--- title: Formato de pistas de texto para la web (WebVTT) slug: Web/API/WebVTT_API translation_of: Web/API/WebVTT_API ---
El formato de pistas de texto para la web (WebVTT) es un formato para mostrar pistas de texto en le tiempo (como subtítulos) usando el elemento {{HTMLElement("track")}}. El propósito principal de los archivos de WebVTT es superponer pistas de texto a un elemento {{HTMLElement("video")}}. WebVTT es un formato basado en el texto, que debe de ser codificado usando {{Glossary("UTF-8")}}. Donde puedes usar espacios también puedes usar tabulaciones. También hay una pequeña API disponible para representar y manejar estas pistas de texto y los datos necesarios para realizar la reproducción del texto en los momentos correctos.
El tipo MIME de los archivos WebVTT es text/vtt
Un archivo WebVTT (.vtt
) contiene apuntes, que pueden ser tanto de una línea como de varias, como se muestra debajo:
WEBVTT 00:01.000 --> 00:04.000 - Nunca bebas nitrógeno líquido. 00:05.000 --> 00:09.000 - Podría perforar tu estómago. - Podrías morir. NOTE Esta es la última línea en el archivo
La estructura de un archivo WevWTT consiste de los siguientes componentes, algunos de ellos opcionales, en este orden:
WEBVTT - Este archivo no tiene anotaciones.
WEBVTT - Este archivo tiene anotaciones. 14 00:01:14.815 --> 00:01:18.114 - ¿Qué? - ¿Dónde estamos ahora? 15 00:01:18.171 --> 00:01:20.991 - Este es el país de los murciélagos grandes. 16 00:01:21.058 --> 00:01:23.868 - [ Murciélagos chillando ] - Ellos no se pondrán entu pelo. Ellos están persiguiendo a los bichos.
Vamos a reexaminar uno de nuestros ejemplos previos, y mirar la estructura de las anotaciones con un poco más de detalle.
WEBVTT 00:01.000 --> 00:04.000 - Nunca bebas nitrógeno líquido. 00:05.000 --> 00:09.000 - Podría perforar tu estómago. - Podrías morir. NOTE Esta es la última línea en el archivo
En el caso de cada anotación:
".También podemos poner comentarios en nuestro archivo .vtt
, para ayudarnos a recorddar información importante sobre las partes de nuestro archivo. Estas deben estar en líneas separadas empezando con la cadena NOTE
. Aprenderas más sobre eso en la siguiente sección.
Es importante no usar líneas en blanco extras dentro de una anotación, por ejemplo entre las líneas de tiempo y las anotaciones. WebVTT está basado en líneas, una línea en blanco finalizará la anotación.
Los comentarios son un componente opcional que se puede usar para añadir informacion a un archivo WebVTT. Los comentarios estan pensados para aquellos que leen el archivo y no se muestran con las pistas de texto. Los comentarios pueden contener saltos de línea pero no una línea en blanco, que es equivalente a dos saltos de línea consecutivos. Una línea en blanco indica el fin de un comentario.
Un comentario no puede contener la cadena de texto "-->
", el símbolo &, o el signo de menor que (<). Si quisieses usar esos caracteres necesitarías hacer un escape usando por ejemplo &
para el símbolo &, y < para menor que (<). Tambien es recomendado que uses la secuencia de escape de mayor que >
en vez de el simbo de mayor que (>
) para evitar la confusión con etiquetas.
Un comentario consiste en tres partes:
.NOTE Esto es un comentario
NOTE Un comentario que está ocupando más de una línea. NOTE También puedes hacer un comentario que ocupe más de una línea de esta manera.
