path: root/files/pt-pt/mdn
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+title: A História da MDN
+slug: MDN_at_ten/Historia_da_MDN
+ - História
+ - Metadados MDN
+translation_of: MDN_at_ten/History_of_MDN
+<div class="summary">
+<p>In this talk, several contributors of the MDN project look at the past ten years of <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org">developer.mozilla.org</a>, and at the decade to come. You will hear the story of different wiki software migrations, how a documentation community was built, and many more highlights of the history of the site. The group then also talks about current challenges and projects the MDN community is working on this year.</p>
+<div class="chapter-audio">
+<div class="hidden" id="audio">
+<h3 id="Conteúdo_HTML">Conteúdo HTML</h3>
+<pre class="brush: html">&lt;audio controls="controls"&gt;
+ Looks like your browser doesn't have a built-in audio player. Grab the file and play it yourself from here: https://videos.cdn.mozilla.net/uploads/mdn/MDN10/MDN_RoundTable.mp3
+  &lt;source src="https://videos.cdn.mozilla.net/uploads/mdn/MDN10/MDN_RoundTable.mp3" type="audio/mp3"&gt;
+<pre class="brush: css"> body{margin-top:8px;}</pre>
+<p>{{ EmbedLiveSample('audio', '100%', '60px') }}</p>
+<p>Below, learn more about the people who are sharing their memories and thoughts, and get a deeper look at specific details they mention.</p>
+<div class="chapters" id="chapters">
+<article class="chapter chapter-portrait" id="hoosteeno"><a class="chapter-portrait-img" href="https://twitter.com/hoosteeno"><img alt="Justin Crawford" src="https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/94519" style="height: 128px; width: 128px;"> </a>
+<h2 id="Justin_Crawford_Product_Manager_MDN">Justin Crawford <small> Product Manager, MDN</small></h2>
+<p>Justin moderates this talk and makes things with code, words, bike parts, and lumber. He is <a href="https://twitter.com/hoosteeno">@hoosteeno</a> on Twitter.</p>
+<article class="chapter chapter-justtext" id="mdn-intro">
+<h2 id="O_que_é_MDN_e_para_quem_é_Um_lugar_para_a_comunidade_Open_Web_Um_lugar_para_a_comunidade_da_'Web_Aberta'">O que é MDN, e para quem é? Um lugar para a comunidade Open Web <small> Um lugar para a comunidade da '<em>Web </em>Aberta'</small></h2>
+<p>MDN provides useful information for Web technologies, and encourages learning, sharing, and teaching in the open Web community. On MDN, you come together and make things for yourself and for others.</p>
+A place for Mozilla developers
+<p>MDN is also a place for Mozilla engineers, such as Gecko or Firefox hackers, add-on developers, and Firefox OS contributors.</p>
+<article class="chapter chapter-portrait" id="sheppy"><a class="chapter-portrait-img" href="https://twitter.com/sheppy"><img alt="Eric Shepherd" src="https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/454358640518914048/WX1xBTs9.jpeg" style="height: 128px; width: 128px;"> </a>
+<h2 id="Eric_Sheppy_Shepherd_Technical_Writer_MDN">Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd <small> Technical Writer, MDN</small></h2>
+<p>Sheppy has been here documenting for Mozilla since 2006, and has a lot of history (and crazy ideas) when it comes to MDC and MDN over the years. He is <a href="https://twitter.com/sheppy">@sheppy</a> on Twitter.</p>
+<article class="chapter chapter-justtext" id="mdn-history">
+<h2 id="The_history_of_MDN_Pre-wiki_era_–_Netscape_DevEdge">The history of MDN <small> Pre-wiki era – Netscape DevEdge</small></h2>
+<p>In the early days there was <em>DevEdge</em>, the developer documentation from Netscape which formed the basis of some of MDN's documentation. Have a look at the past on <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20020819120942/http://devedge.netscape.com/">archive.org</a>:</p>
+<p><a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20020819120942/http://devedge.netscape.com/"><img alt="Netscape DevEdge" src="https://mdn.mozillademos.org/files/11581/devedge.png" style="height: 300px; width: 600px;"> </a></p>
+<p>On October 12, 2004, this popular developer website was shut down by AOL, Netscape's parent company. Only a few months later, in February 2005, <a href="https://blog.lizardwrangler.com/">Mitchell Baker</a> was able <a href="https://blog.lizardwrangler.com/2005/02/23/devmo-and-devedge-updates/"> to rescue DevEdge</a> and reached an agreement with AOL that allowed Mozilla to post, modify, and create new documents based on the former Netscape DevEdge materials. In other words, what happened to the Mozilla source in 1998 finally happened for Netscape's developer documentation as well: <strong>It became open source</strong>.</p>
+<p>Deb Richardson joined the Mozilla Foundation as a Technical Editor and lead the new <em>DevMo</em> project for community driven developer documentation.</p>
+<article class="chapter chapter-justtext" id="mediawiki">
+<h2 id="MediaWiki_The_first_wiki_engine">MediaWiki <small> The first wiki engine</small></h2>
+<p>With MediaWiki as the new underlying project platform, the Mozilla developer documentation has been made editable for anyone starting in July 2005. A new collaborative element in Mozilla was established and since then anyone is welcome to help making it better and to share knowledge. A new international community began to grow and to translate developer contents into other languages.</p>
+<p><a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20051226031957/http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Main_Page"><img alt="MDC MediaWiki" src="https://mdn.mozillademos.org/files/11583/mediawiki.png" style="height: 390px; width: 600px;"> </a></p>
+<article class="chapter chapter-portrait" id="fscholz"><a class="chapter-portrait-img" href="https://twitter.com/floscholz"><img alt="Florian Scholz" src="https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/349114" style="height: 128px; width: 128px;"> </a>
+<h2 id="Florian_Scholz_Technical_Writer_MDN">Florian Scholz <small> Technical Writer, MDN</small></h2>
+<p>Florian is a Technical Writer at Mozilla focused on open web technologies. He is a wiki gnome, gardening the documentation as if it were flowers, and he likes to work with the community toward the goal of documenting the Web and making it accessible to everyone. Florian is passionate about open source, he is based in Bremen, Germany, and tweets as <a href="https://twitter.com/floscholz">@floscholz</a> on Twitter.</p>
+<article class="chapter chapter-justtext" id="dekiwiki">
+<h2 id="DekiWiki_The_second_wiki_engine">DekiWiki <small> The second wiki engine</small></h2>
+<p>In August 2008, the Mozilla Developer Center switched to <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/dekiwiki/">MindTouch DekiWiki</a>, a powerful and new content management system and wiki system for technical documentation. This platform change was quite controversial in the community that was used to MediaWiki from 2005 on and built tools around it.</p>
+<p><a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20080907231611/http://developer.mozilla.org/en"><img alt="MDC DekiWiki" src="https://developer-samples.allizom.org/files/6478/dekiwiki.png"> </a></p>
+<article class="chapter chapter-portrait" id="aspivak"><a class="chapter-portrait-img" href="https://twitter.com/alispivak"><img alt="Ali Spivak" src="https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/111121498/ali_profile1.jpg" style="height: 128px; width: 128px;"> </a>
+<h2 id="Ali_Spivak_Herder_of_awesome_MDN_cats">Ali Spivak <small> Herder of awesome MDN cats</small></h2>
+<p>Ali Spivak manages content &amp; community on the Mozilla Developer Network and spends her time thinking of ways to help make the Web even more awesome. She is passionate about maintaining a free and open Web, and, after jumping into open source when she joined Mozilla in 2012, has focused on building and participating in the developer communities at Mozilla. She is <a href="https://twitter.com/alispivak">@alispivak</a> on Twitter.</p>
+<article class="chapter chapter-justtext" id="kuma">
+<h2 id="Kuma_The_third_and_current_wiki_engine">Kuma <small> The third and current wiki engine</small></h2>
+<p><a href="https://github.com/mozilla/kuma">Kuma</a>, forked from <a href="https://github.com/mozilla/kitsune">Kitsune</a> in early 2011 and launched on August 3, 2012, is a Mozilla-built wiki platform based on Django with its own <a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Kuma/Introduction_to_KumaScript">KumaScript</a> macro system which uses Node.js.</p>
+<p>With the code living on GitHub, the community started to contribute to MDN's CMS as well. From now on, hacking on MDN includes both writing documentation and Kuma coding.</p>
+<p><a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20121003233220/https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/"><img alt="MDN KUMA" src="https://mdn.mozillademos.org/files/11585/kuma.png" style="height: 287px; width: 600px;"> </a></p>
+<article class="chapter chapter-portrait" id="davidwalsh"><a class="chapter-portrait-img" href="http://twitter.com/davidwalshblog"><img alt="David Walsh" src="https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/2587630901/6gk0dqubt5512yk18a6o_400x400.png" style="height: 128px; width: 128px;"> </a>
+<h2 id="David_Walsh_Web_developer_MDN">David Walsh <small> Web developer, MDN</small></h2>
+<p>Mozilla Sr. Web Developer, Front-End Engineer, MooTools Core Developer, Javascript Fanatic, CSS Tinkerer, PHP Hacker, web and open source lover. David is <a href="https://twitter.com/davidwalshblog">@davidwalshblog</a> on Twitter.</p>
+<article class="chapter chapter-justtext" id="mdn-redesign">
+<h2 id="Redesigning_MDN_Kuma_with_the_refreshed_design">Redesigning MDN <small> Kuma with the refreshed design</small></h2>
+<p>The redesign of MDN was a big project. <a href="https://twitter.com/mart3ll">Sean Martell</a> designed the new MDN visual identity. It was then an iterative process with a beta user group of 3000 MDNers during several months. The new look was behind a "Waffle flag" (MDN's feature flag system). Major shout-outs also to <a href="https://twitter.com/davidwalshblog/">David Walsh</a> who was really championing the entire redesign and gave MDN the front-end that it deserves.</p>
+<img alt="Waffle flag" src="https://mdn.mozillademos.org/files/11589/waffle-flag.jpg" style="height: 384px; width: 400px;"></article>
+<article class="chapter chapter-portrait" id="jswisher"><a class="chapter-portrait-img" href="https://twitter.com/jmswisher"><img alt="Janet Swisher" src="https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/3681972492/8ed406f7d19e188e4e8936b6836b2214.jpeg" style="height: 128px; width: 128px;"> </a>
+<h2 id="Janet_Swisher_Community_Manager_MDN">Janet Swisher <small> Community Manager, MDN</small></h2>
+<p>Janet is a Mozilla Community Manager for Mozilla Developer Network. She joined Mozilla in 2010, and has been involved in open source software since 2004 and in technical communication since the 20th century. She is <a href="https://twitter.com/jmswisher">@jmswisher</a> on Twitter.</p>
+<article class="chapter chapter-justtext" id="mdn-open">
+<h2 id="Community_around_Open_Web_docs_Community-driven_browser-agnostic_Open_Web_documentation">Community around Open Web docs <small> Community-driven, browser-agnostic Open Web documentation</small></h2>
+<p>At some point in 2010, especially when <a href="https://hacks.mozilla.org/2010/10/web-standards-doc-sprint-finis/">community members and Technical Writers met in Paris</a>, it became more obvious that MDN's focus is clearly shifting from "Let's document all things Firefox!" to "Let's document the Web!". Documentation has been cleaned up and restructured over the last few years, so that MDN's open Web documentation is browser-agnostic. This material, useful for anyone developing for the Web, is our most popular and most widely used content.</p>
+<p>Different browser vendors have joined every once in a while to help shape this part of MDN. This cross-browser collaboration has been very successful and is appreciated by MDN's readers.</p>
+<article class="chapter chapter-portrait" id="groovecoder"><a class="chapter-portrait-img" href="https://twitter.com/groovecoder"><img alt="Luke Crouch" src="https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/620387561031102464/DC_PRaDa.jpg" style="height: 128px; width: 128px;"> </a>
+<h2 id="Luke_Crouch_Web_developer_MDN">Luke Crouch <small> Web developer, MDN</small></h2>
+<p>Luke Crouch is a home-brewer, soccer fan and web developer for Mozilla. He's been developing on the web since 1996, using Firefox since 2004, writing open source software since 2006, and joined Mozilla as the first staff MDN web dev in 2010. Luke is <a href="https://twitter.com/groovecoder">@groovecoder</a> on Twitter.</p>
+<article class="chapter chapter-justtext" id="l10n">
+<h2 id="Localization_communities_MDN_serves_a_global_audience_in_many_languages">Localization communities <small> MDN serves a global audience in many languages</small></h2>
+<p>Localization is a big part of the Mozilla community; it is a component of almost every project and product. Using Kuma, MDN is also very localizable and suited for the needs of <a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Localize">our l10n community</a>. The W3C specifications and other resources describing the Web's functionality have no direct goals, and have communities that provide specs in multiple languages. Especially for beginners, MDN is the first step to explore web technologies, so it's our aim to be there for everyone. MDN has a broad audience and aims to include not only native English speakers. It is appreciated all around the globe.</p>
+<article class="chapter chapter-portrait"><a class="chapter-portrait-img" href="https://twitter.com//Sphinx_Twitt"><img alt="Julien" src="https://ffp4g1ylyit3jdyti1hqcvtb-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/community/files/2015/05/ensemble.png" style="height: 128px; width: 128px;"> </a>
+<h2 id="Julien_(a.k.a._Sphinx)_French_localization_MDN">Julien (a.k.a. Sphinx) <small> French localization, MDN</small></h2>
+<p>Julien spent many nights and weekends over several month, translating JavaScript articles into French. He is not a developer, but has a background in IT and wants to learn more about new technologies. He contributes to MDN instead of watching TV.</p>
+<article class="chapter chapter-portrait" id="teoli"><a class="chapter-portrait-img" href="https://twitter.com/Teoli2003"><img alt="Jean-Yves Perrier" src="https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/604271935099392001/NMrPWLGm.jpg" style="height: 128px; width: 128px;"> </a>
