title: Firefox 67 for developers
slug: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/67
- '67'
- Firefox
- Lanzamiento
- Mozilla
translation_of: Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/67
Este artículo provee información sobre los cambios en Firefox 67 que afectarán a los desarrolladores. Firefox 67 fue lanzado el 21 de Mayo de 2019.
Cambios para desarrolladores web
Herramientas de desarrollo
- Actualizaciones del depurador:
- Los puntos de interrupción de columna te permiten elegir el punto específico (o columna) en una línea de código donde quieres que el depurador pare ({{bug(1528417)}}).
- Los puntos de registro te permiten registrar información específica a la consola durante la ejecución de código sin pausar la ejecución y sin la necesidad de cambiar el código.
- The map scopes feature allows you to view the variables from the original source.
- You can debug service worker threads directly in the debugger.
- Web Console updates:
- Navigate details in the console using the keyboard ({{bug(1424159)}}).
- Cmd + K will now clear the console of its contents on macOS ({{bug(1532939)}}).
- When the user clears the console, the error messages cache is cleared as well ({{bug(717611)}}).
- The user can import existing modules into the current page using import ({{bug(1517546)}}).
- A new context menu item allows the user to use the Copy Link Location command ({{bug(1457111)}}).
- Clicking a link in the Console causes the same behavior that it would in a content window ({{bug(1466040)}}).
- Clicking the source link for a code file in the Console panel navigates to the Debugger if debugger knows the file ({{bug(1447244)}}).
- When the user has filtered the contents of the console, an icon will be added to the filter text box to clear the filter ({{bug(1525821)}}).
- Network Monitor enhancements:
- The Header panel of the Network monitor will now display a notification for resources belonging to a known tracker ({{bug(1485416)}}).
- In the Network monitor request columns, you can control the visible columns and column sorting. The context menu now includes a command to restore the list sort parameters to the default ({{bug(1454962)}}).
- The following Developer Tools panels have been removed (see Deprecated tools for details):
- Canvas debugger ({{bug(1403938)}}).
- Shader editor ({{bug(1342237)}}).
- WebAudio editor ({{bug(1403944)}}).
- The following Developer Tools have been deprecated (see Deprecated tools for details):
- WebIDE ({{bug(1539462)}}).
- Connect... page ({{bug(1539462)}}).
- {{htmlelement("input")}} elements with
set on them will no longer have previously saved passwords auto-filled ({{bug(1119063)}}).
- The {{cssxref("revert")}} keyword has been implemented ({{bug(1215878)}}).
- The
value of the {{cssxref("word-break")}} property is now supported ({{bug(1296042)}}).
- The
media feature is now supported ({{bug(1494034)}}).
- Custom {{cssxref("cursor")}}s of greater than 32px in size are now disallowed, to mitigate potential malware uses of large cursors ({{bug(1445844)}}).
- Use of the proprietary {{cssxref("-moz-binding")}} property is now restricted to chrome and UA-stylesheets ({{bug(1523712)}}).
No changes.
- {{jsxref("String.prototype.matchAll")}} has been implemented and enabled by default ({{bug(1435829)}}, {{bug(1531830)}}).
- Support for the dynamic module {{jsxref("Statements/import", "import()", "#Dynamic_Imports")}} proposal is now available by default ({{bug(1517546)}}).
- The hashbang grammar proposal is now implemented ({{bug(1519097)}}).
- The default value for {{domxref("Response.statusText")}} is now
- The default value for the {{domxref("VTTCue")}} interface's
property is now auto ({{bug(1528420)}}).
- User gestures are now preserved for rejected calls to {{domxref("Document.requestStorageAccess")}}, as well as fulfilled calls ({{bug(1522912)}}).
DOM events
- CSS transition ({{bug(1530239)}}) and animation ({{bug(1531605)}}) events now fire on disabled (e.g. form) elements.
- {{domxref("InputEvent.data")}} and {{domxref("InputEvent.dataTransfer")}} have been implemented ({{bug("998941")}}).
- The
{{domxref("InputEvent.inputType")}} value is now supported ({{bug(1532527)}}).
- Strict MIME type checks are now enforced on scripts imported by {{domxref("WorkerGlobalScope.importScripts()")}} ({{bug(1514680)}}).
- dav1d is now the default media decoder for AV1 (see for example {{bug(1533742)}} and {{bug(1535038)}}).
- Calling {{domxref("RTCPeerConnection.addTrack()")}} without specifying any streams to which to add the new track now works as expected: it adds a streamless track to the connection. Each peer is responsible for managing the association between the track and any stream on its end ({{bug(1231414)}}).
- The {{domxref("MediaDeviceInfo.groupId")}} property is now implemented ({{bug(1213453)}}). While it has existed in Firefox since Firefox 39, it did not actually gather related devices together into the same group IDs.
- The {{domxref("RTCIceCandidate.usernameFragment")}} property is now implemented ({{bug(1490658)}}).
Canvas and WebGL
- The
WebGL extension has been enabled by default ({{bug(1535808)}}).
- The deprecated
, ShadowRoot.getElementsByTagNameNS
, and ShadowRoot.getElementsByClassName
properties (part of Shadow DOM v0) have been removed ({{bug(1535438)}}).
, {{domxref("Document.createTouch()")}}, {{domxref("Document.createTouchList()")}}, and the ontouch*
event handler properties have been disabled on desktop to improve web compatibility on websites where touch support is used for mobile detection ({{bug(1412485)}}). In such cases, websites have been seen to behave incorrectly or unexpectedly on touchscreen laptops.
- Notifications are now only available in a secure context ({{bug(1429432)}}).
- Firefox now blocks the loading of external protocol URLs in {{htmlelement("iframe")}}s ({{bug(1527882)}}).
API changes
Corrección de errores
will no longer timeout because of focus
-related inconsistencies across platforms ({{bug(1523234)}}).
- Both
and WebDriver:ExecuteAsyncScript
now use Promises
internally ({{bug(1398095)}}).
returns Firefox's BuildID
string as part of the capabilities object ({{bug(1525829)}}).
Changes for add-on developers
Cambios en API
- Using the
method to change {{WebExtAPIRef("types.BrowserSetting", "BrowserSetting")}}
values will throw an exception unless the extension was granted private window access by the user ({{bug(1525447)}}).
Cambios en manifiesto
- A new manifest key, incognito, defines the behavior of an extension in private browsing windows or tabs ({{bug(1511636)}}).
- The
setting controls the background color used to indicate the current selection of text in the URL bar ({{bug(1450114)}}).
- The
setting controls the text color used to indicate the current selection of text in the URL bar ({{bug(1450114)}}).
Ver también
Versiones anteriores