From a3cb768f710d274b572a26c48448f0cb8e4a1bdd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: MDN Date: Tue, 25 May 2021 00:43:56 +0000 Subject: [CRON] sync translated content --- .../html/html5/constraint_validation/index.html | 339 --------------------- files/zh-cn/web/guide/html/html5/index.html | 186 ----------- .../html/html5/introduction_to_html5/index.html | 43 --- 3 files changed, 568 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 files/zh-cn/web/guide/html/html5/constraint_validation/index.html delete mode 100644 files/zh-cn/web/guide/html/html5/index.html delete mode 100644 files/zh-cn/web/guide/html/html5/introduction_to_html5/index.html (limited to 'files/zh-cn/web/guide/html') diff --git a/files/zh-cn/web/guide/html/html5/constraint_validation/index.html b/files/zh-cn/web/guide/html/html5/constraint_validation/index.html deleted file mode 100644 index befe2acc41..0000000000 --- a/files/zh-cn/web/guide/html/html5/constraint_validation/index.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,339 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: 约束验证 -slug: Web/Guide/HTML/HTML5/Constraint_validation -translation_of: Web/Guide/HTML/HTML5/Constraint_validation ---- -

创建web表单始终是一个复杂的任务. 仅仅组装表单是容易的,但是检查每一个字段的值是否有效并且一致是一件更加困难的事情,而向用户指明错误可能会令人头痛。HTML5 引入了表单相关的一些新的机制:为{{ HTMLElement("input") }}元素和强制校验增加了一些新的语义类型,使得在客户端检查表单内容的工作变得容易。基本上,在填写字段时,通常这些约束都会被检查,而不需要额外的JavaScript代码进行校验; 对于更复杂的约束条件的校验可以尝试使用 HTML5 Constraint Validation API.

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Note: HTML5 Constraint validation doesn't remove the need for validation on the server side. Even though far fewer invalid form requests are to be expected, invalid ones can still be sent by non-compliant browsers (for instance, browsers without HTML5 and without JavaScript) or by bad guys trying to trick your web application. Therefore, like with HTML4, you need to also validate input constraints on the server side, in a way that is consistent with what is done on the client side.
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在 HTML5中,声明基本的约束有两种方式:

- - - -

语义的 input 类型

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 {{ htmlattrxref("type", "input") }} 特性中固有约束:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Input 类型约束描述Associated violation
<input type="URL">值必须是绝对的URL, 即,是下面的某一种: -
  • a valid URI (as defined in RFC 3986)
  • -
  • a valid IRI, without a query component (as defined in RFC 3987)
  • -
  • a valid IRI, with a query component without any unescaped non-ASCII character (as defined in RFC 3987)
  • -
  • a valid IRI, and the character set for the document is UTF-8 or UTF-16 (as defined in RFC 3987)
  • -
Type mismatch constraint violation
 <input type="email">The value must follow the ABNF production: 1*( atext / "." ) "@" ldh-str 1*( "." ldh-str ) where: -
  • atext is defined in RFC 5322, i.e., a US-ASCII letter (A to Z and a-z), a digit (0 to 9) or one of the following! # $ % & ' * + - / = ? ` { } | ~ special character,
  • -
  • ldh-str is defined in RFC 1034, i.e., US-ASCII letters, mixed with digits and - grouped in words separated by a dot (.).
  • -
- -
Note: if the {{ htmlattrxref("multiple", "input") }} attribute is set, several e-mail addresses can be set, as a comma-separated list, for this input. If any of these do not satisfy the condition described here, the Type mismatch constraint violation is triggered.
Type mismatch constraint violation
- -

Note that most input types don't have intrinsic constraints, as some are simply barred from constraint validation or have a sanitization algorithm transforming incorrect values to a correct default. 

