--- title: イベントリファレンス slug: Web/Events tags: - Event - Overview - Reference translation_of: Web/Events ---

DOM イベントは、注目していることが発生したことをコードに通知するために送信されます。各イベントは {{DOMxRef("event")}} インターフェイスに基づくオブジェクトで表され、発生したことに関する追加情報を取得するために追加のカスタムフィールドや関数を持つことがあります。イベントは、基本的なユーザー操作から、レンダリングモデルで起こっていることの自動通知までのすべてを表すことができます。

この記事では、送信される可能性のあるイベントのリストを提供します。リストには、公式な仕様で定義された標準のイベントや、特定のブラウザー内部で使用されるイベントが含まれます。固有のイベント、例えば Mozilla 固有のイベントは アドオン がブラウザーと対話するために使用できます。



イベント名 いつ発生するか
{{Event("error")}} リソースをロードできなかったとき。
{{Event("abort")}} リソースの読み込みが中止されたとき。
{{Event("load")}} リソースとそれに依存するリソースのロードが完了したとき。
{{Event("beforeunload")}} ウィンドウ、文書、およびそのリソースがアンロードされる前。
{{Event("unload")}} 文書または依存するリソースがアンロードされたとき。


イベント名 いつ発生するか
{{Event("online")}} ブラウザーがネットワークにアクセスしたとき。
{{Event("offline")}} ブラウザーがネットワークにアクセスできなかったとき。


イベント名 いつ発生するか
{{Event("focus")}} 要素がフォーカスされているとき (バブリングなし)。
{{Event("blur")}} 要素がフォーカスを失ったとき (バブリングなし)。
{{Event("focusin")}} 要素がフォーカスされようとしているとき (バブリングあり)。
{{Event("focusout")}} 要素がフォーカスを失いかけているとき (バブリングあり)。

WebSocket イベント

イベント名 いつ発生するか
open WebSocket 接続が確立されたとき。
message WebSocket 経由でメッセージを受信したとき。
{{Event("error")}} WebSocket の接続が障害(例えば、データの一部を送信できなかったなど)により終了したとき。
close WebSocket 接続が閉じられたとき。


イベント名 いつ発生するか
{{Event("pagehide")}} セッション履歴のエントリが横断されているとき。
{{Event("pageshow")}} セッション履歴のエントリが移動されているとき。
{{Event("popstate")}} セッション履歴エントリが(場合によっては)ナビゲートされているとき。

CSS アニメーションイベント

イベント名 いつ発生するか
{{Event("animationstart")}} CSS アニメーションが開始したとき。
{{Event("animationend")}} CSS アニメーションが終了したとき。
{{Event("animationiteration")}} CSS アニメーションが繰り返されたとき。

CSS トランジションイベント

イベント名 いつ発生するか
{{Event("transitionstart")}} CSS トランジションが実際に始まったとき。(発火までに遅延がある)
{{Event("transitioncancel")}} CSS トランジションがキャンセルされたとき。
{{Event("transitionend")}} CSS トランジションが終了したとき。
{{Event("transitionrun")}} CSS トランジションが実行し始めたとき。(遅延が始まる前に発火する)


イベント名 いつ発生するか
{{Event("reset")}} リセットボタンが押されたとき。
{{Event("submit")}} サブミットボタンが押されたとき。


イベント名 いつ発生するか
{{Event("beforeprint")}} プリントダイアログを開いたとき。
{{Event("afterprint")}} プリントダイアログを閉じたとき。


イベント名 いつ発生するか
{{Event("compositionstart")}} 文章作成の準備がされたとき(キーボード入力のキーダウンに似ていますが、音声認識などの他の入力でも動作します)。
{{Event("compositionupdate")}} 作成中の文章に文字が追加されたとき。
{{Event("compositionend")}} 文章作成が終了したり、キャンセルされたとき。


イベント名 いつ発生するか
{{Event("fullscreenchange")}} 要素がフルスクリーンモードに切り替えられたとき。
{{Event("fullscreenerror")}} 技術的な理由か許可が下りなかったため、フルスクリーンモードに切り替えることができないとき。
{{Event("resize")}} ドキュメントビューのサイズが変更されたとき。
{{Event("scroll")}} 画面がスクロールされたとき。


イベント名 いつ発生するか
{{Event("cut")}} 選択範囲が切り取られてクリップボードにコピーされたとき。
{{Event("copy")}} 選択範囲がクリップボードにコピーされたとき。
{{Event("paste")}} クリップボードからアイテムが貼り付けられたとき。


イベント名 いつ発生するか
{{Event("keydown")}} 任意のキーが押されたとき。
{{Event("keypress")}} Shift、Fn、CapsLock を除く任意のキーが押された状態にあるとき (連続して発生する)。
{{Event("keyup")}} 任意のキーが (押された状態から) 解放されるとき。


イベント名 いつ発生するか
{{Event("auxclick")}} ポインティングデバイスのボタン(主ボタン以外のボタン)が、要素上で押し離されたとき。
{{Event("click")}} ポインティングデバイスのボタン(任意のボタン。まもなく主ボタンのみになります)が、要素上で押し離されたとき。
{{Event("contextmenu")}} マウスの右ボタンがクリックされたとき(コンテキストメニューが表示される前)。
{{Event("dblclick")}} ポインティングデバイスのボタンが、要素上でダブルクリックされたとき。
{{Event("mousedown")}} ポインティングデバイスのボタンが、要素上で押されているとき。
{{Event("mouseenter")}} ポインティングデバイスが、リスナーが接続されている要素に移動したとき。
{{Event("mouseleave")}} ポインティングデバイスが、リスナーが接続されている要素から外れたとき。
{{Event("mousemove")}} ポインティングデバイスが、要素上を移動しているとき(マウスの移動に合わせて連続発火します)。
{{Event("mouseover")}} ポインティングデバイスが、リスナーが接続されている要素、またはその子要素に移動したとき。
{{Event("mouseout")}} ポインティングデバイスが、リスナーが接続されている要素、またはその子要素から外れたとき。
{{Event("mouseup")}} ポインティングデバイスのボタンが、要素上で離されたとき。
{{Event("pointerlockchange")}} ポインターがロックされたか解除されたとき。
{{Event("pointerlockerror")}} ポインターのロックが、技術的な理由か動作を拒否されたためにできないとき。
{{Event("select")}} テキストが選択されているとき。
{{Event("wheel")}} ポインティングデバイスのホイールボタンが、任意の方向に回転しているとき。

