--- title: Table Layout Regression Tests slug: Archive/Mozilla/Table_Layout_Regression_Tests translation_of: Archive/Mozilla/Table_Layout_Regression_Tests ---

Advertencia: The content of this article may be out of date. While the information on the layout debugger is still useful, the testing information is much less relevant now than it has been, as the "rtest" testing framework described here has been superseded by the reftest framework. It is unclear whether or how well rtest continues to work and whether it is still used or not.

Subject Overview

Changes in layout, parser and content code can have unintended side effects, also known as regressions. It is good style to check for these unwanted regressions and fixing them before checkin rather than causing Bugzilla avalanches.


In order to run these tests, you will need to have:

  1. Make sure that your build is a debug build (in short you need ac_add_options --enable-debug in your .mozconfig file).
  2. to build the layoutdebugger itself, build either all extensions or include layoutdebug in your .mozconfig file. For example ac_add_options --enable-extensions=all.
  3. a Mozilla tree with the test files at %MOZ_SRC%/layout/html/tests,
  4. DISABLE_TESTS should not be defined (so ac_add_options --enable-tests),
  5. patience and time.

Test Runs

Be prepared to cycle.

How the layout regression tests work

First the URL's to test are red from rtest.lst files in various directories. layout/html/tests/block/rtest.lst points to them.

Snippet from rtest.lst in the table/marvin directory:


The regression tests compare the frame tree dumps recorded at two different times. The URL's to test are red from rtest.lstFor every file in rtest.lst Mozilla takes the root frame and dumps the whole tree via nsFrame::DumpRegression.

The frame tree dumps are invoked by the nsILayoutDebugger. The frame trees are dumped to separate files in a baseline or verify directory for all URL's in rtest.lst (see: nsRegressionTester::DumpFrameModel).

Their name is generated by replacing the old extension .html or .xml with .rgd. For appendCells1.html a file appendCells1.rgd will be created in the baseline or verify subdirectory.

A typical beginning of a dump (*.rgd file) looks like:

<frame va="15022440" type="Viewport(-1)" state="270340" parent="0">
  <view va="47171904">
  <stylecontext va="15022232">

    <font serif 240 240 0 />
    <color data="-16777216"/>
    <background data="0 2 3 -1 0 0 "/>
    <spacing data="left: Null top: Null right: Null bottom: Null  left: Null top: Null right: Null bottom: Null  left: 1[0x1]enum top: 1[0x1]enum right: 1[0x1]enum bottom: 1[0x1]enum  left: Null top: Null right: Null bottom: Null  left: Null top: Null right: Null bottom: Null  1[0x1]enum 0" />
    <list data="100 100 " />
    <position data="left: Auto top: Auto right: Auto bottom: Auto  Auto  0[0x0]tw  Null  Auto  0[0x0]tw  Null  0 Auto  " />

    <text data="0 0 0 Normal  Normal  0[0x0]tw  Normal  " />
    <textreset data="0 10[0xa]enum  " />
    <display data="0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 " />
    <visibility data="0 1 1.000000" />
    <table data="0 0 4 -1 1 " />
    <tableborder data="1 Null  Null  0 2 " />

    <content data="0 0 0 Null  " />
    <quotes data="0 " />
    <ui data="3 0 0 1 " />
    <uireset data="7 0 4" />
    <xul data="0 0 0 0 0 1    <svg data="0 1.000000 1.000000 0 1.000000" />

The baseline log will look like:

Type Manifest File: e:\moz_src\mozilla\obj-i586-pc-msvc\dist\bin\components\xpti.dat
+++ JavaScript debugging hooks installed.
Note: styleverifytree is disabled
Note: frameverifytree is disabled
Note: verifyreflow is disabled
Running baseline test for E:\moz_src\mozilla\layout\html\tests\block\rtest.lst.
Writing regression data to E:\moz_src\mozilla\layout\html\tests\block\base\baseline\width-fixed_html.rgd
Writing regression data to E:\moz_src\mozilla\layout\html\tests\block\base\baseline\width-percent_html.rgd
Writing regression data to E:\moz_src\mozilla\layout\html\tests\block\base\baseline\margin1_html.rgd
Writing regression data to E:\moz_src\mozilla\layout\html\tests\block\base\baseline\pre_html.rgd
Writing regression data to E:\moz_src\mozilla\layout\html\tests\block\base\baseline\pre1_html.rgd

The second verify run creates first the frame dumps in the verify subdirectories (verify) and compares each frame dump with the corresponding reference frame dump. If they differ in critical points the test fails.

