--- title: Exemple de navigation en Ajax slug: Web/API/History_API/Example translation_of: Web/API/History_API/Example original_slug: Web/Guide/DOM/Manipuler_historique_du_navigateur/Example --- Voici un exemple de site web AJAX composé uniquement de trois pages (_page_un.php_, *page_deux.php* et *page_trois.php*). Pour tester cet exemple, merci de créer les fichiers suivants : **page_un.php**: ```php
" . $page_title . ""; ?>This paragraph is shown only when the navigation starts from first_page.php.
This is the content of first_page.php.
$page_title, "content" => ob_get_clean())); } else { ?>This paragraph is shown only when the navigation starts from first_page.php.
\n"; } ?> ``` **page_deux.php**: ```php " . $page_title . ""; ?>This paragraph is shown only when the navigation starts from second_page.php.
This is the content of second_page.php.
$page_title, "content" => ob_get_clean())); } else { ?>This paragraph is shown only when the navigation starts from second_page.php.
\n"; } ?> ``` **page_trois.php**: ```php Ceci est le contenu de la page_trois.php. Ce contenu est stocké dans une variable PHP."; if (isset($_GET["view_as"]) && $_GET["view_as"] == "json") { echo json_encode(array("page" => $page_title, "content" => $page_content)); } else { ?> " . $page_title . ""; ?>This paragraph is shown only when the navigation starts from third_page.php.
This paragraph is shown only when the navigation starts from third_page.php.
\n"; } ?> ``` **css/style.css**: ```css #ajax-loader { position: fixed; display: table; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } #ajax-loader > div { display: table-cell; width: 100%; height: 100%; vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; background-color: #000000; opacity: 0.65; } ``` **include/after_content.php**: ```phpCeci est le pied-de-page. Il est commun à toutes les pages ajax.
``` **include/before_content.php**: ```php[ Premier exemple | Second exemple | Troisième exemple | Page inexistante ]
``` **include/header.php**: ```html ``` **js/ajax_nav.js**: ```js "use strict"; var ajaxRequest = new (function () { function closeReq () { oLoadingBox.parentNode && document.body.removeChild(oLoadingBox); bIsLoading = false; } function abortReq () { if (!bIsLoading) { return; } oReq.abort(); closeReq(); } function ajaxError () { alert("Unknown error."); } function ajaxLoad () { var vMsg, nStatus = this.status; switch (nStatus) { case 200: vMsg = JSON.parse(this.responseText); document.title = oPageInfo.title = vMsg.page; document.getElementById(sTargetId).innerHTML = vMsg.content; if (bUpdateURL) { history.pushState(oPageInfo, oPageInfo.title, oPageInfo.url); bUpdateURL = false; } break; default: vMsg = nStatus + ": " + (oHTTPStatus[nStatus] || "Unknown"); switch (Math.floor(nStatus / 100)) { /* case 1: // Informational 1xx console.log("Information code " + vMsg); break; case 2: // Successful 2xx console.log("Successful code " + vMsg); break; case 3: // Redirection 3xx console.log("Redirection code " + vMsg); break; */ case 4: /* Client Error 4xx */ alert("Client Error #" + vMsg); break; case 5: /* Server Error 5xx */ alert("Server Error #" + vMsg); break; default: /* Unknown status */ ajaxError(); } } closeReq(); } function filterURL (sURL, sViewMode) { return sURL.replace(rSearch, "") + ("?" + sURL.replace(rHost, "&").replace(rView, sViewMode ? "&" + sViewKey + "=" + sViewMode : "").slice(1)).replace(rEndQstMark, ""); } function getPage (sPage) { if (bIsLoading) { return; } oReq = new XMLHttpRequest(); bIsLoading = true; oReq.onload = ajaxLoad; oReq.onerror = ajaxError; if (sPage) { oPageInfo.url = filterURL(sPage, null); } oReq.open("get", filterURL(oPageInfo.url, "json"), true); oReq.send(); oLoadingBox.parentNode || document.body.appendChild(oLoadingBox); } function requestPage (sURL) { if (history.pushState) { bUpdateURL = true; getPage(sURL); } else { /* Ajax navigation is not supported */ location.assign(sURL); } } function processLink () { if (this.className === sAjaxClass) { requestPage(this.href); return false; } return true; } function init () { oPageInfo.title = document.title; for (var oLink, nIdx = 0, nLen = document.links.length; nIdx < nLen; document.links[nIdx++].onclick = processLink); } const /* customizable constants */ sTargetId = "ajax-content", sViewKey = "view_as", sAjaxClass = "ajax-nav", /* not customizable constants */ rSearch = /\?.