--- title: click slug: Web/API/Element/click_event translation_of: Web/API/Element/click_event ---

El evento "click" se dispara cuando se presiona el botón de un dispositivo de entrada (Mouse o Mousepad) sobre un elemento. 

Información General

Default Action


Property Type Description
target {{readonlyInline}} EventTarget The event target (the topmost target in the DOM tree).
type {{readonlyInline}} DOMString The type of event.
bubbles {{readonlyInline}} Boolean Whether the event normally bubbles or not
cancelable {{readonlyInline}} Boolean Whether the event is cancellable or not?
view {{readonlyInline}} WindowProxy document.defaultView (window of the document)
detail {{readonlyInline}} long (float) A count of consecutive clicks that happened in a short amount of time, incremented by one.
currentTarget {{readonlyInline}} EventTarget The node that had the event listener attached.
relatedTarget {{readonlyInline}} EventTarget For mouseover, mouseout, mouseenter and mouseleave events: the target of the complementary event (the mouseleave target in the case of a mouseenter event). null otherwise.
screenX {{readonlyInline}} long The X coordinate of the mouse pointer in global (screen) coordinates.
screenY {{readonlyInline}} long The Y coordinate of the mouse pointer in global (screen) coordinates.
clientX {{readonlyInline}} long The X coordinate of the mouse pointer in local (DOM content) coordinates.
clientY {{readonlyInline}} long The Y coordinate of the mouse pointer in local (DOM content) coordinates.
button {{readonlyInline}} unsigned short The button number that was pressed when the mouse event was fired: Left button=0, middle button=1 (if present), right button=2. For mice configured for left handed use in which the button actions are reversed the values are instead read from right to left.
buttons {{readonlyInline}} unsigned short The buttons being pressed when the mouse event was fired: Left button=1, Right button=2, Middle (wheel) button=4, 4th button (typically, "Browser Back" button)=8, 5th button (typically, "Browser Forward" button)=16. If two or more buttons are pressed, returns the logical sum of the values. E.g., if Left button and Right button are pressed, returns 3 (=1 | 2). More info.
mozPressure {{readonlyInline}} float The amount of pressure applied to a touch or tabdevice when generating the event; this value ranges between 0.0 (minimum pressure) and 1.0 (maximum pressure).
ctrlKey {{readonlyInline}} boolean true if the control key was down when the event was fired. false otherwise.
shiftKey {{readonlyInline}} boolean true if the shift key was down when the event was fired. false otherwise.
altKey {{readonlyInline}} boolean true if the alt key was down when the event was fired. false otherwise.
metaKey {{readonlyInline}} boolean true if the meta key was down when the event was fired. false otherwise.


<div id="prueba"></div>

  document.getElementById("prueba").addEventListener("click", function( event ) {
    // presentar la cuenta de clicks realizados sobre el elemento con id "prueba"
    event.target.innerHTML = "Conteo de Clicks: " + event.detail;
  }, false);

Compatibilidad con Navegadores

Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer 8 & 9 tiene problemas con elementos con un  valor {{cssxref("background-color")}} de transparent que es sobrepuesto a los demas elementos por lo que no les permite recibir el evento.

Un ejemplo aqui

¿Cómo evitarlo?

Safari Mobile

En Safari Mobile 7.0+ ( también algunas versiones anteriores) presenta un problema cuando se da click sobre elementos que no son tipicamente interactivos como es el caso de un div. 

¿Cómo evitarlo?

Lo siguientes elementos son considerados por Safari típicamente interactivos


Véase también