--- title: StorageManager slug: Web/API/StorageManager tags: - API - Interface - NeedsTranslation - Persistence - Quotas - Reference - Secure context - Storage - Storage API - StorageManager - TopicStub - Usage translation_of: Web/API/StorageManager --- {{securecontext_header}}{{SeeCompatTable}}{{APIRef("Storage")}} The **`StorageManager`** interface of the the [Storage API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Storage_API) provides an interface for managing persistance permissions and estimating available storage. You can get a reference to this interface using either {{domxref("navigator.storage")}} or {{domxref("WorkerNavigator.storage")}}. ## Methods - {{domxref("StorageManager.estimate()")}} {{securecontext_inline}} - : Returns a {{domxref("StorageEstimate")}} object containing usage and quota numbers for your origin. - {{domxref("StorageManager.persist()")}} {{securecontext_inline}} - : Returns a {{jsxref('Promise')}} that resolves to `true` if the user agent is able to persist your site's storage. - {{domxref("StorageManager.persisted()")}} {{securecontext_inline}} - : Returns a {{jsxref('Promise')}} that resolves to `true` if persistence has already been granted for your site's storage. ## Specifications | Specification | Status | Comment | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------- | ------------------- | | {{SpecName('Storage','#storagemanager','StorageManger')}} | {{Spec2('Storage')}} | Initial definition. | ## Browser compatibility {{Compat("api.StorageManager")}}