+<h2 id="Jean-Yves_Perrier_Technical_Writer_MDN">Jean-Yves Perrier <small> Technical Writer, MDN</small></h2>
+<p>Jean-Yves has been a Technical Writer on MDN since 2010 and joined Mozilla full-time at the end of 2011. He is passionate about the open Web, with 15 years of C++ experience. He is Swiss but lives in London, UK. His Erdös number is 5 and he is <a href="https://twitter.com/Teoli2003">@Teoli2003</a> on Twitter.</p>
+<article class="chapter chapter-justtext" id="mdn-learning">
+<h2 id="Learning_Area">Learning Area</h2>
+<p>The MDN <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Learn">Learning Area</a> is a new effort to teach basic web skills. Over the last 10 years, MDN added a lot of advanced material, serving experts with valuable information. This project is focused on materials for beginners, and tries to fill in a lot of knowledge gaps.</p>
+<article class="chapter chapter-portrait" id="jeremie"><a class="chapter-portrait-img" href="https://twitter.com/jeremiepat"><img alt="Jérémie Patonnier" src="https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1731588715/jeremie-patonnier-150.jpg" style="height: 128px; width: 128px;"> </a>
+<h2 id="Jérémie_Patonnier_Technical_Writer_MDN">Jérémie Patonnier <small> Technical Writer, MDN</small></h2>
+<p>Jérémie is a long time contributor to the Mozilla Developer Network, and a professional web developer since 2000. He's advocating web standards and write documentation about web technologies with the will to make them accessible to everybody. He is <a href="https://twitter.com/JeremiePat">@JeremiePat</a> on Twitter.</p>
+<article class="chapter chapter-justtext" id="mdn-future">
+<h2 id="The_future_of_MDN_What_will_be_different_when_we_celebrate_20_years_of_MDN">The future of MDN <small> What will be different when we celebrate 20 years of MDN?</small></h2>
+<p>Everyone involved with MDN really cares about the web being open and accessible, and that's why we have the localization teams and all of the people contributing. MDN hopes to continue to be a key player in keeping the Web the way we feel it should be.</p>
+<p>One big part of this future is going to be learning resources. There will be a lot more Web developers over the next ten years.</p>
+<p>Another big part of our job is maintaining and updating the information we already have, so we can always serve relevant content to Web developers.</p>
+<p>What is changing and will likely change more in the future, is how information is consumed. Today people searching for information and looking up documentation. In the future, MDN documentation might be delivered directly in code editors, Firefox Developer Tools, and many other developer tools and services.</p>
+<article class="chapter chapter-justtext" id="mdn-contributors">
+<h2 id="Awesome_contributors_Many_more_people_have_done_amazing_work_on_MDN">Awesome contributors <small> Many more people have done amazing work on MDN</small></h2>
+<div class="twocolumns">
+ <li>Les Orchard</li>
+ <li>John Karahalis</li>
+ <li>David Walsh</li>
+ <li>Jannis Leidel</li>
+ <li>Stephanie Hobson</li>
+ <li>James Bennett</li>
+ <li>Isac Lagerblad</li>
+ <li>Piotrek Koszuliński</li>
+ <li>Craig Cook</li>
+ <li>Rob Hudson</li>
+ <li>John Whitlock</li>
+ <li>...<br>
+ And many more <a href="https://github.com/mozilla/kuma/graphs/contributors">Kuma contributors.</a></li>
+ <li>Chris Mills</li>
+ <li>Will Bamberg</li>
+ <li>David Bruant</li>
+ <li>Thierry Régagnon</li>
+ <li>etherthank</li>
+ <li>Saurabh Nair</li>
+ <li>Deb Richardson</li>
+ <li>Sebastian Zartner</li>
+ <li>Tooru Fujisawa</li>
+ <li>Karen Scarfone</li>
+ <li>Niklas Barning</li>
+ <li>...<br>
+ And hundreds more wiki collaborators.</li>
+<img alt="The Berlin Office" src="https://mdn.mozillademos.org/files/11591/11073502_781006205281080_8135317797319228200_o-600x400.jpg"></article>
diff --git a/files/pt-pt/mdn/at_ten/index.html b/files/pt-pt/mdn/at_ten/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fcd5f5875f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/pt-pt/mdn/at_ten/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+title: 10.º Aniversário da MDN
+slug: MDN_at_ten
+ - MDN
+translation_of: MDN_at_ten
+<div class="summary">Celebrar 10 anos de documentação da sua Web.</div>
+<div class="column-container">
+<div class="column-8">
+<h2 id="A_história_da_MDN">A história da MDN</h2>
+<p>No início de 2005, uma pequena equipa de idealistas juntaram-se para criar uma comunidade nova e livre, de recursos on-line para todos os programadores da Web. Com a ideia brilhante mas estranha, cresceu até hoje para se tornar no que é hoje, a Rede de Desenvolvimento da Mozilla - o primeiro recurso para todas as tecnologias abertas da Web. Dez anos mais tarde, a nossa comunidade global é maior do que nunca, e juntos iremos continuar a criar documentação, exemplos de código e recursos de aprendizagem para todas as tecnologias abertas da Web, incluindo CSS, HTML, JavaScript e tudo o mais que torna a Web aberta tão poderosa como é.</p>
+<p><a class="learnmore" href="/pt-PT/docs/MDN_at_ten/Historia_da_MDN">Saber mais<span class="offscreen">about the history</span></a></p>
+<h2 id="Contribuir_para_a_MDN">Contribuir para a MDN</h2>
+<p>Durante dez anos, a nossa comunidade MDN tem vindo a documentar a Web aberta. Desde corrigir pequenos erros até escrever conjuntos completos de uma API completamente nova, toda a gente tem qualquer coisa para oferecer, e nenhuma contribuição é menos ou mais importante do que qualquer outra. Nós temos mais de 90 000 páginas de conteúdo que têm vindo a ser escritas ou traduzidas por membros da nossa comunidade fantástica de Mozillians. Pode tornar-se num deles.</p>
+<p><a class="learnmore" href="/pt-PT/docs/MDN_at_ten/Contribuir_para_MDN">Saber mais<span class="offscreen">about contributing</span></a></p>
+<p> </p>
+<p> </p>
+<div class="column-4">{{TenthCampaignQuote}}</div>
+<h2 id="Subnavegação">Subnavegação</h2>
+ <li><a href="/en-US/docs/MDN_at_ten/">10.º Aniversário da MDN</a></li>
+ <li><a href="/pt-PT/docs/MDN_at_ten/Historia_da_MDN">A história da MDN</a></li>
+ <li><a href="/pt-PT/docs/MDN_at_ten/Contribuir_para_MDN">Contribuir para a MDN</a></li>
diff --git a/files/pt-pt/mdn/comunidade/conversações/index.html b/files/pt-pt/mdn/comunidade/conversações/index.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 2112b63562..0000000000
--- a/files/pt-pt/mdn/comunidade/conversações/index.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-title: Conversações da comunidade MDN
-slug: MDN/Comunidade/Conversações
- - Comunidade
- - Guia(2)
- - MDN Meta
-translation_of: MDN/Community/Conversations
-<div>{{MDNSidebar}}</div><p class="summary">O "trabalho" da MDN ocorre no site da MDN, mas a "comunidade" também produz através da discussão (assíncrona), conversação on-line (síncrona) e encontros.</p>
-<h2 id="Discussões_assíncronas">Discussões assíncronas</h2>
-<p>Para partilhar a informação e ter discussões em curso, a <a href="/pt-PT/docs/MDN/Comunidade/Conversações">MDN tem a sua própria categoria ("MDN") , no fórum da Mozilla Discourse. </a>Utilize esta categoria para todos os tópicos relacionados com a MDN, incluindo a criação de conteúdo da documentação, tradução, e manutenção; desenvolvimento da plataforma MDN; planeamento, definição de metas, e acompanhamento do progresso.</p>
- <li>Para aderir a Mozilla Discourse, consulte <a href="https://discourse.mozilla-community.org/t/signing-up-and-logging-in/16017">Registar e iniciar sessão</a> (EN); se tiver uma conta Mozilla LDAP, pode-a utilizar em vez de "Iniciar a sessão com e-mail".</li>
- <li>Para subscrever a categoria da MDN, consulte <a href="https://discourse.mozilla-community.org/t/subscribing-to-categories-and-topics/16024">Subscrição de categorias e tópicos</a> (EN).</li>
- <li>(Opcional) Se preferir interagir com <em>Discourse</em> principalmente por e-mail, consulte <a href="https://discourse.mozilla-community.org/t/mailman-mode/15279">Configurar uma lista de endereços para si mesmo</a>. Pode iniciar uma discussão em <em>Discourse, </em>enviando uma mensagem por e-mail para: <a href="mailto://mdn@mozilla-community.org">mdn@mozilla-community.org</a>. Se utilizar <em>Discourse</em> via e-mail, pode responder a uma mensagem, respondendo à mensagem de notificação que recebe. Se deseja interpolar comentários em linha dentro de uma resposta, por favor, coloque dois retornos antes e depois das suas partes em linha, e assim <em>Discourse</em> analisa-as corretamente.</li>
-<h3 id="Arquivos_históricos">Arquivos históricos</h3>
-<p>Antes de junho de 2017, as discussões relacionadas com a MDN ocorriam nas listas de endereços que eram acedidas e arquivadas com os grupos Google. Se desejar pesquisar essas discussões anteriores, pode consultar os grupos Google correspondentes às listas de endereços antigas. (Sim, nós sabemos que esses nomes são sobrepostos e confusos. Acidente histórico. Desculpe por isso.)</p>
- <dt><a href="https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/mozilla.dev.mdc">mozilla.dev.mdc</a> a.k.a. <strong>dev-mdc</strong></dt>
- <dd>Esta lista era para discussões sobre conteúdo de documentação na MDN.</dd>
- <dt><a href="https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/mozilla.dev.mdn">mozilla.dev.mdn </a>a.k.a. <strong>dev-mdn</strong></dt>
- <dd>Esta lista era sobre o trabalho de desenvolvimento na plataforma subjacente <a href="/pt-PT/docs/MDN/Kuma">Kuma</a> da MDN.</dd>
- <dt><a href="https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/mozilla.mdn">mozilla.mdn </a>a.k.a. <strong>mdn@</strong></dt>
- <dd>Este fórum era para discussões de alto nível de planeamento e priorização, para o site da Web da MDN e outras iniciativas relacionadas.</dd>
-<p> </p>
-<h2 id="Conversação_no_IRC">Conversação no IRC</h2>
-<p>Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is our preferred method for day-to-day chat and real-time discussions among community members. We use a few channels on the server irc.mozilla.org for discussions related to MDN.</p>
- <dt><a href="irc://irc.mozilla.org/mdn" title="irc://irc.mozilla.org/mdn">#mdn</a></dt>
- <dd>This channel is our primary channel for discussing the content of MDN. We talk about writing, organization of content, and so on. We also have "water cooler" conversations here—it's a way our community can keep in touch and just hang out. This is also the place to talk about other aspects of MDN (other than development of the platform), such as Demo Studio, profiles, and so on.</dd>
- <dt><a href="irc://irc.mozilla.org/mdndev" title="irc://irc.mozilla.org/mdndev">#mdndev</a></dt>
- <dd>This channel is where our development team—the people that write the code that makes MDN work—hangs out and discusses their day-to-day work. You're welcome to join in and either participate in the development or simply ask questions about issues you see with the software.</dd>
-<p>Estes canais são mais prováveis ​​de estarem ativos durante a semana na América do Norte.</p>
-<p>You may want to <a href="http://wiki.mozilla.org/IRC" title="http://wiki.mozilla.org/IRC">learn more about IRC</a> (EN) and use an installable IRC client such as <a href="https://addons.mozilla.org/pt-PT/firefox/addon/chatzilla/" title="https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/chatzilla/">ChatZilla</a> (PT). It is implemented as a Firefox add-on, which makes it quick and easy to install and use. If you're not familiar with IRC, an easy way to join is using a web-based IRC client such as <a href="http://web.scrollback.io/">Scrollback</a>, which is pre-configured with the <a href="http://scrollback.io/mozdn/">mdn</a> and <a href="http://scrollback.io/mdndev/">mdndev</a> channels.</p>
-<h2 id="Junte-se_aos_nossos_encontros_(e_outros_eventos)">Junte-se aos nossos encontros (e outros eventos)</h2>
-<p>A equipa da MDN realiza vários encontros regulares abertos para a comunidade MDN. Consulte a página de Encontros da MDN na <em>wiki</em> da Mozilla para obter detalhes dos agendamentos, agendas e notas, e informação sobre como participar.</p>
-<p>Consulte o calendário de <a href="https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=mozilla.com_2d35383434313235392d323530@resource.calendar.google.com" title="https://wiki.mozilla.org/MDN/Community_meetings">Eventos da MDN</a> (EN) para estes e outros encontros, local de encontros, e outros eventos.</p>
-<p>Se vir um encontro que ocorre no canal "mdn", no nosso sistema de videoconferência Vidyo, pode<a href="https://v.mozilla.com/flex.html?roomdirect.html&amp;key=gMM1xZxpQgqiQFNkUR3eBuHgxg"> juntar-se à conversação na Web</a>.</p>
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-title: Doc sprints
-slug: MDN/Comunidade/Doc_sprints
- - Comunidade
- - Guía
- - Metadados MDN
-translation_of: MDN/Community/Doc_sprints
-<p>{{ draft() }}</p>
-<div class="note">
-<p><strong>Nota: </strong>a comunidade da MDN realizou frequentemente <em>sprints</em> de documentação durante o período de 2010 a 2013. A partir de 2014, estes eventos foram ampliados para os eventos "<a href="https://blog.mozilla.org/community/2015/04/17/a-highly-productive-hack-on-mdn-weekend-in-berlin/">Hack na MDN</a>" que incluem <em>hacking</em> de código, bem como projetos de documentação. A maioria dos conselhos abaixo aplicam-se igualmente aos <em>sprints</em> de "Hack" e <em>sprints</em> de documentação.</p>
-<p><span class="seoSummary">Este é um guia para organizar um <em>sprint</em> de documentação. Este contém conselhos e dicas de pessoas que organizaram os <em>sprints</em> de documentos, para ajudá-lo a organizar um também. Este guia também se baseia nas idéias do livro</span><a class="external" href="http://write.flossmanuals.net/book-sprints/introduction/" rel="external" title="http://write.flossmanuals.net/book-sprints/introduction/">FLOSS Manuals Book Sprints</a>.</p>
-<h2 id="O_que_é_um_sprint_de_documento">O que é um <em>sprint</em> de documento?</h2>
-<p>A doc sprint is a short period when a group of people come together, virtually or actually, to collaborate on writing documentation on a given topic or related topics.</p>
-<h2 id="Tipos_de_sprints">Tipos de <em>sprints</em></h2>
