--- title: HTMLInputElement slug: Web/API/HTMLInputElement tags: - API - DOM - HTML DOM - HTMLInputElement - Input - Interface - NeedsContent - NeedsMarkupWork - Reference translation_of: Web/API/HTMLInputElement ---
インターフェイスは {{HtmlElement("input")}} 要素のオプション、レイアウト、表示を操作するための特別なプロパティやメソッドを提供します。
{{InheritanceDiagram(600, 120)}}
form {{readonlyInline}} |
{{domxref("HTMLFormElement")}} オブジェクト: 親の {{HtmlElement("form")}} 要素の参照を返します。 |
formAction |
string : その要素の {{ htmlattrxref("formaction", "input") }} 属性を返却または設定します。ここには要素によって送信された情報を処理するプログラムの URI が入ります。これは親フォームの {{ htmlattrxref("action", "form") }} 属性を上書きします。 |
formEncType |
string : その要素の {{ htmlattrxref("formenctype", "input") }} 属性を返却または設定します。ここにはフォームをサーバーに送信する際のコンテンツの型が入ります。これは親フォームの {{ htmlattrxref("enctype", "form") }} 属性を上書きします。 |
formMethod |
string : その要素の {{ htmlattrxref("formmethod", "input") }} 属性を返却または設定します。ここにはブラウザーがフォームを送信する際に用いる HTTP メソッドが入ります。これは親フォームの {{ htmlattrxref("method", "form") }} 属性を上書きします。 |
formNoValidate |
{{jsxref("Boolean")}}: その要素の {{ htmlattrxref("formnovalidate", "input") }} 属性を返却または設定します。これは送信時にそのフォームが検証されないかどうかを示します。これは親フォームの {{ htmlattrxref("novalidate", "form") }} 属性を上書きします。 |
formTarget |
string : その要素の {{ htmlattrxref("formtarget", "input") }} 属性を返却または設定します。ここにはフォームを送信した後で受け取ったレスポンスを表示する場所を示す名前またはキーワードが入ります。これは親フォームの {{ htmlattrxref("target", "form") }} 属性を上書きします。 |
name |
string : その要素の {{ htmlattrxref("name", "input") }} 属性を返却または設定します。ここにはフォーム送信時にその要素を識別する名前が入ります。 |
type |
string : その要素の {{ htmlattrxref("type", "input") }} 属性を返却または設定します。これは表示するコントロールの型を示します。利用可能な値については {{ HTMLElement("input") }} の {{ htmlattrxref("type", "input") }} 属性を参照してください。 |
disabled |
{{jsxref("Boolean")}}: その要素の {{ htmlattrxref("disabled", "input") }} 属性を返却または設定します。これはそのコントロールが対話を受け付けないかどうかを示します。その入力値はフォームとともに送信されません。 {{ htmlattrxref("readOnly", "input") }} もご覧ください。 |
autofocus |
{{jsxref("Boolean")}}: その要素の {{ htmlattrxref("autofocus", "input") }} 属性を返却または設定します。ページが読み込まれたときに、ユーザーが別のコントロールに入力するなどしてそれを上書きしない限り、そのフォームコントロールが入力フォーカスを持つべきであることを指定します。文書内の一つの form 要素だけが {{htmlattrxref("autofocus","input")}} 属性を持つことができます。 {{htmlattrxref("type","input")}} 属性が hidden に設定されている場合には適用できません (つまり、非表示のコントロールにフォーカスを自動的に設定することはできません)。 |
required |
{{jsxref("Boolean")}}: その要素の {{ htmlattrxref("required", "input") }} 属性を返却または設定します。これは、フォームを送信する前にユーザーが値を入力しなければならないかどうかを示します。 |
value |
string : そのコントロールの現在の値を返却または設定します。
注: ユーザーが予期しない値を入力した場合、これは空文字列を返すことがあります。 |
validity {{readonlyInline}} |
{{domxref("ValidityState")}} オブジェクト : その要素の現在の検証状態を返します。 |
validationMessage {{readonlyInline}} |
string : 制約検証をそのコントロールが満たさな買った場合、それを記述したローカライズされたメッセージを返します (もしあれば)。これは、コントロールが制約検証の候補ではない場合 ({{htmlattrxref("willValidate","input")}} が false の場合)、または制約を満たしている場合は空の文字列です。この値は、 setCustomValidity メソッドで設定できます。 |
willValidate {{readonlyInline}} |
{{jsxref("Boolean")}}: その要素が制約検証の候補であるかどうかを返します。これは何か制約検証を阻む条件がある場合、例えば、 type が hidden , reset , button のいずれかである、祖先に {{HTMLElement("datalist")}} がある、 disabled プロパティが true である、などです。 |
checked |
{{jsxref("Boolean")}}: Returns / Sets the current state of the element when {{htmlattrxref("type","input")}} is checkbox or radio . |
defaultChecked |
{{jsxref("Boolean")}}: Returns / Sets the default state of a radio button or checkbox as originally specified in HTML that created this object. |
indeterminate |
{{jsxref("Boolean")}}: Returns whether the checkbox or radio button is in indeterminate state. For checkboxes, the effect is that the appearance of the checkbox is obscured/greyed in some way as to indicate its state is indeterminate (not checked but not unchecked). Does not affect the value of the checked attribute, and clicking the checkbox will set the value to false. |
alt |
