--- title: 'HTMLDetailsElement: toggle イベント' slug: Web/API/HTMLDetailsElement/toggle_event tags: - Event - HTMLDetailsElement - Reference - details - events - toggle - イベント translation_of: Web/API/HTMLDetailsElement/toggle_event ---
イベントは、 {{HtmlElement("details")}} 要素の open
バブリング | なし |
キャンセル | 不可 |
インターフェイス | {{DOMxRef("Event")}} |
イベントハンドラープロパティ | なし |
既定のアクション | {{HtmlElement("details")}} 要素の open の状態をトグル切り替えする。 |
<aside id="log"> <b>Open chapters:</b> <div data-id="ch1" hidden>I</div> <div data-id="ch2" hidden>II</div> <div data-id="ch3" hidden>III</div> </aside> <section id="summaries"> <b>Chapter summaries:</b> <details id="ch1"> <summary>Chapter I</summary> Philosophy reproves Boethius for the foolishness of his complaints against Fortune. Her very nature is caprice. </details> <details id="ch2"> <summary>Chapter II</summary> Philosophy in Fortune's name replies to Boethius' reproaches, and proves that the gifts of Fortune are hers to give and to take away. </details> <details id="ch3"> <summary>Chapter III</summary> Boethius falls back upon his present sense of misery. Philosophy reminds him of the brilliancy of his former fortunes. </details> </section>
body { display: flex; flex-direction: row-reverse; } #log { flex-shrink: 0; padding-left: 3em; } #summaries { flex-grow: 1; }
function logItem(e) { const item = document.querySelector(`[data-id=${e.target.id}]`); item.toggleAttribute('hidden'); } const chapters = document.querySelectorAll('details'); chapters.forEach((chapter) => { chapter.addEventListener('toggle', logItem); });
{{EmbedLiveSample("Examples", 700, 200)}}
仕様書 | 状態 | 備考 |
{{SpecName('HTML WHATWG', 'indices.html#event-toggle', 'toggle event')}} | {{Spec2("HTML WHATWG")}} |