-<p>Sprints can be virtual or in-person, or some combination. For a virtual sprint, everyone participates from wherever they happen to be located, communicating solely through mediated channels. For an in-person sprint, participants gather in the same location for the duration of the sprint, so that they can communicate face-to-face. Hybrid sprints can be mostly-in-person with some remote participants, or mostly-virtual with some local gatherings. In-person sprints require more logistical planning, to secure a meeting location, to get everybody there, and to house and feed them during the sprint.</p>
-<p>Another way to categorize sprints is by topical focus. For example, a sprint might focus on a particular subject area, such as Web development, or translation into a particular language.</p>
-<h2 id="Planear_um_sprint">Planear um <em>sprint</em></h2>
-<h3 id="Determinar_os_objetivos">Determinar os objetivos</h3>
-<p>Have a clear idea of what the goals are for the sprint, for both content and community. This helps drive your planning of lower-level details.</p>
- <li>Do you want to document a particular topic area?</li>
- <li>Do you want to create a particular type of documents or resources? For example, tutorials, code examples, or translations in a particular language.</li>
- <li>Do you want to attract new people to contribute to MDN?</li>
- <li>Do you want to increase cohesion among existing community members?</li>
-<h3 id="Decidir_o_tipo_e_âmbito">Decidir o tipo e âmbito</h3>
-<p>Based on your goals, decide on the type of sprint (virtual, in-person, or combination) and the scope (what participants will focus on).</p>
-<p>For example, if you want to attract new community members, a local in-person sprint would be a good choice, because no travel is involved, but participants get to meet each other. If you want to focus on a specific subject area, where the content contributors are geographically distributed, and already know each other, then a virtual sprint may make sense.</p>
-<h3 id="Escolher_datas_e_horas">Escolher datas e horas</h3>
-<p>For in-person sprints that require travel, we've found that three days (such as two weekend days and a weekday) is enough time to get some significant work done, without taking too much time away from everyone's normal lives. For public, local, in-person sprints, one day is the most you can expect most people to commit. For virtual sprints, we typically run for two days: a weekday and a weekend day. As an alternative example, in the past there has been mini-sprint for writing and translating docs, every Wednesday evening in the Mozilla Paris office; it was primarily in-person for locals, but also got remote participation from Montreal (where it was at lunch time).</p>
-<p>Attaching a sprint to the end of a conference that everyone attended worked well; trying to run a sprint <em>during</em> a conference that everyone attended did not work so well. Make sure that participants know about the sprint when they make their conference plans, so that they allow extra days for the sprint.</p>
-<p>Consider the time zones that virtual participants are in; be sure that you allow enough working time in each time zone, and have some overlap when multiple zones (such as Europe and Americas, or Americas and Asia) are awake. However, it's just reality that no one time is good for everyone everywhere.</p>
-<p>For virtual sprints, the dates can be set as little as 2-3 weeks in advance. For in-person sprints, you need to decide further in advance, in order to allow time for people to decide and make travel arrangements.</p>
-<h3 id="Promoter_o_sprint">Promoter o <em>sprint</em></h3>
-<p>You can make the sprint open, and invite the world, but you should have a few key people that you know for sure will participate. Work with them when selecting dates, to ensure that they are available during the chosen dates. If the sprint is not open, then you need only extend invitations; make sure that each invitation is personal, explaining why that person has been specificallly invited.</p>
-<p>For public sprints, identify existing groups that have an interest in the topic, for example: local Web developer meetup groups for a local in-person sprint. Send an announcement through whatever channel is appropriate for that group. Be sure to provide a link to a web page with more details, and include a call-to-action for people to sign up for the sprint. <a href="https://www.eventbrite.com/" title="https://www.eventbrite.com/">Eventbrite </a>and <a href="http://lanyrd.com" title="http://lanyrd.com">Lanyrd</a> are two services that support sign-ups. For Mozilla developer events, we have found that about half the people who sign up actually show up.</p>
-<p>Use the social media channels that are appropriate to reach your target attendees. We have found that for Web developers, this means Twitter, followed by Google Plus, more than Facebook or LinkedIn. However, popular channels can vary geographically (such as Orkut in Brazil). Reach out to a few well-connected people who have a large following among your target audience, and ask them to re-share your posts.</p>
-<h3 id="Logística_para_sprints_em_pessoa">Logística para <em>sprints</em> em pessoa</h3>
-<p>Logistics for in-person sprints are greater for longer sprints and those where sprinters travel to attend. A short or locals-only sprint need relatively little logistical support.</p>
-<h4 id="Orçamento_e_financiamento">Orçamento e financiamento</h4>
-<p>You need to figure out how much the event is going to cost, and where the money is going to come from.</p>
-<p>Costs to consider in your budget include:</p>
- <li>Travel</li>
- <li>Lodging</li>
- <li>Food</li>
- <li>Meeting space</li>
-<p>Some of these costs can be self-funded by participants, meaning that they pay for their own costs. There are a variety of ways to save money, which are mentioned in the following sections.</p>
-<p>It may be possible to get sponsorship from Mozilla to fund some of the costs of your event. It helps to have a clear focus for your event, and a specific plan and budget. If there is a <a href="https://reps.mozilla.org/people/#/">Mozilla Rep</a> in your area, work with them to request budget and swag through the Reps program. Otherwise, you can submit a <a href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/form.dev-engagement-event">developer events request</a> in Bugzilla.</p>
- <dt>Ponto de encontro</dt>
- <dd>There are lots of options for meeting space. If you are in a city with a Mozilla office, you can use the community space in that office. Elsewhere, options include meeting rooms in libraries, churches, coffee shops, or businesses where you have contacts. Many cities now have coworking spaces that rent their conference rooms for a reasonable fee.</dd>
- <dt>Recursos</dt>
- <dd>Be sure that your venue has good chairs and tables, and reliable power and Internet access. Sitting all day on a bad chair is not just uncomfortable; it can lead to injury. Make sure that the number of sprinters and their computers and devices does not overwhelm the power supply and available Internet bandwidth. Be generous (but not dangerous) with extension cords, and if necessary, international plug adapters. A projector for shared viewing can be very helpful. Whiteboards and sticky notes are great for brainstorming and planning.</dd>
- <dt>Viagens</dt>
- <dd>Travel is relevant only if the sprinters do not all live close to the sprint venue. The usual strategies for saving on travel apply, and are not specific to doc sprints.</dd>
- <dt>Acomodação</dt>
- <dd>Where sprinters stay should not be inconveniently far from the meeting venue. It can be cheaper (and possibly more fun) to split the cost of a vacation house or flat, rather than paying for individual hotel rooms. If you have a mix of visitors and (willing) locals, the visitors can stay in the homes of local community members.</dd>
- <dt>Alimentação</dt>
- <dd>Sprinters need to eat! Make arrangements for food during the sprint, and inform sprinters if certain meals will not be arranged. If the group is staying in a home, you can save money by buying and cooking food rather than going out to eat. Even if food is self-funded, it can reduce hassle to pitch into a common fund for food, rather than splitting every restaurant bill. If your venue allows, have snacks (some healthy and some not) available between meals.</dd>
- <dt>Diversão</dt>
- <dd>Make time for non-writing social activities. These can be informal, like going for a hike together, or more formal, like a tourist excursion. Going out for beer (at the end of the day, of course) is usually a winner. On the other hand, don't plan every hour of every day. Everybody needs some down time, especially introverts.</dd>
-<h2 id="Durante_o_sprint">Durante o <em>sprint</em></h2>
-<h3 id="Planear_o_trabalho">Planear o trabalho</h3>
-<p> </p>
-<h3 id="Monitorizar_tarefas">Monitorizar tarefas</h3>
-<p>Have a way to track what tasks need to be worked on, who is doing what, and what has been completed. For MDN doc sprints, we use a wiki page for advance planning, and an etherpad for tracking work during the sprint.</p>
-<p>Often, people want to help but don't know where to start, and deciding among many options takes too much mental effort. For any given participant, give them a couple of possible tasks ("you could do A, or B"); this simplifies their choice, without making them feel like they're being bossed around.</p>
-<h3 id="Colaboração">Colaboração</h3>
-<p>One of the benefits of in-person sprints is that people can work together in ways that they might not be able to when they're not in the same place, for example, by working out ideas together on a whiteboard or by brainstorming with sticky notes. Still, there are opportunities for collaboration and camaraderie in any type of sprint. Chatting via IRC is essential for virtual sprints, and still very helpful for in-person sprints (for example, for sharing links). For a greater sense of "virtual presence", consider using a video conferencing service, such as Google Hangout.</p>
-<p>As an organizer, look for common interests among the participants and for ways that they can work together.</p>
-<h3 id="Celebrar_realizações">Celebrar realizações</h3>
-<p>Be sure to take time to celebrate accomplishments at the end of the sprint. This gives participants a better feeling than when the sprint just ends without any summary. If possible, have people "demo" what they have done, even if it is just showing a new article page.</p>
-<p>Also, share the sprint accomplishments via a blog post, to celebrate publicly as well. This is important for any kind of sprint, but especially for virtual sprints, where the participants might not all be online at the official end of the sprint for a wrap-up session.</p>
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-title: Aderir à Comunidade da MDN
-slug: MDN/Comunidade
- - Comunidade
- - Guía
- - Landing
- - Metadados MDN
-translation_of: MDN/Community
-<div class="summary">
-<p>Os <strong>Documentos da Web<em> </em>da MDN</strong> é mais do que uma <em>wiki</em>:</p>
-<p>É uma comunidade de programadores a trabalhar em conjunto para tornar a MDN num recurso marcante para os programadores que utilizam as tecnologias abertas da Web.</p>
-<p>Nós adoraríamos se contribuísse para a MDN, mas nós ainda iríamos adorar mais se participasse na comunidade da MDN. Aqui tem como ligar-se, em três passos fáceis:</p>
- <li><a href="/pt-PT/docs/MDN/Contribute/Howto/Criar_uma_conta_MDN">Criar uma conta na MDN</a>.</li>
- <li><a href="/pt-PT/docs/MDN/Comunidade/Conversações">Juntar-se às conversações</a>.</li>
- <li><a href="/pt-PT/docs/MDN/Comunidade/O_que_está_a_acontecer">Seguir o que está a acontecer</a>.</li>
-<h2 id="Como_é_que_a_comunidade_funciona">Como é que a comunidade funciona</h2>
-<p>O seguinte são mais artigos que descrevem a comunidade da MDN.</p>
-<div class="row topicpage-table">
-<div class="section">
- <dt class="landingPageList"><a href="/pt-PT/docs/MDN/Comunidade/Funcoes">Regras da comunidade</a></dt>
- <dd class="landingPageList">Há várias funções dentro da comunidade da MDN que possuem responsabilidades específicas.</dd>
- <dt class="landingPageList"><em><a href="/pt-PT/docs/MDN/Comunidade/Doc_sprints">Doc sprints</a></em></dt>
- <dd class="landingPageList">Este é um guia para organizar um <em>sprint</em> de documentação. Este contém conselhos e dicas de pessoas que organizaram <em>sprints</em> de documentos, para ajudá-lo a organizar um também.</dd>
- <dt class="landingPageList"><a href="/pt-PT/docs/MDN/Comunidade/O_que_está_a_acontecer">Seguir o que está a acontecer</a></dt>
- <dd class="landingPageList">A MDN é trazida para si pela <a class="external" href="https://wiki.mozilla.org/MDN">comunidade da Rede de Desenvolviemtno da Mozilla</a>. Aqui tem algumas maneiras, e assim nós partilhamos a informação sobre o que estamos a fazer.</dd>
-<div class="section">
- <dt class="landingPageList"><a href="/pt-PT/docs/MDN/Comunidade/Conversações">Conversações da comunidade da MDN</a></dt>
- <dd class="landingPageList">O "trabalho" da MDN acontece no site da MDN, mas a "comunidade" também acontece através de discussões (assíncronas) e conversação e reuniões on-line (síncrono).</dd>
- <dt class="landingPageList"><a href="/pt-PT/docs/MDN/Comunidade/Trabalhar_em_comunidade">Trabalhar em comunidade</a></dt>
- <dd class="landingPageList">Uma parte importante da contribuição para a documentação da MDN em qualquer escala significativa é saber como trabalhar como parte da comunidade da MDN. Este artigo oferece dicas para ajudá-lo a aproveitar ao máximo as interações com os outros escritores e com as equipas de desenvolvimento.</dd>
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-title: Seguir o que está a acontecer
-slug: MDN/Comunidade/O_que_está_a_acontecer
- - Comunidade
- - Guia(2)
- - Metadados MDN
- - Principiante
-translation_of: MDN/Community/Whats_happening
-<div>{{MDNSidebar}}</div><p>MDN is brought to you by the <a href="https://wiki.mozilla.org/MDN">Mozilla Developer Network community</a>. Here are some ways to that we share information about what we're doing.</p>
-<h2 id="Blogues">Blogues</h2>
- <dt><a href="https://hacks.mozilla.org/" title="https://hacks.mozilla.org/">Mozilla Hacks</a></dt>
- <dd>News about and in-depth coverage of Web and Mozilla technologies and features.</dd>
- <dt><a href="https://blog.mozilla.org/community/category/developer-engagement/">Engaging Developers</a></dt>
- <dd>Promoting activity and discussion amongst the community involved in MDN at Mozilla.</dd>
-<h2 id="Emissões_de_ephemera">Emissões de ephemera</h2>
- <li><a href="https://twitter.com/mozhacks" title="https://twitter.com/mozhacks"><span id="cke_bm_286S" style="display: none;"> </span></a><a href="http://twitter.com/MozDevNet">@MozDevNet</a>: Curated feed of new pages, significant updates, and other news about Mozilla Developer Network.</li>