ドラッグ & ドロップイベント

イベント名 いつ発生するか
{{Event("drag")}} 要素もしくは選択文字列がドラッグされている間。(350 ミリ秒ごとに断続的に発火します)
{{Event("dragend")}} ドラッグ操作が終わったとき。(マウスボタンが放された時、または ESC キーが押されたとき)
{{Event("dragenter")}} 要素もしくは選択文字列がドラッグされて、有効なドロップ対象に入ったとき。
{{Event("dragstart")}} ユーザーが、要素もしくは選択文字列をドラッグし始めたとき。
{{Event("dragleave")}} 要素もしくは選択文字列がドラッグされて、有効なドロップ対象からはずれたとき。
{{Event("dragover")}} 要素もしくは選択文字列が、有効なドロップ対象の上をドラッグされている間。(350 ミリ秒ごとに断続的に発火します)
{{Event("drop")}} 要素が有効なドロップ対象にドロップされたとき。(訳注:原文に「選択文字列」の記述がない)


イベント名 いつ発生するか
{{Event("audioprocess")}} The input buffer of a {{DOMxRef("ScriptProcessorNode")}} is ready to be processed.
{{Event("canplay")}} The browser can play the media, but estimates that not enough data has been loaded to play the media up to its end without having to stop for further buffering of content.
{{Event("canplaythrough")}} The browser estimates it can play the media up to its end without stopping for content buffering.
{{Event("complete")}} The rendering of an {{DOMxRef("OfflineAudioContext")}} is terminated.
{{Event("durationchange")}} The duration attribute has been updated.
{{Event("emptied")}} The media has become empty; 例えば、this event is sent if the media has already been loaded (or partially loaded), and the load() method is called to reload it.
{{Event("ended")}} Playback has stopped because the end of the media was reached.
{{Event("loadeddata")}} The first frame of the media has finished loading.
{{Event("loadedmetadata")}} The metadata has been loaded.
{{Event("pause")}} Playback has been paused.
{{Event("play")}} Playback has begun.
{{Event("playing")}} Playback is ready to start after having been paused or delayed due to lack of data.
{{Event("ratechange")}} The playback rate has changed.
{{Event("seeked")}} A seek operation completed.
{{Event("seeking")}} A seek operation began.
{{Event("stalled")}} The user agent is trying to fetch media data, but data is unexpectedly not forthcoming.
{{Event("suspend")}} Media data loading has been suspended.
{{Event("timeupdate")}} The time indicated by the currentTime attribute has been updated.
{{Event("volumechange")}} The volume has changed.
{{Event("waiting")}} Playback has stopped because of a temporary lack of data.

Progress イベント

イベント名 いつ発生するか
abort Progression has been terminated (not due to an error).
{{Event("error")}} Progression has failed.
load Progression has been successful.
{{Event("loadend")}} Progress has stopped (after "error", "abort" or "load" have been dispatched).
{{Event("loadstart")}} Progress has begun.
{{Event("progress")}} In progress.
{{Event("timeout")}} Progression is terminated due to preset time expiring.


{{Event("change")}} (see {{anch("Non-standard events")}})









イベント名 いつ発生するか
{{Event("abort_(dom_abort_api)", "abort")}} A DOM request is aborted, i.e. using {{DOMxRef("AbortController.abort()")}}.

WebVR イベント

Event name Fired when
{{Event("vrdisplayactivate")}} When a VR display is able to be presented to, 例えば、if an HMD has been moved to bring it out of standby, or woken up by being put on.
{{Event("vrdisplayblur")}} when presentation to a {{DOMxRef("VRDisplay")}} has been paused for some reason by the browser, OS, or VR hardware — 例えば、while the user is interacting with a system menu or browser, to prevent tracking or loss of experience.
{{Event("vrdisplayconnect")}} when a compatible {{DOMxRef("VRDisplay")}} is connected to the computer.
{{Event("vrdisplaydeactivate")}} When a {{DOMxRef("VRDisplay")}} can no longer be presented to, 例えば、if an HMD has gone into standby or sleep mode due to a period of inactivity.
{{Event("vrdisplaydisconnect")}} When a compatible {{DOMxRef("VRDisplay")}} is disconnected from the computer.
{{Event("vrdisplayfocus")}} When presentation to a {{DOMxRef("VRDisplay")}} has resumed after being blurred.
{{Event("vrdisplaypresentchange")}} The presenting state of a {{DOMxRef("VRDisplay")}} changes — i.e. goes from presenting to not presenting, or vice versa.

SVG イベント



{{Event("error")}} (link)



CSS イベント




Window イベント







Call イベント

{{Event("held")}}, {{Event("holding")}}



Smartcard イベント


SMS および USSD イベント



{{Event("mozbrowsershowmodalprompt")}} (link)