*$/, rHost = /^[^\?]*\?*&*/, rView = new RegExp("&" + sViewKey + "\\=[^&]*|&*$", "i"), rEndQstMark = /\?$/, oLoadingBox = document.createElement("div"), oCover = document.createElement("div"), oLoadingImg = new Image(), oPageInfo = { title: null, url: location.href }, oHTTPStatus = /* http://www.iana.org/assignments/http-status-codes/http-status-codes.xml */ { 100: "Continue", 101: "Switching Protocols", 102: "Processing", 200: "OK", 201: "Created", 202: "Accepted", 203: "Non-Authoritative Information", 204: "No Content", 205: "Reset Content", 206: "Partial Content", 207: "Multi-Status", 208: "Already Reported", 226: "IM Used", 300: "Multiple Choices", 301: "Moved Permanently", 302: "Found", 303: "See Other", 304: "Not Modified", 305: "Use Proxy", 306: "Reserved", 307: "Temporary Redirect", 308: "Permanent Redirect", 400: "Bad Request", 401: "Unauthorized", 402: "Payment Required", 403: "Forbidden", 404: "Not Found", 405: "Method Not Allowed", 406: "Not Acceptable", 407: "Proxy Authentication Required", 408: "Request Timeout", 409: "Conflict", 410: "Gone", 411: "Length Required", 412: "Precondition Failed", 413: "Request Entity Too Large", 414: "Request-URI Too Long", 415: "Unsupported Media Type", 416: "Requested Range Not Satisfiable", 417: "Expectation Failed", 422: "Unprocessable Entity", 423: "Locked", 424: "Failed Dependency", 425: "Unassigned", 426: "Upgrade Required", 427: "Unassigned", 428: "Precondition Required", 429: "Too Many Requests", 430: "Unassigned", 431: "Request Header Fields Too Large", 500: "Internal Server Error", 501: "Not Implemented", 502: "Bad Gateway", 503: "Service Unavailable", 504: "Gateway Timeout", 505: "HTTP Version Not Supported", 506: "Variant Also Negotiates (Experimental)", 507: "Insufficient Storage", 508: "Loop Detected", 509: "Unassigned", 510: "Not Extended", 511: "Network Authentication Required" }; var oReq, bIsLoading = false, bUpdateURL = false; oLoadingBox.id = "ajax-loader"; oCover.onclick = abortReq; oLoadingImg.src = ""; oCover.appendChild(oLoadingImg); oLoadingBox.appendChild(oCover); onpopstate = function (oEvent) { bUpdateURL = false; oPageInfo.title = oEvent.state.title; oPageInfo.url = oEvent.state.url; getPage(); }; window.addEventListener ? addEventListener("load", init, false) : window.attachEvent ? attachEvent("onload", init) : (onload = init); // Public methods this.open = requestPage; this.stop = abortReq; this.rebuildLinks = init; })(); ``` > **Note :** [`const`](/en/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/const) (instruction de constante) **ne fait pas partie de ECMAScript 5**. Il est supporté dans Firefox et Chrome (V8) et partiellement supporté dans Opera 9+ et Safari. **Il n'est pas supporté dans Internet Explorer 6-9, ou dans la version de prévisualisation de Internet Explorer 10**. [`const`](/en/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/const) sera défini par ECMAScript 6, mais avec une sémantique différente. Proches des variables déclarées avec l'instruction [`let`](/en/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/let), les constantes déclarées avec [`const`](/en/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/const) seront limitées en portée. **Nous ne l'avons utilisé que pour des raisons pédagogiques, si vous souhaitez une compatibilité maximale de ce code, merci de remplacer les références à** **[`const`](/en/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/const) par des instructions [`var`](/en/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/var).** Pour plus d'informations, voyez : [Manipuler l'historique du navigateur](/fr/docs/DOM/manipuler_lhistorique_du_navigateur). ## Lire également - {{ domxref("window.history") }} - {{ domxref("window.onpopstate") }}