--- title: BroadcastChannel slug: Web/API/BroadcastChannel tags: - API - Broadcast Channel API - Experimental - HTML API - Interface - Reference translation_of: Web/API/BroadcastChannel ---

{{APIRef("Broadcast Channel API")}}

The BroadcastChannel interface represents a named channel that any {{glossary("browsing context")}} of a given {{glossary("origin")}} can subscribe to. It allows communication between different documents (in different windows, tabs, frames or iframes) of the same origin. Messages are broadcasted via a {{event("message")}} event fired at all BroadcastChannel objects listening to the channel.



{{domxref("BroadcastChannel.BroadcastChannel", "BroadcastChannel()")}}
Creates an object linking to the named channel.


This interface also inherits properties from its parent, {{domxref("EventTarget")}}.

Returns a {{domxref("DOMString")}}, the name of the channel.

Event handlers

An {{domxref("EventHandler")}} property that specifies the function to execute when a {{event("message")}} event is fired on this object.
An {{domxref("EventHandler")}} called when a {{domxref("MessageEvent")}} of type {{domxref("MessageError")}} is fired—that is, when it receives a message that cannot be deserialized.


This interface also inherits methods from its parent, {{domxref("EventTarget")}}.

Sends the message, of any type of object, to each BroadcastChannel object listening to the same channel.
Closes the channel object, indicating it won't get any new messages, and allowing it to be, eventually, garbage collected.


Fired when when a message arrives on the channel.
Also available via the onmessage property.
Fired when a message arrives that can't be deserialized.
Also available via the onmessageerror property.


Specification Status Comment
{{SpecName('HTML WHATWG', "comms.html#broadcastchannel", "BroadcastChannel")}} {{Spec2('HTML WHATWG')}} Initial definition.

Browser compatibility


See also