--- title: Element slug: Web/API/Element tags: - API - DOM - Element - Interface - Referenza - Referenza del DOM - Web API translation_of: Web/API/Element ---

Element è la classe base più generale da cui ereditano tutti gli oggetti in un {{DOMxRef("Document")}}. Ha solo metodi e proprietà comuni a tutti i tipi di elementi. Classi più specifiche ereditano da Element. Ad esempio, l'interfaccia {{DOMxRef("HTMLElement")}} è l'interfaccia di base per gli elementi HTML, mentre l'interfaccia {{DOMxRef("SVGElement")}} è la base per tutti gli elementi SVG. La maggior parte delle funzionalità è specificata più in basso nella gerarchia delle classi.

Le lingue al di fuori del regno della piattaforma Web, come XUL attraverso l'interfaccia XULElement, implementano anche  Element.



Eredita le proprietà dalla sua interfaccia genitore, {{DOMxRef("Node")}}, e per estensione l'interfaccia genitore, {{DOMxRef("EventTarget")}}. Implementa le proprietà di {{DOMxRef("ParentNode")}}, {{DOMxRef("ChildNode")}}, {{DOMxRef("NonDocumentTypeChildNode")}}, e {{DOMxRef("Animatable")}}.

{{DOMxRef("Element.attributes")}} {{readOnlyInline}}
Restituisce un oggetto {{DOMxRef("NamedNodeMap")}} contenente gli attributi assegnati dell'elemento HTML corrispondente.
{{DOMxRef("Element.classList")}} {{readOnlyInline}}
Ritorna un oggetto {{DOMxRef("DOMTokenList")}} contenente la lista delle classi dell'elemento.
È una {{DOMxRef("DOMString")}} che rappresenta la classe dell'elemento.
{{DOMxRef("Element.clientHeight")}} {{readOnlyInline}}
Ritorna un {{jsxref("Number")}} che rappresenta l'altezza interna dell'elemento.
{{DOMxRef("Element.clientLeft")}} {{readOnlyInline}}
Ritorna un {{jsxref("Number")}} che rappresenta la larghezza del bordo sinistro dell'elemento.
{{DOMxRef("Element.clientTop")}} {{readOnlyInline}}
Restituisce un {{jsxref("Number")}} che rappresenta la larghezza del bordo superiore dell'elemento.
{{DOMxRef("Element.clientWidth")}} {{readOnlyInline}}
Restituisce un {{jsxref("Number")}} che rappresenta la larghezza interna dell'elemento.
{{DOMxRef("Element.computedName")}} {{readOnlyInline}}
Returns a {{DOMxRef("DOMString")}} containing the label exposed to accessibility.
{{DOMxRef("Element.computedRole")}} {{readOnlyInline}}
Returns a {{DOMxRef("DOMString")}} containing the ARIA role that has been applied to a particular element. 
Is a {{DOMxRef("DOMString")}} representing the id of the element.
Is a {{DOMxRef("DOMString")}} representing the markup of the element's content.
{{DOMxRef("Element.localName")}} {{readOnlyInline}}
A {{DOMxRef("DOMString")}} representing the local part of the qualified name of the element.
{{DOMxRef("Element.namespaceURI")}} {{readonlyInline}}
The namespace URI of the element, or null if it is no namespace.

Note: In Firefox 3.5 and earlier, HTML elements are in no namespace. In later versions, HTML elements are in the http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml namespace in both HTML and XML trees. {{ gecko_minversion_inline("1.9.2")}}

