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diff --git a/files/zh-tw/code_snippets/tabbed_browser/index.html b/files/zh-tw/code_snippets/tabbed_browser/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b8a3b14fff --- /dev/null +++ b/files/zh-tw/code_snippets/tabbed_browser/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,398 @@ +--- +title: Tabbed browser +slug: Code_snippets/Tabbed_browser +translation_of: Archive/Add-ons/Tabbed_browser +--- +<p>您將在此尋獲協助您運用Firefox的多頁籤瀏覽器的一些程式碼片段,註解將提示您應該在什麼地方插入您自己的程式碼。</p> +<p> </p> +<p>一般來說這些片段會包含其初始化的程式碼。基本假設是這些程式碼片段將於瀏覽器視窗內容中執行,最佳做法是以<a href="/en/Extension_Frequently_Asked_Questions#Why_doesn.27t_my_script_run_properly.3F" title="en/Extension_Frequently_Asked_Questions#Why_doesn.27t_my_script_run_properly.3F"> load listener </a>來運行。若您要從瀏覽器視窗以外的地方來操作頁籤,您必須先取得任意一個瀏覽器視窗,詳見: <a href="/en/Working_with_windows_in_chrome_code" title="en/Working_with_windows_in_chrome_code">Working with windows in chrome code</a> 。</p> +<h3 id="Getting_access_to_the_browser" name="Getting_access_to_the_browser">多世界詮釋算什麼,多 browser 詮釋才夠暈</h3> +<p>"browser" 有很多意思。把整個 Firefox 稱為 browser 再為理所當然不過,但是 Firefox 有頁籤,每個頁籤本身也都是 browser。無論是一般所指的 web page browser,還是 XUL 裡的 {{ XULElem("browser") }} element,通通叫做 browser。在本文件和其它某些 Firefox 文件裡, browser 還有另一個意思,就是 Firefox XUL window 裡的 <a href="/en-US/docs/XUL/tabbrowser" title="/en-US/docs/XUL/tabbrowser">tabbrowser</a> element。</p> +<h3 id="Getting_access_to_the_browser" name="Getting_access_to_the_browser">如何存取 browser</h3> +<h4 id="從主視窗">從主視窗</h4> +<p>從 global ChromeWindow 中運行的程式碼,例如套疊 (overlay) 於 <code>browser.xul 的 </code>extension,可以用全域變數 <code>gBrowser 來存取</code> {{ XULElem("tabbrowser") }} element <code>。</code></p> +<pre class="eval">// gBrowser 只存在於 browser window (browser.xul) +gBrowser.addTab(...); +</pre> +<p>如果 <code>gBrowser</code> 未定義,代表您的程式碼要不是太早運行,就是並非從 browser window 中運行。在 browser window 還沒完全載入之前 <code>gBrowser</code> 根本還不存在。若要在視窗一打開時存取 <code>gBrowser</code> ,請在 event listener 中使用它,並 <a href="/en/DOM/element.addEventListener" title="en/DOM/element.addEventListener">listen</a> '<code>load'</code> 事件。</p> +<p>若您的程式是 sidebar 或 dialog 而無法存取主視窗,那就要先獲取主視窗才能使用 <code>gBrowser ,詳見:</code> <a href="/en/Working_with_windows_in_chrome_code" title="en/Working_with_windows_in_chrome_code">Working with windows in chrome code</a>.</p> +<h4 id="從腮巴_(sidebar)_存取_browser">從腮巴 (sidebar) 存取 browser</h4> +<p>若您的附加元件基本上是一坨屎 (sidebar) ,那就:</p> +<pre class="brush: js">var mainWindow = window.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor) + .getInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIWebNavigation) + .QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDocShellTreeItem) + .rootTreeItem + .QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor) + .getInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDOMWindow); + +mainWindow.gBrowser.addTab(...); +</pre> +<h4 id="從呆鴨肉_(dialog)_存取_browser">從呆鴨肉 (dialog) 存取 browser</h4> +<p>若您的程式基本上運行於某種呆鴨肉 (dialog) ,而且是從 browser window 直接甩出來的精選優質肥美呆鴨肉,那就:</p> +<pre class="brush: js">window.opener.gBrowser.addTab(...); +</pre> +<p>如果 <code>window.opener</code> 搞不定,那就用以下的程式碼先取得最近打開的 browser window :</p> +<pre class="brush: js">var wm = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"] + .