Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* /ja/docs/orphaned/Web/Events/Index を削除 (#1596)Masahiro FUJIMOTO2021-07-30
* orphaned/Web/API/HTMLOrForeignElement のメンバーを HTMLElement へ移...Masahiro FUJIMOTO2021-07-30
* ElementCSSInlineStyle を削除 (#1593)Masahiro FUJIMOTO2021-07-30
* ElementCSSInlineStyle の削除関係 (#1591)Masahiro FUJIMOTO2021-07-30
* orphaned/Web/API/DocumentOrShadowRoot 以下を削除 (#1586)Masahiro FUJIMOTO2021-07-30
* devicelight イベント関連の文書を削除 (#1585)Masahiro FUJIMOTO2021-07-30
* orphaned/Web/API/AudioContext/mozAudioChannelType を削除 (#1570)Masahiro FUJIMOTO2021-07-30
* Web/API/Worker および onerror を更新 (#1565)Masahiro FUJIMOTO2021-07-30
* conflicting/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators を削除 (#1559)Masahiro FUJIMOTO2021-07-30
* conflicting/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/JSON を削除 (#1555)Masahiro FUJIMOTO2021-07-30
* ChildNode/remove を各インターフェイスに分割 (#1584)Masahiro FUJIMOTO2021-07-30
* orphaned/DebNews を削除 (#1568)Masahiro FUJIMOTO2021-07-30
* Web/API/Window/resize_event を新規翻訳 (#1562)Masahiro FUJIMOTO2021-07-30
* orphaned のうち wiki.localize のみからなるページを削除 (#1560)Masahiro FUJIMOTO2021-07-30
* JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/escape および unescape を削除 (#1558)Masahiro FUJIMOTO2021-07-30
* conflicting/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/WebAssembly/Memory を削...Masahiro FUJIMOTO2021-07-30
* refactor: JS REF - STRING TRIM END CONVERT MDIsa(yunjongryu)2021-07-30
* etc: 깃 이력 추적을 위한 절차Isa(yunjongryu)2021-07-30
* Fix FR documentation for logical_or (#1783)Raphaël TISON2021-07-29
* French translation of the CSS properties and values API reference (#1765)Jb Audras2021-07-29
* French translation of the CSS Counters Styles API reference (#1766)Jb Audras2021-07-29
* French translation of the `@property` rule reference (#1762)Jb Audras2021-07-29
* French translation for the `line-gap-override` CSS descriptor reference (#1754)Jb Audras2021-07-29
* French translation for the `descent-override` CSS descriptor reference (#1753)Jb Audras2021-07-29
* fix: using javascript page not found (#1724)Mathieu Lavoie2021-07-29
* fix typo in Web/CSS/opacity, zh-CN (#1787)yucho1239872021-07-29
* (ru): Fix typo on "Request header" page at glossarysorenharfagri2021-07-29
* Translation guidelines (#1729)Ruth John2021-07-29
* Correct a fatal translation errorX.Y.Z2021-07-29
* 修正指向维基百科的链接Morris Li2021-07-29
* Update index.htmlzhenfeng Yang2021-07-29
* Multiple fixes for the French translation of the Permissions API (#1768)Jb Audras2021-07-29
* French translation of the `Clipboard API` reference (#1770)Jb Audras2021-07-29
* remove link 'title' attributes that's just the 'href' (zh-cn, part 3)Peter Bengtsson2021-07-29
* Fix a typomeowmeowcat2021-07-29
* Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Map が orphaned に移動されて...Masahiro FUJIMOTO2021-07-29
* French API reference: various typo fixes (#1758)Jb Audras2021-07-29
* French SVG index page: fix a dead link to the XML reference (#1757)Jb Audras2021-07-29
* conflicting/Web/API/WebGL_API/Tutorial/Using_textures_in_WebGL を削除 (#1553)Masahiro FUJIMOTO2021-07-29
* French translation for the `ascent-override` CSS descriptor reference. (#1752)Jb Audras2021-07-29
* Delete space after "!" (#1679)kisre2021-07-29
* 未使用の conflicting 内の履歴を削除 (#1598)Masahiro FUJIMOTO2021-07-29
* conflicting/Web/Guide/Introduction_to_Web_development を削除 (#1525)Masahiro FUJIMOTO2021-07-29
* conflicting/Web/CSS/font-variant を削除 (#1524)Masahiro FUJIMOTO2021-07-29
* conflicting/Web/CSS/box-ordinal-group を削除 (#1523)Masahiro FUJIMOTO2021-07-29
* conflicting/Web/CSS/CSS_Flexible_Box_Layout 以下を削除 (#1522)Masahiro FUJIMOTO2021-07-29
* conflicting/Web/CSS/CSS_Backgrounds_and_Borders 以下を削除 (#1521)Masahiro FUJIMOTO2021-07-29
* conflicting/Web/API/Web_Storage_API を削除 (#1520)Masahiro FUJIMOTO2021-07-29
* conflicting/Web/HTML/Global_attributes を削除 (#1516)Masahiro FUJIMOTO2021-07-29
* conflicting/Web/API/Navigator を削除 (#1514)Masahiro FUJIMOTO2021-07-29