DOM 変更イベント








イベント名 イベント型 仕様書 発生時期...
{{Event("abort")}} {{DOMxRef("UIEvent")}} DOM L3 The loading of a resource has been aborted.
abort {{DOMxRef("ProgressEvent")}} Progress and XMLHttpRequest Progression has been terminated (not due to an error).
abort {{DOMxRef("Event")}} IndexedDB A transaction has been aborted.
{{Event("afterprint")}}{{gecko_minversion_inline("6")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} HTML5 The associated document has started printing or the print preview has been closed.
{{Event("animationend")}} {{DOMxRef("AnimationEvent")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} CSS Animations A CSS animation has completed.
{{Event("animationiteration")}} {{DOMxRef("AnimationEvent")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} CSS Animations A CSS animation is repeated.
{{Event("animationstart")}} {{DOMxRef("AnimationEvent")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} CSS Animations A CSS animation has started.
{{Event("appinstalled")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} Web App Manifest A web application is successfully installed as a progressive web app.
{{Event("audioprocess")}} {{DOMxRef("AudioProcessingEvent")}} {{Deprecated_Inline}} {{SpecName('Web Audio API', '#AudioProcessingEvent', 'audioprocess')}} The input buffer of a {{DOMxRef("ScriptProcessorNode")}} is ready to be processed.
{{Event("audioend")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} {{SpecName('Web Speech API')}} The user agent has finished capturing audio for speech recognition.
{{Event("audiostart")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} {{SpecName('Web Speech API')}} The user agent has started to capture audio for speech recognition.
{{Event("beforeprint")}} {{gecko_minversion_inline("6")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} HTML5 The associated document is about to be printed or previewed for printing.
{{Event("beforeunload")}} {{DOMxRef("BeforeUnloadEvent")}} HTML5 The window, the document and its resources are about to be unloaded.
{{Event("beginEvent")}} {{DOMxRef("TimeEvent")}} SVG A SMIL animation element begins.
blocked IndexedDB An open connection to a database is blocking a versionchange transaction on the same database.
{{Event("blur")}} {{DOMxRef("FocusEvent")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} DOM L3 An element has lost focus (does not bubble).
{{Event("boundary")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} {{DOMxRef("SpeechSynthesisEvent")}} {{SpecName('Web Speech API')}} The spoken utterance reaches a word or sentence boundary
{{Event("cached")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} Offline The resources listed in the manifest have been downloaded, and the application is now cached.
{{Event("canplay")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} HTML5 media The user agent can play the media, but estimates that not enough data has been loaded to play the media up to its end without having to stop for further buffering of content.
{{Event("canplaythrough")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} HTML5 media The user agent can play the media up to its end without having to stop for further buffering of content.
{{Event("change")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} DOM L2, HTML5 The change event is fired for {{HTMLElement("input")}}, {{HTMLElement("select")}}, and {{HTMLElement("textarea")}} elements when a change to the element's value is committed by the user.
{{Event("chargingchange")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} Battery status The battery begins or stops charging.
{{Event("chargingtimechange")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} Battery status The chargingTime attribute has been updated.
{{Event("checking")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} Offline The user agent is checking for an update, or attempting to download the cache manifest for the first time.
{{Event("click")}} {{DOMxRef("MouseEvent")}} DOM L3 A pointing device button has been pressed and released on an element.
close {{DOMxRef("Event")}} WebSocket A WebSocket connection has been closed.
complete IndexedDB A transaction successfully completed.
{{Event("complete")}} {{DOMxRef("OfflineAudioCompletionEvent")}} {{Deprecated_Inline}} {{SpecName('Web Audio API', '#OfflineAudioCompletionEvent-section', 'OfflineAudioCompletionEvent')}} The rendering of an {{DOMxRef("OfflineAudioContext")}} is terminated.
{{Event("compositionend")}}{{gecko_minversion_inline("9")}} {{DOMxRef("CompositionEvent")}} DOM L3 The composition of a passage of text has been completed or canceled.
{{Event("compositionstart")}}{{gecko_minversion_inline("9")}} {{DOMxRef("CompositionEvent")}} DOM L3 The composition of a passage of text is prepared (similar to keydown for a keyboard input, but works with other inputs such as speech recognition).
{{Event("compositionupdate")}}{{gecko_minversion_inline("9")}} {{DOMxRef("CompositionEvent")}} DOM L3 A character is added to a passage of text being composed.
{{Event("contextmenu")}} {{DOMxRef("MouseEvent")}} HTML5 The right button of the mouse is clicked (before the context menu is displayed).
{{Event("copy")}} {{DOMxRef("ClipboardEvent")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} Clipboard The text selection has been added to the clipboard.
{{Event("cut")}} {{DOMxRef("ClipboardEvent")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} Clipboard The text selection has been removed from the document and added to the clipboard.
{{Event("dblclick")}} {{DOMxRef("MouseEvent")}} DOM L3 A pointing device button is clicked twice on an element.
{{Event("devicechange")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} {{SpecName("Media Capture")}} A media device such as a camera, microphone, or speaker is connected or removed from the system.
{{Event("devicelight")}} {{DOMxRef("DeviceLightEvent")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} Ambient Light Events Fresh data is available from a light sensor.
{{Event("devicemotion")}} {{DOMxRef("DeviceMotionEvent")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} Device Orientation Events Fresh data is available from a motion sensor.
{{Event("deviceorientation")}} {{DOMxRef("DeviceOrientationEvent")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} Device Orientation Events Fresh data is available from an orientation sensor.
{{Event("deviceproximity")}} {{DOMxRef("DeviceProximityEvent")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} Proximity Events Fresh data is available from a proximity sensor (indicates an approximated distance between the device and a nearby object).
{{Event("dischargingtimechange")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} Battery status The dischargingTime attribute has been updated.
DOMActivate {{Deprecated_Inline}} {{DOMxRef("UIEvent")}} DOM L3 A button, link or state changing element is activated (use {{Event("click")}} instead).
DOMAttributeNameChanged {{Deprecated_Inline}} {{DOMxRef("MutationNameEvent")}} DOM L3 Removed The name of an attribute changed (use mutation observers instead).
DOMAttrModified {{Deprecated_Inline}} {{DOMxRef("MutationEvent")}} DOM L3 The value of an attribute has been modified (use mutation observers instead).
