WebXR ist eine Gruppe von Standards, die zusammen verwendet werden, um das Rendern von 3D-Szenen auf Hardware zu unterstützen, die für die Darstellung virtueller Welten(Virtuelle Realitätoder VR )entwickelt wurde, oder um der realen Welt grafische Bilder hinzuzufügen (Augmented Realityoder AR). Die WebXR-Geräte-API implementiert den Kern des WebXR-Feature-Sets, verwaltet die Auswahl von Ausgabegeräten, rendert die 3D-Szene mit der entsprechenden Bildrate auf das ausgewählte Gerät und verwaltet Bewegungsvektoren, die mit Eingabecontrollern erstellt wurden.
WebXR-kompatible Geräte umfassen vollständig immersive 3D-Headsets mit Bewegungs- und Orientierungsverfolgung, Brillen, die Grafiken über der realen Szene überlagern, die durch die Rahmen gehen, und Handheld-Handys, die die Realität erweitern, indem sie die Welt mit einer Kamera erfassen und diese Szene mit computergenerierten Bildern ergänzen.
Um dies zu erreichen, bietet die WebXR-Geräte-API die folgenden Schlüsselfunktionen:
Finden Sie kompatible VR- oder AR-Ausgangsgeräte
Rendern einer 3D-Szene auf dem Gerät mit einer entsprechenden Bildrate
(Optional) spiegeln Sie den Ausgang auf ein 2D-Display
Erstellen von Vektoren, die die Bewegungen von Eingabesteuerelementen darstellen
Auf der grundlegendsten Ebene wird eine Szene in 3D dargestellt, indem die Perspektive berechnet wird, die auf die Szene angewendet werden soll, um sie aus der Sicht jedes benutzerischen Augen zu rendern, wobei der typische Abstand zwischen den Augen berücksichtigt wird, und dann die Szene zweimal, einmal für jedes Auge, gerendert wird. Die resultierenden Bilder (oder Bilder, wenn die Szene zweimal auf einem einzigen Frame gerendert wird, die Hälfte pro Auge) werden dann dem Benutzer angezeigt.
Da WebGL zum Rendern der 3D-Welt in die WebXR-Sitzung verwendet wird, sollten Sie zunächst mit der allgemeinen Verwendung von WebGL und mit den Grundlagen der 3D-Grafik im Allgemeinen vertraut sein. Sie verwenden höchstwahrscheinlich nicht direkt die WebGL-API, sondern eines der Frameworks oder Bibliotheken, die auf WebGL erstellt werden, um die Verwendung zu erleichtern. Zu den beliebtesten von ihnen ist three.js.
Ein besonderer Vorteil der Verwendung einer Bibliothek anstelle der direkten Verwendung der WebGL-API besteht darin, dass Bibliotheken dazu neigen, virtuelle Kamerafunktionen zu implementieren. OpenGL (und damit WebGL durch Erweiterung) bietet nicht direkt eine Kameraansicht, mit einer Bibliothek, die eine in Ihrem Namen simuliert kann Ihre Arbeit viel, viel einfacher machen, vor allem beim Erstellen von Code, die freie Bewegung durch Ihre virtuelle Welt ermöglicht.
Wichtige Gesundheits- und Sicherheitshinweise
Da der gesamte Akt der Schaffung einer virtuellen 3D-Welt im Wesentlichen ein Trick ist, der unser Verständnis davon nutzt, wie Augen Licht sammeln und wie das Gehirn die gesammelten Daten interpretiert, ist es wichtig zu bedenken, dass Software-Designer und Entwickler als solche die Verantwortung haben, noch vorsichtiger als üblich zu sein, um sicherzustellen, dass die Ergebnisse korrekt sind.
