--- title: XSLTProcessor slug: Web/API/XSLTProcessor tags: - API - DOM - DOM Reference - NeedsTranslation - Reference - TopicStub - XSLT translation_of: Web/API/XSLTProcessor ---

An XSLTProcessor applies an XSLT stylesheet transformation to an XML document to produce a new XML document as output. It has methods to load the XSLT stylesheet, to manipulate <xsl:param> parameter values, and to apply the transformation to documents.


The constructor has no parameters.

new XSLTProcessor()


[Throws] void {{domxref("XSLTProcessor.importStylesheet")}}({{domxref("Node")}} styleSheet)
Imports the XSLT stylesheet. If the given node is a document node, you can pass in a full XSL Transform or a literal result element transform; otherwise, it must be an <xsl:stylesheet> or <xsl:transform> element.
[Throws] {{domxref("DocumentFragment")}} {{domxref("XSLTProcessor.transformToFragment")}}({{domxref("Node")}} source, {{domxref("Document")}} owner)
Transforms the node source by applying the stylesheet imported using the {{domxref("XSLTProcessor.importStylesheet()")}} function. The owner document of the resulting document fragment is the owner node.
[Throws] {{domxref("Document")}} {{domxref("XSLTProcessor.transformToDocument")}}({{domxref("Node")}} source)

Transforms the node source applying the stylesheet given importing using the {{domxref("XSLTProcessor.importStylesheet()")}} function.

The resultant object depends on the output method of the stylesheet:

Output method Result type
html {{domxref("HTMLDocument")}}
xml {{domxref("XMLDocument")}}
text {{domxref("XMLDocument")}} with a single root element <transformiix:result> with the text as a child
[Throws] void {{domxref("XSLTProcessor.setParameter")}}({{jsxref("String")}} namespaceURI, {{jsxref("String")}} localName, any value)
Sets a parameter in the XSLT stylesheet that was imported. (Sets the value of an <xsl:param>.) A null value for namespaceURI is treated the same as an empty string.
[Throws] any {{domxref("XSLTProcessor.getParameter")}}({{jsxref("String")}} namespaceURI, {{jsxref("String")}} localName)
Gets the value of a parameter from the XSLT stylesheet. A null value for namespaceURI is treated the same as an empty string.
[Throws] void {{domxref("XSLTProcessor.removeParameter")}}({{jsxref("String")}} namespaceURI, {{jsxref("String")}} localName)
Removes the parameter if it was previously set. This will make the XSLTProcessor use the default value for the parameter as specified in the stylesheet. A null value for namespaceURI is treated the same as an empty string.
void {{domxref("XSLTProcessor.clearParameters()")}}
Removes all set parameters from the XSLTProcessor. The XSLTProcessor will then use the defaults specified in the XSLT stylesheet.
void {{domxref("XSLTProcessor.reset()")}}
Removes all parameters and stylesheets from the XSLTProcessor.


Non-Web-exposed properties

The following properties are [ChromeOnly] and not exposed to Web content:

[ChromeOnly] attribute unsigned long {{domxref("XSLTProcessor.flags")}}

Flags that tweak the behavior of the processor. Not reset by calling {{domxref("XSLTProcessor.reset()")}}. Default value: 0

Possible values are:

Name Value Effect
(None) 0 None
DISABLE_ALL_LOADS 1 Disable loading external documents (via e.g. <xsl:import> and document())


  1. Basic example
  2. Advanced example
  3. Additional example


Not part of any specification. This is a proprietary interface that originated in Gecko.

Gecko IDL

Browser compatibility


See also