docs/Template:LearnSidebar">LearnSidebar macro</a>, and requires special editing privileges, so talk to one of our team about your contribution.</p> + +<p>For now, add the menu to your page by adding the macro call \{{LearnSidebar}} into a paragraph at the top of your page.</p> + +<ul> +</ul> + +<h2 id="Suggested_articles">Suggested articles</h2> + +<p>So you want to contribute but you're not sure what to write about?</p> + +<p>The Learning Area team maintains <a href="https://trello.com/b/LDggrYSV">a Trello board with ideas of articles</a> to write. Feel free to pick one and get to work!</p> diff --git a/files/ar/mdn/contribute/howto/إنشاء_حساب_على_شبكة_مطوري_موزيلا/index.html b/files/ar/mdn/contribute/howto/إنشاء_حساب_على_شبكة_مطوري_موزيلا/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5a0a255b5d --- /dev/null +++ b/files/ar/mdn/contribute/howto/إنشاء_حساب_على_شبكة_مطوري_موزيلا/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +--- +title: كيف تنشئ حساباً على شبكة MDN +slug: MDN/Contribute/Howto/إنشاء_حساب_على_شبكة_مطوري_موزيلا +tags: + - MDN Account + - إنشاء حساب MDN + - حساب MDN +translation_of: MDN/Contribute/Howto/Create_an_MDN_account +--- +<div>{{MDNSidebar}}</div> + +<p dir="rtl"><span class="seoSummary">عليك امتلاك ملف شخصي حتى تتمكن من التعديل على محتوى الشبكة، ولكنك لا تحتاج لإنشاء حساب إن كنت تريد القراءة والبحث في التوثيقات التي نتيحها. سيساعدك هذا الدليل على إعداد ملفك الشخصي في الشبكة.</span></p> + +<div class="pull-aside"> +<div class="moreinfo"> +<p dir="rtl"><strong>لما تحتاج الشبكة لعنوان البريد الإلكتروني؟</strong></p> + +<p dir="rtl">يُستخدم بريدك الإلكتروني لاسترجاع الحساب إذا لزم الأمر، كما يُستخدم من قبل مدراء الشبكة ليتمكنوا من التواصل معك حول حسابك ونشاطك على الشبكة.<br> + بالإضافة لذلك، يمكنك الاشتراك بالإشعارات (على سبيل المثال، يمكنك تلقي إشعار <a href="/ar/docs/MDN/Contribute/Howto/Watch_a_page">عندما يتم تعديل صفحة معينة</a>) والرسائل (على سبيل المثال، إن قمت بالإنضمام إلى فريق التجربة، فقد تتلقى رسائل إلكترونية حول الميزات الجديدة التي تحتاج للاختبار)<br> + لن يظهر بريدك الإلكتروني أبداً في الشبكة وسيتم استخدامه فقط وفقاً <a href="https://www.mozilla.org/privacy/websites/">لسياسة الخصوصية</a>.</p> + +<div class="note" dir="rtl">إذا قمت بتسجيل الدخول بالشبكة باستخدام GitHub و استخدمت "عدم الرد (noreply)" على بريد الغيت هاب، <em>فلن</em> تتلقى رسائل (بما فيها الإشعارات عندما تشترك بصفحة) من الشبكة.</div> +</div> +</div> + +<ol dir="rtl"> + <li>في أعلى كل صفحة ستجد زر <strong>تسجيل الدخول</strong>. اضغط على هذا الزر لعرض قائمة الخدمات التي ندعمها للمصادقة وتسجيل الدخول في الشبكة.</li> + <li>اختر إحدى تلك الخدمات. حالياً، غيت هاب هو الخيار الوحيد. لاحظ أنك إذا اخترت غيت هاب سيتم إضافة رابط لملفك الشخصي على الموقع في الشبكة.</li> + <li>اتبع الطلبات التي سيخبرك بها غيت هاب لتربط ملفك الشخصي بالشبكة.</li> + <li>حالما تعيدك خدمة المصادقة إلى الشبكة (والتي هي غيت هاب - إذا أخترتها -)، ستتمكن من إدخال اسم المستخدم وكلمة المرور، <em>سيتم عرض اسم المستخدم خاصتك للعموم لشكرك على العمل الذي قمت به. فلا تستخدم البريد الإلكتروني كاسم مستخدم.</em></li> + <li>اضغط على <strong>إنشاء ملف شخصي خاص بي على الشبكة</strong> (أو ما يقابله بالمعنى).</li> + <li>إذا كان البريد الإلكتروني الذي حددته في الخطوة الرابعة ليس هو نفسه الذي استخدمته مع خدمة المصادقة، فيرجى التحقق من بريدك الإلكتروني والضغط على رابط التأكيد المُرسل إليك.</li> +</ol> + +<p dir="rtl">هذا كل شيء! والآن أصبح لديك حساب على الشبكة، ويمكنك القيام بتعديلات مباشرةً!</p> + +<p dir="rtl">يمكنك الضغط على اسمك في الشريط العلوي لرؤية ملفك الشخصي. من هناك، يمكنك الضغط على زر<strong>تحرير</strong> (أو ما يقابله بالمعنى) للقيام بتغييرات على ملفك الشخصي.</p> + +<div class="note"> +<p dir="rtl">اسماء المستخدمين الجدد لا يمكن أن يحتوا على مسافات أو المحرف "@". تذكر أن اسم المستخدم الخاص بك سيظهر للعموم ليحدد الأعمال التي قمت بها.