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator); + +var mainWindow = wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser"); +mainWindow.gBrowser.addTab(...);</pre> +<h3 id="Opening_a_URL_in_a_new_tab" name="Opening_a_URL_in_a_new_tab">如何以 URL 開啟新 tab</h3> +<pre class="brush: js">// Add tab +gBrowser.addTab("http://www.google.com/"); + +// Add tab, then make active +gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab("http://www.google.com/"); +</pre> +<h4 id="Manipulating_content_of_a_new_tab" name="Manipulating_content_of_a_new_tab">操作新頁籤的內容</h4> +<p>若要操作新開啟頁籤的內容,就要等它載入完。</p> +<pre class="brush: js">// 醬子不行啊 .. 人家還沒準備好 +var newTabBrowser = gBrowser.getBrowserForTab(gBrowser.addTab("http://www.google.com/")); +alert(newTabBrowser.contentDocument.body.innerHTML); + +// BETTER WAY +var newTabBrowser = gBrowser.getBrowserForTab(gBrowser.addTab("http://www.google.com/")); +newTabBrowser.addEventListener("load", function () { + newTabBrowser.contentDocument.body.innerHTML = "<div>hello world</div>"; +}, true); +</pre> +<p>onLoad handler 中的 event target 是個 'tab' XUL element。 關於 getBrowserForTab(),參見: <a href="/en/XUL/tabbrowser#m-getBrowserForTab" title="en/XUL/tabbrowser#m-getBrowserForTab">tabbrowser</a> 。</p> +<h4 id="Opening_a_URL_in_the_correct_window.2Ftab" name="Opening_a_URL_in_the_correct_window.2Ftab">如何精準地在 window 或 tab 開啟 URL</h4> +<p><code><a class="external" href="http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/browser/base/content/utilityOverlay.js" rel="external nofollow" title="http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/browser/base/content/utilityOverlay.js">chrome://browser/content/utilityOverlay.js</a></code> 中有許多方法例如 <code>openUILinkIn</code> 和 <code>openUILink,</code> 讓 tab 開啟 URL 變簡單。</p> +<dl> + <dt> + <code>openUILinkIn( url, where, allowThirdPartyFixup, postData, referrerUrl ) </code></dt> + <dd> + where 可以是: + <ul> + <li>"current" 目前 tab (要是 browser window 連個鬼都沒的話就開新視窗)</li> + <li>"tab" 新的 tab (一樣,鬼都沒有就開新視窗)</li> + <li>"tabshifted" 也是新 tab,但若預設選定新 tab 則會在背景開啟,若預設相反則行為相反 (這就是為什麼叫 shifted)</li> + <li>"window" 新視窗</li> + <li>"save" 直接存檔 (不會提示檔名喔!)</li> + </ul> + </dd> + <dt> + <code>openUILink( url, e, ignoreButton, ignoreAlt, allowKeywordFixup, postData, referrerUrl ) </code></dt> + <dd> + </dd> +</dl> +<p>下列程式碼將開啟 URL 並依照什麼鬼滑鼠鍵和什麼鬼熱鍵(例:Ctrl)被按下來開新視窗、開新 tab 或是開在現有的 tab 。這是用於 {{ XULElem("menuitem") }} 的程式碼,而在其它的 XUL elements 上也沒什麼兩樣,但只限 browser.xul 的 overlay 。</p> +<p>XUL:</p> +<pre class="eval"><menuitem oncommand="myExtension.foo(event)" onclick="checkForMiddleClick(this, event)" label="Click me"/> +</pre> +<p>JS:</p> +<pre class="brush: js">var myExtension = { + foo: function(event) { + openUILink("http://www.example.com", event, false, true); + } +}</pre> +<h4 id="如何優柔寡斷地開啟_URL">如何優柔寡斷地開啟 URL</h4> +<pre class="brush: js">var gSessionStore = Cc["@mozilla.org/browser/sessionstore;1"].getService(Ci.nsISessionStore); + +// 生一個新 tab 但是沒載入內容 +var url = "https://developer.mozilla.org"; +var tab = gBrowser.addTab(null); +gSessionStore.setTabState(tab, + '{\ + "entries":[\ + {\ + "url":"' + url + '",\ + "title":"' + url + '"\ + }\ + ],\ + "lastAccessed":0,\ + "index":1,\ + "hidden":false,\ + "attributes":{},\ + "image":null\ + }' +); +</pre> +<h4 id="Reusing_tabs" name="Reusing_tabs">tab 再利用</h4> +<p>與其每次需要就再開新的 tab,若已有 tab 開啟了欲前往的 URL,最佳做法就是試著重用它。遵循這個做法可使您的附加元件開啟最少的 tab。