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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
特性支持该特性的 Input 类型可接受的值约束描述Associated violation
{{ htmlattrxref("pattern", "input") }}text, search, url, tel, email, passwordA JavaScript regular expression (compiled with the ECMAScript 5 global, ignoreCase, and multiline flags disabled)输入的值必须匹配设置的模式。Pattern mismatch constraint violation
{{ htmlattrxref("min", "input") }}range, numberA valid number输入的值必须大于等于设置的最小值。Underflow constraint violation
date, month, weekA valid date
datetime, datetime-local, timeA valid date and time
{{ htmlattrxref("max", "input") }}range, numberA valid number输入的值必须小于等于设置的最大值。Overflow constraint violation
date, month, weekA valid date
datetime, datetime-local, timeA valid date and time
{{ htmlattrxref("required", "input") }}text, search, url, tel, email, password, date, datetime, datetime-local, month, week, time, number, checkbox, radio, file; also on the {{ HTMLElement("select") }} and {{ HTMLElement("textarea") }} elementsnone as it is a Boolean attribute: its presence means true, its absence means falseThere must be a value (if set).Missing constraint violation
{{ htmlattrxref("step", "input") }}dateAn integer number of daysUnless the step is set to the any literal, the value must be min + an integral multiple of the step.Step mismatch constraint violation
monthAn integer number of months
weekAn integer number of weeks
datetime, datetime-local, timeAn integer number of seconds
range, numberAn integer
{{ htmlattrxref("maxlength", "input") }}text, search, url, tel, email, password; also on the {{ HTMLElement("textarea") }} elementAn integer lengthThe number of characters (code points) must not exceed the value of the attribute.Too long constraint violation
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Constraint validation process

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Constraint validation is done through the Constraint Validation API either on a single form element or at the form level, on the {{ HTMLElement("form") }} element itself. The constraint validation is done in the following ways:

- - - -
Note: - - -
- -

Complex constraints using HTML5 Constraint API

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Using JavaScript and the Constraint API, it is possible to implement more complex constraints, for example, constraints combining several fields, or constraints involving complex calculations.

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Basically, the idea is to trigger JavaScript on some form field event (like onchange) to calculate whether the constraint is violated, and then to use the method field.setCustomValidity() to set the result of the validation: an empty string means the constraint is satisfied, and any other string means there is an error and this string is the error message to display to the user.

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Constraint combining several fields: Postal code validation

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The postal code format varies from one country to another. Not only do most countries allow an optional prefix with the country code (like D- in Germany, F- in France or Switzerland), but some countries have postal codes with only a fixed number of digits; others, like the UK, have more complex structures, allowing letters at some specific positions.

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Note: This is not a comprehensive postal code validation library, but rather a demonstration of the key concepts. 

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As an example, we will add a script checking the constraint validation for this simple form:

- -
-    <label for="ZIP">ZIP : </label>
-    <input type="text" id="ZIP">
-    <label for="Country">Country : </label>
-    <select id="Country">
-      <option value="ch">Switzerland</option>
-      <option value="fr">France</option>
-      <option value="de">Germany</option>
-      <option value="nl">The Netherlands</option>
-    </select>
-    <input type="submit" value="Validate">
- -

This displays the following form: 

- -

- -

First, we write a function checking the constraint itself:

- -
function checkZIP() {
-  // For each country, defines the pattern that the ZIP has to follow
-  var constraints = {
-    ch : [ '^(CH-)?\\d{4}$', "Switzerland ZIPs must have exactly 4 digits: e.g. CH-1950 or 1950" ],
-    fr : [ '^(F-)?\\d{5}$' , "France ZIPs must have exactly 5 digits: e.g. F-75012 or 75012" ],
-    de : [ '^(D-)?\\d{5}$' , "Germany ZIPs must have exactly 5 digits: e.g. D-12345 or 12345" ],
-    nl : [ '^(NL-)?\\d{4}\\s*([A-RT-Z][A-Z]|S[BCE-RT-Z])$',
-                    "Nederland ZIPs must have exactly 4 digits, followed by 2 letters except SA, SD and SS" ]
-  };
-  // Read the country id
-  var country = document.getElementById("Country").value;
-  // Get the NPA field
-  var ZIPField = document.getElementById("ZIP");
-  // Build the constraint checker
-  var constraint = new RegExp(constraints[country][0], "");
-    console.log(constraint);
-  // Check it!
-  if (constraint.test(ZIPField.value)) {
-    // The ZIP follows the constraint, we use the ConstraintAPI to tell it
-    ZIPField.setCustomValidity("");
-  }
-  else {
-    // The ZIP doesn't follow the constraint, we use the ConstraintAPI to
-    // give a message about the format required for this country
-    ZIPField.setCustomValidity(constraints[country][1]);
-  }
- -

