--- title: String.prototype.repeat() slug: Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/repeat tags: - ECMAScript 2015 - JavaScript - Method - Prototype - Reference - String translation_of: Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/repeat ---
から{{jsxref("Global_Objects/Number/POSITIVE_INFINITY", "正の無限大")}}までの間の整数で、文字列を繰り返す数を示します。与えられた文字列の指定した回数分のコピーを含む新しい文字列です。
'abc'.repeat(-1) // RangeError 'abc'.repeat(0) // '' 'abc'.repeat(1) // 'abc' 'abc'.repeat(2) // 'abcabc' 'abc'.repeat(3.5) // 'abcabcabc' (小数は丸められ、整数の結果が返されます) 'abc'.repeat(1/0) // RangeError ({ toString: () => 'abc', repeat: String.prototype.repeat }).repeat(2) // 'abcabc' (repeat() は汎用メソッドです)
このメソッドは ECMAScript 2015 仕様で追加されたため、まだすべての JavaScript の実装で使用できるわけではありません。しかし、次のスニペットで String.prototype.repeat()
if (!String.prototype.repeat) { String.prototype.repeat = function(count) { 'use strict'; if (this == null) throw new TypeError('can\'t convert ' + this + ' to object'); var str = '' + this; // To convert string to integer. count = +count; // Check NaN if (count != count) count = 0; if (count < 0) throw new RangeError('repeat count must be non-negative'); if (count == Infinity) throw new RangeError('repeat count must be less than infinity'); count = Math.floor(count); if (str.length == 0 || count == 0) return ''; // Ensuring count is a 31-bit integer allows us to heavily optimize the // main part. But anyway, most current (August 2014) browsers can't handle // strings 1 << 28 chars or longer, so: if (str.length * count >= 1 << 28) throw new RangeError('repeat count must not overflow maximum string size'); var maxCount = str.length * count; count = Math.floor(Math.log(count) / Math.log(2)); while (count) { str += str; count--; } str += str.substring(0, maxCount - str.length); return str; } }
仕様書 |
{{SpecName('ESDraft', '#sec-string.prototype.repeat', 'String.prototype.repeat')}} |