A typical part of the verify log would look like:

Type Manifest File: e:\moz_src\mozilla\obj-i586-pc-msvc\dist\bin\components\xpti.dat
+++ JavaScript debugging hooks installed.
Note: styleverifytree is disabled
Note: frameverifytree is disabled
Note: verifyreflow is disabled
Running verify test for E:\moz_src\mozilla\layout\html\tests\block\rtest.lst.
Writing regression data to E:\moz_src\mozilla\layout\html\tests\table\core\verify\standards1.rgd
Comparing to regression data from E:\moz_src\mozilla\layout\html\tests\table\core\baseline\standards1.rgd
frame bbox mismatch: 0,26437,4824,600 vs. 0,26437,4872,600
Node 1:
  TableOuter(table)(144) 0x10004 0,26437,4824,600, |null attr|-16777216|left: 0[0x0]tw top: 0[0x0]tw right: 0[0x0]tw bottom: 0[0x0]tw  left: 0[0x0]tw top: 0[0x0]tw right: 0[0x0]tw bottom: 0[0x0]tw  left: 1[0x1]enum top: 1[0x1]enum right: 1[0x1]enum bottom: 1[0x1]enum  left: Null top: Null right: Null bottom: Null  left: Null top: Null right: Null bottom: Null  1[0x1]enum 0|1 1 [none]|left: Auto top: Auto right: Auto bottom: Auto  Auto  0[0x0]tw  Null  Auto  0[0x0]tw  Null  0 Auto  |0 0 0 Normal  Normal  0[0x0]tw  Normal  |0 8 1,000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [none]|0 0 0 -1 1 |0 0 0 Null
Node 2:
  TableOuter(table)(144) 0x10004 0,26437,4872,600, |null attr|-16777216|left: 0[0x0]tw top: 0[0x0]tw right: 0[0x0]tw bottom: 0[0x0]tw  left: 0[0x0]tw top: 0[0x0]tw right: 0[0x0]tw bottom: 0[0x0]tw  left: 1[0x1]enum top: 1[0x1]enum right: 1[0x1]enum bottom: 1[0x1]enum  left: Null top: Null right: Null bottom: Null  left: Null top: Null right: Null bottom: Null  1[0x1]enum 0|1 1 [none]|left: Auto top: Auto right: Auto bottom: Auto  Auto  0[0x0]tw  Null  Auto  0[0x0]tw  Null  0 Auto  |0 0 0 Normal  Normal  0[0x0]tw  Normal  |0 8 1,000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [none]|0 0 0 -1 1 |0 0 0 Null
frame bbox mismatch: 0,0,4824,600 vs. 0,0,4872,600
Node 1:
  Table(table)(144) 0x10004 0,0,4824,600, |null attr|-16777216|left: Null top: 0[0x0]tw right: Null bottom: 0[0x0]tw  left: Null top: Null right: Null bottom: Null  left: 1[0x1]enum top: 1[0x1]enum right: 1[0x1]enum bottom: 1[0x1]enum  left: Null top: Null right: Null bottom: Null  left: Null top: Null right: Null bottom: Null  1[0x1]enum 0|1 1 [none]|left: Auto top: Auto right: Auto bottom: Auto  Auto  0[0x0]tw  Null  Auto  0[0x0]tw  Null  2 Auto  |0 0 0 Normal  Normal  0[0x0]tw  Normal  |0 8 1,000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [none]|0 0 0 -1 1 |0 0 0 Null
Node 2:
  Table(table)(144) 0x10004 0,0,4872,600, |null attr|-16777216|left: Null top: 0[0x0]tw right: Null bottom: 0[0x0]tw  left: Null top: Null right: Null bottom: Null  left: 1[0x1]enum top: 1[0x1]enum right: 1[0x1]enum bottom: 1[0x1]enum  left: Null top: Null right: Null bottom: Null  left: Null top: Null right: Null bottom: Null  1[0x1]enum 0|1 1 [none]|left: Auto top: Auto right: Auto bottom: Auto  Auto  0[0x0]tw  Null  Auto  0[0x0]tw  Null  2 Auto  |0 0 0 Normal  Normal  0[0x0]tw  Normal  |0 8 1,000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [none]|0 0 0 -1 1 |0 0 0 Null
frame bbox mismatch: 24,24,4776,552 vs. 24,24,4824,552
Node 1:
  TableColGroup(table)(144) 0x80010004 24,24,4776,552, |null attr|-16777216|left: Null top: Null right: Null bottom: Null  left: Null top: Null right: Null bottom: Null  left: 1[0x1]enum top: 1[0x1]enum right: 1[0x1]enum bottom: 1[0x1]enum  left: Null top: Null right: Null bottom: Null  left: Null top: Null right: Null bottom: Null  1[0x1]enum 0|1 1 [none]|left: Auto top: Auto right: Auto bottom: Auto  Auto  0[0x0]tw  Null  Auto  0[0x0]tw  Null  0 Auto  |0 0 0 Normal  Normal  0[0x0]tw  Normal  |0 12 1,000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [none]|0 0 0 -1 1 |0 0 0 Null