</p> +<h5 id="Reusing_by_URL.2FURI" name="Reusing_by_URL.2FURI">依 URL/URI 來重用</h5> +<p>附加元件常見的一項功能是,當 user 按下某個按鈕或連結就從browser window 中將 user 導向至某個 <code>chrome://</code> 開頭的 URI (像是 help 或 about 這種) 或者一個外部的 HTML (on-line <code>http(s)://</code>) 。接下來的程式碼展示如何重用已顯示所欲前往 URL/URI 的頁籤,如果沒有現存的,則會開個新的。</p> +<pre class="brush: js">function openAndReuseOneTabPerURL(url) { + var wm = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"] + .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator); + var browserEnumerator = wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser"); + + // Check each browser instance for our URL + var found = false; + while (!found && browserEnumerator.hasMoreElements()) { + var browserWin = browserEnumerator.getNext(); + var tabbrowser = browserWin.gBrowser; + + // Check each tab of this browser instance + var numTabs = tabbrowser.browsers.length; + for (var index = 0; index < numTabs; index++) { + var currentBrowser = tabbrowser.getBrowserAtIndex(index); + if (url == currentBrowser.currentURI.spec) { + + // The URL is already opened. Select this tab. + tabbrowser.selectedTab = tabbrowser.tabContainer.childNodes[index]; + + // Focus *this* browser-window + browserWin.focus(); + + found = true; + break; + } + } + } + + // Our URL isn't open. Open it now. + if (!found) { + var recentWindow = wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser"); + if (recentWindow) { + // Use an existing browser window + recentWindow.delayedOpenTab(url, null, null, null, null); + } + else { + // No browser windows are open, so open a new one. + window.open(url); + } + } +} +</pre> +<h5 id="Reusing_by_other_criteria" name="Reusing_by_other_criteria">依其它準則來重用</h5> +<p>有時候您可能想重用某個先前已由您的附加元件開啟的頁籤,管它目前 URL/URI 是什麼,只要不是其他的元件開啟的。您的確可以為所欲為,只要在第一次開啟時給它一個自訂屬性。之後要重用它的時候,就從所有已開啟的頁籤找出這個有自訂屬性的頁籤,變更其 URL/URI 並 focus 或 select 該頁籤。要是連個屁都沒有 (可能被 user 關了或是根本沒開過),那就開個新的然後給它這個自訂屬性。</p> +<pre class="brush: js">function openAndReuseOneTabPerAttribute(attrName, url) { + var wm = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"] + .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator); + for (var found = false, index = 0, tabbrowser = wm.getEnumerator('navigator:browser').getNext().gBrowser; + index < tabbrowser.tabContainer.childNodes.length && !found; + index++) { + + // Get the next tab + var currentTab = tabbrowser.tabContainer.childNodes[index]; + + // Does this tab contain our custom attribute? + if (currentTab.hasAttribute(attrName)) { + + // Yes--select and focus it. + tabbrowser.selectedTab = currentTab; + + // Focus *this* browser window in case another one is currently focused + tabbrowser.ownerDocument.defaultView.focus(); + found = true; + } + } + + if (!found) { + // Our tab isn't open. Open it now. + var browserEnumerator = wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser"); + var tabbrowser = browserEnumerator.getNext().gBrowser; + + // Create tab + var newTab = tabbrowser.addTab(url); + newTab.setAttribute(attrName, "xyz"); + + // Focus tab + tabbrowser.selectedTab = newTab; + + // Focus *this* browser window in case another one is currently focused + tabbrowser.ownerDocument.defaultView.focus(); + } +} +</pre> +<p>該函式應如此這般調用:</p> +<pre class="eval"><span class="nowiki">openAndReuseOneTabPerAttribute("myextension-myattribute", "http://developer.mozilla.org/")</span>. +</pre> +<h3 id="Closing_a_tab" name="Closing_a_tab">如何砍掉 tab</h3> +<p>下列程式碼將砍掉目前選擇的 tab。