- <li><a href="https://twitter.com/mozhacks" title="https://twitter.com/mozhacks">@MozHacks</a>: Tweets about new web technologies, great HTML5 apps, and Firefox features.</li>
- <li><a href="http://www.youtube.com/user/mozhacks" title="http://www.youtube.com/user/mozhacks">Mozilla Hacks (YouTube)</a></li>
-<h2 id="Estado_das_informações_e_painéis">Estado das informações e painéis</h2>
-<p>The MDN documentation team maintains a <a href="https://trello.com/b/HAhl54zz/status">Trello board</a> on which our projects are tracked. This board is read-only but will let you see what's being worked on and what we hope to do soon, and may help you figure out where you can help. <a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Community/Trello">This article</a> explains how this board is used.</p>
-<p>In addtion, take a look at the <a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Doc_status">Documentation status</a> pages to see what's going on across the full breadth of MDN content. You'll be able to see what articles need to be written or updated, what topics need the most help, and much, much more.</p>
-<h2 id="Encontros_da_MDN">Encontros da MDN</h2>
-<p>There are a number of regular meetings for tracking and sharing progress on various MDN-related projects and processes. These are described on the <a href="https://wiki.mozilla.org/MDN/Meetings">MDN meetings wiki page</a>.</p>
-<p>To get a general sense of what's happening, the best meeting to attend is the MDN Community meeting, which occurs every two weeks on Wednesdays, 10:00 US Pacific time (UTC-0800 October-March, UTC-0700 in March-October), in the <a href="irc://irc.mozilla.org/mdn" title="irc://irc.mozilla.org/devmo">#mdn</a> <a href="http://wiki.mozilla.org/IRC" title="http://wiki.mozilla.org/IRC">IRC</a> channel. See the <a href="https://wiki.mozilla.org/MDN/Meetings/Community" title="https://wiki.mozilla.org/MDN/Community_meetings">MDN community meetings</a> wiki page for agendas and notes from past meetings.</p>
-<p>The <a class="external text" href="https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=mozilla.com_2d35383434313235392d323530%40resource.calendar.google.com" rel="nofollow">Public MDN Events</a> calendar contains MDN community meetings, doc sprints, and other MDN-related events.</p>
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-title: Trabalhar em comunidade
-slug: MDN/Comunidade/Trabalhar_em_comunidade
-translation_of: MDN/Community/Working_in_community
-<p>TA major part of contributing to MDN documentation on any significant scale is knowing how to work as part of the MDN community. This article offers tips to help you make the most of your interactions with both other writers and with development teams.</p>
-<h2 id="Guias_gerais_de_etiqueta">Guias gerais de etiqueta</h2>
-<p>Here are some general guidelines for conduct when working in the Mozilla community.</p>
- <li>Be polite! Even in disagreement, we all have the same mission: the betterment of the Web.</li>
- <li>Ask, don't demand. People are far more likely to be helpful and responsive when you politely request help rather than demand it. While the documentation work is important, and our development community knows it, human instinct tends to cause people to be abrasive and difficult if you don't treat them with due respect.</li>
- <li>Balance your need for information with the urgency of the documentation and the time the others in your discussion have to devote to helping you. Don't keep pushing for more and more details if it's not absolutely necessary right away, to the point of driving the others involved in the conversation crazy.</li>
- <li>Keep in mind that your request takes valuable time from the people you're contacting, so be sure to use their time well.</li>
- <li>Be considerate of cultural differences. Mozilla is a multinational and multicultural team, so when talking to someone whose culture is, or may be, different from your own, be sure to keep that in mind while communicating.</li>
- <li>Start a new conversation instead of highjacking an existing conversation. Don't inject your questions into an unrelated conversation just because the people you need to talk to are paying attention to it. While convenient for you, this can irritate the people you're trying to talk to, and result in a less than ideal outcome.</li>
- <li>Avoid {{interwiki("wikipedia", "bikeshedding")}}. Don't let your enthusiasm become annoying pedantry. It makes conversations cumbersome and unfocused.</li>
-<h2 id="Seja_delicado">Seja delicado</h2>
-<p>Always be tactful and respectful when communicating with others.</p>
-<h3 id="Politely_pointing_out_mistakes">Politely pointing out mistakes</h3>
-<p>If your purpose in contacting someone is to ask them to do something differently, or to point out a mistake they've been making (especially if they repeatedly do it), start your message with a positive comment. This softens the blow, so to speak, and it demonstrates that you're trying to be helpful, rather than setting you up as the  bad guy.</p>
-<p>For example, if a new contributor has been creating lots of pages without tags, and you'd like to point out this problem, your message to them might look like this (the stuff you'd need to change for each case us underlined):</p>
-<p>Hi, <u>MrBigglesworth</u>, I've been noticing your contributions to <u>the Wormhole API documentation</u>, and it's fantastic to have your help! I particularly like <u>the way you balanced your level of detail with readability</u>. That said, though, you could make these articles even better and more helpful if you <u>added the correct tags to the pages</u> as you go.</p>
-<p><u>See the MDN tagging guide (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Howto/Tag) for details.</u></p>
-<p>Thanks again, and I look forward to your future contributions!</p>
-<h2 id="Partilhar_conhecimento">Partilhar conhecimento</h2>
-<p>As you participate in the MDN project, it's useful to know what's going on, and to interact with other members of our community. By talking with others in our community, you can get—and share—ideas, status updates, and more. We also have tools and informational resources that can help you know what's being done, by whom.</p>
-<h3 id="Communication_channels">Communication channels</h3>
-<p>There are several ways you can engage with community members (either developers or writers), each of which has some of its own particular rules of etiquette.</p>
-<h4 id="Bugzilla">Bugzilla</h4>
-<p>When writing documentation to cover changes implemented as a result of a bug in Bugzilla, you'll often interact with people involved in those bugs. Be sure to keep the <a href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/page.cgi?id=etiquette.html" title="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/page.cgi?id=etiquette.html">Bugzilla Etiquette</a> guide in mind at all times!</p>
-<h4 id="Correio_eletrónico">Correio eletrónico</h4>
-<p>Sometimes, a private email exchange between you and one or more other people is the way to go, if you have their email address.</p>
-<div class="note">
-<p><strong>Note:</strong> As a general rule, if someone has posted their email address on documents about the technology you're documenting, has given you their email address personally, or generally has a well-known email address, email is an acceptable "first contact" approach. If you have to dig for it, you probably should try to get permission in IRC or a mailing list first, unless you've exhausted all other attempts at getting in touch.</p>
-<h3 id="Ferramentas_de_estado_de_conteúdo">Ferramentas de estado de conteúdo</h3>
-<p>We have several useful tools that provide information about the status of documentation content.</p>
- <dt><a href="/dashboards/revisions">Revision dashboard</a></dt>
- <dd>The revision dashboard provides a fantastic tool to review changes made to MDN content. You can see recent history, choose a range of time to view, and filter based on things like locale, contributor's name, and topic. Once you're looking at a set of revisions, you can view the changes made in each revision, quickly open the page, see a full history, or even revert the changes (if you have those privileges).</dd>
- <dt><a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/MDN/Doc_status/Overview">Documentation status overview</a></dt>
- <dd>Our <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/MDN/Doc_status/Overview">documentation status overview</a> page provides a list of all the areas of MDN that have been configured for status tracking, with information about how many pages therein need different types of work done. Click through to a particular topic area to see detailed lists of content that needs work, such as pages that have no tags, or are tagged with indicators that certain types of work need to be done. You can even see lists of pages that haven't been updated in a long time and may be out of date, as well as a list of bugs that have been flagged as impacting the documentation in that area.</dd>
- <dt><a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Plans">Documentation project plans</a></dt>
- <dd>We have a number of writing projects that are in the planning stages, or are large and ongoing, for which we have written planning documents to help us keep track of what we need to get done.</dd>
- <dt><a href="https://tree.taiga.io/project/viya-mdn-durable-team">MDN Taiga</a></dt>
- <dd>The MDN staff writers use a tool called Taiga to manage current and future documentation projects. You can take a look to see what we're doing and how it's going, and you can see what projects we'd like to see happen soon. Some of those will be taken on by staff writers, but you should feel free to take one over if you like! For more information about the agile processes followed by the MDN team, see our <a href="https://wiki.mozilla.org/Engagement/MDN_Durable_Team/Processes">Process page on the Mozilla wiki</a>.</dd>
-<h2 id="A_comunidade_de_desenvolvimento">A comunidade de desenvolvimento</h2>
-<p>Possibly the most important relationships to develop and maintain, as a member of the MDN writing community, are those you develop and sustain with the developers. They create the software we're developing, but they're also the most useful source of information we have. It's crucial that we maintain good relations with developers—the more they like you, the more likely they are to answer your questions quickly, accurately, and thoroughly!</p>
-<p>In addition, you represent the MDN writing community. Please help ensure we keep our excellent working relationship with the dev team by making every interaction they have with the writing team be a good one.</p>
-<p>On a related note, a great way to find the right person to talk to is to look at the <a href="https://wiki.mozilla.org/Modules">module owners lists</a>.</p>
-<h2 id="A_comunidade_de_escrita">A comunidade de escrita</h2>
-<p>The writing community is a large one. While the number of extremely frequent, or large-scale contributors is relatively small, there are many dozens or hundreds of people who contribute at least now and then. Fortunately, these are by and large awesome people with a genuine love of the Web, Mozilla, and/or documentation, and interacting with them is almost always pretty easy.</p>
-<p>See the article <a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Community" title="/en-US/docs/Project:MDN/Contributing/Join_the_community">Join the community</a> for more information about the MDN community.</p>
-<p>The most frequent place you'll directly interact with other writers is in the {{IRCLink("mdn")}} channel on IRC. This channel is specifically reserved for discussing documentation. For IRC-specific etiquette tips, see the Mozilla Support article "<a href="https://quality.mozilla.org/docs/misc/getting-started-with-irc/" title="https://quality.mozilla.org/docs/misc/getting-started-with-irc/">Getting Started with IRC</a>." You'll also have discussions with us on the <a href="https://discourse.mozilla-community.org/c/mdn">MDN discussion forum</a>. In general, IRC tends to be used for quick, more in-person-like discussions, while the discussion forum is typically used for longer-duration conversation.</p>
-<p>By keeping in mind the {{anch("General etiquette guidelines")}}, you'll find that usually things go very smoothly.</p>
-<h2 id="Consultar_também">Consultar também</h2>
- <li><a href="/en-US/docs/Project:MDN/Contributing" title="/en-US/docs/Project:MDN/Contributing">Contributing to MDN</a></li>
- <li><a href="/en-US/docs/Project:MDN/Contributing/Join_the_community" title="/en-US/docs/Project:MDN/Contributing/Join_the_community">MDN community</a></li>
- <li><a href="http://matt.might.net/articles/how-to-email/" title="http://matt.might.net/articles/how-to-email/">How to send and reply to email</a></li>
- <li><a href="http://blog.gerv.net/2012/10/how-to-be-a-mozillia/">How to be a Mozillian</a></li>
diff --git a/files/pt-pt/mdn/contribute/howto/como_definir_o_resumo_para_uma_pagina/index.html b/files/pt-pt/mdn/contribute/howto/como_definir_o_resumo_para_uma_pagina/index.html
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-title: Como definir o resumo para uma página
-slug: MDN/Contribute/Howto/Como_definir_o_resumo_para_uma_pagina
- - Como
- - Guia(2)
- - Metadados MDN
-translation_of: MDN/Contribute/Howto/Set_the_summary_for_a_page
-<div>{{MDNSidebar}}</div><p><span class="seoSummary">Pode definir-se o resumo de uma página no MDN para ser usada de várias maneiras, incluindo em resultados de motores de busca, noutras páginas MDN tais como páginas de destino de tópicos, e dicas ou sugestões de ajuda. Deverá ser um texto que faça sentido quer no contexto da página, quer quando aparece noutros contextos, sem que esteja disponível a totalidade do conteúdo.</span></p>
-<p>Um resumo pode definido explicitamente em apenas uma página. Se não estiver explicitamente definido, então normalmente usam-se as primeiras linhas, o que nem sempre é o melhor para o objectivo pretendido.</p>
- <dt><strong>O que é uma tarefa?</strong></dt>
- <dd>Identificar o texto de uma página que melhor poderia ser usado para ser o seu resumo, mesmo que apareça noutros contextos; esta tarefa poderá incluir editar o texto existente e/ou introduzir texto apropriado se necessário.</dd>
- <dt><strong>Onde é que esta precisa de ser feita?</strong></dt>
- <dd>Em páginas que não têm resumos ou têm um resumo menos bom.</dd>