{{DOMxRef("NonDocumentTypeChildNode.nextElementSibling")}} {{readOnlyInline}}
Is an {{DOMxRef("Element")}}, the element immediately following the given one in the tree, or null if there's no sibling node.
Is a {{DOMxRef("DOMString")}} representing the markup of the element including its content. When used as a setter, replaces the element with nodes parsed from the given string.
{{DOMxRef("Element.prefix")}} {{readOnlyInline}}
A {{DOMxRef("DOMString")}} representing the namespace prefix of the element, or null if no prefix is specified.
{{DOMxRef("NonDocumentTypeChildNode.previousElementSibling")}} {{readOnlyInline}}
Is a {{DOMxRef("Element")}}, the element immediately preceding the given one in the tree, or null if there is no sibling element.
{{DOMxRef("Element.scrollHeight")}} {{readOnlyInline}}
Returns a {{jsxref("Number")}} representing the scroll view height of an element.
Is a {{jsxref("Number")}} representing the left scroll offset of the element.
{{DOMxRef("Element.scrollLeftMax")}} {{Non-standard_Inline}} {{readOnlyInline}}
Returns a {{jsxref("Number")}} representing the maximum left scroll offset possible for the element.
A {{jsxref("Number")}} representing number of pixels the top of the document is scrolled vertically.
{{DOMxRef("Element.scrollTopMax")}} {{Non-standard_Inline}} {{readOnlyInline}}
Returns a {{jsxref("Number")}} representing the maximum top scroll offset possible for the element.
{{DOMxRef("Element.scrollWidth")}} {{readOnlyInline}}
Returns a {{jsxref("Number")}} representing the scroll view width of the element.
Returns the open shadow root that is hosted by the element, or null if no open shadow root is present.
{{DOMxRef("Element.openOrClosedShadowRoot")}} {{Non-standard_Inline}}{{readOnlyInline}}
Returns the shadow root that is hosted by the element, regardless if its open or closed. Available only to WebExtensions.
{{DOMxRef("Element.slot")}} {{Experimental_Inline}}
Returns the name of the shadow DOM slot the element is inserted in.
{{DOMxRef("Element.tabStop")}} {{Non-standard_Inline}}
Is a {{jsxref("Boolean")}} indicating if the element can receive input focus via the tab key.
{{DOMxRef("Element.tagName")}} {{readOnlyInline}}
Returns a {{jsxref("String")}} with the name of the tag for the given element.
{{DOMxRef("Element.undoManager")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} {{readOnlyInline}}
Returns the {{DOMxRef("UndoManager")}} associated with the element.
{{DOMxRef("Element.undoScope")}} {{Experimental_Inline}}
Is a {{jsxref("Boolean")}} indicating if the element is an undo scope host, or not.

Note: DOM Level 3 defined namespaceURI, localName and prefix on the {{DOMxRef("Node")}} interface. In DOM4 they were moved to Element.

This change is implemented in Chrome since version 46.0 and Firefox since version 48.0.

Proprietà incluse da Slotable

L'interfaccia Element include la seguente proprietà, definita nel  mixin {{DOMxRef("Slotable")}}.

Restituisce un {{DOMxRef("HTMLSlotElement")}} che rappresenta lo {{htmlelement("slot")}} in cui è inserito il nodo.

Gestori di eventi

Un gestore di eventi per l'evento {{event("fullscreenchange")}} che viene inviato quando l'elemento entra o esce dalla modalità a schermo intero. Questo può essere usato per guardare sia le transizioni attese con successo, ma anche per osservare cambiamenti inaspettati, come quando l'app è in background.
Un gestore di eventi per l'evento {{event("fullscreenerror")}} che viene inviato quando si verifica un errore durante il tentativo di passare alla modalità a schermo intero.

Gestori di eventi obsoleti

Restituisce il codice di gestione degli eventi per l'evento {{Event("wheel")}}. Questo è ora implementato su {{DOMxRef("GlobalEventHandlers.onwheel", "GlobalEventHandlers")}}.


Inherits methods from its parents {{DOMxRef("Node")}}, and its own parent, {{DOMxRef("EventTarget")}}, and implements those of {{DOMxRef("ParentNode")}}, {{DOMxRef("ChildNode")}}, {{DOMxRef("NonDocumentTypeChildNode")}}, and {{DOMxRef("Animatable")}}.

