From 074785cea106179cb3305637055ab0a009ca74f2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Peter Bengtsson Date: Tue, 8 Dec 2020 14:42:52 -0500 Subject: initial commit --- .../persona/browser_compatibility/index.html | 103 +++++++++++ files/nl/mozilla/persona/huisstijl/index.html | 49 +++++ files/nl/mozilla/persona/index.html | 196 ++++++++++++++++++++ .../mozilla/persona/protocol_overview/index.html | 61 +++++++ files/nl/mozilla/persona/quick_setup/index.html | 199 +++++++++++++++++++++ files/nl/mozilla/persona/samenvatting/index.html | 61 +++++++ 6 files changed, 669 insertions(+) create mode 100644 files/nl/mozilla/persona/browser_compatibility/index.html create mode 100644 files/nl/mozilla/persona/huisstijl/index.html create mode 100644 files/nl/mozilla/persona/index.html create mode 100644 files/nl/mozilla/persona/protocol_overview/index.html create mode 100644 files/nl/mozilla/persona/quick_setup/index.html create mode 100644 files/nl/mozilla/persona/samenvatting/index.html (limited to 'files/nl/mozilla/persona') diff --git a/files/nl/mozilla/persona/browser_compatibility/index.html b/files/nl/mozilla/persona/browser_compatibility/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3a41d46459 --- /dev/null +++ b/files/nl/mozilla/persona/browser_compatibility/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +--- +title: Browser compatibiliteit +slug: Mozilla/Persona/Browser_compatibility +tags: + - Persona +translation_of: Archive/Mozilla/Persona/Browser_compatibility +--- +

Supported Browsers

+ +

Persona is developed, tested, and supported with the following browsers. Thanks to Persona's cross-platform JavaScript library, users do not need add-ons in order to use Persona.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Desktop Browsers
Internet Explorer8.0*, 9.0, 10.0** (but see Compatibility Mode below)
FirefoxCurrent Stable, Beta, Aurora, Nightly, and Extended Support Releases
+ Previous Stable Release
ChromeLatest Stable Release
SafariLatest Stable Release
OperaLatest Stable Release
iOS Browsers
Mobile SafariiOS 5.x — 6.x
Android Browsers
Default Browser2.2 — 4.x
FirefoxCurrent Stable, Beta, Aurora, and Nightly Releases
+ Previous Stable Release
ChromeLatest Stable Release
+ +

*: For Windows XP. : For Windows Vista and Windows 7. **Windows 8.  : As time allows.

+ +

Unsupported Browsers

+ + + +

Internet Explorer "Compatibility Mode"

+ +

From version 8.0 onwards Internet Explorer supports a feature called Compatibility Mode, in which the browser may be instructed to emulate a pre-8.0 version when rendering a page. This feature may be controlled in three different ways

+ +
  1. as a local setting in the browser
  2. +
  3. based on the presence and value of the DOCTYPE declaration in the page
  4. +
  5. as an instruction sent from the site, using the "X-UA-Compatible" header either as an HTTP header or as a <meta> tag in the page. This method overrides the other two.
  6. +
+ +

Because versions of Internet Explorer earlier than 8.0 are not supported by Persona, any version of Internet Explorer which is configured to emulate a pre-8.0 version will also not function with Persona. This is typically for one of the following reasons:

+ + + +

For more information, see "Understanding Compatibility Modes in Internet Explorer 8" and "IE8 and IE9 Complications".

+ +

Other Browsers

+ +

Despite not being explicitly supported, any browser that includes both {{ domxref("window.postMessage()") }} and {{ domxref("Storage", "localStorage") }} should work. These APIs have been available in all major browsers since March 2010.

+ +

Known Issues

+ + diff --git a/files/nl/mozilla/persona/huisstijl/index.html b/files/nl/mozilla/persona/huisstijl/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5ac30e82ba --- /dev/null +++ b/files/nl/mozilla/persona/huisstijl/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +--- +title: Huisstijl hulpbronnen +slug: Mozilla/Persona/Huisstijl +tags: + - Persona + - branding + - huisstijl + - hulpbronnen + - merken + - resources +translation_of: Archive/Mozilla/Persona/User_interface_guidelines +--- +

Aanmelden met Persona Knoppen




De "Sign in" (aanmelden) knop komt in drie verschillende versies, en drie kleuren:

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
 Sign in with your EmailSign in with PersonaSign in



Sawyer Hollenshead heeft een set uitstekende CSS-gebaseerde knoppen gemaakt. Download (.zip)


Meer informatie


Meer informatie over het visuele ontwerp van Persona is te vinden in Sean Martells style primer.

diff --git a/files/nl/mozilla/persona/index.html b/files/nl/mozilla/persona/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..079b7e8072 --- /dev/null +++ b/files/nl/mozilla/persona/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,196 @@ +--- +title: Persona +slug: Mozilla/Persona +tags: + - Persona +translation_of: Archive/Mozilla/Persona +--- +

Op 30 november 2016 zal Mozilla de services van stopzetten. en gerelateerde domeinen zullen offline worden gehaald.

