title: Cookies
slug: Tools/Storage_Inspector/Cookies
- Almacenamiento
- Cookies
- Firefox
- Guía
- Herramientas
- Herramientas de desarrollo
- Inspector de almacenamiento
translation_of: Tools/Storage_Inspector/Cookies
Cuando seleccionas un origen dentro del tipo de almacenamiento de Cookies del árbol de almacenamiento, todas las cookies existentes para ese origen aparecerán listadas en una tabla. La tabla de cookies tiene las siguientes columnas:
- Name — El nombre de la cookie.
- Value — El valor de la cookie.
- Domain — El dominio de la cookie.
- Path — La propiedad path de la cookie.
- Expires / Max-Age — El tiempo cuando la cookie expirará. Si la cookie es una cookie de sesión, el valor de esta columna será "Session".
- Size — El tamaño del nombre de la cookie mas el valor en bytes.
- HttpOnly — ¿Es esta cookie sólo HTTP ?
- Secure — ¿Es esta cookie una cookie segura?
- SameSite — Is this cookie a same-site cookie? Same-site cookies allow servers to mitigate the risk of CSRF and information leakage attacks by asserting that a particular cookie should only be sent with requests initiated from the same registrable domain.
- Last accessed — Date and time when the cookie was last read.
- Created — Date and time when the cookie was created.
- HostOnly — Is this cookie a domain cookie? That is, the domain value matches exactly the domain of the current website.
Note: Some of the columns are not shown by default — to change the column display, right-click on the existing table headings and use the resulting context menu to show/hide the columns.
You can edit cookies by double-clicking inside cells in the Table Widget and editing the values they contain, and add new cookies by clicking the "Plus" (+) button and then editing the resulting new row to the value you want.
The context menu for each cookie includes the following commands:
- Add item - add a new cookie.
- Delete <cookie name>.<domain> - deletes the selected cookie
- Delete All From <domain> - deletes all cookies from the selected domain. This must be an exact match. For example, if you select "Delete All From test8.example.com" only cookies from that domain will be deleted. Cookies from "test13.example.com" will not be deleted.
- Delete All - deletes all cookies for the current host.
- Delete All Session Cookies - deletes all cookies for the current host that are scheduled to be deleted when the browser shuts down