DOMCharacterDataModified {{Deprecated_Inline}} {{DOMxRef("MutationEvent")}} DOM L3 A text or another CharacterData has changed (use mutation observers instead).
{{Event("DOMContentLoaded")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} HTML5 The document has finished loading (but not its dependent resources).
DOMElementNameChanged {{Deprecated_Inline}} {{DOMxRef("MutationNameEvent")}} DOM L3 Removed The name of an element changed (use mutation observers instead).
DOMFocusIn {{Deprecated_Inline}} {{DOMxRef("FocusEvent")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} DOM L3 An element has received focus (use {{Event("focus")}} or {{Event("focusin")}} instead).
DOMFocusOut {{Deprecated_Inline}} {{DOMxRef("FocusEvent")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} DOM L3 An element has lost focus (use {{Event("blur")}} or {{Event("focusout")}} instead).
DOMNodeInserted {{Deprecated_Inline}} {{DOMxRef("MutationEvent")}} DOM L3 A node has been added as a child of another node (use mutation observers instead).
DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument {{Deprecated_Inline}} {{DOMxRef("MutationEvent")}} DOM L3 A node has been inserted into the document (use mutation observers instead).
DOMNodeRemoved {{Deprecated_Inline}} {{DOMxRef("MutationEvent")}} DOM L3 A node has been removed from its parent node (use mutation observers instead).
DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument {{Deprecated_Inline}} {{DOMxRef("MutationEvent")}} DOM L3 A node has been removed from the document (use mutation observers instead).
DOMSubtreeModified {{Deprecated_Inline}} {{DOMxRef("MutationEvent")}} DOM L3 A change happened in the document (use mutation observers instead).
{{Event("downloading")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} Offline The user agent has found an update and is fetching it, or is downloading the resources listed by the cache manifest for the first time.
{{Event("drag")}} {{DOMxRef("DragEvent")}} HTML5 An element or text selection is being dragged (every 350ms).
{{Event("dragend")}} {{DOMxRef("DragEvent")}} HTML5 A drag operation is being ended (by releasing a mouse button or hitting the escape key).
{{Event("dragenter")}} {{DOMxRef("DragEvent")}} HTML5 A dragged element or text selection enters a valid drop target.
{{Event("dragleave")}} {{DOMxRef("DragEvent")}} HTML5 A dragged element or text selection leaves a valid drop target.
{{Event("dragover")}} {{DOMxRef("DragEvent")}} HTML5 An element or text selection is being dragged over a valid drop target (every 350ms).
{{Event("dragstart")}} {{DOMxRef("DragEvent")}} HTML5 The user starts dragging an element or text selection.
{{Event("drop")}} {{DOMxRef("DragEvent")}} HTML5 An element is dropped on a valid drop target.
{{Event("durationchange")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} HTML5 media The duration attribute has been updated.
{{Event("emptied")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} HTML5 media The media has become empty; 例えば、this event is sent if the media has already been loaded (or partially loaded), and the load() method is called to reload it.
{{Event("end_(SpeechRecognition)","end")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} {{SpecName('Web Speech API')}} The speech recognition service has disconnected.
{{Event("end_(SpeechSynthesis)","end")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} {{DOMxRef("SpeechSynthesisEvent")}} {{SpecName("Web Speech API")}} The utterance has finished being spoken.
{{Event("ended")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} HTML5 media Playback has stopped because the end of the media was reached.
{{Event("ended_(Web_Audio)", "ended")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} {{SpecName("Web Audio API")}} Playback has stopped because the end of the media was reached.
{{Event("endEvent")}} {{DOMxRef("TimeEvent")}} SVG A SMIL animation element ends.
{{Event("error")}} {{DOMxRef("UIEvent")}} DOM L3 A resource failed to load.
{{Event("error")}} {{DOMxRef("ProgressEvent")}} Progress and XMLHttpRequest Progression has failed.
{{Event("error")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} Offline An error occurred while downloading the cache manifest or updating the content of the application.
{{Event("error")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} WebSocket A WebSocket connection has been closed with prejudice (some data couldn't be sent 例えば、).
{{Event("error")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} Server Sent Events An event source connection has been failed.
{{Event("error")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} IndexedDB A request caused an error and failed.
{{Event("error_(SpeechRecognitionError)","error")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} {{SpecName('Web Speech API')}} A speech recognition error occurs.
{{Event("error_(SpeechSynthesisError)","error")}} {{DOMxRef("SpeechSynthesisErrorEvent")}} {{SpecName('Web Speech API')}} An error occurs that prevents the utterance from being successfully spoken.
{{Event("focus")}} {{DOMxRef("FocusEvent")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} DOM L3 An element has received focus (does not bubble).
{{Event("focusin")}} {{DOMxRef("FocusEvent")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} DOM L3 An element is about to receive focus (bubbles).
{{Event("focusout")}} {{DOMxRef("FocusEvent")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} DOM L3 An element is about to lose focus (bubbles).
{{Event("fullscreenchange")}}{{gecko_minversion_inline("9")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} Full Screen An element was turned to fullscreen mode or back to normal mode.
{{Event("fullscreenerror")}}{{gecko_minversion_inline("9")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} Full Screen It was impossible to switch to fullscreen mode for technical reasons or because the permission was denied.
{{Event("gamepadconnected")}} {{DOMxRef("GamepadEvent")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} Gamepad A gamepad has been connected.
{{Event("gamepaddisconnected")}} {{DOMxRef("GamepadEvent")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} Gamepad A gamepad has been disconnected.
{{Event("gotpointercapture")}} {{DOMxRef("PointerEvent")}} Pointer Events Element receives pointer capture.
{{Event("hashchange")}} {{DOMxRef("HashChangeEvent")}} HTML5 The fragment identifier of the URL has changed (the part of the URL after the #).
{{Event("lostpointercapture")}} {{DOMxRef("PointerEvent")}} Pointer Events Element lost pointer capture.
{{Event("input")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} HTML5 The value of an element changes or the content of an element with the attribute contenteditable is modified.
{{Event("invalid")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} HTML5 A submittable element has been checked and doesn't satisfy its constraints.
{{Event("keydown")}} {{DOMxRef("KeyboardEvent")}} DOM L3 A key is pressed down.
{{Event("keypress")}} {{DOMxRef("KeyboardEvent")}} DOM L3 A key is pressed down and that key normally produces a character value (use input instead).
{{Event("keyup")}} {{DOMxRef("KeyboardEvent")}} DOM L3 A key is released.
{{Event("languagechange")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} {{ SpecName('HTML5.1', '#dom-navigator-languages', 'NavigatorLanguage.languages') }} The user's preferred languages have changed.
