title: Firefox 68 für Entwickler
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/68
translation_of: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/68
This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 68 that will affect developers. Firefox 68 is the current Beta version of Firefox, and will ship on July 9, 2019.
Changes for web developers
- Die Einstellung, die die Sichtbarkeit interner Erweiterungen (System-Add-Ons und versteckte Erweiterungen) auf der about:debugging-Seite kontrolliert, wurde von
zu devtools.aboutdebugging.showHiddenAddons
geändert ({{bug(1544372)}}).
- Die Konsole zeigt jetzt mehr Informationen über CSS-Warnungen inklusive einer Liste der Knoten der DOM-Elemente, die die Regel genutzt haben ({{bug(1093953)}}).
- Über die Anfragen-Liste der Netzwerkanalyse kann jetzt eine spezifische URL geblockt werden ({{bug(1151368)}}).
- Es ist jetzt möglich, eine Netzwerkanfrage erneut zu senden, ohne das Verfahren, die URL, die Parameter oder die Überschrift ändern zu müssen, indem der Resend-Befehl im Kontextmenü ausgeführt wird ({{bug(1422014)}}).
- Es ist jetzt möglich, die Breite der Spalten in der Netzwerkanalyse zu ändern, um dem Arbeitsalauf gerecht zu werden. ({{bug(1358414)}}).
- The context menu of the Headers tab now allows you to copy all or some of the header information to the clipboard in JSON format ({{bug(1442249)}}).
- A button has been added to the rules panel of the Page Inspector that allows you to toggle display of any print media queries ({{bug(1534984)}}).
- An icon will be displayed next to invalid or unsupported CSS rules in the Rules pane of the Page Inspector ({{bug(1306054)}}).
No changes.
- CSS Scroll Snapping has been updated to the latest version of the specification ({{bug(1312163)}}) and ({{bug(1544136)}}), this includes:
- The scroll-padding properties ({{bug(1373832)}})
- The scroll-margin properties ({{bug(1373833)}})
- {{CSSxRef("scroll-snap-align")}} ({{bug(1373835)}})
- The {{CSSxRef("-webkit-line-clamp")}} property has been implemented for compatibility with other browsers ({{bug(866102)}}).
- Support {{CSSxRef("::marker")}} pseudo-element ({{bug(205202)}}) and animation for ::marker pseudos ({{bug(1538618)}})
- Change {{CSSxRef("currentColor")}} to be a computed value (except for color property) ({{bug(760345)}}).
- Fix support for the 'ch' length unit to match spec (fallback for no '0' glyph, vertical metrics) ({{bug(282126)}})
- The {{CSSxRef("counter-set")}} property has been implemented. ({{bug(1518201)}})
- Implement list numbering using a built-in 'list-item' counter - fixes list numbering bugs ({{bug(288704)}})
- CSS Transforms are now supported in indirectly rendered things e.g.) {{SVGElement("mask")}}, {{SVGElement("marker")}}, {{SVGElement("pattern")}}, {{SVGElement("clipPath")}} ({{bug(1323962)}}).
- {{CSSxRef("scroll-snap-coordinate")}}, {{CSSxRef("scroll-snap-destination")}}, {{CSSxRef("scroll-snap-type-x")}} and {{CSSxRef("scroll-snap-type-y")}} have been removed.
- The {{CSSxRef("scroll-snap-type")}} property has become a longhand, so the old shorthand syntax like
will stop working. See the Firefox Site Compatability note.
No changes.
No changes.
No changes.
New APIs
- Implement Resize Observer API ({{bug(1272409)}}).
- The Visual Viewport API has now been enabled by default on Android ({{bug(1512813)}}). Adding this API to desktop versions of Firefox is being tracked in {{bug(1551302)}}.
- The {{domxref("HTMLImageElement.decode", "decode()")}} element on images is now implemented. this can be used to trigger loading and decoding of an image prior to adding it to the DOM ({{bug(1501794)}}).
- The Notifications API now requires that the user interact with the page before it can request permission to send notifications ({{bug(1524619)}}).
- {{domxref("XMLHttpRequest")}} has been updated to no longer accept the non-standard
value for {{domxref("XMLHttpRequest.responseType", "responseType")}}. Code still using it should be updated to use the Fetch API as a stream ({{bug(1120171)}}).
now outputs a warning to console if you perform a synchronous request while handling an {{domxref("Window.unload_event", "unload")}}, {{domxref("Window.beforeunload_event", "beforeunload")}}, or {{domxref("Window.pagehide_event", "pagehide")}} event ({{bug(980902)}}).
- The {{domxref("Document.cookie", "cookie")}} property has moved from the {{domxref("HTMLDocument")}} interface to the {{domxref("Document")}} interface, allowing documents other than {{Glossary("HTML")}} to use cookies ({{bug(144795)}}).
DOM events
Service workers
- WebRTC has been updated to recognize that a
candidate passed into the {{domxref("RTCPeerConnection.icecandidate", "icecandidate")}} event handler, indicating the receipt of a candidate, instead indicates that there are no further candidates coming; when this happens the ICE gathering ({{domxref("RTCPeerConnection.iceGatheringState", "iceGatheringState")}}) state reaches complete
- The {{domxref("RTCRtpReceiver")}} methods {{domxref("RTCRtpReceiver.getContributingSources", "getContributingSources()")}} and {{domxref("RTCRtpReceiver.getSynchronizationSources", "getSynchronizationSources()")}} now support video tracks; previously they only worked on audio ({{bug(1534466)}}).
{{domxref("MediaDevices.getUserMedia", "getUserMedia()")}} may no longer be used from a non-secure context; attempting to do so now throws a NotAllowedError
result. Secure contexts are those loaded using HTTPS, those located using the file:///
scheme, and those loaded from localhost
. For now, if you must, you can re-enable the ability to perform insecure calls to getUserMedia()
by setting the preference media.getusermedia.insecure.enabled
to true
Note: In the future, Firefox will also remove the {{domxref("navigator.mediaDevices")}} property on insecure contexts, preventing all access to the {{domxref("MediaDevices")}} APIs; see {{bug()}} for the status of this work. This is already the case in Nightly builds.
Canvas and WebGL
- Removed the non-standard {{DOMxRef("XMLDocument.load()")}} method ({{bug(332175)}}).
- Removed the non-standard {{DOMxRef("XMLDocument.async")}} property ({{bug(1328138)}}).
No changes.
No changes.
No changes.
Changes for add-on developers
API changes
- The The proxy.register() and proxy.unregister() functions have been deprecated and will be removed from Firefox 71 ({{bug(1545811)}}).
Manifest changes
No changes.
See also
Older versions