--- title: Server-side website programming first steps slug: Learn/Server-side/First_steps translation_of: Learn/Server-side/First_steps ---

Pada module server-side ini, akan menjawab beberapa pertanyaan mendasar mengenai pemrograman server-side--, apa itu ?, apa bedanya dengan pemrograman client-side ?, kenapa pemmogrmaan ini sangat berguna. Kemudian akan diberikan penjelasan singkat dari beberapa framework pemrograman server-side populer, bersamaan dengan petunjuk bagaimana memilih framework yang paling cocok untuk website Anda. 


Sebelum memulai modul ini, Anda tidak harus memiliki pengetahuan apapun mengenai pemgrograman server-side, atau jenis pemrograman lainnya.

Anda perlu untuk mengeti "bagaimana web bekerja". Kami sarankan Anda baca terlebih dahulu topik - topik berikut:

Dengan pemahaman dasar diatas, Anda akan siap untuk belajar dengan modul ini. 


Pengenalan web server side
Welcome to the MDN beginner's server-side programming course! In this first article we look at Server-side programming  from a high level, answering questions such as "what is it?", "how does it differ from client-side programming?", and "why it is so useful?". After reading this article you'll understand the additional power available to websites through server-side coding.
Client-Server overview
Now that you know the purpose and potential benefits of server-side programming we're going to examine in detail what happens when a server receives a "dynamic request" from a browser. As most website server-side code handles requests and responses in similar ways, this will help you understand what you need to do when writing your own code.
Server-side web frameworks
The last article showed you what a server-side web application needs to do in order to respond to requests from a web browser. Now we show how web frameworks can simplify these tasks, and help you choose the right framework for your first server-side web application.
Website security
Website security requires vigilance in all aspects of website design and usage. This introductory article won't make you a website security guru, but it will help you understand the first important steps you can take to harden your web application against the most common threats.


This "overview" module doesn't have any assessement because we haven't yet shown you any code.  We do hope at this point you have a good understanding of what sorts of functionality you can deliver using server-side programming and you have made a decision about what server-side web framework you will use to create your first website.