{{Event("levelchange")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} Battery status The level attribute has been updated.
{{Event("load")}} {{DOMxRef("UIEvent")}} DOM L3 A resource and its dependent resources have finished loading.
load {{DOMxRef("ProgressEvent")}} Progress and XMLHttpRequest Progression has been successful.
{{Event("loadeddata")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} HTML5 media The first frame of the media has finished loading.
{{Event("loadedmetadata")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} HTML5 media The metadata has been loaded.
{{Event("loadend")}} {{DOMxRef("ProgressEvent")}} Progress and XMLHttpRequest Progress has stopped (after "error", "abort" or "load" have been dispatched).
{{Event("loadstart")}} {{DOMxRef("ProgressEvent")}} Progress and XMLHttpRequest Progress has begun.
{{Event("mark")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} {{DOMxRef("SpeechSynthesisEvent")}} {{SpecName('Web Speech API')}} The spoken utterance reaches a named SSML "mark" tag.
message {{DOMxRef("MessageEvent")}} WebSocket A message is received through a WebSocket.
message {{DOMxRef("MessageEvent")}} Web Workers A message is received from a Web Worker.
message {{DOMxRef("MessageEvent")}} Web Messaging A message is received from a child (i)frame or a parent window.
message {{DOMxRef("MessageEvent")}} Server Sent Events A message is received through an event source.
{{Event("messageerror")}} {{DOMxRef("MessageEvent")}} {{DOMxRef("MessagePort")}}, Web Workers, Broadcast Channel, {{DOMxRef("Window")}} A message error is raised when a message is received by an object.
{{Event("message_(ServiceWorker)","message")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} {{DOMxRef("ServiceWorkerMessageEvent")}} or {{DOMxRef("ExtendableMessageEvent")}}, depending on context. Service Workers A message is received from a service worker, or a message is received in a service worker from another context.
{{Event("mousedown")}} {{DOMxRef("MouseEvent")}} DOM L3 A pointing device button (usually a mouse) is pressed on an element.
{{Event("mouseenter")}} {{DOMxRef("MouseEvent")}} DOM L3 A pointing device is moved onto the element that has the listener attached.
{{Event("mouseleave")}} {{DOMxRef("MouseEvent")}} DOM L3 A pointing device is moved off the element that has the listener attached.
{{Event("mousemove")}} {{DOMxRef("MouseEvent")}} DOM L3 A pointing device is moved over an element.
{{Event("mouseout")}} {{DOMxRef("MouseEvent")}} DOM L3 A pointing device is moved off the element that has the listener attached or off one of its children.
{{Event("mouseover")}} {{DOMxRef("MouseEvent")}} DOM L3 A pointing device is moved onto the element that has the listener attached or onto one of its children.
{{Event("mouseup")}} {{DOMxRef("MouseEvent")}} DOM L3 A pointing device button is released over an element.
{{Event("nomatch")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} {{DOMxRef("SpeechRecognitionEvent")}} {{SpecName('Web Speech API')}} The speech recognition service returns a final result with no significant recognition.
{{Event("notificationclick")}} {{DOMxRef("NotificationEvent")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} {{SpecName('Web Notifications','#dom-serviceworkerglobalscope-onnotificationclick','onnotificationclick')}} A system notification spawned by {{DOMxRef("ServiceWorkerRegistration.showNotification()")}} has been clicked.
{{Event("noupdate")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} Offline The manifest hadn't changed.
{{Event("obsolete")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} Offline The manifest was found to have become a 404 or 410 page, so the application cache is being deleted.
{{Event("offline")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} HTML5 offline The browser has lost access to the network.
{{Event("online")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} HTML5 offline The browser has gained access to the network (but particular websites might be unreachable).
open {{DOMxRef("Event")}} WebSocket A WebSocket connection has been established.
open {{DOMxRef("Event")}} Server Sent Events An event source connection has been established.
{{Event("orientationchange")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} Screen Orientation The orientation of the device (portrait/landscape) has changed
{{Event("pagehide")}} {{DOMxRef("PageTransitionEvent")}} HTML5 A session history entry is being traversed from.
{{Event("pageshow")}} {{DOMxRef("PageTransitionEvent")}} HTML5 A session history entry is being traversed to.
{{Event("paste")}} {{DOMxRef("ClipboardEvent")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} Clipboard Data has been transferred from the system clipboard to the document.
{{Event("pause")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} HTML5 media Playback has been paused.
{{Event("pause_(SpeechSynthesis)", "pause")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} {{DOMxRef("SpeechSynthesisEvent")}} {{SpecName('Web Speech API')}} The utterance is paused part way through.
{{Event("pointercancel")}} {{DOMxRef("PointerEvent")}} Pointer Events The pointer is unlikely to produce any more events.
{{Event("pointerdown")}} {{DOMxRef("PointerEvent")}} Pointer Events The pointer enters the active buttons state.
{{Event("pointerenter")}} {{DOMxRef("PointerEvent")}} Pointer Events Pointing device is moved inside the hit-testing boundary.
{{Event("pointerleave")}} {{DOMxRef("PointerEvent")}} Pointer Events Pointing device is moved out of the hit-testing boundary.
{{Event("pointerlockchange")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} Pointer Lock The pointer was locked or released.
{{Event("pointerlockerror")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} Pointer Lock It was impossible to lock the pointer for technical reasons or because the permission was denied.
{{Event("pointermove")}} {{DOMxRef("PointerEvent")}} Pointer Events The pointer changed coordinates.
{{Event("pointerout")}} {{DOMxRef("PointerEvent")}} Pointer Events The pointing device moved out of hit-testing boundary or leaves detectable hover range.
{{Event("pointerover")}} {{DOMxRef("PointerEvent")}} Pointer Events The pointing device is moved into the hit-testing boundary.
{{Event("pointerup")}} {{DOMxRef("PointerEvent")}} Pointer Events The pointer leaves the active buttons state.
{{Event("play")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} HTML5 media Playback has begun.
{{Event("playing")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} HTML5 media Playback is ready to start after having been paused or delayed due to lack of data.
{{Event("popstate")}} {{DOMxRef("PopStateEvent")}} HTML5 A session history entry is being navigated to (in certain cases).
{{Event("progress")}} {{DOMxRef("ProgressEvent")}} Progress and XMLHttpRequest In progress.
progress {{DOMxRef("ProgressEvent")}} Offline The user agent is downloading resources listed by the manifest.
{{Event("push")}} {{DOMxRef("PushEvent")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} {{SpecName("Push API")}} A Service Worker has received a push message.
{{Event("pushsubscriptionchange")}} {{DOMxRef("PushEvent")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} {{SpecName("Push API")}} A PushSubscription has expired.
