path: root/files/pt-pt/web/xslt/index.html
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+title: XSLT
+slug: Web/XSLT
+ - XSLT
+translation_of: Web/XSLT
+<div><strong>Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT)</strong> é uma linguagem utilizada baseada em <a href="/pt/XML" title="pt/XML">XML</a>, em conjunto com software de processamento especializado, para a transformação de documentos XML. Apesar do processo ser referido como "transformação", o documento original não é alterado; em vez disso, é criado um novo documento XML baseado no conteúdo de um documento existente. Depois, o novo documento poderá ser serializado (saída) pelo processador na sintaxe XML padrão ou em outro formato, tais como <a href="/pt/HTML" title="pt/HTML">HTML</a> ou texto simples. XLST é frequentemente utilizado para converter dados entre esquemas XML diferentes ou para converter dados XML em páginas da Web ou documentos PDF. {{ Ref("one") }}</div>
+<table class="topicpage-table">
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <h2 class="Documentation" id="Documentation" name="Documentation">Documentação</h2>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><a href="/en-US/docs/XSLT/Elements" title="XSLT/Elements">XSLT Element Reference</a></dt>
+ <dd>Reference.</dd>
+ <dt><a href="/en-US/docs/Web/XSLT/Transforming_XML_with_XSLT" title="Transforming_XML_with_XSLT">Transforming XML with XSLT</a></dt>
+ <dd>XSLT allows a stylesheet author to transform a primary XML document in two significant ways: manipulating and sorting the content, including a wholesale reordering of it if so desired, and transforming the content into a different format.</dd>
+ <dt><a href="/en-US/docs/Using_the_Mozilla_JavaScript_interface_to_XSL_Transformations" title="Using_the_Mozilla_JavaScript_interface_to_XSL_Transformations">Using the Mozilla JavaScript interface to XSL Transformations</a></dt>
+ <dd>This document describes the JavaScript interface to the XSLT processing engine in Mozilla 1.2 and up.</dd>
+ <dt><a href="/en-US/docs/XSLT/PI_Parameters" title="XSLT/PI_Parameters">Specifying parameters using processing instructions</a></dt>
+ <dd>Firefox allows stylesheet parameters to be specified when using the <code>&lt;?xml-stylesheet?&gt;</code> processing instruction. This is done using the <code>&lt;?xslt-param?&gt;</code> PI described in this document.</dd>
+ <dt><span class="external">XSLT &amp; XPath Tutorial</span></dt>
+ <dd>The TopXML XSLT tutorial introduces you to the basics of XSLT concepts, syntax, and programming.</dd>
+ <dt><a class="external" href="http://www.w3schools.com/xml/xsl_intro.asp">XSLT Tutorial</a></dt>
+ <dd>This <a class="external" href="http://www.w3schools.com">W3Schools</a> tutorial teaches the reader how to use XSLT to transform XML documents into other formats, like XHTML.</dd>
+ <dt><a class="external" href="http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2000/08/holman/">What is XSLT?</a></dt>
+ <dd>This extensive introduction to XSLT and XPath assumes no prior knowledge of the technologies, and guides the reader through background, context, structure, concepts and introductory terminology.</dd>
+ <dt><a href="/en-US/docs/Common_XSLT_Errors" title="Common XSLT Errors">Common XSLT Errors</a></dt>
+ <dd>This article lists some common problems using XSLT in Firefox.</dd>
+ <dt><a href="/en-US/docs/XSLT_2.0" title="XSLT_2.0">XSLT 2.0</a> (new)</dt>
+ </dl>
+ <p><span class="alllinks"><a href="/en-US/docs/tag/XSLT" title="en-US/docs/tag/XSLT">View All...</a></span></p>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <h2 class="Community" id="Community" name="Community">Comunidade</h2>
+ <ul>
+ <li>View Mozilla forums... {{ DiscussionList("dev-tech-xslt", "mozilla.dev.tech.xslt") }}</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h4 class="Related_Topics" id="Related_Topics" name="Related_Topics">Tópicos Relacionados</h4>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="/pt-PT/docs/Introducao_a_XML" title="XML">XML</a>, <a href="/pt-PT/docs/Web/XPath" title="XPath">XPath</a>, <a href="/en-US/docs/XQuery" title="XQuery">XQuery</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+<p><small>{{ endnote("one") }} Esta descrição de XSLT foi obtida do <a class="external" href="https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/XSLT">artigo XSLT da Wikipédia</a>. </small></p>