--- title: AnimationTimeline slug: Web/API/AnimationTimeline tags: - API - Animation - AnimationTimeline - Experimental - Interface - Reference - Web Animations - waapi - web animations api translation_of: Web/API/AnimationTimeline ---
{{ SeeCompatTable() }}{{ APIRef("Web Animations") }}

The AnimationTimeline interface of the Web Animations API represents the timeline of an animation. This interface exists to define timeline features (inherited by {{domxref("DocumentTimeline")}} and future timeline types) and is not itself directly used by developers. Anywhere you see AnimationTimeline, you should use DocumentTimeline or any other timeline type instead.


{{domxref("AnimationTimeline.currentTime")}} {{readonlyInline}}
Returns the time value in milliseconds for this timeline or null if this timeline is inactive.


Specification Status Comment
{{SpecName('Web Animations', '#the-animationtimeline-interface', 'AnimationTimeline' )}} {{Spec2('Web Animations')}} Editor's draft.

Browser compatibility


See also