{{Event("ratechange")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} HTML5 media The playback rate has changed.
{{Event("readystatechange")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} HTML5 and XMLHttpRequest The readyState attribute of a document has changed.
{{Event("repeatEvent")}} {{DOMxRef("TimeEvent")}} SVG A SMIL animation element is repeated.
{{Event("reset")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} DOM L2, HTML5 A form is reset.
{{Event("resize")}} {{DOMxRef("UIEvent")}} DOM L3 The document view has been resized.
{{Event("resourcetimingbufferfull")}} {{DOMxRef("Performance")}} Resource Timing The browser's resource timing buffer is full.
{{Event("result")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} {{DOMxRef("SpeechRecognitionEvent")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} {{SpecName('Web Speech API')}} The speech recognition service returns a result — a word or phrase has been positively recognized and this has been communicated back to the app.
{{Event("resume")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} {{DOMxRef("SpeechSynthesisEvent")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} {{SpecName('Web Speech API')}} A paused utterance is resumed.
{{Event("scroll")}} {{DOMxRef("UIEvent")}} DOM L3 The document view or an element has been scrolled.
{{Event("seeked")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} HTML5 media A seek operation completed.
{{Event("seeking")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} HTML5 media A seek operation began.
{{Event("select")}} {{DOMxRef("UIEvent")}} DOM L3 Some text is being selected.
{{Event("selectstart")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} {{ SpecName('Selection API')}} A selection just started.
{{Event("selectionchange")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} {{ SpecName('Selection API')}} The selection in the document has been changed.
{{Event("show")}} {{DOMxRef("MouseEvent")}} HTML5 A contextmenu event was fired on/bubbled to an element that has a contextmenu attribute
{{Event("slotchange")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} {{ SpecName('DOM WHATWG')}} The node contents of a {{DOMxRef("HTMLSlotElement")}} ({{htmlelement("slot")}}) have changed.
{{Event("soundend")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} {{SpecName('Web Speech API')}} Any sound — recognisable speech or not — has stopped being detected.
{{Event("soundstart")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} {{SpecName('Web Speech API')}} Any sound — recognisable speech or not — has been detected.
{{Event("speechend")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} {{SpecName('Web Speech API')}} Speech recognised by the speech recognition service has stopped being detected.
{{Event("speechstart")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} {{SpecName('Web Speech API')}} Sound that is recognised by the speech recognition service as speech has been detected.
{{Event("stalled")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} HTML5 media The user agent is trying to fetch media data, but data is unexpectedly not forthcoming.
{{Event("start_(SpeechRecognition)","start")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} {{SpecName('Web Speech API')}} The speech recognition service has begun listening to incoming audio with intent to recognize grammars associated with the current SpeechRecognition.
{{Event("start_(SpeechSynthesis)","start")}} {{DOMxRef("SpeechSynthesisEvent")}} {{SpecName('Web Speech API')}} The utterance has begun to be spoken.
{{Event("storage")}} {{DOMxRef("StorageEvent")}} Web Storage A storage area (localStorage or sessionStorage) has changed.
{{Event("submit")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} DOM L2, HTML5 A form is submitted.
success {{DOMxRef("Event")}} IndexedDB A request successfully completed.
{{Event("suspend")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} HTML5 media Media data loading has been suspended.
{{Event("SVGAbort")}} {{DOMxRef("SVGEvent")}} SVG Page loading has been stopped before the SVG was loaded.
{{Event("SVGError")}} {{DOMxRef("SVGEvent")}} SVG An error has occurred before the SVG was loaded.
{{Event("SVGLoad")}} {{DOMxRef("SVGEvent")}} SVG An SVG document has been loaded and parsed.
{{Event("SVGResize")}} {{DOMxRef("SVGEvent")}} SVG An SVG document is being resized.
{{Event("SVGScroll")}} {{DOMxRef("SVGEvent")}} SVG An SVG document is being scrolled.
{{Event("SVGUnload")}} {{DOMxRef("SVGEvent")}} SVG An SVG document has been removed from a window or frame.
{{Event("SVGZoom")}} {{DOMxRef("SVGZoomEvent")}} SVG An SVG document is being zoomed.
{{Event("timeout")}} {{DOMxRef("ProgressEvent")}} XMLHttpRequest
{{Event("timeupdate")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} HTML5 media The time indicated by the currentTime attribute has been updated.
{{Event("touchcancel")}} {{DOMxRef("TouchEvent")}} Touch Events A touch point has been disrupted in an implementation-specific manners (too many touch points 例えば、).
{{Event("touchend")}} {{DOMxRef("TouchEvent")}} Touch Events A touch point is removed from the touch surface.
{{Event("touchmove")}} {{DOMxRef("TouchEvent")}} Touch Events A touch point is moved along the touch surface.
{{Event("touchstart")}} {{DOMxRef("TouchEvent")}} Touch Events A touch point is placed on the touch surface.
{{Event("transitionend")}} {{DOMxRef("TransitionEvent")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} CSS Transitions A CSS transition has completed.
{{Event("unload")}} {{DOMxRef("UIEvent")}} DOM L3 The document or a dependent resource is being unloaded.
{{Event("updateready")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} Offline The resources listed in the manifest have been newly redownloaded, and the script can use swapCache() to switch to the new cache.
upgradeneeded IndexedDB An attempt was made to open a database with a version number higher than its current version. A versionchange transaction has been created.
{{Event("userproximity")}} {{DOMxRef("UserProximityEvent")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} {{SpecName("Proximity Events")}} Fresh data is available from a proximity sensor (indicates whether the nearby object is near the device or not).
{{Event("voiceschanged")}} {{Experimental_Inline}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} {{SpecName('Web Speech API')}} The list of {{DOMxRef("SpeechSynthesisVoice")}} objects that would be returned by the {{DOMxRef("SpeechSynthesis.getVoices()")}} method has changed (when the {{Event("voiceschanged")}} event fires.)
versionchange IndexedDB A versionchange transaction completed.
{{Event("visibilitychange")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} Page visibility The content of a tab has become visible or has been hidden.
{{Event("volumechange")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} HTML5 media The volume has changed.
{{Event("waiting")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} HTML5 media Playback has stopped because of a temporary lack of data.
{{Event("wheel")}}{{gecko_minversion_inline("17")}} {{DOMxRef("WheelEvent")}} DOM L3 A wheel button of a pointing device is rotated in any direction.