string : Returns / Sets the element's {{ htmlattrxref("alt", "input") }} attribute, containing alternative text to use when {{htmlattrxref("type","input")}} is image. |
height |
string : Returns / Sets the element's {{ htmlattrxref("height", "input") }} attribute, which defines the height of the image displayed for the button, if the value of {{htmlattrxref("type","input")}} is image . |
src |
string : Returns / Sets the element's {{ htmlattrxref("src", "input") }} attribute, which specifies a URI for the location of an image to display on the graphical submit button, if the value of {{htmlattrxref("type","input")}} is image ; otherwise it is ignored. |
width |
string : Returns / Sets the document's {{ htmlattrxref("width", "input") }} attribute, which defines the width of the image displayed for the button, if the value of {{htmlattrxref("type","input")}} is image . |
accept |
string : Returns / Sets the element's {{ htmlattrxref("accept", "input") }} attribute, containing comma-separated list of file types accepted by the server when {{htmlattrxref("type","input")}} is file . |
allowdirs {{non-standard_inline}} |
{{jsxref("Boolean")}}: Part of the non-standard Directory Upload API; indicates whether or not to allow directories and files both to be selected in the file list. Implemented only in Firefox and is hidden behind a preference. |
files |
Returns/accepts a {{domxref("FileList")}} object, which contains a list of {{domxref("File")}} objects representing the files selected for upload. |
{{domxref("HTMLInputElement.webkitdirectory", "webkitdirectory")}} {{Non-standard_inline}} | {{jsxref("Boolean")}}: Returns the {{htmlattrxref("webkitdirectory", "input")}} attribute; if true, the file system picker interface only accepts directories instead of files. |
{{domxref("HTMLInputElement.webkitEntries", "webkitEntries")}} {{Non-standard_inline}} | Array of {{domxref("FileSystemEntry")}} objects: Describes the currently selected files or directories. |
autocomplete |
string : Returns / Sets the element's {{htmlattrxref("autocomplete", "input")}} attribute, indicating whether the value of the control can be automatically completed by the browser. Ignored if the value of the {{htmlattrxref("type","input")}} attribute is hidden , checkbox , radio , file , or a button type (button , submit , reset , image ). Possible values are:on : the browser can autocomplete the value using previously stored valueoff : the user must explicity enter a value |
max |
string : Returns / Sets the element's {{ htmlattrxref("max", "input") }} attribute, containing the maximum (numeric or date-time) value for this item, which must not be less than its minimum ({{htmlattrxref("min","input")}} attribute) value. |
maxLength |
long : Returns / Sets the element's {{ htmlattrxref("maxlength", "input") }} attribute, containing the maximum number of characters (in Unicode code points) that the value can have. (If you set this to a negative number, an exception will be thrown.) |
min |
string : Returns / Sets the element's {{ htmlattrxref("min", "input") }} attribute, containing the minimum (numeric or date-time) value for this item, which must not be greater than its maximum ({{htmlattrxref("max","input")}} attribute) value. |
minLength |
long : Returns / Sets the element's {{ htmlattrxref("minlength", "input") }} attribute, containing the minimum number of characters (in Unicode code points) that the value can have. (If you set this to a negative number, an exception will be thrown.) |
pattern |