Defekte, Fehlstellungen oder Verzerrungen können die Augen und das Gehirn verwirren, was zu allem von schmerzenden Augen oder Kopfschmerzen bis hin zu schwindelerregendem Schwindel, Schwindel oder potenziell schwerer Übelkeit führt. Es ist auch wichtig, wachsam zu sein für alles, was Sie anzeigen können, die das Potenzial haben können, Anfälle auszulösen, angesichts der allumfassenden Natur der VR-Brille; Der Benutzer ist möglicherweise nicht in der Lage, schnell von den Bildern wegzuschauen, die Sie präsentieren, wenn es Zuflucht verursacht.
Wenn Sie Inhalte haben, die für Benutzer von Gefahr sein können, sollten Sie eine Warnmeldung bereitstellen. Besser sicher sein als entschuldigung!
WebXR Device API-Konzepte und -Nutzung
WebXR: AR and VR
Example WebXR hardware setup
While the older WebVR API was designed solely to support Virtual Reality (VR), WebXR provides support for both VR and Augmented Reality (AR) on the web. Support for AR functionality is added by the WebXR Augmented Reality Module.
A typical XR device can have either 3 or 6 degrees of freedom and might or might not have an external positional sensor.
The equipment may also include an accelerometer, barometer, or other sensors which are used to sense when the user moves through space, rotates their head, or the like.
WebXR application lifecycle
Most applications using WebXR will follow a similar overall design pattern:
Check to see if the user's device and browser are both capable of presenting the XR experience you want to provide.
Make sure the WebXR API is available; if {{domxref("navigator.xr")}} is undefined, you can assume the user's browser and/or device doesn't support WebXR. If it's not supported, disable any user interface used to activate XR features and abort any attempts to enter XR mode.
Call {{DOMxRef("XR.isSessionSupported","navigator.xr.isSessionSupported()")}}, specifying the WebXR experience mode you want to provide: , , or , in order to determine whether or not the type of session you wish to provide is available.inlineimmersive-vrimmersive-ar
If the session type you want to use is available, provide the appropriate interface to the user to allow them to activate it.
When the user requests the activation of WebXR functionality by engaging with the user interface enabled above, request an {{DOMxRef("XRSession")}} using the desired mode. This is done by calling {{DOMxRef("XR.requestSession","navigator.xr.requestSession()")}}, again specifying the string indicating the mode you want to enable: , , or .inlineimmersive-vrimmersive-ar
If the promise returned by resolves, use the new {{domxref("XRSession")}} to run the frame loop for the entire duration of the WebXR experience.requestSession()
Call the {{domxref("XRSession")}} method {{DOMxRef("XRSession.requestAnimationFrame", "requestAnimationFrame()")}} to schedule the first frame render for the XR device.
Each callback should use the information provided about the objects located in the 3D world to render the frame using WebGL.requestAnimationFrame()
Keep calling {{DOMxRef("XRSession.requestAnimationFrame", "requestAnimationFrame()")}} from within the callback to schedule each successive frame to be rendered.
When the time comes, end the XR session; otherwise, continue the loop until the user chooses to exit XR mode.
To end the XR session yourself, call {{DOMxRef("XRSession.end", "XRSession.end()")}}.
Include a handler for the {{domxref("XRSession")}} event {{domxref("XRSession.end_event", "end")}} event to be informed when the session is ending, regardless of whether your code, the user, or the browser initiated the termination of the session.
Permissions and security
The WebXR Device API is subject to a number of permission and security controls. While not onerous, they are worth being aware of. These mostly revolve around the fully-immersive session mode, but there are things to be aware of when setting up an AR session, as well.immersive-vr
Immersive presentation of VR
First, any requests to activate the mode are rejected if the domain issuing the request does not have permission to enable an immersive session. This permission comes from the feature policy.immersive-vrxr-spatial-tracking
Once that check is passed, the request to enter mode is allowed if all of the following are true:immersive-vr
The call was issued by code executing within the handler for a user event, or the from the startup code for a user-launched web application.requestSession()
The document is considered trustworthy, in that it is responsible and is both currently active and has focus.