イベント名 イベント型 仕様書 発生時期...
{{Event("afterscriptexecute")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} Mozilla Specific A script has been executed.
{{Event("beforescriptexecute")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} Mozilla Specific A script is about to be executed.
{{Event("beforeinstallprompt")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} Chrome specific A user is prompted to save a web site to a home screen on mobile.
{{Event("cardstatechange")}} Firefox OS specific The {{DOMxRef("MozMobileConnection.cardState")}} property changes value.
{{Event("change")}} {{DOMxRef("DeviceStorageChangeEvent")}} Firefox OS specific This event is triggered each time a file is created, modified or deleted on a given storage area.
{{Event("connectionInfoUpdate")}} Firefox OS specific The informations about the signal strength and the link speed have been updated.
{{Event("cfstatechange")}} Firefox OS specific The call forwarding state changes.
{{Event("datachange")}} Firefox OS specific The {{DOMxRef("MozMobileConnection.data")}} object changes values.
{{Event("dataerror")}} Firefox OS specific The {{DOMxRef("MozMobileConnection.data")}} object receive an error from the RIL.
{{Event("DOMMouseScroll")}}{{Deprecated_Inline}} Mozilla specific The wheel button of a pointing device is rotated (detail attribute is a number of lines). (use {{Event("wheel")}} instead)
dragdrop {{Deprecated_Inline}} DragEvent Mozilla specific An element is dropped (use {{Event("drop")}} instead).
dragexit {{Deprecated_Inline}} DragEvent Mozilla specific A drag operation is being ended(use {{Event("dragend")}} instead).
draggesture {{Deprecated_Inline}} DragEvent Mozilla specific The user starts dragging an element or text selection (use {{Event("dragstart")}} instead).
{{Event("icccardlockerror")}} Firefox OS specific the {{DOMxRef("MozMobileConnection.unlockCardLock()")}} or {{DOMxRef("MozMobileConnection.setCardLock()")}} methods fails.
{{Event("iccinfochange")}} Firefox OS specific The {{DOMxRef("MozMobileConnection.iccInfo")}} object changes.
{{Event("localized")}} Mozilla Specific The page has been localized using data-l10n-* attributes.
{{Event("mousewheel")}}{{Deprecated_Inline}} IE invented The wheel button of a pointing device is rotated.
{{Event("MozAudioAvailable")}} {{DOMxRef("Event")}} Mozilla specific The audio buffer is full and the corresponding raw samples are available.
MozBeforeResize {{Obsolete_Inline}} Mozilla specific A window is about to be resized.
{{Event("mozbrowseractivitydone")}} Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when some activity has been completed (complete description TBD.)
{{Event("mozbrowserasyncscroll")}} Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when the scroll position within a browser {{HTMLElement("iframe")}} changes.
{{Event("mozbrowseraudioplaybackchange")}} Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when audio starts or stops playing within the browser {{HTMLElement("iframe")}} content.
{{Event("mozbrowsercaretstatechanged")}} Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when the text selected inside the browser {{HTMLElement("iframe")}} content changes.
{{Event("mozbrowserclose")}} Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when window.close() is called within a browser {{HTMLElement("iframe")}}.
{{Event("mozbrowsercontextmenu")}} Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when a browser {{HTMLElement("iframe")}} try to open a context menu.
{{Event("mozbrowserdocumentfirstpaint")}} Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when a new paint occurs on any document in the browser {{HTMLElement("iframe")}}.
{{Event("mozbrowsererror")}} Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when an error occured while trying to load a content within a browser iframe
{{Event("mozbrowserfindchange")}} Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when a search operation is performed on the browser {{HTMLElement("iframe")}} content (see HTMLIFrameElement search methods.)
{{Event("mozbrowserfirstpaint")}} Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when the {{HTMLElement("iframe")}} paints content for the first time (this doesn't include the initial paint from about:blank.)
{{Event("mozbrowsericonchange")}} Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when the favicon of a browser iframe changes.
{{Event("mozbrowserlocationchange")}} Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when an browser iframe's location changes.
{{Event("mozbrowserloadend")}} Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when the browser iframe has finished loading all its assets.
{{Event("mozbrowserloadstart")}} Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when the browser iframe starts to load a new page.
{{Event("mozbrowsermanifestchange")}} Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when a the path to the app manifest changes, in the case of a browser {{HTMLElement("iframe")}} with an open web app embedded in it.
{{Event("mozbrowsermetachange")}} Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when a {{htmlelement("meta")}} elelment is added to, removed from or changed in the browser {{HTMLElement("iframe")}}'s content.
{{Event("mozbrowseropensearch")}} Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when a link to a search engine is found.
{{Event("mozbrowseropentab")}} Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when a new tab is opened within a browser {{HTMLElement("iframe")}} as a result of the user issuing a command to open a link target in a new tab (例えば、ctrl/cmd + click.)
{{Event("mozbrowseropenwindow")}} Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when {{DOMxRef("window.open()")}} is called within a browser iframe.
{{Event("mozbrowserresize")}} Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when the browser {{HTMLElement("iframe")}}'s window size has changed.
{{Event("mozbrowserscroll")}} Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when the browser {{HTMLElement("iframe")}} content scrolls.
{{Event("mozbrowserscrollareachanged")}} Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when the available scrolling area in the browser {{HTMLElement("iframe")}} changes. This can occur on resize and when the page size changes (while loading 例えば、.)
{{Event("mozbrowserscrollviewchange")}} Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when asynchronous scrolling (i.e. APCZ) starts or stops.
{{Event("mozbrowsersecuritychange")}} Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when the SSL state changes within a browser iframe.
{{Event("mozbrowserselectionstatechanged")}} Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when the text selected inside the browser {{HTMLElement("iframe")}} content changes. Note that this is deprecated, and newer implementations use {{Event("mozbrowsercaretstatechanged")}} instead.
{{Event("mozbrowsershowmodalprompt")}} Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when {{DOMxRef("window.alert","alert()")}}, {{DOMxRef("window.confirm","confirm()")}} or {{DOMxRef("window.prompt","prompt()")}} are called within a browser iframe
{{Event("mozbrowsertitlechange")}} Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when the document.title changes within a browser iframe.
{{Event("mozbrowserusernameandpasswordrequired")}} Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when an HTTP authentification is requested.
{{Event("mozbrowservisibilitychange")}} Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when the visibility state of the current browser iframe {{HTMLElement("iframe")}} changes, 例えば、due to a call to {{DOMxRef("HTMLIFrameElement.setVisible","setVisible()")}}.
{{Event("MozGamepadButtonDown")}} To be specified A gamepad button is pressed down.
{{Event("MozGamepadButtonUp")}} To be specified A gamepad button is released.
{{Event("MozMousePixelScroll")}} {{Deprecated_Inline}} Mozilla specific The wheel button of a pointing device is rotated (detail attribute is a number of pixels). (use wheel instead)
{{Event("MozOrientation")}} {{Deprecated_Inline}} Mozilla specific Fresh data is available from an orientation sensor (see deviceorientation).
{{Event("MozScrolledAreaChanged")}} {{DOMxRef("UIEvent")}} Mozilla specific The document view has been scrolled or resized.
{{Event("moztimechange")}} Mozilla specific The time of the device has been changed.
MozTouchDown {{Deprecated_Inline}} Mozilla specific A touch point is placed on the touch surface (use touchstart instead).
MozTouchMove {{Deprecated_Inline}} Mozilla specific A touch point is moved along the touch surface (use touchmove instead).
MozTouchUp {{Deprecated_Inline}} Mozilla specific A touch point is removed from the touch surface (use touchend instead).
{{Event("alerting")}} {{DOMxRef("CallEvent")}} To be specified The correspondent is being alerted (his/her phone is ringing).
{{Event("busy")}} {{DOMxRef("CallEvent")}} To be specified The line of the correspondent is busy.
{{Event("callschanged")}} {{DOMxRef("CallEvent")}} To be specified A call has been added or removed from the list of current calls.
onconnected {{Event("connected")}} {{DOMxRef("CallEvent")}} To be specified A call has been connected.
{{Event("connecting")}} {{DOMxRef("CallEvent")}} To be specified A call is about to connect.
{{Event("delivered")}} {{DOMxRef("SMSEvent")}} To be specified An SMS has been successfully delivered.
{{Event("dialing")}} {{DOMxRef("CallEvent")}} To be specified The number of a correspondent has been dialed.
{{Event("disabled")}} Firefox OS specific Wifi has been disabled on the device.
{{Event("disconnected")}} {{DOMxRef("CallEvent")}} To be specified A call has been disconnected.
{{Event("disconnecting")}} {{DOMxRef("CallEvent")}} To be specified A call is about to disconnect.
{{Event("enabled")}} Firefox OS specific Wifi has been enabled on the device.
{{Event("error_(Telephony)","error")}} {{DOMxRef("CallEvent")}} To be specified An error occurred.
{{Event("held")}} {{DOMxRef("CallEvent")}} To be specified A call has been held.
{{Event("holding")}} {{DOMxRef("CallEvent")}} To be specified A call is about to be held.
{{Event("incoming")}} {{DOMxRef("CallEvent")}} To be specified A call is being received.
{{Event("received")}} {{DOMxRef("SMSEvent")}} To be specified An SMS has been received.
{{Event("resuming")}} {{DOMxRef("CallEvent")}} To be specified A call is about to resume.
{{Event("sent")}} {{DOMxRef("SMSEvent")}} To be specified An SMS has been sent.
{{Event("statechange")}} {{DOMxRef("CallEvent")}} To be specified The state of a call has changed.
{{Event("statuschange")}} Firefox OS specific The status of the Wifi connection changed.
{{Event("overflow")}} {{DOMxRef("UIEvent")}} Mozilla specific An element has been overflowed by its content or has been rendered for the first time in this state (only works for elements styled with overflow != visible).
{{Event("smartcard-insert")}} Mozilla specific A smartcard has been inserted.
{{Event("smartcard-remove")}} Mozilla specific A smartcard has been removed.
{{Event("stkcommand")}} Firefox OS specific The STK Proactive Command is issued from ICC.
{{Event("stksessionend")}} Firefox OS specific The STK Session is terminated by ICC.
{{Event("touchenter")}} {{DOMxRef("TouchEvent")}} Touch Events Removed
{{Event("touchleave")}} {{DOMxRef("TouchEvent")}} Touch Events Removed
{{Event("underflow")}} {{DOMxRef("UIEvent")}} Mozilla specific An element is no longer overflowed by its content (only works for elements styled with overflow != visible).
uploadprogress {{Deprecated_Inline}} {{DOMxRef("ProgressEvent")}} Mozilla Specific Upload is in progress (see {{Event("progress")}}).