Registers an event handler to a specific event type on the element.
Attatches a shadow DOM tree to the specified element and returns a reference to its {{DOMxRef("ShadowRoot")}}.
{{DOMxRef("Element.animate()")}} {{Experimental_Inline}}
A shortcut method to create and run an animation on an element. Returns the created Animation object instance.
{{DOMxRef("Element.closest()")}} {{Experimental_Inline}}
Returns the {{DOMxRef("Element")}} which is the closest ancestor of the current element (or the current element itself) which matches the selectors given in parameter.
{{DOMxRef("Element.createShadowRoot()")}} {{Non-standard_Inline}} {{Deprecated_Inline}}
Creates a shadow DOM on on the element, turning it into a shadow host. Returns a {{DOMxRef("ShadowRoot")}}.
{{DOMxRef("Element.computedStyleMap()")}} {{Experimental_Inline}}
Returns a {{DOMxRef("StylePropertyMapReadOnly")}} interface which provides a read-only representation of a CSS declaration block that is an alternative to {{DOMxRef("CSSStyleDeclaration")}}.
Dispatches an event to this node in the DOM and returns a {{jsxref("Boolean")}} that indicates whether no handler canceled the event.
{{DOMxRef("Element.getAnimations()")}} {{Experimental_Inline}}
Returns an array of Animation objects currently active on the element.
Retrieves the value of the named attribute from the current node and returns it as an {{jsxref("Object")}}.
Returns an array of attribute names from the current element.
Retrieves the value of the attribute with the specified name and namespace, from the current node and returns it as an {{jsxref("Object")}}.
{{DOMxRef("Element.getAttributeNode()")}} {{Obsolete_Inline}}
Retrieves the node representation of the named attribute from the current node and returns it as an {{DOMxRef("Attr")}}.
{{DOMxRef("Element.getAttributeNodeNS()")}} {{Obsolete_Inline}}
Retrieves the node representation of the attribute with the specified name and namespace, from the current node and returns it as an {{DOMxRef("Attr")}}.
Returns the size of an element and its position relative to the viewport.
Returns a collection of rectangles that indicate the bounding rectangles for each line of text in a client.
Returns a live {{DOMxRef("HTMLCollection")}} that contains all descendants of the current element that possess the list of classes given in the parameter.
Returns a live {{DOMxRef("HTMLCollection")}} containing all descendant elements, of a particular tag name, from the current element.
Returns a live {{DOMxRef("HTMLCollection")}} containing all descendant elements, of a particular tag name and namespace, from the current element.
Returns a {{jsxref("Boolean")}} indicating if the element has the specified attribute or not.
Returns a {{jsxref("Boolean")}} indicating if the element has the specified attribute, in the specified namespace, or not.
Returns a {{jsxref("Boolean")}} indicating if the element has one or more HTML attributes present.
Indicates whether the element on which it is invoked has pointer capture for the pointer identified by the given pointer ID.
Inserts a given element node at a given position relative to the element it is invoked upon.
Parses the text as HTML or XML and inserts the resulting nodes into the tree in the position given.
Inserts a given text node at a given position relative to the element it is invoked upon.
{{DOMxRef("Element.matches()")}} {{Experimental_Inline}}
Returns a {{jsxref("Boolean")}} indicating whether or not the element would be selected by the specified selector string.
Returns the first {{DOMxRef("Node")}} which matches the specified selector string relative to the element.
Returns a {{DOMxRef("NodeList")}} of nodes which match the specified selector string relative to the element.
Releases (stops) pointer capture that was previously set for a specific {{DOMxRef("PointerEvent","pointer event")}}.
{{DOMxRef("ChildNode.remove()")}} {{Experimental_Inline}}
Removes the element from the children list of its parent.
Removes the named attribute from the current node.
Removes the attribute with the specified name and namespace, from the current node.
{{DOMxRef("Element.removeAttributeNode()")}} {{Obsolete_Inline}}
Removes the node representation of the named attribute from the current node.
Removes an event listener from the element.
{{DOMxRef("Element.requestFullscreen()")}} {{Experimental_Inline}}
Asynchronously asks the browser to make the element full-screen.
{{DOMxRef("Element.requestPointerLock()")}} {{Experimental_Inline}}
Allows to asynchronously ask for the pointer to be locked on the given element.
Scrolls to a particular set of coordinates inside a given element.
Scrolls an element by the given amount.
{{DOMxRef("Element.scrollIntoView()")}} {{Experimental_Inline}}
Scrolls the page until the element gets into the view.
Scrolls to a particular set of coordinates inside a given element.
Sets the value of a named attribute of the current node.
Sets the value of the attribute with the specified name and namespace, from the current node.
{{DOMxRef("Element.setAttributeNode()")}} {{Obsolete_Inline}}
Sets the node representation of the named attribute from the current node.
{{DOMxRef("Element.setAttributeNodeNS()")}} {{Obsolete_Inline}}
Sets the node representation of the attribute with the specified name and namespace, from the current node.
{{DOMxRef("Element.setCapture()")}} {{Non-standard_Inline}}
Sets up mouse event capture, redirecting all mouse events to this element.
Designates a specific element as the capture target of future pointer events.
Toggles a boolean attribute, removing it if it is present and adding it if it is not present, on the specified element.