</p> +<pre class="eval">gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(); +</pre> +<p>另有一個更廣用的 <code>removeTab</code> 方法,以 XUL {{ XULElem("tab") }} element 為唯一的參數。</p> +<h3 id="Changing_active_tab" name="Changing_active_tab">如何改變 active tab</h3> +<p>左三圈 .. ok,並沒有三圈 .. 選定向左一個 tab:</p> +<pre>gBrowser.tabContainer.advanceSelectedTab(-1, true); +</pre> +<p>右三圈 (喔 .. 抱歉)</p> +<pre>gBrowser.tabContainer.advanceSelectedTab(1, true); +</pre> +<h3 id="Changing_active_tab" name="Changing_active_tab">如何偵測 page load</h3> +<p>另見: <a href="/en/Code_snippets/On_page_load" title="en/Code_snippets/On_page_load">Code snippets:On page load</a></p> +<pre class="brush: js">function examplePageLoad(event) { + if (event.originalTarget instanceof HTMLDocument) { + var win = event.originalTarget.defaultView; + if (win.frameElement) { + // Frame within a tab was loaded. win should be the top window of + // the frameset. If you don't want do anything when frames/iframes + // are loaded in this web page, uncomment the following line: + // return; + // Find the root document: + win = win.top; + } + } +} + +// do not try to add a callback until the browser window has +// been initialised. We add a callback to the tabbed browser +// when the browser's window gets loaded. +window.addEventListener("load", function () { + // Add a callback to be run every time a document loads. + // note that this includes frames/iframes within the document + gBrowser.addEventListener("load", examplePageLoad, true); +}, false); + +... +// When no longer needed +gBrowser.removeEventListener("load", examplePageLoad, true); +... +</pre> +<h3 id="Notification_when_a_tab_is_added_or_removed" name="Notification_when_a_tab_is_added_or_removed">tab 增減通知</h3> +<pre class="brush: js">function exampleTabAdded(event) { + var browser = gBrowser.getBrowserForTab(event.target); + // browser is the XUL element of the browser that's been added +} + +function exampleTabMoved(event) { + var browser = gBrowser.getBrowserForTab(event.target); + // browser is the XUL element of the browser that's been moved +} + +function exampleTabRemoved(event) { + var browser = gBrowser.getBrowserForTab(event.target); + // browser is the XUL element of the browser that's been removed +} + +// During initialization +var container = gBrowser.tabContainer; +container.addEventListener("TabOpen", exampleTabAdded, false); +container.addEventListener("TabMove", exampleTabMoved, false); +container.addEventListener("TabClose", exampleTabRemoved, false); + +// When no longer needed +container.removeEventListener("TabOpen", exampleTabAdded, false); +container.removeEventListener("TabMove", exampleTabMoved, false); +container.removeEventListener("TabClose", exampleTabRemoved, false); +</pre> +<div class="geckoVersionNote"> + <p>{{ gecko_callout_heading("1.9.1") }}</p> + <p>Starting in Gecko 1.9.1 {{ geckoRelease("1.9.1") }}, there's an easy way to <a href="/En/Listening_to_events_on_all_tabs" title="https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Listening_to_events_on_all_tabs">listen on progress events on all tabs</a>.</p> +</div> +<p>{{ h2_gecko_minversion("Notification when a tab's attributes change", "2.0") }}</p> +<p>自 Gecko 2.0 起,您可以 listen <code>TabAttrModified</code> event 來得知 tab 之 attribute 異動。