Firefox OS specific A new USSD message is received
{{Event("voicechange")}} Firefox OS specific The {{DOMxRef("MozMobileConnection.voice")}} object changes values.
{{Event("msContentZoom")}} Microsoft specific
{{Event("MSManipulationStateChanged")}} Microsoft specific
{{Event("MSPointerHover")}} {{Deprecated_Inline}} Microsoft specific

Mozilla 固有のイベント

メモ: これらのイベントは、ウェブコンテンツに露出されません。chrome コンテンツのコンテキストでのみ使用できます。

XUL イベント

イベント名 イベント型 仕様書 発生時期...
{{Event("broadcast")}} XUL An observer noticed a change to the attributes of a watched broadcaster.
{{Event("CheckboxStateChange")}} XUL The state of a checkbox has been changed either by a user action or by a script (useful for accessibility).
close XUL The close button of the window has been clicked.
{{Event("command")}} XUL An element has been activated.
{{Event("commandupdate")}} XUL A command update occurred on a commandset element.
{{Event("DOMMenuItemActive")}} XUL A menu or menuitem has been hovered or highlighted.
{{Event("DOMMenuItemInactive")}} XUL A menu or menuitem is no longer hovered or highlighted.
{{Event("popuphidden")}} PopupEvent XUL A menupopup, panel or tooltip has been hidden.
{{Event("popuphiding")}} PopupEvent XUL A menupopup, panel or tooltip is about to be hidden.
{{Event("popupshowing")}} PopupEvent XUL A menupopup, panel or tooltip is about to become visible.
{{Event("popupshown")}} PopupEvent XUL A menupopup, panel or tooltip has become visible.
{{Event("RadioStateChange")}} XUL The state of a radio has been changed either by a user action or by a script (useful for accessibility).
{{Event("ValueChange")}} XUL The value of an element has changed (a progress bar 例えば、useful for accessibility).


イベント名 イベント型 仕様書 発生時期...
MozSwipeGesture Addons specific A touch point is swiped across the touch surface
MozMagnifyGestureStart Addons specific Two touch points start to move away from each other.
MozMagnifyGestureUpdate Addons specific Two touch points move away from each other (after a MozMagnifyGestureStart).
MozMagnifyGesture Addons specific Two touch points moved away from each other (after a sequence of MozMagnifyGestureUpdate).
MozRotateGestureStart Addons specific Two touch points start to rotate around a point.
MozRotateGestureUpdate Addons specific Two touch points rotate around a point (after a MozRotateGestureStart).
MozRotateGesture Addons specific Two touch points rotate around a point (after a sequence of MozRotateGestureUpdate).
MozTapGesture Addons specific Two touch points are tapped on the touch surface.
MozPressTapGesture Addons specific A "press-tap" gesture happened on the touch surface (first finger down, second finger down, second finger up, first finger up).
MozEdgeUIGesture Addons specific A touch point is swiped across the touch surface to invoke the edge UI (Win8 only).
MozAfterPaint Addons specific Content has been repainted.
DOMPopupBlocked Addons specific A popup has been blocked
DOMWindowCreated Addons specific A window has been created.
DOMWindowClose Addons specific A window is about to be closed.
DOMTitleChanged Addons specifc The title of a window has changed.
DOMLinkAdded Addons specifc A link has been added a document.
DOMLinkRemoved Addons specifc A link has been removed inside from a document.
DOMMetaAdded Addons specific A meta element has been added to a document.
DOMMetaRemoved Addons specific A meta element has been removed from a document.
DOMWillOpenModalDialog Addons specific A modal dialog is about to open.
DOMModalDialogClosed Addons specific A modal dialog has been closed.
DOMAutoComplete Addons specific The content of an element has been auto-completed.
DOMFrameContentLoaded Addons specific The frame has finished loading (but not its dependent resources).
AlertActive Addons specific A notification element is shown.
AlertClose Addons specific A notification element is closed.
fullscreen Addons specific Browser fullscreen mode has been entered or left.
sizemodechange Addons specific Window has entered/left fullscreen mode, or has been minimized/unminimized.
MozEnteredDomFullscreen Addons specific DOM fullscreen mode has been entered.
SSWindowClosing Addons specific The session store will stop tracking this window.
SSTabClosing Addons specific The session store will stop tracking this tab.
SSTabRestoring Addons specific A tab is about to be restored.
SSTabRestored Addons specific A tab has been restored.
SSWindowStateReady Addons specific A window state has switched to "ready".
SSWindowStateBusy Addons specific A window state has switched to "busy".
TabOpen Addons specific A tab has been opened.
TabClose Addons specific A tab has been closed.
TabSelect Addons specific A tab has been selected.
TabShow Addons specific A tab has been shown.
TabHide Addons specific A tab has been hidden.
TabPinned Addons specific A tab has been pinned.
TabUnpinned Addons specific A tab has been unpinned.


イベント名 イベント型 仕様書 発生時期...
CssRuleViewRefreshed devtools specific The "Rules" view of the style inspector has been updated.
CssRuleViewChanged devtools specific The "Rules" view of the style inspector has been changed.
CssRuleViewCSSLinkClicked devtools specific A link to a CSS file has been clicked in the "Rules" view of the style inspector.