Then we link it to the onchange event for the {{ HTMLElement("select") }} and the oninput event for the {{ HTMLElement("input") }}:

- -
window.onload = function () {
-    document.getElementById("Country").onchange = checkZIP;
-    document.getElementById("ZIP").oninput = checkZIP;
- -

You can see a live example of the postal code validation.  

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Limiting the size of a file before its upload

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Another common constraint is to limit the size of a file to be uploaded. Checking this on the client side before the file is transmitted to the server requires combining the Constraint API, and especially the field.setCustomValidity() method, with another JavaScript API, here the HTML5 File API.

- -

Here is the HTML part:

- -
<label for="FS">Select a file smaller than 75 kB : </label>
-<input type="file" id="FS">
- -

This displays:

- -

- - - -

The JavaScript reads the file selected, uses the File.size() method to get its size, compares it to the (hard coded) limit, and calls the Constraint API to inform the browser if there is a violation:

- -
function checkFileSize() {
-  var FS = document.getElementById("FS");
-  var files = FS.files;
-  // If there is (at least) one file selected
-  if (files.length > 0) {
-     if (files[0].size > 75 * 1024) { // Check the constraint
-       FS.setCustomValidity("The selected file must not be larger than 75 kB");
-       return;
-     }
-  }
-  // No custom constraint violation
-  FS.setCustomValidity("");
- - - -

Finally we hook the method with the correct event:

- -
window.onload = function () {
-  document.getElementById("FS").onchange = checkFileSize;
- -

You can see a live example of the File size constraint validation.

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Visual styling of constraint validation

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Apart from setting constraints, web developers want to control what messages are displayed to the users and how they are styled.

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Controlling the look of elements

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The look of elements can be controlled via CSS pseudo-classes.

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:required and :optional CSS pseudo-classes

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The :required and :optional pseudo-classes allow writing selectors that match form elements that have the {{ htmlattrxref("required") }} attribute, or that don't have it.

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:-moz-placeholder CSS pseudo-class

- -

See :-moz-placeholder.

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:valid :invalid CSS pseudo-classes

- -

The :valid and :invalid pseudo-classes are used to represent <input> elements whose content validates and fails to validate respectively according to the input's type setting. These classes allow the user to style valid or invalid form elements to make it easier to identify elements that are either formatted correctly or incorrectly.

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Default styles

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Controlling the text of constraints violation

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The x-moz-errormessage attribute

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The x-moz-errormessage attribute is a Mozilla extension that allows you to specify the error message to display when a field does not successfully validate.

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Note: This extension is non-standard.

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Constraint API's element.setCustomValidity()

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The element.setCustomValidity(error) method is used to set a custom error message to be displayed when a form is submitted. The method works by taking a string parameter error. If error is a non-empty string, the method assumes validation was unsuccessful and displays error as an error message. If error is an empty string, the element is considered validated and resets the error message.

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Constraint API's ValidityState object

- -

The DOM ValidityState interface represents the validity states that an element can be in, with respect to constraint validation. Together, they help explain why an element's value fails to validate, if it's not valid.