- <dt><strong>O que precisa de saber para efectuar a tarefa?</strong></dt>
- <dd>Habilitação para usar o editor MDN; competência em português escrito; familiaridade suficiente com o tópico para escrever um bom resumo.</dd>
- <dt><strong>Quais os passos a seguir?</strong></dt>
- <dd>
- <ol>
- <li>Escolher uma página para colocar um resumo:
- <ol>
- <li>Na página <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/pt-PT/docs/MDN/Doc_status">Estado do documento por tópico</a>, clique num tópico de que tenha algum conhecimento (por exemplo, HTML) da coluna Secções: <br>
- <img alt="" src="https://mdn.mozillademos.org/files/8681/sections.png" style="height: 130px; width: 504px;"></li>
- <li>Na página de Estado do documento do tópico escolhido, clicar no cabeçalho <strong><em>Pages</em></strong> da tabela <strong><em>Summary. </em></strong> Irá para um índice de todas as páginas da secção correspondente ao tópico escolhido; mostra os links das páginas na coluna esquerda, e as palavras-chave e resumos na coluna da direita:<br>
- <img alt="" src="https://mdn.mozillademos.org/files/8675/pages.png" style="height: 82px; width: 361px;"></li>
- <li>Escolher uma página que não tenha ou tenha um fraco resumo:<br>
- <img alt="" src="https://mdn.mozillademos.org/files/8677/summary.png" style="height: 38px; width: 296px;"></li>
- <li>Clicar no link para ir para essa página.</li>
- </ol>
- </li>
- <li>Clicar em  <strong>Edit</strong> para abrir a página no editor MDN.</li>
- <li>Tentar encontrar uma frase ou duas que possam servir de resumo, mesmo fora de contexto. Se necessário, editar o conteúdo existente para criar ou modificar frases de modo a que estas se tornem um bom resumo.</li>
- <li>Seleccionar o texto que irá ser usado como resumo.</li>
- <li>Na ferramenta Estilos, da barra de ferramentas do editor, seleccionar <strong>SEO Summary</strong>. (Na página de código fonte, isto cria um elemento {{HTMLElement("span")}}  com  <code>class="seoSummary"</code> em volta do texto seleccionado.)<br>
- <img alt="" src="https://mdn.mozillademos.org/files/8679/styles.png" style="height: 231px; width: 403px;"></li>
- <li>Guardar as alterações com um comentário de revisão. O comentário é opcional, mas é encorajado pois torna mais fácil para os outros utilizadores o rastreio de alterações.</li>
- </ol>
- <p> </p>
- </dd>
-<p> </p>
diff --git a/files/pt-pt/mdn/contribute/howto/como_efetuar_revisao_tecnica/index.html b/files/pt-pt/mdn/contribute/howto/como_efetuar_revisao_tecnica/index.html
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-title: Como efetuar uma revisão técnica
-slug: MDN/Contribute/Howto/Como_efetuar_revisao_tecnica
- - Como
- - Documentação
- - Guía
- - Metadados MDN
- - Revisão
-translation_of: MDN/Contribute/Howto/Do_a_technical_review
-<p class="summary"><strong>'Uma revisão Técnica' </strong>consiste em rever a exatidão técnica e a integridade de um artigo e corrigi-lo, se necessário. Se um escritor de um artigo quiser que outra pessoa verifique o conteúdo técnico de um artigo, o escritor marca a caixa de seleção "Revisão técnica" durante a edição. Muitas vezes, o escritor entra em contacto com um técnico específico para realizar a revisão técnica, mas qualquer pessoa com conhecimento técnico no assunto pode efetuar uma.</p>
-<p>Este artigo descreve como realizar uma revisão técnica, ajudando a garantir que o conteúdo da MDN seja preciso<span class="seoSummary">.</span></p>
- <dt>O que é uma tarefa?</dt>
- <dd>Rever e corrigir os artigos para uma perfeição e exatidão técnica.</dd>
- <dt>
- <p> </p>
- Onde é que esta precisa de ser efetuada?</dt>
- <dd>Nos artigos específicos que são marcados como 'necessária uma <a href="/en-US/docs/needs-review/technical">revisão técnica</a>' (em inglês).</dd>
- <dt>O que precisa de saber para realizar a tarefa?</dt>
- <dd>
- <ul>
- <li>
- <p>Conhecimento especializado do tópico do artigo que está a rever. Se ao ler o artigo não lhe ensina algo significativamente novo, considere-se um especialista<span style="font-size: 1rem; letter-spacing: -0.00278rem;">.</span></p>
- </li>
- <li>Como editar um artigo da wiki na MDN.</li>
- </ul>
- </dd>
- <dt>Quais são os passos a seguir?</dt>
- <dd>
- <ol>
- <li>Escolha um artigo para rever:
- <ol>
- <li>Vá para lista das páginas que precisam de <a href="/en-US/docs/needs-review/technical">revisões técnicas</a>. I
- <p> </p>
- sto lista todas as páginas para as quais uma revisão técnica foi solicitada.</li>
- <li>Escolha uma página cujo tópico esteja familizarizado.</li>
- <li>Clique na hiperligação do artigo para carregar a página.</li>
- </ol>
- </li>
- <li><a id="core-steps" name="core-steps"></a>Leia o artigo, tendo em atenção os detalhes técnicos: O artigo está correto? Tem alguma coisa em falta? Não hesite em mudar para uma página diferente se a primeira que escolheu não lhe é conveniente.</li>
- <li>Se não existirem erros, não precisa de editar o artigo para o marcar como revisto. Veja na caixa "revisão rápida" na barra lateral esquerda da página. Esta caixa amarela lista quaisquer revisões pendentes e deixa-o limpar a bandeira do pedido da sua revisão. Parece-se com isto se foi solicitada uma revisão técnica:<br>
- <img alt="Screenshot of the sidebar's box listing reviews that have been requested and allowing the flags to be changed." src="https://mdn.mozillademos.org/files/13016/SidebarTechReviewRequested.png"></li>
- <li>Desselecione a caixa <strong>Técnico</strong>, e clique em <strong>Guardar</strong>.</li>
- <li>Se encontrar erros que precisam de ser corrigidos, irá ficar feliz em saber que também pode alterar o estado da solicitação de revisão no editor. Aqui tem o fluxo de trabalho:
- <ol>
- <li>Para editar a página, clique em <strong>Editar</strong> perto do topo da página; isto coloca-o no <a href="/pt-PT/docs/MDN/Contribute/Editor">editor da MDN</a>.</li>
- <li>Corrigir qualquer informação técnica que não esteja correta, e/ou adicioanr qualquer informação importante que esteja em falta.</li>
- <li>Inserir um '<strong>Comentário da Revisão'</strong> no fim do artigo. Esta é uma breve mensagem que descreve o que fez, tal como 'Revisão técnica concluída'. Se corrigiu a informação, inclua isso no seu comentário, por exemplo, 'Revisão técnica e descrições dos parâmetros corrigidos'. Isto ajuda os outros colaboradores e editores de sites a saberem o que alterou e o porquê. Também pode mencionar se existiam partes específicas que não se sentia qualificado para rever.</li>
- <li>Desselecionar a caixa <strong>Técnico </strong>sob <strong>Revisão necessária?</strong>.</li>
- <li>Clique em <strong>PUBLICAR</strong>.</li>
- </ol>
- </li>
- </ol>
- <p>Parabéns! Concluiu a sua primeira revisão técnica! Obrigado pela sua ajuda!</p>
- </dd>
diff --git a/files/pt-pt/mdn/contribute/howto/como_escrever_um_artigo_para_ajudar_as_pessoas_a_aprenderem_sobre_a_web/index.html b/files/pt-pt/mdn/contribute/howto/como_escrever_um_artigo_para_ajudar_as_pessoas_a_aprenderem_sobre_a_web/index.html
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-title: Como escrever um artigo para ajudar as pessoas a aprenderem sobre a Web
-slug: >-
- MDN/Contribute/Howto/Como_escrever_um_artigo_para_ajudar_as_pessoas_a_aprenderem_sobre_a_Web
- - Aprender
- - Como
- - Guia(2)
- - Metadados MDN
-translation_of: MDN/Contribute/Howto/Write_an_article_to_help_learn_about_the_Web
-<p>A <strong><a href="/pt-PT/docs/Learn">Área de Aprendizagem</a></strong> da MDN é o nosso local para os artigos que introduzem os conceitos da Web para os novos programadores. Porque o seu conteúdo, principalmente, tem como alvo os principiantes, é um local excelente para partilhar os seus conhecimentos e ajudar estes a conhecer a Web. É importante certificar-se que os novos programadores podem seguir este conteúdo, por isso nós damos especial atenção a este.</p>
-<p><span class="seoSummary">Este artigo explica sobre como escrever as páginas para a <a href="/pt-PT/docs/Learn">Área de Aprendizagem</a>.</span></p>
-<h2 id="Como_escrever_um_artigo_da_Área_de_Aprendizagem">Como escrever um artigo da <u><strong>Área de Aprendizagem</strong></u></h2>
-<p>To start contributing your knowledge, simply click the big green button, then follow the five steps below. If you're looking for ideas, please take a look at the <a href="https://trello.com/b/LDggrYSV">our team Trello board</a>!</p>
-<p></p><div class="align-center"><a class="button ignore-external mega positive" href="/pt-PT/docs/new?parent=111819">Escrever um novo artigo de aprendizagem<div></div></a></div><p></p>
-<p>This article might not end up in exactly the right place, but at least it's on MDN. If you need to talk to someone about getting it moved to the right place, please  <a href="/en-US/docs/Learn#Contact_us">Contact us</a>.</p>
-<h3 id="Passo_1_Write_a_two-liner">Passo 1: Write a two-liner</h3>
-<p>Your article's first sentence needs to summarize what subject you're going to cover, and the second one should go into a few more specifics of the items that you'd put in the article. For example:</p>
-<div class="summary">
-<p>Whereas {{glossary("HTML")}} files contain structured content, {{Glossary("CSS")}}, another major Web technology, makes the content look the way you want. In this article we are going to cover how this technology works, and how to write your own basic example.</p>
-<p>Note how the example briefly explains that CSS is a core Web technology used to style pages. That's enough for the reader to get a pretty good idea what the article covers.</p>
-<p>Because Learning Area articles primarily target beginners, each article should cover one straightforward topic so as not to overwhelm the reader with too much new information. If you can't summarize the article in one sentence, you might be trying to do too much in one article!</p>
-<h3 id="Passo_2_Add_a_top_box">Passo 2: Add a top box</h3>
-<p>Then add a<strong> top box</strong> to help readers get their bearings as to where they are in the learning process.  Here's an example of a top box from <a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/Understanding_URLs">"Understanding URLs and their structure"</a>. You can use this article as an model when writing your own.</p>
-<table class="learn-box standard-table">
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <th scope="row">Pré-requisitos:</th>
- <td>You need to first know <a class="new" href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/How_the_Internet_works">how the Internet works</a>, <a class="new" href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/What_is_a_Web_server">what a Web server is</a>, and <a class="new" href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Understanding_links_on_the_web">the concepts behind links on the web</a>.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th scope="row">Objetivo:</th>
- <td>You will learn what a URL is and how it works on the Web.</td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- <dt>Pré-requisitos</dt>
- <dd>What must the reader already know to follow the article? When possible, make each prerequisite a link to another Learning Area article covering the concept (unless it's a really basic article that doesn't require prior knowledge).</dd>
- <dt>Objetivos</dt>
- <dd>This section briefly states what the reader will learn over the course of the article. This is a bit different than the one-liner; the one-liner summarizes the topic of the article, while the objectives section specifically lays out what the reader can expect to accomplish over the course of the article.</dd>
-<div class="note">
-<p><strong>Nota:</strong> To create this table, you can either copy and paste the example table above, or use MDN's editor's <a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Editor/Tables">table tool</a>. If you choose to use the table tool, you need to specifically add the <code>learn-box</code> CSS class in addition to the default <code>standard-table</code> class. To do this, when you create or edit the table's properties,, go to the "Advanced" panel and set the <strong>Stylesheet Classes</strong> field to "<code>standard-table learn-box</code>".</p>
-<h3 id="Passo_3_Write_a_full_description">Passo 3: Write a full description</h3>
-<p>Next, write a longer description that provides a more thorough overview of the article highlighting the most important concepts. Don't forget to explain why the reader should take the time to learn this topic and read your article!</p>
-<h3 id="Passo_4_Dig_deeper">Passo 4: Dig deeper</h3>
-<p>When you're done with all that, you can finally dive deeply into the topic. You can structure this part of your article however you like (although feel free to consult our <a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Style_guide">style guide</a>). This is your chance to shine! Go into detail explaining the topic you're writing about. Provide links to the full reference documentation, explain how the technology works in detail, provide syntax and usage details, and so forth. It's up to you!</p>
-<p>As a guide, here are some writing tips for beginners:</p>
- <li>Focus on a single topic. If you feel like you need to cover other topics, it means either you're missing a prerequisite article, or you need to break up your article into more than one.</li>
- <li>Use simple English. Avoid technical terms when you can, or at least define them and <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Howto/Write_a_new_entry_in_the_Glossary#How_to_use_the_.7B.7BGlossary.7D.7D_macro">link to their glossary entries</a> where applicable.</li>
- <li>Include straightforward examples to make the theoretical concepts easier to grasp. Many people learn best by example. Rather than writing academic papers, we want beginners to follow the text readily.</li>
- <li>Visual aids often can make things easier to digest and carry extra information, so feel free to use images, diagrams, videos, and tables. If you're using diagrams or charts that include text, we encourage you to use {{Glossary("SVG")}} so our translation teams can localize the text.</li>
-<p>Have a look at the first few sections of our <a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/JavaScript/Building_blocks/Functions">Functions — reusable blocks of code</a> article for some good descriptive sections.</p>
-<h3 id="Passo_5_Provide_active_learning_material">Passo 5: Provide "active learning" material</h3>
-<p>To illustrate the article and help the reader better understand what they're learning, be sure to provide exercises, tutorials, and tasks to accomplish. By having them actively and practically using and experimenting with the concepts your article explains, you can help "lock" the information into their brains.</p>
