path: root/files/id/mozilla/mercurial/basics
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+title: Dasar-dasar Mercurial
+slug: Mozilla/Mercurial/Basics
+translation_of: Mozilla/Mercurial/Basics
+<p>Saya ingin berbagi pengetahuan denganmu tentang <a href="/en/Mercurial" title="en/Mercurial">Mercurial</a> yang mungkin dapat melindungimu dari frustasi. Halaman ini memang sinis dan survival-oriented. Tetapi saya masih menganggap Mercurial sedikit lebih baik dari pada CVS. —<a href="/User:Jorend" title="User:Jorend">jorendorff</a> 16:06, 12 May 2008 (PDT)</p>
+<p> </p>
+<h3 id="Expectations" name="Expectations">Expectations</h3>
+<p><strong>Mercurial bukan CVS.</strong> Perintah-perintahnya tidak sama. The konsepnya tidak sama. <a href="/en/Mozilla/Mercurial/How_Is_Mercurial_different_from_CVS" title="en/Mozilla/Mercurial/How_Is_Mercurial_different_from_CVS">Bagaimana Mercurial berbeda dengan CVS?</a></p>
+<p><strong>Sepanan ini sudah terisi.</strong> Anda dapat menembak dirimu sendiri. Anda dapat kehilangan pekerjaan. Perkakasa sudah mencoba melindungi Anda , tetapi kecelakan tetap dapat terjadi. Ada dua kesalahan umum: (a) Anda menjalankan perintah tanpa mengetahui apa yang akan dilakukan oleh perintah tersebut; (b) Anda melakukan <code>hg commit</code>atau <code>hg qrefresh</code> dengan salah paham pada status direktori kerja Anda. Oleh karena itu tanpa sengaja Anda membuat commit pada perubahan yang sebenarnya tidak ingin Anda buat commit; atau tanpa sengaka Anda membuat commit sebuah merge yang rusak; dlsb. Seringkali kesalahan seperti ini tidak langsung ketahuan.</p>
+<p>Forewarned is forearmed. Don't do these things. Don't run commands without knowing what they're going to do—<code>hg help</code> is your friend. Don't commit without diffing and thinking. And don't let yourself get into "play mode" and stop paying attention to the fact that what you're playing with is your own uncommitted work.</p>
+<p><strong>Mercurial is not magic dust.</strong> Mercurial is flexible, powerful, and fun. It lets you attempt stuff you never would have tried in CVS. But of course not everything turns out to have been a good idea. (For example, we tried sharing patch queues. It sort of sucked.)</p>
+<h3 id="Avoiding_trouble" name="Avoiding_trouble">Avoiding trouble</h3>
+<p><strong>Use the latest stable release of Mercurial.</strong></p>
+<p><strong>Learn how to get your bearings.</strong> Use read-only commands (like <code>hg status</code>, <code>hg head</code>, <code>hg parents</code>, <code>hg log</code>, <code>hg diff</code>, <code>hg outgoing</code>) to check the status of your repository. This is a key skill.</p>
+<p><strong>Configure a <a class="external" href="https://www.mercurial-scm.org/wiki/MergeToolConfiguration">merge program</a> and make sure you know how to use it. DO IT NOW.</strong> Otherwise you will likely screw up your repository at some point.</p>
+<p>Mercurial doesn't leave conflict markers in your files; instead, it wants you to fix the conflicts <em>immediately</em>, using a merge program (like <code>kdiff3</code>) which it can launch for you.</p>
+<p>This can be error-prone. By default, Mercurial uses the first merge program it finds on your system, and merge programs can have a learning curve. Mercurial does not do a good job of detecting busted merges and refusing to proceed, so just by closing a window you can unwittingly put yourself in a bad state. Bad merges may lead to seemingly inexplicable Mercurial behavior in the future.</p>
+<p><strong>If a merge fails, make sure Mercurial knows that it has failed.</strong> When you're first learning the ropes, merges often go wrong. You might see this message:</p>
+<pre class="eval">0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 1 files unresolved
+There are unresolved merges, you can redo the full merge using:
+ hg update -C 2
+ hg merge 1
+<p>This means some conflicts weren't resolved during the merge. If you don't know exactly what they are and how to fix them, use that <code>hg update -C</code> command to tell Mercurial that you've given up on that merge.</p>
+<p>If you don't, Mercurial won't know, and the next time you commit, it'll make a merge changeset. This is bad. The result can look a lot like accidentally destroying a bunch of work, actually, but the damage can be undone.</p>
+<p>If <code>hg parents</code> shows two parents, you're merging.</p>
+<p><strong>If you use <a href="/en/Mercurial_Queues" title="Mercurial_Queues">Mercurial Queues</a>, back up your work.</strong> <code>hg qrefresh</code> destructively replaces the old patch with the new one! Use <code>hg qinit -c</code> to create a separate backup repository for your patches and <code>hg commit --mq -m backup</code> regularly.</p>
+<p><strong>Don't use Mercurial Queues in a repository that someone might pull from since applied (non-public) patches would also be pulled.</strong></p>
+<h3 id="Recovering" name="Recovering">Recovering</h3>
+<p>Oops! Mercurial cut off your arm!</p>
+<p><strong>Don't randomly try stuff to see if it'll magically fix it.</strong> Remember what you stand to lose, and <em>set down the chainsaw</em> while you still have one good arm.</p>
+<p><strong>Get help on IRC.</strong> Try <a class="link-irc" href="irc://irc.mozilla.org/hg">#hg</a> or <a class="link-irc" href="irc://irc.mozilla.org/developers">#developers</a> on Mozilla IRC or <a class="link-irc" href="irc://irc.freenode.net/mercurial">#mercurial on freenode</a>.</p>
+<p> </p>
+<p>{{ languages( { "es": "es/Lo_b\u00e1sico_de_Mercurial", "fr": "fr/Les_bases_de_Mercurial", "ja": "ja/Mercurial_basics" } ) }}</p>