Listen to these events using addEventListener() or by assigning an event listener to the oneventname property of this interface.

{{domxref("Element/cancel_event", "cancel")}}
Fires on a {{HTMLElement("dialog")}} when the user instructs the browser that they wish to dismiss the current open dialog. For example, the browser might fire this event when the user presses the Esc key or clicks a "Close dialog" button which is part of the browser's UI.
Also available via the {{domxref("GlobalEventHandlers/oncancel", "oncancel")}} property.
Fired when when a resource failed to load, or can't be used. For example, if a script has an execution error or an image can't be found or is invalid.
Also available via the {{domxref("GlobalEventHandlers/onerror", "onerror")}} property.
{{domxref("Element/scroll_event", "scroll")}}
Fired when the document view or an element has been scrolled.
Also available via the {{DOMxRef("GlobalEventHandlers.onscroll", "onscroll")}} property.
{{domxref("Element/select_event", "select")}}
Fired when some text has been selected.
Also available via the {{DOMxRef("GlobalEventHandlers.onselect", "onselect")}} property.
{{domxref("Element/show_event", "show")}}
Fired when a contextmenu event was fired on/bubbled to an element that has a contextmenu attribute.
Also available via the {{DOMxRef("GlobalEventHandlers.onshow", "onshow")}} property.
Fired when the user rotates a wheel button on a pointing device (typically a mouse).
Also available via the {{DOMxRef("GlobalEventHandlers.onwheel", "onwheel")}}

Clipboard events

{{domxref("Element/copy_event", "copy")}}
Fired when the user initiates a copy action through the browser's user interface.
Also available via the {{domxref("HTMLElement/oncopy", "oncopy")}} property.
{{domxref("Element/cut_event", "cut")}}
Fired when the user initiates a cut action through the browser's user interface.
Also available via the {{domxref("HTMLElement/oncut", "oncut")}} property.
{{domxref("Element/paste_event", "paste")}}
Fired when the user initiates a paste action through the browser's user interface.
Also available via the {{domxref("HTMLElement/onpaste", "onpaste")}} property.

Composition events

{{domxref("Element/compositionend_event", "compositionend")}}
Fired when a text composition system such as an {{glossary("input method editor")}} completes or cancels the current composition session.
{{domxref("Element/compositionstart_event", "compositionstart")}}
Fired when a text composition system such as an {{glossary("input method editor")}} starts a new composition session.
{{domxref("Element/compositionupdate_event", "compositionupdate")}}
Fired when a new character is received in the context of a text composition session controlled by a text composition system such as an {{glossary("input method editor")}}.

Focus events

{{domxref("Element/blur_event", "blur")}}
Fired when an element has lost focus.
Also available via the {{domxref("GlobalEventHandlers/onblur", "onblur")}} property.
{{domxref("Element/focus_event", "focus")}}
Fired when an element has gained focus.
Also available via the {{domxref("GlobalEventHandlers/onfocus", "onfocus")}} property
{{domxref("Element/focusin_event", "focusin")}}
Fired when an element is about to gain focus.
{{domxref("Element/focusout_event", "focusout")}}
Fired when an element is about to lose focus.

Fullscreen events

{{domxref("Element/fullscreenchange_event", "fullscreenchange")}}
Sent to a {{domxref("Document")}} or {{domxref("Element")}} when it transitions into or out of full-screen mode.
Also available via the {{domxref("Element.onfullscreenchange", "onfullscreenchange")}}  property.
{{domxref("Element/fullscreenerror_event", "fullscreenerror")}}
Sent to a Document or Element if an error occurs while attempting to switch it into or out of full-screen mode.
Also available via the {{domxref("Document.onfullscreenerror", "onfullscreenerror")}} property.