The user's intent to enter immersive VR mode is well understood; see {{anch("User intent")}} below for details.
If all of that is true, the promise returned by is resolved, and the new {{domxref("XRSession")}} object is passed into the fulfillment handler. Otherwise, an appropriate exception is thrown, such as if the document doesn't have permission to enter immersive mode.requestSession()SecurityError
Inline presentation
When you request an {{domxref("XRSession")}} with the mode set to , and any features are required or requested, the browser will only allow the session to be created if the call to {{domxref("XR.requestSession", "requestSession()")}} was made by code which is executing expressly due to user intent.inline
If the call isn't coming from within the handler executed in response to a user event, and is not being issued while launching a web application, the request is denied and is delivered to the promise's fulfillment handler.requestSession()false
If the document making the request isn't the one which is responsible for the script, the request is denied.
If the document making the request isn't trustworthy, the request is denied and is returned through the promise's fulfillment routine. A trustworthy document is one which is both responsible and active, and which currently has focus.false
If the user's intent to open an inline XR presentation is not well understood, the request is denied. Understanding of the {{anch("User intent", "user's intent")}} may be either implicit or explicit.
Note: Additional requirements may be put into effect due to the specific features requested by the options object when calling .requestSession()
User intent
User intent is the concept of whether or not an action being performed by code is being performed because of something the user intends to do or not. There are two kinds of user intent: implicit and explicit.
Explicit user intent (explicit user consent) is granted when the user has specifically and expressly been asked for permission to perform an action.
Implicit user intent (implicit user consent) is assumed if either of the following scenarios is the case:
The user has interacted with the document in some way which has in turn caused your request to occur. For example, if you have an "Enter XR mode" button, and the user clicks it, calling from the button's {{domxref("Element.click_event", "click")}} event handler will permitted.requestSession()
If your code is executing during the launch of a web application, the runtime may consider the act of launching your web application to qualify as user intent.
WebXR availability
As a new and still in development API, WebXR support is limited to specific devices and browsers; and even on those, it may not be enabled by default. There may be options available to allow you to experiment with WebXR even if you don't have a compatible system, however.
WebXR polyfill
The team designing the WebXR specification has published a WebXR polyfill which you can use to simulate WebXR on browsers which don't have support for the WebXR APIs. If the browser supports the older WebVR API, that is used. Otherwise, the polyfill falls back to an implementation which uses Google's Cardboard VR API.
The polyfill is maintained alongside the specification, and is kept up to date with the specification. Additionally, it is updated to maintain compatibility with browsers as their support for WebXR and other technologies related to it and to the implementation of the polyfill change over time.
Be sure to read the readme carefully; the polyfill comes in several versions depending on what degree of compatibility with newer JavaScript features your target browsers include.
WebXR API Emulator extension
The Mozilla WebXR team has created a WebXR API Emulator browser extension, compatible with both Firefox and Chrome, which emulates the WebXR API, simulating a variety of compatible devices such as the HTC Vive, the Oculus Go and Oculus Quest, Samsung Gear, and Google Cardboard. With the extension in place, you can open up a developer tools panel that lets you control the position and orientation of the headset and any hand controllers, as well as button presses on the controllers.
Emulator usage
While somewhat awkward compared to using an actual headset, this makes it possible to experiment with and developer WebXR code on a desktop computer, where WebXR isn't normally available. It also lets you perform some basic testing before taking your code to a real device. Be aware, however, that the emulator does not yet completely emulate all of the WebXR API, so you may run into problems you're not expecting. Again, carefully read the readme file and make sure you're aware of the limitations before you begin.
Important: You should always test your code on actual AR and/or VR hardware before releasing or shipping a product! Emulated, simulated, or polyfilled environments are not an adequate substitute for actual testing on physical devices.
Getting the extension
Download the WebXR API Emulator for your supported browser below:
While this isn't the place for a full article about the extension, there are some specific things worth mentioning.
