--- title: abort slug: Web/API/XMLHttpRequest/abort_event translation_of: Web/API/XMLHttpRequest/abort_event original_slug: Web/Events/abort_(ProgressEvent) --- L'événement **abort** est déclenché lorsque la progression a été interompue (Non causé par une erreur) ## Informations générales - Spécification - : [Progress](http://www.w3.org/TR/progress-events/) - Interface - : ProgressEvent - Propagation - : Non - Annulable - : Non - Cible - : Element - Action par défaut - : Aucune ## Propriétés | Property | Type | Description | | ------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `target` {{readonlyInline}} | {{domxref("EventTarget")}} | The event target (the topmost target in the DOM tree). | | `type` {{readonlyInline}} | {{domxref("DOMString")}} | The type of event. | | `bubbles` {{readonlyInline}} | {{jsxref("Boolean")}} | Whether the event normally bubbles or not. | | `cancelable` {{readonlyInline}} | {{jsxref("Boolean")}} | Whether the event is cancellable or not. | | `lengthComputable` {{readonlyInline}} | [`Boolean`](/fr/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Boolean) | Specifies whether or not the total size of the transfer is known. Read only. | | `loaded` {{readonlyInline}} | unsigned long (long) | The number of bytes transferred since the beginning of the operation. This doesn't include headers and other overhead, but only the content itself. Read only. | | `total` {{readonlyInline}} | unsigned long (long) | The total number of bytes of content that will be transferred during the operation. If the total size is unknown, this value is zero. Read only. | ## Evénements liés - {{event("loadstart")}} - {{event("progress")}} - {{event("error")}} - {{event("abort")}} - {{event("load")}} - {{event("loadend")}} ## Voir aussi - [Surveillance de la progression](/en-US/docs/DOM/XMLHttpRequest/Using_XMLHttpRequest#Monitoring_progress)