string : Returns / Sets the element's {{ htmlattrxref("pattern", "input") }} attribute, containing a regular expression that the control's value is checked against. Use the {{htmlattrxref("title","input")}} attribute to describe the pattern to help the user. This attribute applies when the value of the {{htmlattrxref("type","input")}} attribute is text , search , tel , url or email ; otherwise it is ignored. |
placeholder |
string : Returns / Sets the element's {{ htmlattrxref("placeholder", "input") }} attribute, containing a hint to the user of what can be entered in the control. The placeholder text must not contain carriage returns or line-feeds. This attribute applies when the value of the {{htmlattrxref("type","input")}} attribute is text , search , tel , url or email ; otherwise it is ignored. |
readOnly |
boolean : Returns / Sets the element's {{ htmlattrxref("readonly", "input") }} attribute, indicating that the user cannot modify the value of the control.{{HTMLVersionInline(5)}}This is ignored if the value of the {{htmlattrxref("type","input")}} attribute is hidden , range , color , checkbox , radio , file , or a button type. |
selectionStart |
unsigned long : 選択した文章の開始点を返却・設定する。何も選択していない場合,{{HTMLElement("input")}}要素内の文章入力カーソル(編集子)の位置を返す。 |
selectionEnd |
unsigned long : Returns / Sets the end index of the selected text. When there's no selection, this returns the offset of the character immediately following the current text input cursor position. |
selectionDirection |
string : Returns / Sets the direction in which selection occurred. Possible values are:forward if selection was performed in the start-to-end direction of the current localebackward for the opposite directionnone if the direction is unknown |
size |
unsigned long : Returns / Sets the element's {{ htmlattrxref("size", "input") }} attribute, containing visual size of the control. This value is in pixels unless the value of {{htmlattrxref("type","input")}} is text or password , in which case, it is an integer number of characters. Applies only when {{htmlattrxref("type","input")}} is set to text , search , tel , url , email , or password ; otherwise it is ignored. |
defaultValue |
string : Returns / Sets the default value as originally specified in the HTML that created this object. |
dirName |
string : Returns / Sets the directionality of the element. |
accessKey |
string : Returns a string containing a single character that switches input focus to the control when pressed. |
list {{readonlyInline}} |
{{domxref("HTMLElement")}} object : Returns the element pointed by the {{ htmlattrxref("list", "input") }} attribute. The property may be null if no HTML element found in the same tree. |
multiple |
{{jsxref("Boolean")}}: Returns / Sets the element's {{ htmlattrxref("multiple", "input") }} attribute, indicating whether more than one value is possible (e.g., multiple files). |
files |
{{domxref("FileList")}} array : Returns the list of selected files. |
{{domxref("HTMLInputElement.labels")}} {{readonlyInline}} | {{domxref("NodeList")}} array : Returns a list of {{ HTMLElement("label") }} elements that are labels for this element. |
step |
string : Returns / Sets the element's {{ htmlattrxref("step", "input") }} attribute, which works with {{htmlattrxref("min","input")}} and {{htmlattrxref("max","input")}} to limit the increments at which a numeric or date-time value can be set. It can be the string any or a positive floating point number. If this is not set to any , the control accepts only values at multiples of the step value greater than the minimum. |
valueAsDate |
{{jsxref("Date")}} object : Returns / Sets the value of the element, interpreted as a date, or null if conversion is not possible. |
valueAsNumber |
double : Returns the value of the element, interpreted as one of the following, in order:
autocapitalize {{experimental_inline}} |