Version 0.4.0 of the extension was announced on March 26, 2020. It introduced support for augmented reality (AR) through the WebXR AR Module, which has is approaching a stable state. Documentation for AR is forthcoming shortly here on MDN.
Other improvements include updating the emulator to rename the interface to {{domxref("XRSystem")}}, introduce support for squeeze (grip) input sources, and add support for the {{domxref("XRInputSource")}} property {{domxref("XRInputSource.profiles", "profiles")}}.XR
Accessing the WebXR API
To gain access to the WebXR API within the context of a given window, use the {{domxref("navigator.xr")}} property.
{{domxref("navigator.xr")}} {{ReadOnlyInline}}
This property, added to the {{domxref("Navigator")}} interface, returns the {{domxref("XR")}} object through which the WebXR API is exposed. If this property is missing or , WebXR is not available.null
WebXR interfaces
The {{domxref("Navigator.xr", "navigator.xr")}} property returns the window's instance of {{domxref("XR")}}, which is the mechanism by which your code accesses the WebXR API. Using the interface, you can create {{domxref("XRSession")}}s to represent actual AR and/or VR sessions.XR
While presenting an XR session, the state of all tracked objects which make up the session are represented by an . To get an , call the session's {{domxref("XRSession.requestAnimationFrame", "requestAnimationFrame()")}} method, providing a callback which will be called with the once available. Events which communicate tracking states will also use to contain that information.XRFrameXRFrameXRFrameXRFrame
Provides a set of configurable properties which change how the imagery output by an is composited.XRSession
Provides the interface for interacting with XR hardware. Once an is obtained from {{domxref("XR.requestSession()")}}, the session can be used to check the position and orientation of the viewer, query the device for environment information, and present the virtual or augmented world to the user.XRSession
XRSpace is an opaque base class on which all virtual coordinate system interfaces are based. Positions in WebXR are always expressed in relation to a particular at the time at which a particular {{domxref("XFrame")}} takes place. The space's coordinate system has its origin at the a given physical position.XRSpace
A subclass of {{domxref("XRSpace")}} which is used to identify a spatial relationship in relation to the user's physical environment. The coordinate system is expected to remain unchanged through the lifespan of the {{domxref("XRSession")}}.The world has no boundaries and extends infinitely in every direction.XRReferenceSpace
XRBoundedReferenceSpace extends the {{domxref("XRReferenceSpace")}} coordinate system to further include support for a finite world with set boundaries. Unlike , the origin must be located on the floor (that is, y = 0 at the floor). The x and z components of the origin are typically presumed to be located at or near the center of the room or surface.XRReferenceSpace
Represents a single view into the XR scene for a particular frame. Each corresponds to the video display surface used to present the scene to the user. For example, a given XR device might have two views: one for the left eye and one for the right. Each view has an offset used to shift the position of the view relative to the camera, in order to allow for creating stereographic effects.XRView
Describes a viewport. A viewport is a rectangular portion of a graphic surface.
A transform defined using a position and orientation in the virtual space's coordinate system as described by the {{domxref("XRSpace")}}.
Describes a position and orientation in space relative to an {{domxref("XRSpace")}}.
Based on {{domxref("XRPose")}}, specifies the state of a viewer of the WebXR scene as indicated by the XR device. Included is an array of {{domxref("XRView")}} objects, each representing one perspective on the scene. For example, it takes two views to create the stereoscopic view as perceived by human vision—one for the left eye and a second for the right eye. One view is offset to the left slightly from the viewer's position, and the other view is offset to the right by the same distance. The view list can also be used to represent the perspectives of each of the spectators of a scene, in a multi-user environment.XRViewerPose
Represents any input device the user can use to perform targeted actions within the same virtual space as the viewer. Input sources may include devices such as hand controllers, optical tracking systems, and other devices which are explicitly associated with the XR device. Other input devices such as keyboards, mice, and gamepads are not presented as instances.XRInputSource
A layer which serves as a WebGL frame buffer into which a scene's view is rendered. Using WebGL to render the scene gains substantial performance benefits due to graphics acceleration.