-<p>You can choose to include the examples directly in the page as <a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Structures/Live_samples">live samples</a>, or <a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Editor/Links">link to them</a> if they don't really work as a live sample. If you're interested in helping create these valuable materials, please read the article <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Howto/Create_an_interactive_exercise_to_help_learning_the_web">Create an interactive exercise to help learning the Web</a>.</p>
-<p>If you can't provide links to existing active learning materials (you don't know of any or don't have time to create them), you should add the tag {{Tag("NeedsActiveLearning")}} to the article. That way other contributors can find articles that need active learning materials and perhaps help you come up with them.</p>
-<p>Have a look at <a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/CSS/Introduction_to_CSS/Simple_selectors#Active_learning_Selecting_different_elements">Active learning: selecting different elements</a> for a live interactive learning exercise, or <a href="/en-US/docs/Learn/JavaScript/Building_blocks/Functions#Active_learning_Playing_with_scope">Active learning: Playing with scope</a> for a different style of exercise that calls upon them to download a template locally and modify it following the provided steps.</p>
-<h3 id="Passo_6_Get_the_article_reviewed_and_put_into_the_Learning_Area_navigation_menu">Passo 6: Get the article reviewed, and put into the Learning Area navigation menu</h3>
-<p>After you've written your article, let us know so we can have a look at it, do a review, and suggest improvements. Again, see our <a href="/en-US/docs/Learn#Contact_us">Contact us</a> section for the best ways to get in touch.</p>
-<p>Another part finalizing your article is to put it in the Learning Area main navigation menu. This menu is generated by the <a href="/en-US/docs/Template:LearnSidebar">LearnSidebar macro</a>, which you need special privileges to edit, so again, talk ot one of our team about getting it added.</p>
-<p>You should at least add it to your page — this is done by adding the macro call \{{LearnSidebar}} into a paragraph at the top of your page.</p>
-<h2 id="Artigos_sugeridos">Artigos sugeridos</h2>
-<p>So you want to contribute but you're not sure what to write about?</p>
-<p>The Learning Area team maintains <a href="https://trello.com/b/LDggrYSV">a Trello board with ideas of articles</a> to write. Feel free to pick one and get to work!</p>
-<p> </p>
-<p> </p>
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-title: Como criar uma conta MDN
-slug: MDN/Contribute/Howto/Criar_uma_conta_MDN
- - Como
- - Documentação
- - Guía
- - Metadados MDN
- - Principiante
-translation_of: MDN/Contribute/Howto/Create_an_MDN_account
-<p><span class="seoSummary">Para editar conteúdo na MDN precisa de um perfil MDN. Não precisa de um perfil se só pretende ler e pesquisar documentos na MDN. Este guia irá ajudá-lo a configurar o seu perfil na MDN.</span></p>
-<div class="standardSidebar" style="width: 280px;"><strong>Porque é que a MDN precisa do meu endereço de e-mail?</strong><br>
-O seu endereço de e-mail é utilizado para a recuperação da conta e, se necessário, pelos administradores da MDN para o contactar sobre a sua conta ou atividade no site.<br>
-Adicionalmente, pode registar-se para receber notificações (tais como, <a href="/pt-PT/docs/MDN/Contribute/Tools/Vigiar_pagina">quando são alteradas páginas especificas</a>) e mensagens (por exemplo, se optar por aderir à nossa equipa de testes beta, poderá receber mensagens sobre as novas funcionalidades que precisam de ser testadas).<br>
-O seu endereço de e-mail nunca é exibido na MDN e será utilizado apenas de acordo com a nossa <a href="https://www.mozilla.org/privacy/websites/">politica de privacidade</a> (EN).</div>
-<div class="note">Se iniciou a sessão na MDN via GitHub, e utiliza um endereço de e-mail  "não responder" no GitHub, <em>não irá receber</em> mensagens (incluindo as notificações quando subecrever páginas) na MDN.</div>
- <li>No topo de cada página na MDN irá encontrar um botão nomeado "Iniciar sessão". Clique com o seu rato (ou toque no mesmo, se estiver a utilizar um dispositivo móvel) para exibir uma lista de serviços de autenticação que nós suportamos para iniciar a sessão na MDN.</li>
- <li>Selecione um serviço para iniciar a sessão. Atualmente, apenas está disponível o GitHub. Note que se selecionar o GitHub, será incluída uma hiperligação para o seu perfil do GitHub na página pública do seu perfil da MDN.</li>
- <li>Siga os avisos do GitHub para entrar na sua conta MDN.</li>
- <li>Assim que o serviço de autenticação volta para o seu MDN, ser-lhe-á pedido para inserir um nome de utilizador e um endereço de e-mail<strong>. </strong><em>O seu nome de utilizador será exibido publicamente para creditar o seu trabalho realizado. Não utilize o seu endereço de e-mail como o seu nome de utilizador</em><strong>.</strong></li>
- <li>Clique em <strong>Criar o meu perfil MDN</strong>.</li>
- <li>Se o endereço de e-mail especificado no passo 4 não for o mesmo que utilizou no serviço de autenticação, por favor, verifique o seu e-mail e clique na hiperligação na mensagem de confirmação que nós lhe enviamos.</li>
-<p>E é tudo! Agora tem uma conta MDN, e pode editar as páginas imediatamente!</p>
-<p>Pode clicar no seu nome no topo de qualquer página da MDN para ver o seu perfil público. Lá, pode clicar em <strong>Editar</strong> para efetuar alterações ou adições ao seu perfil.</p>
-<div class="note">
-<p>Os novos nomes de utilizador não podem conter espaços ou o caráter "@". Lembre-se que o seu nome de utilizador será exibido publicamente para identificar o seu trabalho realizado!</p>
diff --git a/files/pt-pt/mdn/contribute/howto/fazer_revisão_editorial/index.html b/files/pt-pt/mdn/contribute/howto/fazer_revisão_editorial/index.html
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-title: Como efetuar uma revisão editorial
-slug: MDN/Contribute/Howto/fazer_revisão_editorial
- - Como
- - Documentação
- - Guía
- - Metadados MDN
- - Revisão Editorial
-translation_of: MDN/Contribute/Howto/Do_an_editorial_review
-<p class="summary">As<strong> </strong><strong>revisões editoriais</strong> consistem em corrigir erros de digitação, ortografia, gramática, utilização ou erros textuais num artigo. Não é preciso ser um especialistas em linguagem para efetuar contribuições úteis para a documentação técnica da MDN, mas os artigos continuam a precisar de edição de cópia e revisão de provas. Isto é efetuado numa revisão editorial.</p>
-<p><span class="seoSummary">Este artigo descreve como efetuar uma revisão editorial, que ajuda a assegurar que o conteúdo na MDN é preciso e bem escrito.</span></p>
- <dt>O que é a tarefa?</dt>
- <dd>Copy-editing and proof-reading of articles that are marked as requiring an editorial review.</dd>
- <dt>Onde é que esta tem de ser efetuada?</dt>
- <dd>Within specific articles that are marked as requiring an editorial review.</dd>
- <dt>O que precisa de saber para efetuar a tarefa?</dt>
- <dd>You need to have good English grammar and spelling skills. An editorial review is about ensuring that the grammar, spelling, and wording are correct and make sense, and that the <a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Guidelines/Writing_style_guide">MDN writing style guide</a> is followed.</dd>
- <dt>Quais os passos a seguir?</dt>
- <dd>
- <ol>
- <li>Escolha um artigo para rever:
- <ol>
- <li>Go to the list of <a href="/en-US/docs/needs-review/editorial">articles needing editorial review</a>. This lists all the pages for which an editorial review has been requested.</li>
- <li>Click on the article link to load the page.<br>
- <strong>Nota: </strong>This listing is generated automatically but infrequently, so some articles appear on the list that no longer need editorial review. If the article you picked does <em>not</em> display a banner that says "This article needs an editorial review", skip that article and pick a different one.</li>
- </ol>
- </li>
- <li><a id="core-steps" name="core-steps"></a>Read the article, paying close attention for typos, spelling, grammar, or usage errors. Don't hesitate to switch to a different page if the first one you choose doesn't suit you.</li>
- <li>If there are no errors, you don't need to edit the article to mark it as reviewed. Look for the "quick review" box in the left sidebar of the page:<br>
- <img alt="Screenshot of the editorial review request sidebar box" src="https://mdn.mozillademos.org/files/13018/SidebarReviewBoxEditorial.png"></li>
- <li>Deselect the <strong>Editorial</strong> box and click <strong>Save</strong>.</li>
- <li>If you find errors that need to be corrected:
- <ol>
- <li>Click the <strong>Edit</strong> button near the top of the page; this brings you into the <a href="/en-US/docs/Project:MDN/Contributing/Editor_guide">MDN editor</a>.</li>
- <li>Correct any typos and spelling, grammar, or usage errors you find. You don't have to fix everything to be useful, but be sure to leave the editorial review request in place if you don't feel reasonably sure that you've done a complete review of the entire article.</li>
- <li>Enter a <strong>Revision Comment</strong> at the bottom of the article; something like '<em>Editorial review: fixed typos, grammar &amp; spelling.</em>' This lets other contributors and site editors know what you changed and why.</li>
- <li>Deselect the <strong>Editorial</strong> box under <strong>Review Needed?</strong>. This is located just below the Revision Comment section of the page.</li>
- <li>Click the <strong>Publish</strong> button.</li>
- </ol>
- </li>
- </ol>
- <div class="note">
- <p>Depois de guardar, as suas alterações poderão não ser visíveis de imediato; existe um pequeno atraso enquanto a página é processada e guardada.</p>
- </div>
- </dd>
diff --git a/files/pt-pt/mdn/contribute/howto/marcar_paginas_javascript/index.html b/files/pt-pt/mdn/contribute/howto/marcar_paginas_javascript/index.html
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-title: Como marcar páginas de JavaScript
-slug: MDN/Contribute/Howto/Marcar_paginas_JavaScript
- - Como
- - Guia(2)
- - JavaScript
- - Metadados MDN
-translation_of: MDN/Contribute/Howto/Tag_JavaScript_pages
-<div>{{MDNSidebar}}</div><p class="summary">A <strong><u>marcação</u> </strong>consiste na adição de informação-metadados às páginas, e assim o conteúdo relacionado pode ser agrupado, por exemplo, na ferramenta de pesquisa.</p>
- <dt>Onde é que isso precisa ser feito<strong>?</strong></dt>
- <dd>Nas <a href="/pt-PT/docs/MDN/Doc_status/JavaScript">páginas relacionadas com JavaScript especificas sem marcações (tags)</a></dd>
- <dt>O que precisa de saber para efetuar a tarefa<strong>?</strong></dt>
- <dd>Conhecimento de codificação JavaScript básico, tal como saber o que é um 'método' ou uma 'propriedade'.</dd>
- <dt>Quais são os passos a efetuar<strong>?</strong></dt>
- <dd>
- <ol>
- <li>Escolha uma das páginas na lista acima.</li>
- <li>Clique na hiperligação do artigo para carregar a página.</li>
- <li>Assim que a página esteja carregada, clique em "<strong>EDITAR"</strong> perto do seu topo; isto leva-o para o editor da MDN.</li>
- <li>Deverá ser adicionada pelo menos uma etiqueta de <code>JavaScript</code>. Aqui tem algumas das etiquetas possíveis para adicionar:</li>
- <li>
- <table class="standard-table">
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th scope="col">Etiqueta</th>
- <th scope="col">Que páginas para a utilizar</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td><code>Method</code></td>
- <td>methods</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><code>Property</code></td>
- <td>properties</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><code>prototype</code></td>
- <td>prototypes</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Object type name</td>
- <td>methods of an object; for example String.fromCharCode should have the tag <code>String</code></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><code>ECMAScript6 </code>and <code>Experimental</code></td>
- <td>features added in a new ECMAScript version</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><code>Deprecated</code></td>
- <td>deprecated features (whose use is discouraged but still supported)</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><code>Obsolete</code></td>
- <td>obsolete features (which are no longer supported in modern browsers)</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>others</td>
- <td>See <a href="/en-US/docs/Project:MDN/Contributing/Tagging_standards">MDN tagging standards</a> for other possible tags to apply</td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- </li>
- <li>Guarde com um comentário.</li>
- <li>E concluiu!</li>
- </ol>
- </dd>
-<p> </p>
diff --git a/files/pt-pt/mdn/contribute/howto/participar_testes_beta/index.html b/files/pt-pt/mdn/contribute/howto/participar_testes_beta/index.html
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-title: Como participar nos testes "beta"
-slug: MDN/Contribute/Howto/Participar_testes_beta
- - MDN Meta
- - Metadados MDN
-translation_of: MDN/Contribute/Howto/Be_a_beta_tester
-<div>{{MDNSidebar}}</div><p>De vez em quando, à medida que os programadores da plataforma Kuma da MDN fazem alterações no site, nós oferecemos acesso antecipado a essas novas funcionalidades aos membros que optaram por participar nos testes "beta". Como é típico com qualquer teste "beta", as funcionalidades podem não funcionar corretamente em algumas situações.</p>
-<h2 id="Participar_nos_testes_beta">Participar nos testes "beta"</h2>
- <li>Depois de iniciar a sessão na MDN, clique no seu nome de utilizador na barra de navegação no topo.<br>
- <img alt="Shows location of the user's profile link in the top navigation" src="https://mdn.mozillademos.org/files/15099/profile_link.png" style="box-shadow: 2px 2px 7px 1px #9e9e9e; height: 59px; width: 383px;"><br>
- This takes you to your profile page.</li>
- <li>Clique no botão "<strong>Edit</strong>".<br>
- <img alt="Shows location of the button to edit a user's profile (which may vary depending on window dimensions" src="https://mdn.mozillademos.org/files/15093/profile_edit_link.png" style="box-shadow: 2px 2px 7px 1px #9e9e9e; height: 144px; width: 387px;"><br>
