--- title: Generator slug: Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Generator tags: - ECMAScript 2015 - Generator - JavaScript - Legacy Generator - Legacy Iterator - NeedsTranslation - Reference - TopicStub translation_of: Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Generator ---

The Generator object is returned by a {{jsxref("Statements/function*", "generator function", "", 1)}} and it conforms to both the iterable protocol and the iterator protocol.


function* gen() {
  yield 1;
  yield 2;
  yield 3;

var g = gen(); // "Generator { }"


Returns a value yielded by the {{jsxref("Operators/yield", "yield")}} expression.
Returns the given value and finishes the generator.
Throws an error to a generator.


An infinite iterator

function* idMaker() {
    var index = 0;
        yield index++;

var gen = idMaker(); // "Generator { }"

console.log(gen.next().value); // 0
console.log(gen.next().value); // 1
console.log(gen.next().value); // 2
// ...

Legacy generator objects

Firefox (SpiderMonkey) also implements an earlier version of generators in JavaScript 1.7, where the star (*) in the function declaration was not necessary (you just use the yield keyword in the function body). However, legacy generators are deprecated. Do not use them; they are going to be removed ({{bug(1083482)}}).

Legacy generator methods

Generator.prototype.next() {{non-standard_inline}}
Returns a value yielded by the {{jsxref("Operators/yield", "yield")}} expression. This corresponds to next() in the ES2015 generator object.
Generator.prototype.close() {{non-standard_inline}}
Closes the generator, so that when calling next() an {{jsxref("StopIteration")}} error will be thrown. This corresponds to the return() method in the ES2015 generator object.
Generator.prototype.send() {{non-standard_inline}}
Used to send a value to a generator. The value is returned from the {{jsxref("Operators/yield", "yield")}} expression, and returns a value yielded by the next {{jsxref("Operators/yield", "yield")}} expression. send(x) corresponds to next(x) in the ES2015 generator object.
Generator.prototype.throw() {{non-standard_inline}}
Throws an error to a generator. This corresponds to the throw() method in the ES2015 generator object.

Legacy generator example

function* fibonacci() {
  var a = yield 1;
  yield a * 2;

var it = fibonacci();
console.log(it);          // "Generator {  }"
console.log(it.next());   // 1
console.log(it.send(10)); // 20
console.log(it.close());  // undefined
console.log(it.next());   // throws StopIteration (as the generator is now closed)


Specification Status Comment
{{SpecName('ES2015', '#sec-generator-objects', 'Generator objects')}} {{Spec2('ES2015')}} Initial definition.
{{SpecName('ESDraft', '#sec-generator-objects', 'Generator objects')}} {{Spec2('ESDraft')}}  

Browser compatibility


Feature Chrome Firefox (Gecko) Internet Explorer Opera Safari
Basic support {{CompatChrome(39.0)}} {{CompatVersionUnknown}} {{CompatNo}} {{CompatNo}} {{CompatNo}}
Feature Android Android Webview Firefox Mobile (Gecko) IE Mobile Opera Mobile Safari Mobile Chrome for Android
Basic support {{CompatNo}} {{CompatChrome(39.0)}} {{CompatVersionUnknown}} {{CompatNo}} {{CompatNo}} {{CompatNo}} {{CompatChrome(39.0)}}

See also

Legacy generators

ES2015 generators