Bekijk voor meer informatie deze handleiding voor het migreren van uw website vanaf Persona:

+ +
Eenvoudige, privacygevoelige eenmalige aanmelding: laat uw gebruikers zich bij uw website aanmelden met hun e-mailadres, en verlos uzelf van wachtwoordbeheer.
+ +

Mozilla Persona is een browseronafhankelijk aanmeldingssysteem voor het internet dat eenvoudig is te gebruiken en uit te rollen. Het werkt in alle grote browsers, en u kunt er direct mee beginnen.

+ +

Waarom zou u Persona op uw website gebruiken?

+ +
  1. Persona maakt een einde aan wachtwoorden voor elke website, en zorgt ervoor dat gebruikers geen wachtwoorden meer hoeven te bedenken, te beheren en veilig te bewaren.
  2. +
  3. Persona is makkelijk te gebruiken. Met twee muisklikken kan een gebruiker zich aanmelden bij een nieuwe website, zoals Voost, waarbij extra handelingen om een account aan te maken worden overgeslagen.
  4. +
  5. Persona is makkelijk te implementeren. Ontwikkelaars kunnen in slechts één middag Persona aan hun website toevoegen.
  6. +
  7. Er is geen afhankelijkheid. Ontwikkelaars krijgen van iedere gebruiker een geverifieerd e-mailadres, en gebruikers kunnen elk e-mailadres gebruiken.
  8. +
+ +

Daarbij wordt Persona alleen nog maar beter: het is gebouwd op een open, gedecentraliseerd protocol, dat is ontworpen voor directe integratie in browsers en ingebouwde ondersteuning door e-mailproviders. Websites die Persona vandaag implementeren, zullen automatisch verbeteringen ervaren zonder code te hoeven wijzigen.

+ +

Persona op uw website gebruiken

+ +


+ +
Waarom Persona?
Wat er bijzonder is aan Persona in vergelijking met andere gebruikers- en authenticatiesystemen.
Snelle installatie
Een stap-voor-stap handleiding die toont hoe u Persona aan uw website toevoegt.
+ +


+ +
De browser-API.
Naslag over de verificatie-API
De API voor externe verificatie.
+ +


+ +
Methoden en technieken die ervoor zorgen dat uw Persona-implementatie veilig is.
Lees hier welke browsers Persona ondersteunen.
Lees hier hoe Persona met verschillende talen omgaat.
Tips voor implementatie
Tips van websites die ondersteuning voor Persona hebben toegevoegd.
+ +


+ +
Bibliotheken en plug-ins
Vind een kant-en-klare bibliotheek voor uw favoriete programmeertaal, webframework, blog of inhoudsbeheersysteem.
The Persona cookbook
Voorbeeldbroncode voor Persona-websites. Bevat onderdelen in C# (MVC3), PHP, Node.JS en meer.
Richtlijnen voor de gebruikersinterface
Persona-aanmelding aanbieden aan gebruikers.
+ +

Een Identity Provider worden

+ +

Als u een e-mailprovider of een andere identiteitsproviderservice bent, bekijk dan de koppelingen voor meer informatie over het worden van een Persona Identity Provider.

+ +
Een beknopte uitleg over Persona Identity Providers.
+ +
Een IdP implementeren
Een gedetailleerde handleiding met technische details over het worden van een IdP.
+ +
Een overzicht van het bestand .well-known/browserid, dat IdP’s gebruiken om aan te geven dat ze het protocol ondersteunen.
+ +

Het Persona-project

+ +
BrowserID- en Persona-begrippen uitgelegd.
Antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen.
Een technisch overzicht op gemiddeld niveau van het onderliggende BrowserID-protocol.
+ +
Een blik op de cryptografische concepten achter Persona en BrowserID.
De specificaties
Gedetailleerde technische details zijn hier te vinden.
+ +
De Persona-website
Om Persona online te houden, hosten we drie services op een fallback-Identity Provider, een implementatie van de API’s, en een verificatieservice.
De Persona-broncode
De code van Persona bevindt zich op GitHub. Wijzigingen via Pull requests zijn welkom!
+ +