- This opens the profile page in edit mode.</li>
- <li>Selecione a caixa para <em><strong>Beta tester</strong></em>.<br>
- <img alt="Shows the location of the Beta Tester checkbox" src="https://mdn.mozillademos.org/files/15095/profile_beta_checkbox.png" style="box-shadow: 2px 2px 7px 1px #9e9e9e; height: 139px; width: 305px;"></li>
- <li>Clique no botão "<strong>Publicar" </strong>no fim da página de perfil.<br>
- <img alt="Shows the location of the Publish button on a user's profile page" src="https://mdn.mozillademos.org/files/15097/profile_publish_button.png" style="box-shadow: 2px 2px 7px 1px #9e9e9e; height: 218px; width: 477px;"></li>
-<h2 id="Cancelar_participação_nos_testes_beta">Cancelar participação nos testes "beta"</h2>
- <li>While logged in to MDN, click your user name in the top navigation bar. This takes you to your profile page.</li>
- <li>Click the <strong>Edit</strong> button. This opens the profile page in edit mode.</li>
- <li>Clear the checkbox for <strong>Beta tester</strong>.</li>
- <li>Click the <strong>Publish</strong> button.</li>
-<h2 id="Dê_a_sua_opiniãocomentário_sobre_os_testes_beta">Dê a sua opinião/comentário sobre os testes "beta"</h2>
-<p>There are two ways you can give feedback about a beta test:</p>
- <li>Share qualitative feedback on the MDN discussion forum. Add a post to the <a href="https://discourse.mozilla-community.org/t/beta-redesign-feedback/16544">Beta feedback thread</a>.  Or,</li>
- <li>File a bug, using the following steps:</li>
- <li><a href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/createaccount.cgi">Create an account on Bugzilla</a> if you don't already have one.</li>
- <li>Open a <a href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/form.mdn#h=detail%7Cbug">bug report in Bugzilla for MDN</a>.</li>
- <li>Include the word "beta" in the Summary field to help MDN developers filter and triage incoming bugs.</li>
- <li>Fill out the bug report form to the best of your ability. Be as detailed as possible.</li>
- <li>Click the <strong>Submit</strong> button.</li>
-<p> </p>
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-title: Elementos da IU do Editor
-slug: MDN/Editor/Basicos
- - Documentação
- - Guía
- - MDN
- - Metadados da MDN
- - Principiante
- - editor
-translation_of: MDN/Editor/Basics
-<p><span class="seoSummary">O editor WYSIWYG na MDN</span> foi projetado para facilitar ao máximo a criação, edição e melhoramento de artigos e outras páginas em praticamente qualquer lugar do site. A janela do editor, mostrada abaixo, consiste em oito áreas principais. Este guia fornece informação sobre cada secção para que saiba como utilizar todo o nosso ambiente de edição.</p>
-<div class="note">
-<p>We're constantly working on improvements to MDN, so there will be times when this documentation or the screen shots below may be slightly out-of-date. We'll periodically update this documentation, though, to avoid it being unusably behind.</p>
-<p><img alt="Screenshot of the editor UI (August 2017) with each section labeled" src="https://mdn.mozillademos.org/files/15261/edit-page-with-labels.png" style="border-style: solid; border-width: 2px; height: 723px; width: 808px;"></p>
-<p>The editor UI contains the following sections, as shown above. Click a link below to read about that section of the editor.</p>
- <li><a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Editor/Basics/Page_info">Page info</a></li>
- <li><a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Editor/Basics/Page_controls">Page controls</a></li>
- <li><a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Editor/Basics/Toolbar">Toolbar</a></li>
- <li><a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Editor/Edit_box">Edit box</a></li>
- <li><a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Editor/Basics/Tags">Tags</a></li>
- <li><a href="#Revision_comment">Revision comment</a></li>
- <li><a href="#Review_requests">Review requests</a></li>
- <li><a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Editor/Basics/Attachments">Attachments</a></li>
-<h2 id="Caixa_de_edição">Caixa de edição</h2>
-<p>The edit box is, of course, where you actually do your writing.</p>
-<p>Right-clicking in the editor box offers appropriate additional options depending on the context of your click: right-clicking in a table offers table-related options and right-clicking in a list offers list-related options, for example. By default, the editor uses its own contextual menu when you right-click on the editor. To access your browser's default contextual menu (such as to access the Firefox spell checker's list of suggested corrections), hold down the <kbd>Shift</kbd> or <kbd>Control</kbd> key (the <kbd>Command</kbd> key on Mac OS X) while clicking.</p>
-<p>When working in the edit box, you can use its <a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Editor/Edit_box">keyboard shortcuts</a>.</p>
-<h2 id="Comentário_da_revisão">Comentário da revisão</h2>
-<p>After you've made your changes, it's strongly recommended you add a comment to your revision. This is displayed in the revision history for the page, as well as on the <a href="/en-US/dashboards/revisions" title="/en-US/dashboards/revisions">Revision Dashboard</a>. It helps to explain or justify your changes to others that may review your work later. To add a revision comment, simply type the note into the revision comment box before clicking either of the <strong>Publish</strong> buttons at the top or bottom of the page.</p>
-<p>There are a few reasons this is helpful:</p>
- <li>If the reason for your change isn't obvious, your note can explain the reasoning to others.</li>
- <li>If your change is technically complex, it can explain to editors the logic behind it; this can include a bug number, for example, that editors can refer to for more information.</li>
- <li>If your edit involves deleting a large amount of content, you can justify the deletion (for example, "I moved this content to article X").</li>
-<h2 id="Pedidos_de_revisão">Pedidos de revisão</h2>
-<p>The MDN community uses <strong>reviews</strong> to try to monitor and improve the quality of MDN's content. This works by setting a flag on an article indicating that a review is needed. You can learn more about <a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Howto/Do_a_technical_review" title="/en-US/docs/Project:MDN/Contributing/How_to_help#Content_reviews">technical reviews</a> and <a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Howto/Do_an_editorial_review">editorial review</a> in the <a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Howto" title="/en-US/docs/Project:MDN/Contributing/How_to_help">How to</a> guides.</p>
-<p>To request a review on the article you've worked on, toggle on the checkbox next to the type of review that's needed. Technical reviews should be requested any time you make changes to the explanation of how something technical works, while editorial reviews are a good idea when you've made changes and would like someone to review your writing and style choices.</p>
-<p>While selecting a review checkbox adds the article to the lists of those <a href="/en-US/docs/needs-review/technical">needing technical review</a> or <a href="/en-US/docs/needs-review/editorial">needing editorial review</a>, it does not guarantee that anyone will immediately review the article. For technical reviews, it's a good idea to directly contact a <a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Community/Roles/Subject-matter_experts">subject-matter expert</a> in the relevant technical area. For editorial reviews, you can post in the <a href="/https://discourse.mozilla.org/c/mdn">MDN discussion forum</a> to request that someone review your changes.</p>
-<p>Be sure to click one of the <strong>Publish</strong> buttons after making your selections, to commit your review request.</p>
-<h2 id="Consulte_também">Consulte também</h2>
- <li><a href="https://docs.ckeditor.com/">CKEditor - Guia do Utilizador</a></li>
-<h6 id="EditorGuideQuicklinks">{{EditorGuideQuicklinks}}<span id="cke_bm_73C" style="display: none;"> </span></h6>
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-title: Guia para o editor da IU da MDN
-slug: MDN/Editor
- - Documentação
- - Guía
- - Landing
- - MDN
- - Metadados MDN
-translation_of: MDN/Editor
-<p class="summary"><span class="seoSummary">O editor WYSIWYG (o que vê é o que obtém) para a wiki dos <strong>Documentos da Web da MDN</strong> torna fácil a contribuição para novo conteúdo. Este guia mostra-lhe como utilizar o editor e melhorar a sua produtividade. Por favor, leia e concorde com os <a href="https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/about/legal/terms/mozilla/">Termos da Mozilla</a> antes de editar ou criar novas páginas. </span></p>
-<p>O <a href="/pt-PT/docs/MDN/Contribute/linhas_diretrizes/Guia_de_estilo_de_escrita" title="Read the MDN style guide">guia de estilo de escrita da MDN</a> oferece informação sobre como formatar e estilizar o próprio conteúdo, incluindo as nossas regras de gramática e ortografia preferidas.</p>
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-title: API references
-slug: MDN/Structures/API_references
- - API
- - Contribute
- - Guide
- - NeedsTranslation
- - Reference
- - TopicStub
-translation_of: MDN/Structures/API_references
-<p class="summary">Client-side JavaScript APIs form a large part of the technology available on the web, and MDN includes extensive reference material to explain what functionality is available in these APIs, and how to use it. In this set of guides we explain how to create API reference material on MDN.</p>
-<h2 id="Prerequisite_resources">Prerequisite resources</h2>
-<p>Before starting to document an API, you should have available:</p>
- <li>The latest spec: Whether it is a W3C Recommendation or an early  editor's draft, you should refer to the latest available draft of the  spec that covers (or specs that cover) that API. To find it, you can usually do a Web search. The latest  version will often be linked to from all versions of the spec, listed under "latest draft" or similar.</li>
- <li>The latest modern web browsers: These should be experimental/alpha builds such as <a href="https://nightly.mozilla.org/">Firefox Nightly</a>/<a href="https://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/browser/canary.html">Chrome Canary</a> that are more likely to support the features you are documenting. This is especially pertinent if you are documenting a nascent/experimental API.</li>
- <li>Demos/blog posts/other info: Find as much info as you can. It is useful to start by spending time familiarizing yourself with how the API works — learn what the main interfaces/properties/methods are, what the primary use cases are, and how to write simple functionality with it.</li>
- <li>Useful engineering contacts: It is really useful to find yourself a friendly engineering contact to ask questions about the spec, someone who is involved in the standardization of the API, or its implementation in a browser. Good places to find them are:
- <ul>
- <li>Your internal company address book, if you work for a relevant company.</li>
- <li>A public mailing list that is involved in the discussion of that API,  such as Mozilla's <a href="https://lists.mozilla.org/listinfo/dev-platform">dev-platform</a> or <a href="https://lists.mozilla.org/listinfo/dev-webapi">dev-webapi</a> lists, or a W3C list like <a href="https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/">public-webapps</a>.</li>
- <li>The spec itself. For example, the <a href="https://webaudio.github.io/web-audio-api/">Web Audio API spec</a> lists the authors and their contact details at the top.</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
-<h2 id="High_level_structure">High level structure</h2>
- <dt><a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Structures/API_references/What_does_an_API_reference_need">What does an API reference need?</a></dt>
- <dd>This article explains what pages are required for a complete API reference.</dd>
- <dt><a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Structures/Page_types">Page types</a></dt>
- <dd>There are a number of types of pages that are used repeatedly on MDN. This article describes these page types, their purpose, and gives examples of each and templates to use when creating a new page.</dd>
-<h2 id="Individual_page_features">Individual page features</h2>
-<p>These articles explain how to create the individual page features required for API reference pages.</p>
- <dt><a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Structures/API_references/API_reference_sidebars">API reference sidebars</a></dt>
- <dd>When including a sidebar on your MDN API reference articles, you are able to customize it so that it displays links to related Interfaces, tutorials, and other resources relevant just to that API. This article explains how.</dd>
- <dt><a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Structures/Syntax_sections">Syntax sections</a></dt>
- <dd>The syntax section of an MDN reference page contains a syntax box defining the exact syntax that a feature has (e.g. what parameters can it accept, which ones are optional?) This article explains how to write syntax boxes for refererence articles.</dd>
- <dt><a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Structures/Code_examples">Code examples</a></dt>
- <dd>On MDN, you'll see numerous code examples inserted throughout the pages to demonstrate usage of web platform features. This article discusses the different mechanisms available for adding code examples to pages, along with which ones you should use and when.</dd>
- <dt><a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Structures/Specification_tables">Specification tables</a></dt>
- <dd>Every reference page on MDN should provide information about the specification or specifications in which that API or technology was defined. This article demonstrates what these tables look like and explains how to construct them.</dd>
- <dt><a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Structures/Compatibility_tables">Compatibility tables</a></dt>
- <dd>MDN has a standard format for compatibility tables for our open web documentation; that is, documentation of technologies such as the DOM, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SVG, and so forth, that are shared across all browsers. This article covers how to use our features to add compatibility data to MDN pages.</dd>
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-title: O que é que uma referência de API precisa?