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Examples of personalized styling

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HTML4 fallback

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Trivial fallback

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JS fallback

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diff --git a/files/zh-cn/web/guide/html/html5/index.html b/files/zh-cn/web/guide/html/html5/index.html deleted file mode 100644 index 34bd9fb118..0000000000 --- a/files/zh-cn/web/guide/html/html5/index.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,186 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: HTML5 -slug: Web/Guide/HTML/HTML5 -tags: - - HTML - - HTML5 - - JavaScript - - PHP - - Web - - Web 开发 - - angularjs - - nodejs - - vuejs - - 帮助 - - 指南 - - 综述 -translation_of: Web/Guide/HTML/HTML5 ---- -

HTML5定义 HTML 标准的最新的版本。 该术语通过两个不同的概念来表现:

- - - -

设计为所有Open Web开发人员都可以使用,此引用页面链接到许多关于HTML5技术的资源,根据其功能分为几个组。

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HTML5 中的区块和段落元素
HTML5 中新的区块和段落元素一览: {{HTMLElement("section")}}, {{HTMLElement("article")}}, {{HTMLElement("nav")}}, {{HTMLElement("header")}}, {{HTMLElement("footer")}}, {{HTMLElement("aside")}} 和 {{HTMLElement("hgroup")}}.
使用 HTML5 的音频和视频
{{HTMLElement("audio")}} 和 {{HTMLElement("video")}} 元素嵌入和允许操作新的多媒体内容。
看一下 HTML5 中对 web 表单的改进:强制校验API,一些新的属性,一些新的{{HTMLElement("input")}} 元素{{htmlattrxref("type", "input")}} 属性值 ,新的 {{HTMLElement("output")}} 元素。
除了节段,媒体和表单元素之外,还有众多的新元素,例如 {{HTMLElement("mark")}}, {{HTMLElement("figure")}}, {{HTMLElement("figcaption")}}, {{HTMLElement("data")}}, {{HTMLElement("time")}}, {{HTMLElement("output")}}, {{HTMLElement("progress")}}, 或者 {{HTMLElement("meter")}}和{{HTMLElement("main")}},这增加了有效的 HTML5 元素的数量。
{{HTMLElement("iframe")}} 的改进
使用 {{htmlattrxref("sandbox", "iframe")}}, {{htmlattrxref("seamless", "iframe")}}, 和 {{htmlattrxref("srcdoc", "iframe")}} 属性,作者们现在可以精确控制 {{HTMLElement("iframe")}} 元素的安全级别以及期望的渲染。
HTML5 入门
本文介绍了如何标示在网页设计或 Web 应用程序中使用 HTML5 时碰到的问题。
HTML5 兼容的解析器
用于把 HTML5 文档的字节转换成 DOM 的解释器,已经被扩展了,并且现在精确地定义了在所有情况下使用的行为,甚至当碰到无效的 HTML 这种情况。这就导致了 HTML5 兼容的浏览器之间极大的可预测性和互操作性。
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Web Sockets
允许在页面和服务器之间建立持久连接并通过这种方法来交换非 HTML 数据。
Server-sent events
这项技术,其中的 RTC 代表的是即时通信,允许连接到其他人,直接在浏览器中控制视频会议,而不需要一个插件或是外部的应用程序。
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离线 & 存储

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火狐全面支持 HTML5 离线资源规范。其他大多数针对离线资源仅提供了某种程度上的支持。
Firefox 3 支持 WHATWG 在线和离线事件,这可以让应用程序和扩展检测是否存在可用的网络连接,以及在连接建立和断开时能感知到。
WHATWG 客户端会话和持久化存储 (又名 DOM 存储)
客户端会话和持久化存储让 web 应用程序能够在客户端存储结构化数据。
是一个为了能够在浏览器中存储大量结构化数据,并且能够在这些数据上使用索引进行高性能检索的 Web 标准。
自 web 应用程序中使用文件
对新的 HTML5 文件 API 的支持已经被添加到 Gecko 中,从而使 Web 应用程序可以访问由用户选择的本地文件。这包括使用 type file{{HTMLElement("input")}} 元素的新的 multiple 属性针对多文件选择的支持。 还有 FileReader
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使用 HTML5 音视频
{{HTMLElement("audio")}} 和 {{HTMLElement("video")}} 元素嵌入并支持新的多媒体内容的操作。
这项技术,其中的 RTC 代表的是即时通信,允许连接到其他人,在浏览器中直接控制视频会议,而不需要一个插件或是外部的应用程序。
使用 Camera API
Track 和 WebVTT
 {{HTMLElement("track")}} 元素支持字幕和章节。WebVTT 一个文本轨道格式。
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3D, 图像 & 效果

