path: root/files
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* RU: Small fix in translation (#990)Sergei Kompanietc2021-05-26
* RU: Fix a small typo on the learn async and await page (#959)Oleksii Novikov2021-05-26
* Web/SVG/Tutorial/Gradients を更新 (#862)Masahiro FUJIMOTO2021-05-26
* ARIA: list ロールの更新 (#857)Wind18082021-05-26
* FIX: Update from english, fix issue with example - Issue #623 (#869)tristantheb2021-05-25
* L10N: Update the MDN Guideline (important pages only) with Yari and Git/GitHu...tristantheb2021-05-25
* conflicting/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators_f71733c8e7001a29c3ec40d8522a4a...Masahiro FUJIMOTO2021-05-26
* fix a typo (#979)sinyo-matu2021-05-25
* [CRON] sync translated contentMDN2021-05-25
* l10n-fr | CREATE Public-key Crypto FR-Version (#967)Stebenwolf2021-05-24
* l10n-fr | CREATE Symmetric Key Crypto - FR version (#970)Stebenwolf2021-05-24
* Issue 771 mistranslation(#771) (#777)hochan Lee2021-05-24
* [FIX] typo err (#939)hochan Lee2021-05-24
* docs(HTMLInputElement): add the translated content for webkitdirectorychengpeiquan2021-05-24
* Fix link to web & web standards history (#968)Yana Klose-Ivanova2021-05-24
* web/javascript/reference/statements/import/index.html を翻訳 (#848)Ikko Ashimine2021-05-24
* conflicting/Learn/JavaScript/Objects を削除 (#841)Masahiro FUJIMOTO2021-05-24
* [ko] Work for 'test your skills: variables' article (#946)logic-finder2021-05-24
* Translate note on Event page [RU] (#474)injashkin2021-05-23
* Translate open source etiquette (#952)VDV1862021-05-23
* Get rid of {{CompatibilityTable}} from API (#864)alattalatta2021-05-23
* Update files/ja/learn/html/howto/author_fast-loading_html_pages/index.htmlMasahiro FUJIMOTO2021-05-23
* リダイレクトをさらに修正Masahiro FUJIMOTO2021-05-23
* 関連するリダイレクトを修正Masahiro FUJIMOTO2021-05-23
* Learn/HTML/Howto/Author_fast-loading_HTML_pages を更新Masahiro FUJIMOTO2021-05-23
* conflicting から Learn/HTML/Howto/Author_fast-loading_HTML_pages を移動Masahiro FUJIMOTO2021-05-23
* [FIX] Get rid of {{CompatibilityTable}} from JavaScript (#918)alattalatta2021-05-23
* Get rid of {{CompatibilityTable}} from HTML (#858)alattalatta2021-05-23
* [FIX] the example source is inverted (#787)Abel Beak2021-05-23
* Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions を更新 (#809)Masahiro FUJIMOTO2021-05-23
* [FIX] typo err, book_inst to book_instance, django (#727)hochan Lee2021-05-23
* [FIX] document.execcommand deprecated #151 (#940)hochan Lee2021-05-23
* Fix: iframe (#953)TagawaHirotaka2021-05-22
* corrections diversesJNa02021-05-22
* orphaned 以下の訳注マクロを削除Masahiro FUJIMOTO2021-05-22
* MDN/Structures/Live_samples を更新Masahiro FUJIMOTO2021-05-22
* Web/CSS/transition を更新 (#737)Masahiro FUJIMOTO2021-05-22
* fix typowzhli2021-05-22
* Web/Events/Orientation_and_motion_data_explained を更新 (#887)Masahiro FUJIMOTO2021-05-22
* 原語併記マクロを削除Masahiro FUJIMOTO2021-05-22
* Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/28 を更新Masahiro FUJIMOTO2021-05-22
* Quantifiers を更新Masahiro FUJIMOTO2021-05-22
* Web/SVG/Tutorial/Positions を更新 (#849)Masahiro FUJIMOTO2021-05-22
* conflicting/Web/CSS/Reference を削除 (#892)Masahiro FUJIMOTO2021-05-22
* orphaned/DevNews/20060705 を翻訳 (#921)Masahiro FUJIMOTO2021-05-22
* [CRON] sync translated contentMDN2021-05-22
* typo: "Méthode" with an h in FR on HTMLTimeElement (#944)Guillaume Outters2021-05-21
* Update index.html (#951)Mathieu Lavoie2021-05-21
* [CRON] sync translated contentMDN2021-05-21
* UPDT css defined + FIX issue #923 (#929)Stebenwolf2021-05-20