+ +

Join the Identity community

Choose your preferred method for joining the discussion:
+ +
+ +

+ + + +
  1. Persona op een website gebruiken + +
    1. Waarom zou u Persona gebruiken?
    2. +
    3. Beginnen
    4. +
    5. Tips voor implementatie van Persona
    6. +
    7. Veiligheidsoverwegingen
    8. +
    9. Browsercompatibiliteit
    10. +
    11. Internationalisatie
    12. +
    13. De
    14. +
    15. De API voor externe verificatie
    16. +
    17. Bibliotheken en plug-ins
    18. +
    19. Richtlijnen voor de gebruikersinterface
    20. +
  2. +
  3. Een Identity Provider worden +
    1. IdP-overzicht
    2. +
    3. Een idP implementeren
    4. +
    5. Opmaak van .well-known-browserid
    6. +
  4. +
  5. Het Persona-project +
    1. Woordenlijst
    2. +
    3. FAQ
    4. +
    5. Door Persona gehoste services
    6. +
    7. Protocoloverzicht
    8. +
    9. Versleuteling
    10. +
  6. +
diff --git a/files/nl/mozilla/persona/protocol_overview/index.html b/files/nl/mozilla/persona/protocol_overview/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cf8c729edf --- /dev/null +++ b/files/nl/mozilla/persona/protocol_overview/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +--- +title: Protocol Overview +slug: Mozilla/Persona/Protocol_Overview +translation_of: Archive/Mozilla/Persona/Protocol_Overview +--- +

Persona is built on the BrowserID protocol. This page describes the BrowserID protocol at a high level.




The protocol involves three actors:

+ +

Persona and the BrowserID protocol use email addresses as identities, so it's natural for email providers to become IdPs.


Mozilla operates a fallback IdP so that users can use any email address with Persona, even one with a specific domain that isn't an IdP itself.


Protocol Steps


There are three distinct steps in the protocol:

  1. User Certificate Provisioning
  2. +
  3. Assertion Generation
  4. +
  5. Assertion Verification
  6. +

As a prerequisite, the user should have an active identity (email address) that they wish to use when logging in to websites. The protocol does not require that IdP-backed identities are SMTP-routable, but it does require that identities follow the user@domain format.


User Certificate Provisioning


In order to sign into an RP, a user must be able to prove ownership of their preferred email address. The foundation of this proof is a cryptographically signed certificate from an IdP certifying the connection between a browser's user and a given identity within the IdP's domain.


Because Persona uses standard public key cryptography techniques, the user certificate is signed by the IdP's private key and contains:

+ +

The user's browser generates a different keypair for each of the user's email addresses, and these keypairs are not shared across browsers. Thus, a user must obtain a fresh certificate whenever one expires, or whenever using a new browser or computer. Certificates must expire within 24 hours of being issued.


When a user selects an identity to use when signing into an RP, the browser checks to see if it has a fresh user certificate for that address. If it does, this step is complete and the browser continues with the assertion generation step below. If the browser does not have a fresh certificate, it attempts to obtain one from the domain associated with the chosen identity.

  1. The browser fetches the /.well-known/browserid support document over SSL from the identity's domain.
  2. +
  3. Using information from the support document, the browser passes the user's email address and associated public key to the IdP and requests a signed certificate.
  4. +
  5. If necessary, the user is asked to sign into the IdP before provisioning proceeds.
  6. +
  7. The IdP creates, signs, and gives a user certificate to the user's browser.
  8. +

With the certificate in hand, the browser can continue with generating an identity assertion and signing into an RP.




Assertion Generation


The user certificate establishes a verifiable link between an email address and a public key. However, this is alone not enough to log into a website: the user still has to show their connection to the certificate by proving ownership of the private key.


In order to prove ownership of a private key, the user's browser creates and signs a new document called an "identity assertion." It contains:

+ +

The browser then presents both the user certificate and the identity assertion to the RP for verification.


Assertion Verification


The combination of user certificate and identity assertion is sufficient to confirm a user's identity.


First, the RP checks the domain and expiration time in the assertion. If the assertion is expired or intended for a different domain, it's rejected. This prevents malicious re-use of assertions.


Second, the RP validates the signature on the assertion with the public key inside the user certificate. If the key and signature match, the RP is assured that the current user really does possess the key associated with the certificate.


