--- title: String.prototype.codePointAt() slug: Web/JavaScript/Referencia/Objetos_globales/String/codePointAt translation_of: Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/codePointAt ---
El método codePointAt() devuelve un entero no negativo que equivale al valor Unicode code point del carácter.




Índice del carácter en la cadena del que se quiere obtener el valor del Unicode code point.

Valor de retorno

Un número que equivale al valor code point del carácter especificado en el índice de la cadena; devuelve {{jsxref("undefined")}} si no se encuentra carácter en la posición especifica.


If there is no element at the specified position, {{jsxref("undefined")}} is returned. If no UTF-16 surrogate pair begins at pos, the code unit at pos is returned.


Using codePointAt()

'ABC'.codePointAt(1);          // 66
'\uD800\uDC00'.codePointAt(0); // 65536

'XYZ'.codePointAt(42); // undefined


The following extends Strings to include the codePointAt() function as specified in ECMAScript 2015 for browsers not supporting it natively.

/*! http://mths.be/codepointat v0.1.0 by @mathias */
if (!String.prototype.codePointAt) {
  (function() {
    'use strict'; // needed to support `apply`/`call` with `undefined`/`null`
    var codePointAt = function(position) {
      if (this == null) {
        throw TypeError();
      var string = String(this);
      var size = string.length;
      // `ToInteger`
      var index = position ? Number(position) : 0;
      if (index != index) { // better `isNaN`
        index = 0;
      // Account for out-of-bounds indices:
      if (index < 0 || index >= size) {
        return undefined;
      // Get the first code unit
      var first = string.charCodeAt(index);
      var second;
      if ( // check if it’s the start of a surrogate pair
        first >= 0xD800 && first <= 0xDBFF && // high surrogate
        size > index + 1 // there is a next code unit
      ) {
        second = string.charCodeAt(index + 1);
        if (second >= 0xDC00 && second <= 0xDFFF) { // low surrogate
          // http://mathiasbynens.be/notes/javascript-encoding#surrogate-formulae
          return (first - 0xD800) * 0x400 + second - 0xDC00 + 0x10000;
      return first;
    if (Object.defineProperty) {
      Object.defineProperty(String.prototype, 'codePointAt', {
        'value': codePointAt,
        'configurable': true,
        'writable': true
    } else {
      String.prototype.codePointAt = codePointAt;


Specification Status Comment
{{SpecName('ES2015', '#sec-string.prototype.codepointat', 'String.prototype.codePointAt')}} {{Spec2('ES2015')}} Initial definition.
{{SpecName('ESDraft', '#sec-string.prototype.codepointat', 'String.prototype.codePointAt')}} {{Spec2('ESDraft')}}  

Browser compatibility


See also