event listener 可能收到 tab 異動的 attribute 如下:</p> +<ul> + <li>{{ xulattr("label") }}</li> + <li>{{ xulattr("crop") }}</li> + <li>{{ xulattr("busy") }}</li> + <li>{{ xulattr("image") }}</li> + <li>{{ xulattr("selected") }}</li> +</ul> +<pre class="brush: js">function exampleTabAttrModified(event) { + var tab = event.target; + // Now you can check what's changed on the tab +} + +// During initialization +var container = gBrowser.tabContainer; +container.addEventListener("TabAttrModified", exampleTabAttrModified, false); + +// When no longer needed +container.removeEventListener("TabAttrModified", exampleTabAttrModified, false); +</pre> +<p>{{ h2_gecko_minversion("Notification when a tab is pinned or unpinned", "2.0") }}</p> +<p>自 Gecko 2.0 起,tab 可以被 "釘選";也就是說這類 tab 變成一種特殊的 application tabs ("app tabs"),可以被釘在 tab 列的開頭而且只顯示為 favicon。透過 <code>TabPinned</code> 和 <code>TabUnpinned</code> 事件可以得知 tab 被釘了或被拔了。</p> +<pre class="brush: js">function exampleTabPinned(event) { + var browser = gBrowser.getBrowserForTab(event.target); + // browser is the XUL element of the browser that's been pinned +} + +function exampleTabUnpinned(event) { + var browser = gBrowser.getBrowserForTab(event.target); + // browser is the XUL element of the browser that's been pinned +} + +// Initialization + +var container = gBrowser.tabContainer; +container.addEventListener("TabPinned", exampleTabPinned, false); +container.addEventListener("TabUnpinned", exampleTabUnpinned, false); + +// When no longer needed + +container.removeEventListener("TabPinned", exampleTabPinned, false); +container.removeEventListener("TabUnpinned", exampleTabUnpinned, false); +</pre> +<h3 id="Detecting_tab_selection" name="Detecting_tab_selection">如何偵測 tab 選定</h3> +<p>下列程式碼用來得知 browser 中的 tab 被選定:</p> +<pre class="brush: js">function exampleTabSelected(event) { + var browser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser; + // browser is the XUL element of the browser that's just been selected +} + +// During initialisation +var container = gBrowser.tabContainer; +container.addEventListener("TabSelect", exampleTabSelected, false); + +// When no longer needed +container.removeEventListener("TabSelect", exampleTabSelected, false); +</pre> +<h3 id="Getting_document_of_currently_selected_tab" name="Getting_document_of_currently_selected_tab">如何取得已選定 tab 裡的內文(document)</h3> +<p>下列程式碼用來獲取選定 tab 中的內文(document),於 browser window scope 中運作,例如從 browser window 的 overlay 。</p> +<pre class="eval">gBrowser.contentDocument; +</pre> +<p>或</p> +<pre class="eval">content.document +</pre> +<p>若程式碼是從由 browser window 所開啟的 window 或 dialog,可用以下程式碼獲取已選定 tab 裡所顯示的內文:</p> +<pre class="eval">window.opener.content.document +</pre> +<p>若程式從並非自 browser window 所開啟的 window 或 dialog 中運行,則可用 {{ interface("nsIWindowMediator") }} 獲取最近所使用的 browser window 中已選定 tab 裡的內文。</p> +<pre class="brush: js">var wm = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"] + .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator); +var recentWindow = wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser"); +return recentWindow ? recentWindow.content.document.location : null; +</pre> +<p>另見: <a href="/en/Working_with_windows_in_chrome_code#Content_windows" title="en/Working_with_windows_in_chrome_code#Content_windows">Working with windows in chrome code</a>.