WEBVTT - Traducción de la película que me gusta NOTE Esta traducción esta hecha por Kyle para que Algunos amigos puedan verla con sus padres. 1 00:02:15.000 --> 00:02:20.000 - Ta en kopp varmt te. - Det är inte varmt. 2 00:02:20.000 --> 00:02:25.000 - Har en kopp te. - Det smakar som te. NOTE Esta ultima línea puede no estar bien traducida. 3 00:02:25.000 --> 00:02:30.000 - Ta en kopp
Tu puedes estilizar anotaciones WebVTT buscado elementos que coincidan con el pseudoelemento {{cssxref("::cue")}}.
video::cue { background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, dimgray, lightgray); color: papayawhip; } video::cue(b) { color: peachpuff; }
Aquí, todos los elementos de video estan estilizados para usar un gradiente gris como fondo, con "papayawhip"
como color principal. Además el texto en negrita usando el elemento {{HTMLElement("b")}} tiene el color "peachpuff"
El ejemplo HTML de abajo actualemte se encarga de mostrar los archivos multimedia él solo.
<video controls autoplay src="video.webm"> <track default src="track.vtt"> </video>
You can also define the style directly in the WebVTT file. In this case, you insert your CSS rules into the file with each rule preceded by the string "STYLE"
all by itelf on a line of text, as shown below:
WEBVTT STYLE ::cue { background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, dimgray, lightgray); color: papayawhip; } /* Style blocks cannot use blank lines nor "dash dash greater than" */ NOTE comment blocks can be used between style blocks. STYLE ::cue(b) { color: peachpuff; } 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:10.000 - Hello <b>world</b>. NOTE style blocks cannot appear after the first cue.
We can also use identifiers inside WebVTT file, which can be used for defining a new style for some particular cues in the file. The example where we wanted the transcription text to be red highlighted and the other part to remain normal, we can define it as follows using CSS. Where it must be noted that the CSS uses escape sequences the way they are used in HTML pages:
WEBVTT 1 00:00.000 --> 00:02.000 That’s an, an, that’s an L! crédit de transcription 00:04.000 --> 00:05.000 Transcrit par Célestes™
::cue(#\31) { color: lime; } ::cue(#crédit\ de\ transcription) { color: red; }
Positioning of text tracks is also supported, by including positioning information after the timings in a cue, as seen below (see {{anch("Cue settings")}} for more information):
WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:04.000 position:10%,line-left align:left size:35% Where did he go? 00:00:03.000 --> 00:00:06.500 position:90% align:right size:35% I think he went down this lane. 00:00:04.000 --> 00:00:06.500 position:45%,line-right align:center size:35% What are you waiting for?
A cue is a single subtitle block that has a single start time, end time, and textual payload. Example 6 consists of the header, a blank line, and then five cues separated by blank lines. A cue consists of five components:
1 - Title Crawl 00:00:05.000 --> 00:00:10.000 line:0 position:20% size:60% align:start Some time ago in a place rather distant....
The identifier is a name that identifies the cue. It can be used to reference the cue from a script. It must not contain a newline and cannot contain the string "-->"
. It must end with a single newline. They do not have to be unique, although it is common to number them (e.g., 1, 2, 3, ...).
1 - Title Crawl
WEBVTT 1 00:00:22.230 --> 00:00:24.606 This is the first subtitle. 2 00:00:30.739 --> 00:00:34.074 This is the second. 3 00:00:34.159 --> 00:00:35.743 Third
A cue timing indicates when the cue is shown. It has a start and end time which are represented by timestamps. The end time must be greater than the start time, and the start time must be greater than or equal to all previous start times. Cues may have overlapping timings.
If the WebVTT file is being used for chapters ({{HTMLElement("track")}} {{htmlattrxref("kind")}} is chapters
) then the file cannot have overlapping timings.
Each cue timing contains five components:
The timestamps must be in one of two formats:
Where the components are defined as follows:
is hours.
is minutes.
is seconds.
is miliseconds.
00:00:22.230 --> 00:00:24.606 00:00:30.739 --> 00:00:34.074 00:00:34.159 --> 00:00:35.743 00:00:35.827 --> 00:00:40.122
00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:10.000 00:00:05.000 --> 00:01:00.000 00:00:30.000 --> 00:00:50.000
00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:10.000 00:00:10.000 --> 00:01:00.581 00:01:00.581 --> 00:02:00.100 00:02:01.000 --> 00:02:01.000
Cue settings are optional components used to position where the cue payload text will be displayed over the video. This includes whether the text is displayed horizontally or vertically. There can be zero or more of them, and they can be used in any order so long as each setting is used no more than once.