</p> +</div> + +<div id="eJOY__extension_root"> </div> diff --git a/files/ar/mdn/contribute/howto/كيفية_إنشاء_وتحرير_الصفحات/index.html b/files/ar/mdn/contribute/howto/كيفية_إنشاء_وتحرير_الصفحات/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c4ab1b2bcf --- /dev/null +++ b/files/ar/mdn/contribute/howto/كيفية_إنشاء_وتحرير_الصفحات/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,179 @@ +--- +title: كيفية إنشاء وتحرير الصفحات +slug: MDN/Contribute/Howto/كيفية_إنشاء_وتحرير_الصفحات +translation_of: MDN/Contribute/Howto/Create_and_edit_pages +--- +<div>{{MDNSidebar}}</div> + +<p><span class="seoSummary">This article introduces new contributors to the process of editing existing pages and creating new ones.</span></p> + +<h2 id="Editing_an_existing_page">Editing an existing page</h2> + +<p>To edit a page:</p> + +<ol> + <li>Click the <strong>Edit</strong> button near the top right corner of the page.</li> + <li>The page then reloads, with an editing interface where you can add or delete information directly.</li> + <li>Add paragraphs, delete text, insert headings, and perform more of the basic functions involved in writing and editing.</li> +</ol> + +<p>See the guide to <a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Editor/Basics">Editor UI elements</a> in the <a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Editor">MDN Editor guide</a> for more information on using <strong>MDN</strong>'s built-in editor.</p> + +<h3 id="Preview_changes">Preview changes</h3> + +<p>To see what your changes look like:</p> + +<ul> + <li>Click the <strong>Preview</strong> button, within the editing function at the top or bottom of the page.</li> + <li>This opens the preview page, showing your revisions in a new window, or tab.</li> + <li>Each time you click this button, it refreshes your preview page with the latest changes.</li> +</ul> + +<p>Be careful! Previewing a page <strong>does not</strong> save your progress. Don't close the editing tab until you've saved your work.</p> + +<h3 id="Revision_comment">Revision comment</h3> + +<p>After previewing your changes, you will want to <em>save your revision</em>. Before you <strong>save</strong>, look for the revision comment box, below the editing box, leaving a comment to inform other contributors why you made changes. For example, you might have added a new section, changed some words to make the terminology more consistent, rewritten a paragraph to clarify the language, or removed information because it was redundant.</p> + +<h3 id="Table_of_Contents">Table of Contents</h3> + +<p>The 'In this Article' section of an article, is an auto-generated list of links to the headings on the page. The wording of these can be edited via the headings. It's also possible to remove a table of contents, or decrease its number of links, by selecting 'Edit Page Title and Properties', changing the value of the "TOC" drop down.</p> + +<h3 id="Tags">Tags</h3> + +<p>You can add or remove tags, which describe the page content and purpose, below the editing section. See <a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Tagging">How to properly tag pages</a>, for information on which tags to apply.</p> + +<h3 id="Review_needed">Review needed?</h3> + +<p>If an expert, or experienced contributor should review your edits, please request a technical review (for code, API's, or technologies), and/or an editorial review (for prose, grammar, and content), making sure the appropriate box is checked before you save.</p> + +<h3 id="Attach_files">Attach files</h3> + +<p>If you wish to <strong>attach a file</strong><em> </em>to an existing page, or to add an illustration for further clarification, this can be added to the bottom of the page. When uploading an image, please be sure to use an image optimization tool to make the file as small to download as possible. This improves page load time and helps MDN's performance overall. You may use your preferred tool, if you have one. Otherwise, we suggest <a href="https://tinypng.com/">TinyPNG</a>, a handy Web tool.