Mouse events

{{domxref("Element/Activate_event", "Activate")}}
Occurs when an element is activated, for instance, through a mouse click or a keypress.
Also available via the {{domxref("ServiceWorkerGlobalScope/onactivate", "onactivate")}} property.
{{domxref("Element/auxclick_event", "auxclick")}}
Fired when a non-primary pointing device button (e.g., any mouse button other than the left button) has been pressed and released on an element.
Also available via the {{domxref("GlobalEventHandlers/onauxclick", "onauxclick")}} property.
{{domxref("Element/click_event", "click")}}
Fired when a pointing device button (e.g., a mouse's primary button) is pressed and released on a single element.
Also available via the {{domxref("GlobalEventHandlers/onclick", "onclick")}} property.
{{domxref("Element/contextmenu_event", "contextmenu")}}
Fired when the user attempts to open a context menu.
Also available via the {{domxref("GlobalEventHandlers/oncontextmenu", "oncontextmenu")}} property.
{{domxref("Element/dblclick_event", "dblclick")}}
Fired when a pointing device button (e.g., a mouse's primary button) is clicked twice on a single element.
Also available via the {{domxref("GlobalEventHandlers/ondblclick", "ondblclick")}} property.
{{domxref("Element/mousedown_event", "mousedown")}}
Fired when a pointing device button is pressed on an element.
Also available via the {{domxref("GlobalEventHandlers/onmousedown", "onmousedown")}} property.
{{domxref("Element/mouseenter_event", "mouseenter")}}
Fired when a pointing device (usually a mouse) is moved over the element that has the listener attached.
Also available via the {{domxref("GlobalEventHandlers/onmouseenter", "onmouseenter")}} property.
{{domxref("Element/mouseleave_event", "mouseleave")}}
Fired when the pointer of a pointing device (usually a mouse) is moved out of an element that has the listener attached to it.
Also available via the {{domxref("GlobalEventHandlers/onmouseleave", "onmouseleave")}} property.
{{domxref("Element/mousemove_event", "mousemove")}}
Fired when a pointing device (usually a mouse) is moved while over an element.
Also available via the {{domxref("GlobalEventHandlers/onmousemove", "onmousemove")}} property.
{{domxref("Element/mouseout_event", "mouseout")}}
Fired when a pointing device (usually a mouse) is moved off the element to which the listener is attached or off one of its children.
Also available via the {{domxref("GlobalEventHandlers/onmouseout", "onmouseout")}} property.
{{domxref("Element/mouseover_event", "mouseover")}}
Fired when a pointing device is moved onto the element to which the listener is attached or onto one of its children.
Also available via the {{domxref("GlobalEventHandlers/onmouseover", "onmouseover")}} property.
{{domxref("Element/mouseup_event", "mouseup")}}
Fired when a pointing device button is released on an element.
Also available via the {{domxref("GlobalEventHandlers/onmouseup", "onmouseup")}} property.
{{domxref("Element/webkitmouseforcechanged_event", "webkitmouseforcechanged")}}
Fired each time the amount of pressure changes on the trackpadtouchscreen.
{{domxref("Element/webkitmouseforcedown_event", "webkitmouseforcedown")}}
Fired after the mousedown event as soon as sufficient pressure has been applied to qualify as a "force click".
{{domxref("Element/webkitmouseforcewillbegin_event", "webkitmouseforcewillbegin")}}
Fired before the {{domxref("Element/mousedown_event", "mousedown")}} event.
{{domxref("Element/webkitmouseforceup_event", "webkitmouseforceup")}}
Fired after the {{domxref("Element/webkitmouseforcedown_event", "webkitmouseforcedown")}} event as soon as the pressure has been reduced sufficiently to end the "force click".

Touch events

{{domxref("Element/touchcancel_event", "touchcancel")}}
Fired when one or more touch points have been disrupted in an implementation-specific manner (for example, too many touch points are created).
Also available via the {{domxref("GlobalEventHandlers/ontouchcancel", "ontouchcancel")}} property.
{{domxref("Element/touchend_event", "touchend")}}
Fired when one or more touch points are removed from the touch surface.
Also available via the {{domxref("GlobalEventHandlers/ontouchend", "ontouchend")}} property
{{domxref("Element/touchmove_event", "touchmove")}}
Fired when one or more touch points are moved along the touch surface.
Also available via the {{domxref("GlobalEventHandlers/ontouchmove", "ontouchmove")}} property
{{domxref("Element/touchstart_event", "touchstart")}}
Fired when one or more touch points are placed on the touch surface.
Also available via the {{domxref("GlobalEventHandlers/ontouchstart", "ontouchstart")}} property