Last, the RP fetches the IdP's public key from its /.well-known/browserid document and verifies that it matches the signature on the user certificate. If it does, then the RP can be certain that the certificate really was issued by the domain in question.


Once verifying that this is a current login attempt for the proper RP, that the user certificate matches the current user, and that the user certificate is legitimate, the RP is done and can authenticate the user as the identity contained in the certificate.




The Persona Fallback IdP


What if a user's email provider doesn't support Persona? In that case, the provisioning step would fail. By convention, the user's browser handles this by asking a trusted third party,, to certify the user's identity on behalf of the unsupported domain. After demonstrating ownership of the address, the user would then receive a certificate issued by the fallback IdP,, rather than the identity's domain.


RPs follow a similar process when validating the assertion: the RP would ultimately request the fallback IdP's public key in order to verify the certificate.

diff --git a/files/nl/mozilla/persona/quick_setup/index.html b/files/nl/mozilla/persona/quick_setup/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1b29167556 --- /dev/null +++ b/files/nl/mozilla/persona/quick_setup/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,199 @@ +--- +title: Quick Setup +slug: Mozilla/Persona/Quick_Setup +translation_of: Archive/Mozilla/Persona/Quick_Setup +--- +

Adding the Persona login system to your site takes just five steps:

  1. Include the Persona JavaScript library on your pages.
  2. +
  3. Add “login” and “logout” buttons.
  4. +
  5. Watch for login and logout actions.
  6. +
  7. Verify the user’s credentials.
  8. +
  9. Review best practices.
  10. +

You should be able to get up and running in a single afternoon, but first things first: If you’re going to use Persona on your site, please take a moment and subscribe to the Persona notices mailing list. It’s extremely low traffic, only being used to announce changes or security issues which may adversely impact your site.


Step 1: Include the Persona library


Persona is designed to be browser-neutral and works well on all major desktop and mobile browsers.


In the future we expect browsers to provide native support for Persona, but in the meantime we provide a JavaScript library that fully implements the user interface and client-side part of the protocol. By including this library, your users will be able to sign in with Persona whether or not their browser has native support.


Once this library is loaded in your page, the Persona functions you need ({{ domxref("", "watch()") }}, {{ domxref("", "request()") }}, and {{ domxref("", "logout()") }}) will be available in the global object.


To include the Persona JavaScript library, you can place this script tag at the bottom of the page body:

<script src=""></script>

You must include this on every page which uses {{ domxref("") }} functions. Because Persona is still in development, you should not self-host the include.js file.


Suppressing Compatibility Mode


You should also make sure users of Internet Explorer can't use Compatibility Mode, as this will break Persona. To do this:

+ +

For more information, see the notes in IE Compatibility Mode and "IE8 and IE9 Complications".


Step 2: Add login and logout buttons


Because Persona is designed as a DOM API, you must call functions when a user clicks a login or logout button on your site. To open the Persona dialog and prompt the user to log in, you should invoke {{ domxref("") }}. For logout, invoke {{ domxref("") }}. Note, the call to {{ domxref("", "logout()") }} must be made in the click handler of the logout button.


For example:

var signinLink = document.getElementById('signin');
+if (signinLink) {
+  signinLink.onclick = function() {; };
+var signoutLink = document.getElementById('signout');
+if (signoutLink) {
+  signoutLink.onclick = function() {; };

What should those buttons look like? Check out our Branding Resources page for premade images and CSS-based buttons!


Step 3: Watch for login and logout actions


For Persona to function, you need to tell it what to do when a user logs in or out. This is done by calling the {{ domxref("") }} function and supplying three parameters:

  1. +

    The email address of the user currently logged into your site from this computer, or null if no one is logged in. For example, you might examine the browser's cookies to determine who is signed in.

  2. +
  3. +

    A function to invoke when an onlogin action is triggered. This function is passed a single parameter, an “identity assertion,” which must be verified.

  4. +
  5. +

    A function to invoke when an onlogout action is triggered. This function is not passed any parameters.

  6. +

Note: You must always include both onlogin and onlogout when you call {{ domxref("") }}.