</p> + +<h3 id="Publish_Discard_or_Keep_editing">Publish, Discard, or Keep editing</h3> + +<p>When you finish editing, and are happy with your preview, publish<strong> </strong>your work and comments by clicking the<em> green</em> <strong>Publish</strong> button, to the right of the page title, or towards the bottom of the page. If you wish to continue working, click <strong>Publish and keep editing</strong>, which publishes your changes and keeps the edit interface open. </p> + +<p>If you change your mind, you can discard edits, by clicking the<em> red</em><strong> Discard</strong> button. Note that discarding changes <em>permanently</em> discards them.</p> + +<p>Pressing <strong>Enter </strong>in the Revision Comment field is equivalent to clicking <strong>Publish and Keep Editing</strong>.</p> + +<div class="note"> +<p>Note: If attempting to save, but changes are rejected as invalid, and you feel the content is appropriate for MDN, <a href="mailto:mdn-admins@mozilla.com?subject=MDN%3A%20Content%20Rejection%20Appeal&body=%3CDescribe%20the%20content%20you%20were%20trying%20to%20save%20and%20where%20you%20were%20trying%20to%20place%20it.%3E">email the MDN admin team</a> for assistance.</p> +</div> + +<h2 id="Getting_page-creation_permissions">Getting page-creation permissions</h2> + +<p>For security reasons, newly-created accounts don't have the ability to create new pages. If you try to do so, you'll see a page instructing you how to get the page created. There are two options:</p> + +<ul> + <li><strong>Ask for the page to be created for you.</strong> To do this, <a href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/enter_bug.cgi?bug_file_loc=http%3A%2F%2F&bug_ignored=0&bug_severity=normal&bug_status=NEW&cf_fx_iteration=---&cf_fx_points=---&contenttypemethod=autodetect&contenttypeselection=text%2Fplain&flag_type-4=X&flag_type-607=X&flag_type-800=X&flag_type-803=X&form_name=enter_bug&maketemplate=Remember%20values%20as%20bookmarkable%20template&op_sys=Unspecified&priority=--&product=Developer%20Documentation&rep_platform=Unspecified&short_desc=Create%20page%3A%20&status_whiteboard=create-page&target_milestone=---&version=unspecified">file a documentation request bug</a>, with the subject "Create page: <page title>". Fill out the URL field with the location on MDN where you'd like the page to go, if you know where to place it. In the comment text, include information on why this page needs creating.</li> + <li><strong>Request page creation privileges.</strong> If you request page creation privileges, and they're granted to you, you'll be able to add new pages by following the instructions here. To request these privileges, <a href="mailto:mdn-admins@mozilla.org">email the MDN admin</a> team with your request. Include your username, why you would like to have the ability to create new pages. For instance, you're documenting a new API which involves many new pages, or you'd like to add new terms to the glossary. You should also have made useful contributions to this site's content, and been a contributor for some time. This length of time, and the other factors, are collectively considered.</li> +</ul> + +<h2 id="Creating_a_new_page">Creating a new page</h2> + +<p>Once you have page-creation permission, you can begin creating pages.</p> + +<p>If you do not know where to place a new article, <strong>do not worry.</strong> Put it anywhere, we will find it, move to where it belongs, or merge it into existing content. Whatever makes the most sense. Do not worry about making it perfect. We have happy helper gnomes who help making your content clean and rather luscious.</p> + +<p>There are a few ways to create a new page:</p> + +<ul> + <li><a href="#Missing_page_link">'Missing page' link.</a></li> + <li><a href="#New_page_without_link">New page without link.