--- title: PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions slug: Web/API/PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions tags: - API - Dictionary - PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions - Reference - Web Authentication API - WebAuthn - 辞書 translation_of: Web/API/PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions ---
は Web Authentication API の辞書で、 {{domxref("CredentialsContainer.get()","navigator.credentials.get()")}} で指定された {{domxref("PublicKeyCredential")}} を読み取るために渡されるオプションを保持します。
) を示します。このオプションが指定されていない場合、クライアントは現在のオリジンのドメインを使用します。なし。
var options = { challenge: new Uint8Array([/* bytes sent from the server */]), rpId: "example.com" /* will only work if the current domain is something like foo.example.com */ userVerification: "preferred", timeout: 60000, // Wait for a minute allowCredentials: [ { transports: "usb", type: "public-key", id: new Uint8Array(26) // actually provided by the server }, { transports: "internal", type: "public-key", id: new Uint8Array(26) // actually provided by the server } ], extensions: { uvm: true, // RP wants to know how the user was verified loc: false, txAuthSimple: "Could you please verify yourself?" } }; navigator.credentials.get({ "publicKey": options }) .then(function (credentialInfoAssertion) { // send assertion response back to the server // to proceed with the control of the credential }).catch(function (err) { console.error(err); });
仕様書 | 状態 | 備考 |
{{SpecName('WebAuthn','#dictdef-publickeycredentialrequestoptions', 'PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions dictionary')}} | {{Spec2('WebAuthn')}} | 初回定義 |