For example, if you currently think Bob is logged into your site, you might do this:

var currentUser = '';
+  loggedInUser: currentUser,
+  onlogin: function(assertion) {
+    // A user has logged in! Here you need to:
+    // 1. Send the assertion to your backend for verification and to create a session.
+    // 2. Update your UI.
+    $.ajax({ /* <-- This example uses jQuery, but you can use whatever you'd like */
+      type: 'POST',
+      url: '/auth/login', // This is a URL on your website.
+      data: {assertion: assertion},
+      success: function(res, status, xhr) { window.location.reload(); },
+      error: function(xhr, status, err) {
+        alert("Login failure: " + err);
+      }
+    });
+  },
+  onlogout: function() {
+    // A user has logged out! Here you need to:
+    // Tear down the user's session by redirecting the user or making a call to your backend.
+    // Also, make sure loggedInUser will get set to null on the next page load.
+    // (That's a literal JavaScript null. Not false, 0, or undefined. null.)
+    $.ajax({
+      type: 'POST',
+      url: '/auth/logout', // This is a URL on your website.
+      success: function(res, status, xhr) { window.location.reload(); },
+      error: function(xhr, status, err) { alert("Logout failure: " + err); }
+    });
+  }

In this example, both onlogin and onlogout are implemented by making an asynchronous POST request to your site’s backend. The backend then logs the user in or out, usually by setting or deleting information in a session cookie. Then, if everything checks out, the page reloads to take into account the new login state.


Note that if the identity assertion can't be verified, you should call {{ domxref("") }}: this has the effect of telling Persona that none is currently logged in. If you don't do this, then Persona may immediately call onlogin again with the same assertion, and this can lead to an endless loop of failed logins.


You can, of course, use AJAX to implement this without reloading or redirecting, but that’s beyond the scope of this tutorial.


Here is another example, this time not using jQuery.

function simpleXhrSentinel(xhr) {
+    return function() {
+        if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
+            if (xhr.status == 200){
+                // reload page to reflect new login state
+                window.location.reload();
+              }
+            else {
+      ;
+                alert("XMLHttpRequest error: " + xhr.status);
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+function verifyAssertion(assertion) {
+    // Your backend must return HTTP status code 200 to indicate successful
+    // verification of user's email address and it must arrange for the binding
+    // of currentUser to said address when the page is reloaded
+    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
+"POST", "/xhr/sign-in", true);
+    // see
+    var param = "assertion="+assertion;
+    xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
+    xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-length", param.length);
+    xhr.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close");
+    xhr.send(param); // for verification by your backend
+    xhr.onreadystatechange = simpleXhrSentinel(xhr); }
+function signoutUser() {
+    // Your backend must return HTTP status code 200 to indicate successful
+    // sign out (usually the resetting of one or more session variables) and
+    // it must arrange for the binding of currentUser to 'null' when the page
+    // is reloaded
+    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
+"GET", "/xhr/sign-out", true);
+    xhr.send(null);
+    xhr.onreadystatechange = simpleXhrSentinel(xhr); }
+// Go! {
+    loggedInUser: currentUser,
+         onlogin: verifyAssertion,
+        onlogout: signoutUser } );

You must call on every page with a login or logout button. To support Persona enhancements like automatic login and global logout for your users, you should call this function on every page of your site.


Persona will compare the email address you've passed into loggedInUser with its own knowledge of whether a user is currently logged in, and who they are. If these don't match, it may automatically invoke onlogin or onlogout on page load.




Step 4: Verify the user’s credentials


Instead of passwords, Persona uses “identity assertions,” which are kind of like single-use, single-site passwords combined with the user’s email address. When a user wants to log in, your onlogin callback will be invoked with an assertion from that user. Before you can log them in, you must verify that the assertion is valid.


It’s extremely important that you verify the assertion on your server, and not in JavaScript running on the user’s browser, since that would be easy to forge. The example above handed off the assertion to the site’s backend by using jQuery’s $.ajax() helper to POST it to /auth/login.


Once your server has an assertion, how do you verify it? The easiest way is to use a helper service provided by Mozilla. Simply POST the assertion to with two parameters:

  1. assertion: The identity assertion provided by the user.
  2. +
  3. audience: The hostname and port of your website. You must hardcode this value in your backend; do not derive it from any data supplied by the user.
  4. +

For example, if you’re, you can use the command line to test an assertion with:

$ curl -d "assertion=<ASSERTION>&audience=" ""

If it’s valid, you’ll get a JSON response like this:

+  "status": "okay",
+  "email": "",
+  "audience": "",
+  "expires": 1308859352261,
+  "issuer": ""

You can learn more about the verification service by reading The Verification Service API. An example /auth/login implementation, using Python, the Flask web framework, and the Requests HTTP library might look like this:

@app.route('/auth/login', methods=['POST'])
+def login():
+    # The request has to have an assertion for us to verify
+    if 'assertion' not in request.form:
+        abort(400)
+    # Send the assertion to Mozilla's verifier service.
+    data = {'assertion': request.form['assertion'], 'audience': ''}
+    resp ='', data=data, verify=True)
+    # Did the verifier respond?
+    if resp.ok:
+        # Parse the response
+        verification_data = json.loads(resp.content)
+        # Check if the assertion was valid
+        if verification_data['status'] == 'okay':
+            # Log the user in by setting a secure session cookie
+            session.update({'email': verification_data['email']})
+            return 'You are logged in'
+    # Oops, something failed. Abort.
+    abort(500)

For examples of how to use Persona in other languages, have a look at the cookbook.


The session management is probably very similar to your existing login system. The first big change is in verifying the user’s identity by checking an assertion instead of checking a password. The other big change is ensuring that the user’s email address is available for use as the loggedInUser parameter to {{ domxref("") }}.


Logout is simple: you just need to remove the user’s session cookie.


Step 5: Review best practices


Once everything works and you’ve successfully logged into and out of your site, you should take a moment to review best practices for using Persona safely and securely.


If you're making a production site, have a look at the implementor's guide, where we've collected tips for adding the kind of features often needed in real-world login systems.


Lastly, don’t forget to sign up for the Persona notices mailing list so you’re notified of any security issues or backwards incompatible changes to the Persona API. The list is extremely low traffic: it’s only used to announce changes which may adversely impact your site.



diff --git a/files/nl/mozilla/persona/samenvatting/index.html b/files/nl/mozilla/persona/samenvatting/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4fd1ce21bd --- /dev/null +++ b/files/nl/mozilla/persona/samenvatting/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +--- +title: Woordenlijst +slug: Mozilla/Persona/Samenvatting +translation_of: Archive/Mozilla/Persona/Glossary +--- +

‘Persona’ vs. ‘BrowserID’


Persona is een volledige implementatie van een nieuw gedistribueerd aanmeldingssysteem van Mozilla.


BrowserID is het open protocol dat bepaalt hoe Persona werkt.


Veelgebruikte Persona-terminologie

+ BrowserID
+ Een open, gedecentraliseerd protocol voor het athenticeren van gebruikers, gebaseerd op e-mailadressen.
+ Identity Provider (‘IdP’)
+ Services die referenties aan hun gebruikers uitgeven.
+ E-mailproviders kunnen Identity Providers voor hun gebruikers worden door ondersteuning voor het BrowserID-authenticatieprotocol aan hun service toe te voegen. Als een e-mailprovider geen Persona ondersteunt, werkt Mozilla als een terugval-Identity Provider op
+ Een terugval-Identity Provider die wordt gehost door het Identity-team bij Mozilla.
+ Persona
+ De voor de gebruiker zichtbare naam van een complex pakket aan identiteitsgerelateerd services van Mozilla, waaronder de door Mozilla beheerde terugval-Identity Provider. Eindgebruikers horen de term ‘BrowserID’ nooit te zien.
+ Persona kan uiteindelijk functies bevatten die verder gaan dan het BrowserID-protocol, zoals onderdelen van Firefox Sync of een dashboard voor Open webapps.
+ Relying Party (‘RP’)
+ Websites, toepassingen of services waarmee gebruikers zich kunnen aanmelden via Persona.


+ BigTent
+ Een pakket met drie terugval-Identity Providers die instaan voor gebruikers van respectievelijk Hotmail, Gmail en Yahoo Mail. BigTent werkt door voor elke e-mailprovider het BrowserID-protocol te ‘bridgen’ met OpenID of OAuth. De broncode is beschikbaar op
+ Vinz Clortho
+ Een Identity Provider voor en Werkt door LDAP te raadplegen. De bron is beschikbaar op De naam is een verwijzing naar de film Ghostbusters uit 1984.

Ongebruikelijke Persona-terminologie

+ Primary Authority (‘Primary’)
+ Verouderde term voor e-mailproviders die zich ook als Identity Providers kunnen gedragen.
+ Secondary Authority (‘Secondary’)
+ Verouderde term voor een terugval-Identity Provider die kan instaan voor gebruikers wiens e-mailproviders geen Identity Providers zijn. Mozilla werkt als een terugval-Identity Provider op
+ Verified Email Protocol
+ Een oude, niet meer gebruikte naam voor het BrowserID-protocol.
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