Node 2:
  TableColGroup(table)(144) 0x80010004 24,24,4824,552, |null attr|-16777216|left: Null top: Null right: Null bottom: Null  left: Null top: Null right: Null bottom: Null  left: 1[0x1]enum top: 1[0x1]enum right: 1[0x1]enum bottom: 1[0x1]enum  left: Null top: Null right: Null bottom: Null  left: Null top: Null right: Null bottom: Null  1[0x1]enum 0|1 1 [none]|left: Auto top: Auto right: Auto bottom: Auto  Auto  0[0x0]tw  Null  Auto  0[0x0]tw  Null  0 Auto  |0 0 0 Normal  Normal  0[0x0]tw  Normal  |0 12 1,000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [none]|0 0 0 -1 1 |0 0 0 Null
frame bbox mismatch: 0,0,2400,552 vs. 0,0,2424,552
Node 1:
  TableCol(table)(144) 0x30010004 0,0,2400,552, |null attr|-16777216|left: Null top: Null right: Null bottom: Null  left: Null top: Null right: Null bottom: Null  left: 1[0x1]enum top: 1[0x1]enum right: 1[0x1]enum bottom: 1[0x1]enum  left: Null top: Null right: Null bottom: Null  left: Null top: Null right: Null bottom: Null  1[0x1]enum 0|1 1 [none]|left: Auto top: Auto right: Auto bottom: Auto  Auto  0[0x0]tw  Null  Auto  0[0x0]tw  Null  0 Auto  |0 0 0 Normal  Normal  0[0x0]tw  Normal  |0 11 1,000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [none]|0 0 0 -1 1 |0 0 0 Null
Node 2:
  TableCol(table)(144) 0x30010004 0,0,2424,552, |null attr|-16777216|left: Null top: Null right: Null bottom: Null  left: Null top: Null right: Null bottom: Null  left: 1[0x1]enum top: 1[0x1]enum right: 1[0x1]enum bottom: 1[0x1]enum  left: Null top: Null right: Null bottom: Null  left: Null top: Null right: Null bottom: Null  1[0x1]enum 0|1 1 [none]|left: Auto top: Auto right: Auto bottom: Auto  Auto  0[0x0]tw  Null  Auto  0[0x0]tw  Null  0 Auto  |0 0 0 Normal  Normal  0[0x0]tw  Normal  |0 11 1,000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [none]|0 0 0 -1 1 |0 0 0 Null
frame bbox mismatch: 2424,0,2352,552 vs. 2448,0,2376,552
Node 1:
  TableCol(table)(144) 0x30010004 2424,0,2352,552, |null attr|-16777216|left: Null top: Null right: Null bottom: Null  left: Null top: Null right: Null bottom: Null  left: 1[0x1]enum top: 1[0x1]enum right: 1[0x1]enum bottom: 1[0x1]enum  left: Null top: Null right: Null bottom: Null  left: Null top: Null right: Null bottom: Null  1[0x1]enum 0|1 1 [none]|left: Auto top: Auto right: Auto bottom: Auto  Auto  0[0x0]tw  Null  Auto  0[0x0]tw  Null  0 Auto  |0 0 0 Normal  Normal  0[0x0]tw  Normal  |0 11 1,000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [none]|0 0 0 -1 1 |0 0 0 Null
Node 2:
  TableCol(table)(144) 0x30010004 2448,0,2376,552, |null attr|-16777216|left: Null top: Null right: Null bottom: Null  left: Null top: Null right: Null bottom: Null  left: 1[0x1]enum top: 1[0x1]enum right: 1[0x1]enum bottom: 1[0x1]enum  left: Null top: Null right: Null bottom: Null  left: Null top: Null right: Null bottom: Null  1[0x1]enum 0|1 1 [none]|left: Auto top: Auto right: Auto bottom: Auto  Auto  0[0x0]tw  Null  Auto  0[0x0]tw  Null  0 Auto  |0 0 0 Normal  Normal  0[0x0]tw  Normal  |0 11 1,000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [none]|0 0 0 -1 1 |0 0 0 Null
Comparison for file:///E:/moz_src/mozilla/layout/html/tests/table/core/baseline/standards1.rgd  failed.

The first regression test has failed and it is marked so.

Adding new regression tests

Once you have checked in the code:

Additional Notes

There is a special type of frame dumps - the printing regression tests, they are invoked by the -Prt command line argument to the viewer and include first a display then a frame dump taking into account the printer pages. Please contact if you need help with running those tests.

I would like to thank Chris Karnaze for his guidance and fantasai for her language support.

Original Document Information