-slug: MDN/Structures/API_references/O_que_e_que_uma_referencia_de_API_precisa
-translation_of: MDN/Structures/API_references/What_does_an_API_reference_need
-<div>{{MDNSidebar}}</div><p class="summary">Este artigo explica quais as páginas que são necessárias para uma referência completa da API .</p>
-<div class="note">
-<p><strong>Nota</strong>: It is a good idea to create the list of documents you need to write or update when you are working on an API reference, then check them off as you complete them.</p>
-<h2 id="API_pages_at_a_glance">API pages at a glance</h2>
-<p>An API reference will generally contain the following pages. You can find more details of what each page contains, examples, and templates, in our <a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Structures/Page_types">Page types</a> article.</p>
- <li>Overview page</li>
- <li>Interface pages</li>
- <li>Constructor pages</li>
- <li>Method pages</li>
- <li>Property pages (including event handlers properties)</li>
- <li>Event pages</li>
- <li>Concept/guide pages</li>
- <li>Examples</li>
-<div class="note">
-<p><strong>Nota</strong>: We'll be referring to the <a href="/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Audio_API">Web Audio API</a> for examples in this article.</p>
-<div class="note">
-<p><strong>Nota</strong>: To create a page as specified below, the easiest way is to go to the parent page you want it to hang off, and choose <em>Cog icon &gt; New sub-article</em>. If you haven't got this option available on your MDN interface, you'll need to request this privilege (ask at <code>mdn-admins@mozilla.org</code>), or ask another MDN contributor to create them for you.</p>
-<h3 id="Página_de_sinopse">Página de sinopse</h3>
-<p>A single API overview page is used to describe the role of the API, its top-level interfaces, related features contained in other interfaces, and other high level details. Its name and slug should be the name of the API plus "API" on the end. It is placed at the top level of the API reference, as a child of <a href="/en-US/docs/Web/API">https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API</a>.</p>
- <li>Title: <em>Web Audio API</em></li>
- <li>Slug: <em>Web_Audio_API</em></li>
- <li>URL: <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Audio_API">https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Audio_API</a></li>
-<h3 id="Páginas_da_interface">Páginas da interface</h3>
-<p>Each interface will have its own page too, describing the purpose of the interface, listing any members (constructors, methods, properties, etc. it contains), and showing what browsers it is compatible with. A page's name and slug should be the name of the interface, exactly as written in the spec. Each page is placed at the top level of the API reference, as a child of <a href="/en-US/docs/Web/API">https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API</a>.</p>
- <li>Title: <em>AudioContext</em></li>
- <li>Slug: <em>AudioContext</em></li>
- <li>URL: <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/AudioContext">https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/AudioContext</a></li>
- <li>Title: <em>AudioNode</em></li>
- <li>Slug: <em>AudioNode</em></li>
- <li>URL: <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/AudioNode">https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/AudioNode</a></li>
-<div class="note">
-<p><strong>Nota:</strong> We document every member appearing in the interface. You should bear the following rules in mind:</p>
- <li>We document methods defined on the <u>prototype</u> of an object implementing this interface (instance methods), and methods defined on the actual class itself (static methods). On the rare occasions that they both exist on the same interface, you should list them in separate sections on the page (Static methods/Instance methods). Usually only instance methods exist, in which case you can put these under the title "Methods".</li>
- <li>We do not document inherited properties and methods of the interface: they are listed on the respective parent interface. We do hint at their existence though.</li>
- <li>We do document properties and methods defined in mixins, though we use the mixin name as interface name. (This is not optimal as the mixin name will not appear in the console, but it prevents the duplication of documentation. We may revisit this in the future.)</li>
- <li>Special methods like the stringfier (<code>toString()</code>) and the jsonizier (<code>toJSON()</code>) are also listed if they do exist.</li>
- <li>Named constructors (like <code>Image()</code>  for {{domxref("HTMLImageElement")}} ) are also listed, if relevant.</li>
-<h3 id="Páginas_de_constructor">Páginas de <em>constructor</em></h3>
-<p>Each interface has 0 or 1 constructors, documented on a subpage of the interface's page. It describes the purpose of the constructor and shows what its syntax looks like, usage examples, browser compatibility information, etc. Its slug is the name of the constructor, which is exactly the same as the interface name, and the title is interface name, dot, constructor name, then parentheses on the end.</p>
- <li>Title: <em>AudioContext.AudioContext()</em></li>
- <li>Slug: <em>AudioContext</em></li>
- <li>URL: <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/AudioContext/AudioContext">https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/AudioContext/AudioContext</a></li>
-<h3 id="Páginas_de_propriedade">Páginas de propriedade</h3>
-<p>Each interface has zero or more properties, documented on subpages of the interface's page. each page describes the purpose of the property and shows what its syntax looks like, usage examples, browser compatibility information, etc. Its slug is the name of the property, and the title is interface name, dot, then property name.</p>
- <li>Title: <em>AudioContext.state</em></li>
- <li>Slug: <em>state</em></li>
- <li>URL: <a href="/en-US/docs/Web/API/AudioContext/state">https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/AudioContext/state</a></li>
- <li>Title: <em>AudioContext.onstatechange</em></li>
- <li>Slug: <em>onstatechange</em></li>
- <li>URL: <a href="/en-US/docs/Web/API/AudioContext/onstatechange">https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/AudioContext/onstatechange</a></li>
-<div class="note">
-<p><strong>Nota:</strong> Event handler properties are treated in the same way as regular properties; they are generally listed in a separate section on the interface page though.</p>
-<h3 id="Páginas_de_método">Páginas de método</h3>
-<p>Each interface has zero or more methods, documented on subpages of the interface's page. each page describes the purpose of the method and shows what its syntax looks like, usage examples, browser compatibility information, etc. Its slug is the name of the method, and the title is interface name, dot, method name, then parentheses.</p>
- <li>Title: <em>AudioContext.close()</em></li>
- <li>Slug: <em>close</em></li>
- <li>URL: <a href="/en-US/docs/Web/API/AudioContext/close">https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/AudioContext/close</a></li>
- <li>Title: <em>AudioContext.createGain()</em></li>
- <li>Slug: <em>createGain</em></li>
- <li>URL: <a href="/en-US/docs/Web/API/AudioContext/createGain">https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/AudioContext/createGain</a></li>
-<h3 id="Páginas_de_evento">Páginas de evento</h3>
-<p>Each event handler property you create will have a corresponding event page, describing the event that causes the handler to fire, documented on a subpage of <a href="/en-US/docs/Web/Events">https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events</a>. Each page describes the purpose of the event and shows what its syntax looks like, usage examples, browser compatibility information, etc. Its slug and title is the name of the event.</p>
- <li>Title: <em>statechange</em></li>
- <li>Slug: <em>statechange</em></li>
- <li>URL: <a href="/en-US/docs/Web/Events/statechange">https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events/statechange</a></li>
-<h3 id="Páginas_de_conceitoguia">Páginas de conceito/guia</h3>
-<p>Most API references have at least one guide and sometimes also a concept page to accompany it. At minimum, an API reference should contain a guide called "Using the <em>name-of-api</em>", which will provide a basic guide to how to use the API. More complex APIs may require multiple usage guides to explain how to use different aspects of the API.</p>
-<p>If required, you can also including a concepts article called "<em>name-of-api</em> concepts", which will provide explanation of the theory behind any concepts related to the API that developers should understand to effectively use it.</p>
-<p>These articles should all be created as subpages of the API overview page. For example, the Web Audio has four guides and a concept article:</p>
- <li><a href="/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Audio_API/Using_Web_Audio_API">https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Audio_API/Using_Web_Audio_API</a></li>
- <li><a href="/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Audio_API/Visualizations_with_Web_Audio_API">https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Audio_API/Visualizations_with_Web_Audio_API</a></li>
- <li><a href="/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Audio_API/Web_audio_spatialization_basics">https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Audio_API/Web_audio_spatialization_basics</a></li>
- <li><a href="/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Audio_API/Porting_webkitAudioContext_code_to_standards_based_AudioContext">https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Audio_API/Porting_webkitAudioContext_code_to_standards_based_AudioContext</a></li>
- <li><a href="/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Audio_API/Basic_concepts_behind_Web_Audio_API">https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Audio_API/Basic_concepts_behind_Web_Audio_API</a></li>
-<h3 id="Exemplos">Exemplos</h3>
-<p>You should create some examples that demonstrate at least the most common use cases of the API. You can put these anywhere that is appropriate, although the recommended place is the <a href="https://github.com/mdn/">MDN GitHub repo</a>.</p>
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-title: Edição de modelo
-slug: MDN/Tools/Edição_de_modelo
- - Ferramentas
- - Guía
- - Metadados MDN
-translation_of: MDN/Tools/Template_editing
-<div>{{MDNSidebar}}</div><p>Na MDN, os modelos esccritos em <a href="/pt-PT/docs/MDN/Contribute/Tools/KumaScript">KumaScript</a> são utilziados por uma geração de conteúdo automatizado e personalização dentro das páginas. Cada modelo é um ficheiro separado sob <a href="https://github.com/mozilla/kumascript/tree/master/macros">a diretoria de macros do repositório de KumaScript no GitHub</a>.</p>
-<p>Qualquer pessoa que edite páginas da wiki da MDN podem invocar modelos via <span class="seoSummary"> </span> <span class="seoSummary"> <a href="/pt-PT/docs/MDN/Contribute/Structures/Macros">macros</a> nos artigos da MDN.Qualquer pessoa pode criar e editar modelos via <a href="https://github.com/mozilla/kumascript">repositório de KumaScript no GitHub, </a>utilizando práticas de código aberto padrão (<em>fork</em> repositório, criar um ramo, efetuar alterações, e submeter um pedido de submissão para revisão). </span> Note que enviar um pedido de submissão é atualmente a única maneira para atualizar as <em>strings</em> traduzidas nos modelos que as contêm .</p>
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-title: Subscrição de página
-slug: MDN/Tools/Vigiar_pagina
- - Ferramentas
- - Guia(2)
- - Metadados MDN
- - Nível de Página
-translation_of: MDN/Tools/Page_watching
-<p><span class="seoSummary">A great way to stay involved with content on MDN that you care about is to subscribe to pages, so that you're notified via email when the pages get changed.</span> Every page on MDN offers a button offering options to monitor the page (and optionally its subpages) for changes. To access these options, hover over the Watch button to disclose the Watch menu, which looks like this:</p>
-<p><img alt="Screenshot of MDN's Watch menu" src="https://mdn.mozillademos.org/files/12551/MDN_-_Watch_Menu.png" style="height: 298px; width: 463px;"></p>
-<p>Then choose the option specifying whether to watch only that one page or that page and its sub-pages, as described in the following sections.</p>
-<h2 id="Subscrever_uma_página">Subscrever uma página</h2>
-<p>To subscribe to a single page, simply hover the mouse cursor over the Watch menu to display the Watch menu as described above, then select the first option, "Subscribe to <em>Page Title</em>". Once you've done this, each time a user makes a change to that one page, you'll get email describing the change.</p>
-<h2 id="Vigiar_várias_páginas">Vigiar várias páginas</h2>
-<p>Choosing the second option in the Watch menu, "Subscribe to <em>Page Title</em> and all its sub-articles", will register you to receive email for each change made to that page as well as all of its sub-pages. This includes sub-pages added after you requested the subscription, so if more sub-pages are created in the future, you'll get notifications for those as well.</p>
-<h2 id="Cancelar_a_subscriçção_de_uma_página">Cancelar a subscriçção de uma página</h2>
-<p>If you eventually need to unsubscribe from, or stop watching, a page, open the Watch menu again, and see that the "Subscribe" link has changed to "Unsubscribe." Click that, and you're unsubscribed!</p>
-<h2 id="Mensagens_de_alteração_de_página">Mensagens de alteração de página</h2>
-<p>Each time a change is saved to the page, you'll get an email. These emails come from notifications@developer.mozilla.org and are sent to the email address you used when registering your MDN account. Each message has a title of the form:</p>
-<pre class="notranslate">[MDN] Page "<em>Page title</em>" changed by <em>username</em></pre>
-<p>The message starts with a repeat of the information in the title, then presents a standard diff of the content, showing exactly what changed. The changes are shown as HTML source code, which can be a little weird to read if you're not used to it in the context of MDN.</p>
-<p>After the diff itself comes a list of useful links that you can use to act on the change in some way, including:</p>
- <li>View the MDN profile of the user that made the change</li>
- <li>Compare the previous and new versions of the page using MDN's on-site history feature</li>
- <li>View the article itself in your browser</li>
- <li>Edit the article</li>
- <li>See the article's history</li>
-<p>At the end of the email you see text telling you what subscription generated the email, such as "You are subscribed to edits on: HTML element reference and all its sub-articles", as well as a link you can click to unsubscribe from the messages for this watch request.</p>
diff --git a/files/pt-pt/mdn/troubleshooting/index.html b/files/pt-pt/mdn/troubleshooting/index.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 4282a39570..0000000000
--- a/files/pt-pt/mdn/troubleshooting/index.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-title: Resolução de Problemas
-slug: MDN/Troubleshooting
- - resolução de problemas
-translation_of: MDN/Troubleshooting
-<div>{{MDNSidebar}}</div><p>Este artigo descreve problemas comuns que podem ocorrer durante a utilização da MDN, e como os resolver.</p>
-<h2 id="Não_consegue_guardar_uma_página">Não consegue guardar uma página</h2>
- <dt>Sintoma</dt>
- <dd>You try to save some change that you have made, and you get an error message indicating that your change couldn't be saved.</dd>
- <dt>Causa</dt>
- <dd>Your change has been caught in MDN's spam trap.</dd>
- <dt>Solução</dt>
- <dd>Save a copy of your revision, and send an email to the <a href="mailto://mdn-admins@mozilla.org">MDN site administrators</a>, as instructed in the error message. One of the admins will verify that it is, in fact, a legitimate change, then train the spam filter not to block edits like yours, and add you to a whitelist so that you don't encounter this problem in the future.</dd>
-<h2 id="As_suas_alterações_não_aparecem_na_página">As suas alterações não aparecem na página</h2>
- <dt>Sintoma</dt>
- <dd>You make some changes to an article and click <strong>Publish</strong>; the changes that you just made are not reflected in the normal view of the page.</dd>
- <dt>Causa</dt>
- <dd>The page content is cached on the server, and has not been refreshed since the page was changed.</dd>
- <dt>Solução</dt>
- <dd>Force a refresh of the page in your browser (for example, Shift+Reload). You might see the updated content, or you might see a message indicating that an update to the page is being processed. In the second case, wait a few minutes and refresh the page again.</dd>
-<h2 id="Macro-generated_content_is_out_of_date">Macro-generated content is out of date</h2>
- <dt>Sintoma</dt>
- <dd>You see a page that contains content generated by a macro. You know that this macro has been updated and put into production, but the page is showing outdated values.</dd>
- <dt>Causa</dt>
- <dd>The macro output is cached, and has not been refreshed since the macro was updated.</dd>
- <dt>Solução</dt>
- <dd>Force a refresh of the page in your browser (for example, Shift+Reload). You might see the updated output, or you might see a message indicating that an update to the page is being processed. In the second case, wait a few minutes and refresh the page again.</dd>
-<h2 id="Erro_de_scripting_numa_página">Erro de <em>scripting</em> numa página</h2>
- <dt>Sintoma</dt>
- <dd>You see a scary red box like this on a page:<br>
- <img alt="There was a scripting error on this page. While it is being addressed by site editors, you can view partial content below. More information about this error" src="https://mdn.mozillademos.org/files/15259/macro_error_box.png" style="height: 114px; width: 590px;"></dd>
- <dt>Causa</dt>
- <dd>This is caused by a Kumascript error in a macro on the page. This issue is less common in production now that macros are stored on Github and go through a review and testing process before being put into production. You might see it if you modify a macro call or its arguments in a way that breaks the macros. You might also see it  if you are editing macros on a local build of the MDN platform.</dd>
- <dt>Solução</dt>
- <dd>If you modified a macro call, you can check the name and parameters of the macro against the <a href="https://github.com/mdn/kumascript/tree/master/macros">Kumascript Github repo</a>. If you are in the midst of modifying the macro in question, <a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Tools/KumaScript/Troubleshooting">Troubleshooting Kumascript errors</a> may be helpful.</dd>
-<h2 id="Scripting_error_while_previewing_a_page">Scripting error while previewing a page</h2>
- <dt>Sintoma</dt>
- <dd>You are editing a page, and click the <strong>Preview</strong> button. The preview of the page contains a scripting error message (as shown in the previous section).</dd>
- <dt>Causa</dt>
- <dd>Either there was an existing scripting error in the page you were editing, or you have introduced an error, possibly by changing arguments to a macro.</dd>
- <dt>Solução</dt>
- <dd>
- <p>Be assured that as long as you have not modified or added any macros or templates in the page, you can safely ignore this error; you can expect it to go away when the edited page is finally saved and viewed normally again (unless the error was already there in the normal view).</p>
- <p>If you are still unsure whether <em>you</em> introduced the error, then you can open a <em>copy</em> of the normal page in a new window, enter Edit mode, and immediately click <strong>Preview</strong>. If any errors occur now, you can be confident that you did not cause them, and that they will likely disappear as previously described. As for your changes, if these new errors are the same as the old errors from the old window, then  close the new window and continue working in the old one.  However, if they are different errors, then you indeed might have damaged something in the old window, so just start carefully copying your changes to the new window, and click <strong>Preview</strong> after each copy.  If the old errors suddenly appear here too, then your last changes have likely caused them, and you should carefully examine that work.  Finally, as a side benefit, if you click <strong>Preview</strong> frequently and always leave that Preview window open, you will have a quick but unsaved copy of most of your changes in case the editor fails or somehow loses your work (as may happen when trying to use Discard.)</p>
- <p> </p>
- </dd>
- <dt> </dt>
diff --git a/files/pt-pt/mdn/kuma/index.html b/files/pt-pt/mdn/yari/index.html
index 3ffc29d8b6..3ffc29d8b6 100644
--- a/files/pt-pt/mdn/kuma/index.html
+++ b/files/pt-pt/mdn/yari/index.html