From 99efa5cfa34c3f9d38b75352881acdfc99508ebf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tristantheb <>
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2021 13:50:14 +0200
Subject: UPDATE: FR-ONLY - Remove all old CompatibilityTable to replace with
 {{Compat()}} (#311)

* UPDATE: Removing CompatibilityTable script - Part 1

* UPDATE: Removing CompatibilityTable script - Part 2

* UPDATE: Removing CompatibilityTable script - Part 3

* UPDATE: Removing CompatibilityTable script - Part 4

* UPDATE: Removing CompatibilityTable script - Part 5/5

* FIX: Repair the EOL of one page

* FIX: Fix conflicting file
 .../audiobuffersourcenode/playbackrate/index.html  | 77 +---------------------
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 76 deletions(-)

(limited to 'files/fr/web/api/audiobuffersourcenode/playbackrate/index.html')

diff --git a/files/fr/web/api/audiobuffersourcenode/playbackrate/index.html b/files/fr/web/api/audiobuffersourcenode/playbackrate/index.html
index 550f87be46..e9c4047369 100644
--- a/files/fr/web/api/audiobuffersourcenode/playbackrate/index.html
+++ b/files/fr/web/api/audiobuffersourcenode/playbackrate/index.html
@@ -117,82 +117,7 @@ playbackControl.oninput = function() {
 <h2 id="Compatibilité_navigateurs">Compatibilité navigateurs</h2>
-<div id="compat-desktop">
-<table class="compat-table">
- <tbody>
-  <tr>
-   <th>Fonctionnalité</th>
-   <th>Chrome</th>
-   <th>Edge</th>
-   <th>Firefox (Gecko)</th>
-   <th>Internet Explorer</th>
-   <th>Opera</th>
-   <th>Safari (WebKit)</th>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-   <td>Support basique</td>
-   <td>14 {{property_prefix("webkit")}}</td>
-   <td>{{CompatVersionUnknown}}</td>
-   <td>23</td>
-   <td>{{CompatNo}}</td>
-   <td>15 {{property_prefix("webkit")}}<br>
-    22 (unprefixed)</td>
-   <td>6 {{property_prefix("webkit")}}</td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-   <td>Lecture inversée avec playbackRate &lt; 0</td>
-   <td>{{CompatUnknown}}</td>
-   <td>{{CompatUnknown}}</td>
-   <td>{{CompatNo}}</td>
-   <td>{{CompatNo}}</td>
-   <td>{{CompatUnknown}}</td>
-   <td>{{CompatUnknown}}</td>
-  </tr>
- </tbody>
-<div id="compat-mobile">
-<table class="compat-table">
- <tbody>
-  <tr>
-   <th>Fonctionnalité</th>
-   <th>Android</th>
-   <th>Chrome</th>
-   <th>Edge</th>
-   <th>Firefox Mobile (Gecko)</th>
-   <th>Firefox OS</th>
-   <th>IE Phone</th>
-   <th>Opera Mobile</th>
-   <th>Safari Mobile</th>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-   <td>Support basique</td>
-   <td>{{CompatNo}}</td>
-   <td>28 {{property_prefix("webkit")}}</td>
-   <td>{{CompatVersionUnknown}}</td>
-   <td>25</td>
-   <td>1.2</td>
-   <td>{{CompatNo}}</td>
-   <td>{{CompatNo}}</td>
-   <td>6 {{property_prefix("webkit")}}</td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-   <td>Lecture inversée avec playbackRate &lt; 0</td>
-   <td>{{CompatNo}}</td>
-   <td>{{CompatVersionUnknown}}</td>
-   <td>{{CompatVersionUnknown}}</td>
-   <td>{{CompatNo}}</td>
-   <td>{{CompatNo}}</td>
-   <td>{{CompatNo}}</td>
-   <td>{{CompatNo}}</td>
-   <td>{{CompatVersionUnknown}}</td>
-  </tr>
- </tbody>
 <h2 id="Voir_aussi">Voir aussi</h2>
cgit v1.2.3-54-g00ecf