The cue settings are added to the right of the cue timings. There must be one or more spaces between the cue timing and the first setting and between each setting. A setting's name and value are separated by a colon. The settings are case sensitive so use lower case as shown. There are five cue settings:
Table 1 - vertical values | |
vertical:rl |
writing direction is right to left |
vertical:lr |
writing direction is left to right |
Table 2 - line examples | |||
vertical omitted |
vertical:rl |
vertical:lr |
line:0 |
top | right | left |
line:-1 |
bottom | left | right |
line:0% |
top | right | left |
line:100% |
bottom | left | right |
Table 3 - position examples | |||
vertical omitted |
vertical:rl |
vertical:lr |
position:0% |
left | top | top |
position:100% |
right | bottom | bottom |
Table 4 - size examples | |||
vertical omitted |
vertical:rl |
vertical:lr |
size:100% |
full width | full height | full height |
size:50% |
half width | half height | half height |
Table 5 - align values | |||
vertical omitted |
vertical:rl |
vertical:lr |
align:start |
left | top | top |
align:middle |
centred horizontally | centred vertically | centred vertically |
align:end |
right | bottom | bottom |
The first line demonstrates no settings. The second line might be used to overlay text on a sign or label. The third line might be used for a title. The last line might be used for an Asian language.
00:00:05.000 --> 00:00:10.000 00:00:05.000 --> 00:00:10.000 line:63% position:72% align:start 00:00:05.000 --> 00:00:10.000 line:0 position:20% size:60% align:start 00:00:05.000 --> 00:00:10.000 vertical:rt line:-1 align:end
The payload is where the main information or content is located. In normal usage the payload contains the subtitles to be displayed. The payload text may contain newlines but it cannot contain a blank line, which is equivalent to two consecutive newlines. A blank line signifies the end of a cue.
A cue text payload cannot contain the string "-->"
, the ampersand character (&), or the less-than sign (<). Instead use the escape sequence "&" for ampersand and "<" for less-than. It is also recommended that you use the greater-than escape sequence ">" instead of the greater-than character (>) to avoid confusion with tags. If you are using the WebVTT file for metadata these restrictions do not apply.
In addition to the three escape sequences mentioned above, there are fours others. They are listed in the table below.
Table 6 - Escape sequences | ||
Name | Character | Escape Sequence |
Ampersand | & | & |
Less-than | < | < |
Greater-than | > | > |
Left-to-right mark | ‎ |
Right-to-left mark | ‏ |
Non-breaking space | |
There are a number of tags, such as <bold>
, that can be used. However, if the WebVTT file is used in a {{HTMLElement("track")}} element where the attribute {{htmlattrxref("kind")}} is chapters
then you cannot use tags.
1 00:16.500 --> 00:18.500 When the moon <00:17.500>hits your eye 1 00:00:18.500 --> 00:00:20.500 Like a <00:19.000>big-a <00:19.500>pizza <00:20.000>pie 1 00:00:20.500 --> 00:00:21.500 That's <00:00:21.000>amore
The following tags are the HTML tags allowed in a cue and require opening and closing tags (e.g., <b>text</b>
<ruby>WWW<rt>World Wide Web</rt>oui<rt>yes</rt></ruby>
<ruby>WWW<rt>World Wide Web</rt>oui<rt>yes</rt></ruby>
<v Bob>text</v>
There are two interfaces or APIs used in WebVTT which are:
It is used for providing an interface in Document Object Model API, where different attributes supported by it can be used to prepare and alter the cues in number of ways.
