--- title: XMLHttpRequestEventTarget.onload slug: Web/API/XMLHttpRequest/load_event translation_of: Web/API/XMLHttpRequestEventTarget/onload original_slug: Web/API/XMLHttpRequestEventTarget/onload --- {{APIRef("XMLHttpRequest")}} The **`XMLHttpRequestEventTarget.onload`** is the function called when an {{domxref("XMLHttpRequest")}} transaction completes successfully. ## Syntax XMLHttpRequest.onload = callback; ### Values - `callback` is the function to be executed when the request completes successfully. It receives a {{domxref("ProgressEvent")}} object as its first argument. The value of *this* (i.e. the context) is the same {{domxref("XMLHttpRequest")}} this callback is related to. ## Example ```js var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(), method = 'GET', url = 'https://developer.mozilla.org/'; xmlhttp.open(method, url, true); xmlhttp.onload = function () { // Do something with the retrieved data ( found in xmlhttp.response ) }; xmlhttp.send(); ``` ## Specifications | Specification | Status | Comment | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------ | ---------------------- | | {{SpecName('XMLHttpRequest', '#handler-xhr-onload')}} | {{Spec2('XMLHttpRequest')}} | WHATWG living standard | ## Browser compatibility {{Compat("api.XMLHttpRequestEventTarget.onload")}}