string : Defines the capitalization behavior for user input. Valid values are none , off , characters , words , or sentences . |
inputmode |
Provides a hint to browsers as to the type of virtual keyboard configuration to use when editing this element or its contents. |
: Represents the alignment of the element. Use CSS instead.string
: Represents a client-side image map.{{domxref("HTMLElement.blur()", "blur()")}} | Removes focus from the input element; keystrokes will subsequently go nowhere. |
{{domxref("HTMLElement.click()", "click()")}} | Simulates a click on the input element. |
{{domxref("HTMLElement.focus()", "focus()")}} | Focuses on the input element; keystrokes will subsequently go to this element. |
{{domxref("HTMLInputElement.select()", "select()")}} | Selects all the text in the input element, and focuses it so the user can subsequently replace all of its content. |
{{domxref("HTMLInputElement.setSelectionRange()", "setSelectionRange()")}} | Selects a range of text in the input element (but does not focus it). |
{{domxref("HTMLInputElement.setRangeText()", "setRangeText()")}} | Replaces a range of text in the input element with new text. |
setCustomValidity() |
Sets a custom validity message for the element. If this message is not the empty string, then the element is suffering from a custom validity error, and does not validate. |
checkValidity() |
Returns a {{jsxref("Boolean")}} that is false if the element is a candidate for constraint validation, and it does not satisfy its constraints. In this case, it also fires an {{event("invalid")}} event at the element. It returns true if the element is not a candidate for constraint validation, or if it satisfies its constraints. |
reportValidity() |
Runs the checkValidity() method, and if it returns false (for an invalid input or no pattern attribute provided), then it reports to the user that the input is invalid in the same manner as if you submitted a form. |
which can be used in frame scripts: a chrome script can open files as File objects and send them via message manager.Listen to these events using addEventListener()
or by assigning an event listener to the oneventname
property of this interface:
of an {{HTMLElement("input")}}, {{HTMLElement("select")}}, or {{HTMLElement("textarea")}} element has been changed. Note that this is actually fired on the {{domxref("HTMLElement")}} interface and also applies to contenteditable
elements, but we've listed it here because it is most commonly used with form input elements.oninput
event handler property.invalid
event handler property.search
event handler property.仕様書 | 状態 | 備考 |
{{SpecName('HTML WHATWG', "#htmlinputelement", "HTMLInputElement")}} | {{Spec2('HTML WHATWG')}} | |
{{SpecName('HTML5 W3C', "forms.html#the-input-element", "HTMLInputElement")}} | {{Spec2('HTML5 W3C')}} | 技術的には、tabindex プロパティと accesskey プロパティ、ならびに blur() 、click() 、および focus() メソッドは、現在 {{domxref("HTMLElement")}} で定義されています。次のプロパティは廃止されました: align および useMap 。次のプロパティが追加されました: autocomplete , autofocus , dirName , files , formAction , formEncType , formMethod , formNoValidate , formTarget , height , indeterminate , labels , list , max , min , multiple , pattern , placeholder , required , selectionDirection , selectionEnd , selectionStart , step , validationMessage , validity , valueAsDate , valueAsNumber , width , willValidate .次のメソッドが追加されました: checkValidity() , setCustomValidity() , setSelectionRange() , stepUp() , stepDown() |
{{SpecName('DOM2 HTML', 'html.html#ID-6043025', 'HTMLInputElement')}} | {{Spec2('DOM2 HTML')}} | size プロパティは、unsigned long になりました。type プロパティはすべて小文字で指定する必要があります。 |
{{SpecName('DOM1', 'level-one-html.html#ID-6043025', 'HTMLInputElement')}} | {{Spec2('DOM1')}} | 初回定義 |