</a></li> + <li><a href="#Subpage_of_an_existing_page">Subpage of an existing page.</a></li> + <li><a href="#Clone_of_an_existing_page">Clone of an existing page.</a></li> + <li><a href="#Link_from_an_existing_page">Link from an existing page.</a></li> +</ul> + +<dl> +</dl> + +<h3 id="'Missing_page'_link">'Missing page' link</h3> + +<p>As with most wikis, it is possible to create a link to a page that is yet to exist. For example, an author might create a list of all the members of an API, before creating the pages for those members. On MDN, links to non-existent pages are typically displayed in red.</p> + +<p>To create a page from a 'missing page' link:</p> + +<ol> + <li>Log into MDN, and have page-creation permission. If not logged in, clicking a 'missing page' link results in a 404 (page not found) error.</li> + <li>Click the 'missing page' link. If you have page creation permission, the <a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Editor">MDN Editor UI</a> opens, ready for you to create the missing page.</li> + <li>Write the content of the page, and save it.</li> +</ol> + +<h3 id="New_page_without_link">New page without link</h3> + +<p><em>To create a new page without linking from another page</em>, enter a unique page name in the URL field of your browser. For example, if you enter:</p> + +<pre class="language-html">https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/FooBar</pre> + +<p>MDN creates a new page, with the title "FooBar", opening the editor for you to add new content. Refer to the <a href="#Editing_an_existing_page">Editing an existing page</a> section of this article, for information on how to use the editor mode.</p> + +<p><em>To create a new page without linking from another page</em>:</p> + +<ol> + <li>Log in, and have page-creation permission.</li> + <li>Enter the following in the URL field of your browser:</li> +</ol> + +<pre class="language-html">https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/new</pre> + +<p>MDN creates a new page, with a place for a title, opening the editor to add new content to this page. Refer to <a href="#Editing_an_existing_page">Editing an existing page</a>, for information on using editor mode.</p> + +<h3 id="Subpage_of_an_existing_page">Subpage of an existing page</h3> + +<p>To create a page you want to be below an existing page, in the page hierarchy:</p> + +<ol> + <li>On the 'parent' page, click the <strong>Advanced</strong> menu (the gear icon in the toolbar), then click <strong>New sub-page</strong>.</li> + <li>An editor view opens for creating a new document.</li> + <li>Add a title for this document, in the <strong>Title</strong> field.</li> + <li>Change the <strong>Slug</strong> field, if needed. For example, if the title is long, and a shorter URL seems appropriate. This field is automatically filled by the editor, substituting underscores for spaces found in the title, changing only the last part of the URL.</li> + <li>In the <strong>TOC</strong> field, select heading levels you want to be displayed in the table of contents for the page. Or select 'No table of contents', if one is not needed.</li> + <li>Write content of the page in the editor pane, saving your changes. Refer to <a href="#Editing_an_existing_page">Editing an existing page</a>, for further information on using editor mode.</li> +</ol> + +<h3 id="Clone_of_an_existing_page">Clone of an existing page</h3> + +<p>If there is an existing page, whose format you wish to use as a base for your new page, you can 'clone' that page, and then change its content.</p> + +<ol> + <li>On the original page, click the <strong>Advanced</strong> menu (the gear icon in the toolbar), and click <strong>Clone this page</strong>. An editor view opens, for creating a new document.</li> + <li>Change the <strong>Title</strong> of the page, as appropriate for the new content. The <strong>Slug</strong> field is updated automatically as you change the <strong>Title</strong> field.