{{HTMLElement("a")}} |
ハイパーリンク。他の文書などへのリンク機能を提供します。 |
{{HTMLElement("em")}} |
Representsemphasized text, like a stress accent. |
{{HTMLElement("strong")}} |
Represents especiallyimportant text. |
{{HTMLElement("small")}} |
Represents aside comment, that is text like a disclaimer, a copyright which is not essential to the comprehension of the document. |
{{HTMLElement("s")}} |
Represents content that is nolonger accurate or relevant. |
{{HTMLElement("cite")}} |
Represents thetitle of a work. |
{{HTMLElement("q")}} |
インラインの短い引用。段落をまたぐ様な引用には blockquote 要素を用います。 |
{{HTMLElement("dfn")}} |
Represents a term whosedefinition is contained in its nearest ancestor content. |
{{HTMLElement("abbr")}} |
Represents anabbreviation or anacronym, eventually with its meaning. |
{{HTMLElement("data")}}  |
Associates to its content amachine-readable equivalent. (This element is only in the WHATWG version of the HTML standard, and not in the W3C version of HTML5). |
{{HTMLElement("time")}}  |
Represents adate andtime value, eventually with a machine-readable equivalent. |
{{HTMLElement("code")}} |
コンピューターのコード |
{{HTMLElement("var")}} |
Represents avariable, that is an actual mathematical expression or programming context, an identifier representing a constant, a symbol identifying a physical quantity, a function parameter, or a mere placeholder in prose. |
{{HTMLElement("samp")}} |
Represents theoutput of a program or a computer. |
{{HTMLElement("kbd")}} |
キーボードのキーコマンドや音声コマンドなどのユーザ入力を表します(※名称が「キーボード要素」であるにも関わらず、キーボード以外のユーザ入力も表せる点に注意が必要です) |
{{HTMLElement("sub")}},{{HTMLElement("sup")}} |
Represents asubscript, respectively asuperscript. |
{{HTMLElement("i")}} |
Represents some text in analternate voice or mood, or at least of different quality, such as a taxonomic designation, a technical term, an idiomatic phrase, a thought or a ship name. |
{{HTMLElement("b")}} |
Represents a text which to which attention is drawn forutilitarian purposes. It doesn't convey extra importance and doesn't implicate an alternate voice. |
{{HTMLElement("u")}} |
Representsunarticulate non-textual annoatation, such labeling the text as being misspelt or labeling a proper name in Chinese text. |
{{HTMLElement("mark")}}  |
Represents text highlighted forreference purposes, that is for its relevance in another context. |
{{HTMLElement("ruby")}}  |
Represents content to be marked withruby annotations, short runs of text presented alongside the text. This is often used in conjunction with East Asian language where the annotations act as a guide for pronunciation, like the Japanesefurigana. |
{{HTMLElement("rt")}}  |
Represents thetext of a ruby annotation. |
{{HTMLElement("rp")}}  |
Representsparenthesis around a ruby annotation, used to display the annotation in an alternate way by browsers not supporting the standard display for annotations. |
{{HTMLElement("bdi")}}  |
Represents text that must beisolated from its surrounding for bidirectional text formatting. It allows to embed span of text with a different, or unknown, directionality. |
{{HTMLElement("bdo")}} |
Represents thedirectionality of its children, in order to explicitly override the Unicode bidirectional algorithm. |
{{HTMLElement("span")}} |
Represents text with no specific meaning. This has to be used when noother text-semantic element conveys an adequate meaning, which, in this case, is often brought by global attributes like class , lang , or dir . |
{{HTMLElement("br")}} |
改行( HTML のソースコード内での改行コードは、特定の要素内のもの、或いは特定のスタイルが指定された要素内のものしか表示される文書に改行として反映されません ) |
{{HTMLElement("wbr")}}  |
Represents aline break opportunity, that is a suggested wrapping point in order to improve readability of text split on several lines. |