Specifica Stato Commento
{{SpecName("Web Animations", '', '')}} {{Spec2("Web Animations")}} Aggiunto il metodo getAnimations().
{{SpecName('Undo Manager', '', 'Element')}} {{Spec2('Undo Manager')}} Aggiunge le proprietà undoScopeundoManager.
{{SpecName('Pointer Events 2', '#extensions-to-the-element-interface', 'Element')}} {{Spec2('Pointer Events 2')}} Aggiunti i seguenti gestori di eventi: ongotpointercapture and onlostpointercapture.
Aggiunti i seguenti metodi: setPointerCapture() e releasePointerCapture().
{{SpecName('Pointer Events', '#extensions-to-the-element-interface', 'Element')}} {{Spec2('Pointer Events')}} Aggiunti i seguenti gestori di eventi: ongotpointercapture e onlostpointercapture.
Aggiunti i seguenti metodi: setPointerCapture() e releasePointerCapture().
{{SpecName('Selectors API Level 1', '#interface-definitions', 'Element')}} {{Spec2('Selectors API Level 1')}} Aggiunti i seguenti metodi: querySelector() e querySelectorAll().
{{SpecName('Pointer Lock', 'index.html#element-interface', 'Element')}} {{Spec2('Pointer Lock')}} Aggiunto il metodo requestPointerLock().
{{SpecName('Fullscreen', '#api', 'Element')}} {{Spec2('Fullscreen')}} Aggiunto il metodo requestFullscreen().
{{SpecName('DOM Parsing', '#extensions-to-the-element-interface', 'Element')}} {{Spec2('DOM Parsing')}} Aggiunte le seguenti proprietà: innerHTML, e outerHTML.
Aggiunti i seguenti metodi: insertAdjacentHTML().
{{SpecName('CSSOM View', '#extensions-to-the-element-interface', 'Element')}} {{Spec2('CSSOM View')}} Aggiunte le seguenti proprietà: scrollTop, scrollLeft, scrollWidth, scrollHeight, clientTop, clientLeft, clientWidth, and clientHeight.
Aggiunti i seguenti metodi: getClientRects(), getBoundingClientRect(), scroll()scrollBy(), scrollTo() and scrollIntoView().
{{SpecName('Element Traversal', '#ecmascript-bindings', 'Element')}} {{Spec2('Element Traversal')}} Aggiunta ereditarietà dell'interfaccia {{DOMxRef("ElementTraversal")}}.
{{SpecName('DOM WHATWG', '#interface-element', 'Element')}} {{Spec2('DOM WHATWG')}} Aggiunti i seguenti metodi: closest(), insertAdjacentElement() and insertAdjacentText().
Spostato hasAttributes() dall'interfaccia Node a questa.
{{SpecName("DOM4", "#interface-element", "Element")}} {{Spec2("DOM4")}} Rimossi i seguenti metodi: setIdAttribute(), setIdAttributeNS(), and setIdAttributeNode().
Modificato il valore di ritorno di getElementsByTagName()getElementsByTagNameNS().
Rimossa la proprietà schemaTypeInfo.
{{SpecName('DOM3 Core', 'core.html#ID-745549614', 'Element')}} {{Spec2('DOM3 Core')}} Aggiunti i seguenti metodi: setIdAttribute(), setIdAttributeNS(), and setIdAttributeNode(). Questi metodi non sono mai stati implementati e sono stati rimossi nelle specifiche successive.
Aggiunta la proprietà schemaTypeInfo. Questa proprietà non è mai stata implementata ed è stata rimossa nelle specifiche successive.
{{SpecName('DOM2 Core', 'core.html#ID-745549614', 'Element')}} {{Spec2('DOM2 Core')}} Il metodo normalize() è stato spostato su {{DOMxRef("Node")}}.
{{SpecName('DOM1', 'level-one-core.html#ID-745549614', 'Element')}} {{Spec2('DOM1')}} Definizione iniziale.

Compatibilità con i browser