Event interfaces
The following interfaces are used to represent the events used by the WebXR API.
Sent when the state of an {{domxref("XRInputSource")}} changes. This can happen, for example, when the position and/or orientation of the device changes, or when buttons are pressed or released.
Sent to indicate that the set of available input sources has changed for the {{domxref("XRSession")}}.
Sent when the state of an {{domxref("XRReferenceSpace")}} changes.
Sent to indicate that the state of an {{domxref("XRSession")}} has changed. For example, if the position and/or orient
Extensions to the WebGL API
The WebGL API is extended by the WebXR specification to augment the WebGL context to allow it to be used to render views for display by a WebXR device.
Configures the WebGL context to be compatible with WebXR. If the context was not initially created with the {{domxref("WebGLContextAttributes.xrCompatible", "xrCompatible")}} property set to , you must call prior to attempting to use the WebGL context for WebXR rendering. Returns a {{jsxref("promise")}} which resolves once the context has been prepared, or is rejected if the context cannot be configured for use by WebXR.truemakeXRCompatible()
Guides and tutorials
The following guides and tutorials are a great resource to learn how to comprehend WebXR and the underlying 3D and VR/AR graphics concepts.
Before diving into the details of how to create content using WebXR, it may be helpful to read this overview of the technology, which includes introductions to terminology that may be unfamiliar to you, or which may be used in a new way.
A guide covering how matrices can be used on the web, including both for CSS transforms and for WebGL purposes, as well as to handle the positioning and orientation of objects in WebXR contexts.
Before actually presenting a scene using an XR device such as a headset or goggles, you need to create a WebXR session bound to a rendering layer that draws the scene for presentation in each of the XR device's displays so that the 3D effect can be presented to the user. This guide covers how to create and stop WebXR sessions.
The WebXR Device API has several areas of security to contend with, from establishing feature-policy to ensuring the user intends to use the mixed reality presentation before activating it.
In this guide, the required concepts of 3D geometry are briefly reviewed, and the fundamentals of how that geometry is represented in WebXR are detailed. Learn how reference spaces are used to position objects—and the viewer—and the differences among the available types of reference space, as well as their use cases.
This guide describes how objects—including the user's body and its parts—are located in space, and how their movement and orientation relative to one another is monitored and managed over time. This article explains the relationship between spaces, poses, viewers, and views.
Starting with how you schedule frames to be rendered, this guide then continues to cover how to determine the placement of objects in the view and how to then render them into the WebGL buffer used for each of the two eyes' views of the scene.
WebGL (and therefore WebXR) doesn't really have a concept of a camera, which is the traditional concept used to represent a viewpoint in 3D graphics. In this article, we see how to simulate a camera and how to create the illusion of moving a viewer through a world in which the viewer doesn't really move.
In this example and tutorial, we use information learned throughout the WebXR documentation to create a scene containing a rotating cube which the user can move around using both VR headset and keyboard and mouse.
In this article, we examine how to use a reference space to define the boundaries of where the viewer can safely move about without leaving the area tracked by their XR hardware or colliding with a physical obstacle. On devices which support it, can be a useful tool in your repertoire.bounded-floorbounded-floor
A guide to input sources and how to efficiently manage the input devices being used to control the WebXR session, and how to receive and process user inputs from those devices.
A guide to interpreting the {{Glossary("JSON")}} data provided by the WebXR Input Profiles Registry, which can be used to determine what options and controls are available on the user's available input devices.
WebXR uses the {{domxref("Gamepad")}} object to describe the controls available on complex input devices (such as hand controllers with multiple buttons and/or axes) and gamepad-like devices. In this guide, learn how to make use of these devices' controls.