--- title: fill slug: Web/SVG/Attribute/fill translation_of: Web/SVG/Attribute/fill ---

fill 属性には使われ方により2つの意味があります.  1つは図形やテキストに使われた場合で,その要素を塗りつぶす色を意味します.もう1つはアニメーションに使われた場合で,そのアニメーションの最終状態を定義します.

呈示属性(presentation attribute)として全ての要素に適用可能ですが,実際に影響があるのは次の11の要素です: {{SVGElement('altGlyph')}}, {{SVGElement('circle')}}, {{SVGElement('ellipse')}}, {{SVGElement('path')}}, {{SVGElement('polygon')}}, {{SVGElement('polyline')}}, {{SVGElement('rect')}}, {{SVGElement('text')}}, {{SVGElement('textPath')}}, {{SVGElement('tref')}}, and {{SVGElement('tspan')}}.

アニメーションとしては次の5つの要素で使われています: {{SVGElement('animate')}}, {{SVGElement('animateColor')}}, {{SVGElement('animateMotion')}}, {{SVGElement('animateTransform')}}, and {{SVGElement('set')}}.

<svg viewBox="0 0 300 100" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
  <!-- Simple color fill -->
  <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" fill="pink" />

  <!-- Fill circle with a gradient -->
    <radialGradient id="myGradient">
      <stop offset="0%"   stop-color="pink" />
      <stop offset="100%" stop-color="black" />

  <circle cx="150" cy="50" r="40" fill="url(#myGradient)" />

  Keeping the final state of an animated circle
  which is a circle with a radius of 40.
  <circle cx="250" cy="50" r="20">
    <animate attributeType="XML"
             from="0" to="40" dur="5s"
             fill="freeze" />

{{EmbedLiveSample('topExample', '100%', 200)}}


Warning: As of SVG2 {{SVGElement('altGlyph')}} is deprecated and shouldn't be used.

For {{SVGElement('altGlyph')}}, fill is a presentation attribute that defines the color of the glyph.

Value <paint>
Default value black
Animatable Yes

Note: As a presentation attribute fill can be used as a CSS property.


For {{SVGElement('animate')}}, fill defines the final state of the animation.

Value freeze (Keep the state of the last animation frame) | remove (Keep the state of the first animation frame)
Default value remove
Animatable No


Warning: As of SVG Animation 2 {{SVGElement('animateColor')}} is deprecated and shouldn't be used. Use {{SVGElement('animate')}} instead.

For {{SVGElement('animateColor')}}, fill defines the final state of the animation.

Value freeze (Keep the state of the last animation frame) | remove (Keep the state of the first animation frame)
Default value remove
Animatable No


For {{SVGElement('animateMotion')}}, fill defines the final state of the animation.

Value freeze (Keep the state of the last animation frame) | remove (Keep the state of the first animation frame)
Default value remove
Animatable No


For {{SVGElement('animateTransform')}}, fill defines the final state of the animation.

Value freeze (Keep the state of the last animation frame) | remove (Keep the state of the first animation frame)
Default value remove
Animatable No


For {{SVGElement('circle')}}, fill is a presentation attribute that defines the color of the circle.

Value <paint>
Default value black
Animatable Yes

Note: As a presentation attribute fill can be used as a CSS property.


For {{SVGElement('ellipse')}}, fill is a presentation attribute that defines the color of the ellipse.

Value <paint>
Default value black
Animatable Yes

Note: As a presentation attribute fill can be used as a CSS property.


For {{SVGElement('path')}}, fill is a presentation attribute that defines the color of the interior of the shape. (Interior is define by the {{SVGAttr('fill-rule')}} attribute)

Value <paint>
Default value black
Animatable Yes

Note: As a presentation attribute fill can be used as a CSS property.


For {{SVGElement('polygon')}}, fill is a presentation attribute that defines the color of the interior of the shape. (Interior is define by the {{SVGAttr('fill-rule')}} attribute)

Value <paint>
Default value black
Animatable Yes

Note: As a presentation attribute fill can be used as a CSS property.


For {{SVGElement('polyline')}}, fill is a presentation attribute that defines tthe color of the interior of the shape. (Interior is define by the {{SVGAttr('fill-rule')}} attribute)

Value <paint>
Default value black
Animatable Yes

Note: As a presentation attribute fill can be used as a CSS property.


For {{SVGElement('rect')}}, fill is a presentation attribute that defines the color of the rectangle.

Value <paint>
Default value black
Animatable Yes

Note: As a presentation attribute fill can be used as a CSS property.


For {{SVGElement('set')}}, fill defines the final state of the animation.

Value freeze (Keep the state of the last animation frame) | remove (Keep the state of the first animation frame)
Default value remove
Animatable No


For {{SVGElement('text')}}, fill is a presentation attribute that defines what the color of the text.

Value <paint>
Default value black
Animatable Yes

Note: As a presentation attribute fill can be used as a CSS property.


For {{SVGElement('textPath')}}, fill is a presentation attribute that defines the color of the text.

Value <paint>
Default value black
Animatable Yes

Note: As a presentation attribute fill can be used as a CSS property.


Warning: As of SVG2 {{SVGElement('tref')}} is deprecated and shouldn't be used.

For {{SVGElement('tref')}}, fill is a presentation attribute that defines the color of the text.

Value <paint>
Default value black
Animatable Yes

Note: As a presentation attribute fill can be used as a CSS property.


For {{SVGElement('tspan')}}, fill is a presentation attribute that defines the color of the text.

Value <paint>
Default value black
Animatable Yes

Note: As a presentation attribute fill can be used as a CSS property.


Specification Status Comment
{{SpecName("SVG Animations 2", "#FillAttribute", "transform")}} {{Spec2("SVG Animations 2")}} Definition for animations
{{SpecName("SVG2", "painting.html#FillProperty", "fill")}} {{Spec2("SVG2")}} Definition for shapes and texts.
Adds context-fill and context-stroke.
{{SpecName("SVG1.1", "animate.html#FillAttribute", "fill")}} {{Spec2("SVG1.1")}} Initial definition for animations
{{SpecName("SVG1.1", "painting.html#FillProperty", "fill")}} {{Spec2("SVG1.1")}} Initial definition for shapes and texts

Browser compatibility


Note: For information on using the context-fill (and context-stroke) values from HTML documents, see the documentation for the non-standard {{cssxref("-moz-context-properties")}} property.