Constructor is the first point for starting the Cue which is defined using the default constructor VTTCue(startTime, endTime, text) where starting time, ending time and text for cue can be adjusted. After that we can set the region for that particular cue to which this cue belongs using cue.region. Vertical, horizontal, line, lineAlign, Position, positionAlign, text, size and Align can be used to alter the cue and its formation, just like we can alter the objects form, shape and visibility in HTML using CSS. But the VTTCue interface is within the WebVTT provides the vast range of adjustment variables which can be used directly to alter the Cue. Following interface can be used to expose WebVTT cues in DOM API:
enum AutoKeyword { "auto" }; enum DirectionSetting { "" /* horizontal */, "rl", "lr" }; enum LineAlignSetting { "start", "center", "end" }; enum PositionAlignSetting { "line-left", "center", "line-right", "auto" }; enum AlignSetting { "start", "center", "end", "left", "right" }; [Constructor(double startTime, double endTime, DOMString text)] interface VTTCue : TextTrackCue { attribute VTTRegion? region; attribute DirectionSetting vertical; attribute boolean snapToLines; attribute (double or AutoKeyword) line; attribute LineAlignSetting lineAlign; attribute (double or AutoKeyword) position; attribute PositionAlignSetting positionAlign; attribute double size; attribute AlignSetting align; attribute DOMString text; DocumentFragment getCueAsHTML(); };
This is the second interface in WebVTT API.
The new keyword can be used for defining a new VTTRegion object which can then be used for containing the multiple cues. There are several properties of VTTRegion which are width, lines, regionAnchorX, RegionAnchorY, viewportAnchorX, viewportAnchorY and scroll that can be used to specify the look and feel of this VTT region. The interface code is given below which can be used to expose the WebVTT regions in DOM API:
enum ScrollSetting { "" /* none */, "up" }; [Constructor] interface VTTRegion { attribute double width; attribute long lines; attribute double regionAnchorX; attribute double regionAnchorY; attribute double viewportAnchorX; attribute double viewportAnchorY; attribute ScrollSetting scroll; };
The methods used in WebVTT are those which are used to alter the cue or region as the attributes for both interfaces are different. We can categorize them for better understanding relating to each interface in WebVTT:
There are few steps that can be followed to write a simple webVTT file. Before start, it must be noted that you can make use of a notepad and then save the file as ‘.vtt’ file. Steps are given below:
3. Leave the second line blank, and on the third line the time for first cue is to be specified. For example, for a first cue starting at time 1 second and ending at 5 seconds, it is written as:
00:01.000 --> 00:05.000
CSS pseudo classes allow us to classify the type of object which we want to differentiate from other types of objects. It works in similar manner in WebVTT files as it works in HTML file.
It is one of the good features supported by WebVTT is the localization and use of class elements which can be used in same way they are used in HTML and CSS to classify the style for particular type of objects, but here these are used for styling and classifying the Cues as shown below:
WEBVTT 04:02.500 --> 04:05.000 J’ai commencé le basket à l'âge de 13, 14 ans 04:05.001 --> 04:07.800 Sur les <i.foreignphrase><lang en>playground</lang></i>, ici à Montpellier
In the above example it can be observed that we can use the identifier and pseudo class name for defining the language of caption, where <i>
tag is for italics.
The type of pseudo class is determined by the selector it is using and working is similar in nature as it works in HTML. Following CSS pseudo classes can be used:
Where p and a are the tags which are used in HTML for paragraph and link, respectively and they can be replaced by identifiers which are used for Cues in WebVTT file.
Specification | Status | Comment |
{{SpecName("WebVTT")}} | {{Spec2("WebVTT")}} | Initial definition |
interface{{Compat("api.VTTCue", 0)}}
interface{{Compat("api.TextTrack", 0)}}
Prior to Firefox 50, the AlignSetting
enum (representing possible values for {{domxref("VTTCue.align")}}) incorrectly included the value "middle"
instead of "center"
. This has been corrected.
WebVTT was implemented in Firefox 24 behind the preference {{pref("media.webvtt.enabled")}}, which is disabled by default; you can enable it by setting this preference to true
. WebVTT is enabled by default starting in Firefox 31 and can be disabled by setting the preference to false
Prior to Firefox 58, the REGION
keyword was creating {{domxref("VTTRegion")}} objects, but they were not being used. Firefox 58 now fully supports VTTRegion
and its use; however, this feature is disabled by default behind the preference media.webvtt.regions.enabled
; set it to true
to enable region support in Firefox 58. Regions are enabled by default starting in Firefox 59 (see bugs {{bug(1338030)}} and {{bug(1415805)}}).