</li> + <li>Change the path portion of the <strong>Slug</strong> field, as needed, to put the new document in a different location in the document hierarchy. In most cases, this is not needed. A cloned page often has similar content to its original, and need to be in a similar location.</li> + <li>In the <strong>TOC</strong> field, select the heading levels you want to be automatically displayed in the table of contents for this page. Or select 'No table of contents', if one is not needed.</li> + <li>Write your content in the editor pane, saving your changes. Refer to <a href="#Editing_an_existing_page">Editing an existing page</a>, for more information on using editor mode.</li> +</ol> + +<h3 id="Link_from_an_existing_page">Link from an existing page</h3> + +<p>This is a bit of a hybrid. You can create a link on another page, then click the link you just inserted, to create the new page:</p> + +<ol> + <li>Enter the name of your new page, anywhere that makes sense in the text of an existing page.</li> + <li>Highlight this new name, and <strong>click the Link icon (<img alt="" src="https://developer.mozilla.org/files/3810/link-icon.png" style="height: 28px; width: 29px;">) </strong>in the editor's toolbar. The <strong>'Update Link'</strong> dialog opens, with the highlighted text in the<strong> 'Link To'</strong> field.</li> + <li>"/en-US/docs/" is inserted by default, to the beginning of the URL field.<em> Enter the name </em>of the page after "/en-US/docs/". The page name does not have to be the same as the link text.</li> + <li>Click OK, to create and insert the link.</li> +</ol> + +<p>If the page does not yet exist, the link is displayed in red. If the page <em>does</em> exist, the link is displayed blue. If you want to create a new page, but the page title you desire is already taken, check if it makes sense helping edit and improve the page already there. Otherwise, think of a unique title for your new page, and create a link for it. Refer to <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/Project:en/Page_Naming_Guide" title="Project:en/Page_Naming_Guide">page naming guide</a> for guidelines.</p> + +<p>To add content to your new page, click on the red link you just created, after saving and closing the editor. The new page opens in editor mode, enabling you to start writing. Refer to <a href="#Editing_an_existing_page">Editing an existing page</a>, for further information on using editor mode.</p> + +<h2 id="Refreshing_page_content">Refreshing page content</h2> + +<p>MDN support of KumaScript macros, and integration of content from other pages, can sometimes be hampered by the need for caching of pages, for performance reasons. Pages are built from their source, and this output is cached for future requests. From that moment on, any macros (templates), or integrations (using the macro<span class="templateLink"><code><a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Template:Page">Page</a></code></span>), will not reflect later changes made to the macro, its output, or the contents of the integrated material.</p> + +<ul> + <li>To manually update a page, force-refresh your Web browser. MDN detects this, triggering a page rebuild, pulling in updated macro output, and integrating page content.</li> + <li>You can also configure pages to periodically rebuild, automatically. This should not be done, unless you expect the page to update frequently. See <a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Tools/Page_regeneration">Page regeneration</a>, for detailed information.</li> +</ul> + +<h2 id="See_also">See also</h2> + +<ul> + <li><a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Editor">MDN editor guide</a></li> + <li><a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Content/Style_guide">MDN style guide</a></li> +</ul> |