</p> +<h3 id="Enumerating_tabs" name="Enumerating_tabs">如何遍歷 browser</h3> +<p>要遍歷 tabbrowser 中所有的 browser,要先取得任意一個 browser 的 window。如果程式碼是從 <code>browser.xul</code> overlay 執行 (譬如 toolbar button 或者 menu <em>click</em> handler),可以用預定義的 <code>window </code>變數。但若是從獨自的 window 執行 (例如 settings/options dialog) 則要用 {{ interface("nsIWindowMediator") }} 來取得任意一個 browser 的window。</p> +<p>有了一個 window 後再用 <code>win.gBrowser </code>取得其 <code><tabbrowser/></code> element,其中 <code>win</code> 就是上個步驟中所得到的 browser window 。 如果程式是從 <code>browser.xul</code> overlay 執行的話,可以不必寫 window.<code>gBrowser </code>直接用 <code>gBrowser</code> 就好。很奇怪沒錯,在所有的 IDE 當中也沒有 <code>gBrowser 這個東西</code>,但是別忘了您是在開發 Firefox 的 extension , 這是它本身的 object model 。</p> +<p>最後一步,利用 <code>gBrowser.browsers.length</code> 得知 browser 的數量,並用 <code>gBrowser.getBrowserAtIndex()</code> 取得 <code><browser/></code> element。範例:</p> +<pre class="brush: js">var num = gBrowser.browsers.length; +for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) { + var b = gBrowser.getBrowserAtIndex(i); + try { + dump(b.currentURI.spec); // dump URLs of all open tabs to console + } catch(e) { + Components.utils.reportError(e); + } +}</pre> +<p>透過 <a href="/en/DOM_Inspector" title="en/DOM_Inspector">DOM Inspector</a> 或參見 {{ source("toolkit/content/widgets/browser.xml","browser.xml") }} 得知對應的 XBL bindings ( 不然參見 {{ XULElem("browser") }} 及 {{ XULElem("tabbrowser") }} 也行),您將可了解 <code><browser/></code> 和 <code><tabbrowser/></code> elements 有哪些方法可用。</p> +<h3 id="如何取得觸發_http-on-modify-request_notification_的_browser">如何取得觸發 http-on-modify-request notification 的 browser</h3> +<p>關於http-on-* notification 請參見 <a href="/en/Observer_Notifications#HTTP_requests" title="en/Observer_Notifications#HTTP_requests">Observer notifications</a> 。</p> +<p>請注意,部份 HTTP requests 與 tab 無關;例如 RSS feed updates、extension manager requests 以及 XPCOM components 所發出的 XHR requests 等。在這些情況中,下列程式碼將返回 null 。</p> +<div class="warning"> + <strong>注意:</strong>該程式碼使用之 <code>getInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDOMWindow)</code> 應更新為 {{interface("nsILoadContext")}} ,<a href="/en-US/docs/Updating_extensions_for_Firefox_3.5#Getting_a_load_context_from_a_request" title="/en-US/docs/Updating_extensions_for_Firefox_3.5#Getting_a_load_context_from_a_request">參見範例</a>。</div> +<pre class="brush: js">observe: function (subject, topic, data) { + if (topic == "http-on-modify-request") { + subject.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIHttpChannel); + var url = subject.URI.spec; /* url being requested. you might want this for something else */ + var browser = this.getBrowserFromChannel(subject); + if (browser != null) { + /* do something */ + } + } +}, + +getBrowserFromChannel: function (aChannel) { + try { + var notificationCallbacks = + aChannel.notificationCallbacks ? aChannel.notificationCallbacks : aChannel.loadGroup.notificationCallbacks; + + if (!notificationCallbacks) + return null; + + var domWin = notificationCallbacks.getInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDOMWindow); + return gBrowser.getBrowserForDocument(domWin.top.document); + } + catch (e) { + dump(e + "\n"); + return null; + } +} +</pre> +<p>{{ languages( { "fr": "fr/Extraits_de_code/Onglets_de_navigation", "ja": "ja/Code_snippets/Tabbed_browser", "pl": "pl/Fragmenty_kodu/Przegl\u0105danie_w_kartach" } ) }}</p> |