path: root/files/zh-cn
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Fix typo in Web/API/Web_Speech_API, zh-CN (#2361)闫咕咕2021-09-07
* Update Learn/Tools_and_testing/Client-side_JavaScript_frameworks/React_gettin...Zheng2021-09-07
* Fix typo in Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Function/apply, zh-CN (#2...Sepush2021-09-07
* Update MDN/Contribute/Feedback, zh-CN (#2288)PocketZ2021-09-05
* Update example code in Learn/JavaScript/Building_blocks/Looping_code, zh-CN (...Kevin CHEN2021-09-05
* Fix example code in Web/API/URL/searchParams, zh-CN (#2320)Kevin CHEN2021-09-05
* Fix syntax highlight in Web/API/URL/searchParams, zh-CN (#2319)Kevin CHEN2021-09-05
* Add Web/API/Navigator/language, zh-CN (#2327)Robert Zhao2021-09-04
* Fix html table in Web/CSS/transform-function/rotate3d(), zh-CN (#2322)Kevin CHEN2021-09-04
* Fix example link in Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/seal, zh-C...Kevin CHEN2021-09-04
* Fix a typo in Web/API/HTMLCanvasElement/getContext, zh-CN (#2315)Kevin CHEN2021-09-04
* Fix mistranslation in Learn/CSS/Building_blocks/Sizing_items_in_CSS, zh-CN (#...Kevin CHEN2021-09-04
* Update index.htmlCC2m22021-09-04
* Update index.htmlCC2m22021-09-04
* [CRON] sync translated contentMDN2021-09-03
* Add Array constructor page to zh-CNNoDocCat2021-09-02
* Sync and tidy Global_Objects/Array from en-US to zh-CNNoDocCat2021-09-02
* Translation: Autoplay guide for media and Web Audio APIs (#2248)daniel2021-09-02
* [CRON] sync translated contentMDN2021-09-02
* [CRON] sync translated contentMDN2021-09-01
* Improve Learn/CSS/First_steps/Getting_started, zh-CN (#2277)Zen&CS2021-08-30
* fix mistranslation (#2223)bluzoey2021-08-30
* Update /MDN/Contribute/Localize (#2233)PocketZ2021-08-30
* [CRON] sync translated contentMDN2021-08-27
* [CRON] sync translated contentMDN2021-08-26
* Improve translation in Learn/CSS/First_steps/Getting_started, zh-CN (#2225)Flex Zhong2021-08-25
* Fix typo in MDN/About, zh-CN (#2224)Flex Zhong2021-08-25
* Replace link with locale in Learn/JavaScript/First_steps/What_is_JavaScript, ...Hsiao Feng2021-08-25
* Update Content of MDN/Structures/Macros (#2173)PocketZ2021-08-24
* translate Aria listbox for zh-CN (#2166)Dongsen2021-08-24
* Update ARIA index and tech page (#2185)Dongsen2021-08-24
* Fix mistranslation in Web/JavaScript/Guide/Text_formatting, zh-CN (#2189)周盛道2021-08-23
* fix linksx1shi2021-08-23
* add ARIA list and listitem role for zh-CNmutoe2021-08-23
* Update Web/API/XMLHttpRequest/responseType, zh-CN (#2176)Dongsen2021-08-22
* Update InterserctionObservable content, zh-CN (#2161)怀瑾2021-08-22
* Improve translation in Learn/Getting_started_with_the_web/JavaScript_basics, ...alinggo2021-08-22
* 修改链接,补充缺失部分。 (#2164)周盛道2021-08-22
* [CRON] sync translated contentMDN2021-08-22
* Use ^ instead of the <sup> tag in the <pre> tagPercy2021-08-20
* replace half-width symbol to full-width symbolhirohe2021-08-20
* [CRON] sync translated contentMDN2021-08-20
* correct to Quick_links (not Quick_Links) (#2138)Peter Bengtsson2021-08-19
* 修改错误。周盛道2021-08-19
* Improve code indentation in Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/return, zh-CN...deepthan2021-08-18
* Update Web/API/SubtleCrypto, zh-CN (#1925)Student Main2021-08-18
* Fix syntax highlight Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/import, zh-CN (#2110)Kevin CHEN2021-08-18
* Add sample code class Web/JavaScript/Guide/Text_formatting, zh-CN (#2109)Kevin CHEN2021-08-18
* bring some orphaned docs and relocate according to it's counterpart eng doc (...Irvin2021-08-17
* Fix broken live sample (#2060)meowmeowmeowcat2021-08-16