--- title: CacheStorage.keys() slug: Web/API/CacheStorage/keys translation_of: Web/API/CacheStorage/keys ---

{{APIRef ("API de Service Workers")}}

El keys()método de la interfaz {{domxref ("CacheStorage")}} devuelve un {{jsxref ("Promise")}} que se resolverá con una matriz que contiene las cadenas correspondientes a todos los {{domxref ("Cache")}} objetos rastreados por el objeto {{domxref ("CacheStorage")}} en el orden en que fueron creados. Use este método para iterar sobre una lista de todos los objetos {{domxref ("Cache")}}.

Puede acceder a CacheStoragetravés de la propiedad global {{domxref ("WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope.caches", "caches")}}.


caches.keys().then(function(keyList) {
  // haz algo con tu keyList



Valor de retorno

a {{jsxref("Promise")}} that resolves with an array of the {{domxref("Cache")}} names inside the {{domxref("CacheStorage")}} object.


In this code snippet we wait for an {{domxref("ServiceWorkerGlobalScope.onactivate", "activate")}} event, and then run a {{domxref("ExtendableEvent.waitUntil","waitUntil()")}} block that clears up any old, unused caches before a new service worker is activated. Here we have a whitelist containing the names of the caches we want to keep (cacheWhitelist). We return the keys of the caches in the {{domxref("CacheStorage")}} object using keys(), then check each key to see if it is in the whitelist. If not, we delete it using {{domxref("CacheStorage.delete()")}}.

then.addEventListener('activar', función (evento) { 
  var cacheWhitelist = ['v2']; 

    caches.keys().then(function(keyList) { 
      return Promise.all(keyList.map(function(key) {
        if (cacheWhitelist.indexOf(key) === -1) {
          return caches.delete(key);


Especificación Estado Comentario
{{SpecName('Service Workers', '# dom-cachestorage-keys', 'CacheStorage: keys')}} {{Spec2 ('Trabajadores de servicio')}} Definición inicial

Compatibilidad del navegador


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