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Canvas 教程
了解有关新的 {{HTMLElement("canvas")}} 元素以及如何在火狐中绘制图像和其他对象。
HTML5 针对 <canvas> 元素的文本 API
HTML5 文本 API 现在由 {{HTMLElement("canvas")}} 元素支持。
WebGL 通过引入了一套非常地符合 OpenGL ES 2.0 并且可以用在 HTML5 {{HTMLElement("canvas")}} 元素中的 API 给 Web 带来了 3D 图像功能。
一个基于 XML 的可以直接嵌入到 HTML 中的矢量图像格式。
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性能 & 集成

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Web Workers
能够把 JavaScript 计算委托给后台线程,通过允许这些活动以防止使交互型事件变得缓慢。
XMLHttpRequest Level 2
允许异步读取页面的某些部分,允许其显示动态内容,根据时间和用户行为而有所不同。这是在 Ajax背后的技术。
即时编译的 JavaScript 引擎
新一代的 JavaScript 引擎功能更强大,性能更杰出。
History API
contentEditable 属性:把你的网站改变成 wiki !
HTML5 已经把 contentEditable 属性标准化了。了解更多关于这个特性的内容。
HTML5 的拖放 API 能够支持在网站内部和网站之间拖放项目。同时也提供了一个更简单的供扩展和基于 Mozilla 的应用程序使用的 API。
HTML 中的焦点管理
支持新的 HTML5 activeElementhasFocus 属性。
基于 Web 的协议处理程序
你现在可以使用 navigator.registerProtocolHandler() 方法把 web 应用程序注册成一个协议处理程序。
全屏 API
指针锁定 API
为了构建一个良好的具有离线功能的 web 应用程序,你需要知道什么时候你的应用程序确实离线了。顺便提一句,在你的应用程序又再回到在线状态时你也需要知道。
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使用 Camera API
指针锁定 API
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CSS 已经扩展到能够以一个更加复杂的方法给元素设置样式。这通常被称为 CSS3, 尽管 CSS 已经不再是很难触动的规范,并且不同的模块并不全部位于 level 3:其中一些位于 level 1 而另一些位于 level 4,覆盖了所有中间的层次。

- -
现在可以使用 {{cssxref("box-shadow")}} 给逻辑框设置一个阴影,而且还可以设置 多背景
现在不仅可以使用图像来格式化边框,使用 {{cssxref("border-image")}} 和它关联的普通属性,而且可以通过 {{cssxref("border-radius")}} 属性来支持圆角边框。
使用 CSS Transitions 以在不同的状态间设置动画,或者使用 CSS Animations 在页面的某些部分设置动画而不需要一个触发事件,你现在可以在页面中控制移动元素了。
作者们如今有更强大的能力来使自己的网页文字达到更佳的排版。他们不但可以控制 {{cssxref("text-overflow")}} 和 hyphenation, 还可以给它设置一个 阴影 或者更精细地控制它的 decorations。感谢新的 {{cssxref("@font-face")}} 规则,现在我们可以下载并应用自定义的字体了。
为了提高设计的灵活性,已经有两种新的布局被添加了进来:CSS 多栏布局, 以及 CSS 灵活方框布局
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一些HTML5特性仍然不被某些浏览器支持。但是,Gecko已经开始推广,火狐浏览器也对HTML5的支持非常好,并且会持续的支持更多的功能。Gecko开始支持HTML5版本1.8.1。你可以在这个HTML5主页中找到目前Gecko支持的所有的HTML5的功能列表。关于HTML5多浏览器支持的详细信息,请参阅 CanIUse 网站

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<!DOCTYPE html>
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<meta charset>声明字符集

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- -
<meta charset="UTF-8">
- -

把这个放到你的{{HTMLElement("head") }},因为在一些浏览器中如果声明的字符集和他们的预期的不同,他们会重新解析一遍HTML文档。另外,如果你目前没有使用UTF-8,建议您把您的网页改为这个编码,因为它简化了不同脚本对文件中字符的处理。

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