--- title: Element.classList slug: Web/API/Element/classList tags: - API - DOM - 레퍼런스 - 속성 - 엘리먼트 - 읽기 전용 translation_of: Web/API/Element/classList ---
는 엘리먼트의 클래스 속성의 컬렉션인 활성 {{domxref("DOMTokenList")}}를 반환하는 읽기 전용 프로퍼티이다.
사용은 공백으로 구분된 문자열인 {{domxref("element.className")}}을 통해 엘리먼트의 클래스 목록에 접근하는 방식을 대체하는 간편한 방법이다.
const elementClasses = elementNodeReference.classList;
elementClasses는 elementNodeReference의 클래스 속성을 나타내는 {{domxref("DOMTokenList")}}이다. 만약 클래스 속성이 설정되어 있지 않거나 비어있다면 elementClasses.length는 0
을 반환한다. element.classList
그 자체는 읽기 전용 프로퍼티지만 add()
와 remove()
메서드를 이용하여 변형할 수 있다.
add( String [, String [, ...]] )
속성에 이미 존재한다면 무시한다.remove( String [, String [, ...]] )
item( Number )
toggle( String [, force] )
를 반환하며, 존재하지 않으면 클래스를 추가하고 true
를 반환한다.true
로 평가되면 지정한 클래스 값을 추가하고 false
로 평가되면 제거한다.contains( String )
속성에 존재하는지 확인한다.replace( oldClass, newClass )
const div = document.createElement('div'); div.className = 'foo'; // our starting state: <div class="foo"></div> console.log(div.outerHTML); // use the classList API to remove and add classes div.classList.remove("foo"); div.classList.add("anotherclass"); // <div class="anotherclass"></div> console.log(div.outerHTML); // if visible is set remove it, otherwise add it div.classList.toggle("visible"); // add/remove visible, depending on test conditional, i less than 10 div.classList.toggle("visible", i < 10 ); console.log(div.classList.contains("foo")); // add or remove multiple classes div.classList.add("foo", "bar", "baz"); div.classList.remove("foo", "bar", "baz"); // add or remove multiple classes using spread syntax const cls = ["foo", "bar"]; div.classList.add(...cls); div.classList.remove(...cls); // replace class "foo" with class "bar" div.classList.replace("foo", "bar");
파이어폭스 26 이전의 버전에서는 add/remove/toggle 메서드에서 여러 인수의 사용을 구현하지 않았다. https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=814014 링크를 참조하라.
The legacy onpropertychange
event can be used to create a living classList
mockup thanks to a Element.prototype.className
property that fires the specified event once it is changed.
The following polyfill for both classList
and DOMTokenList
ensures full compliance (coverage) for all standard methods and properties of Element.prototype.classList
for IE10-IE11 browsers plus nearly compliant behavior for IE 6-9. Check it out:
// 1. String.prototype.trim polyfill if (!"".trim) String.prototype.trim = function(){ return this.replace(/^[\s]+|[\s]+$/g, ''); }; (function(window){"use strict"; // prevent global namespace pollution if(!window.DOMException) (DOMException = function(reason){this.message = reason}).prototype = new Error; var wsRE = /[\11\12\14\15\40]/, wsIndex = 0, checkIfValidClassListEntry = function(O, V) { if (V === "") throw new DOMException( "Failed to execute '" + O + "' on 'DOMTokenList': The token provided must not be empty." ); if((wsIndex=V.search(wsRE))!==-1) throw new DOMException("Failed to execute '"+O+"' on 'DOMTokenList': " + "The token provided ('"+V[wsIndex]+"') contains HTML space characters, which are not valid in tokens."); } // 2. Implement the barebones DOMTokenList livelyness polyfill if (typeof DOMTokenList !== "function") (function(window){ var document = window.document, Object = window.Object, hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var defineProperty = Object.defineProperty, allowTokenListConstruction = 0, skipPropChange = 0; function DOMTokenList(){ if (!allowTokenListConstruction) throw TypeError("Illegal constructor"); // internally let it through } DOMTokenList.prototype.toString = DOMTokenList.prototype.toLocaleString = function(){return this.value}; DOMTokenList.prototype.add = function(){ a: for(var v=0, argLen=arguments.length,val="",ele=this[" uCL"],proto=ele[" uCLp"]; v!==argLen; ++v) { val = arguments[v] + "", checkIfValidClassListEntry("add", val); for (var i=0, Len=proto.length, resStr=val; i !== Len; ++i) if (this[i] === val) continue a; else resStr += " " + this[i]; this[Len] = val, proto.length += 1, proto.value = resStr; } skipPropChange = 1, ele.className = proto.value, skipPropChange = 0; }; DOMTokenList.prototype.remove = function(){ for (var v=0, argLen=arguments.length,val="",ele=this[" uCL"],proto=ele[" uCLp"]; v !== argLen; ++v) { val = arguments[v] + "", checkIfValidClassListEntry("remove", val); for (var i=0, Len=proto.length, resStr="", is=0; i !== Len; ++i) if(is){ this[i-1]=this[i] }else{ if(this[i] !== val){ resStr+=this[i]+" "; }else{ is=1; } } if (!is) continue; delete this[Len], proto.length -= 1, proto.value = resStr; } skipPropChange = 1, ele.className = proto.value, skipPropChange = 0; }; window.DOMTokenList = DOMTokenList; function whenPropChanges(){ var evt = window.event, prop = evt.propertyName; if ( !skipPropChange && (prop==="className" || (prop==="classList" && !defineProperty)) ) { var target = evt.srcElement, protoObjProto = target[" uCLp"], strval = "" + target[prop]; var tokens=strval.trim().split(wsRE), resTokenList=target[prop==="classList"?" uCL":"classList"]; var oldLen = protoObjProto.length; a: for(var cI = 0, cLen = protoObjProto.length = tokens.length, sub = 0; cI !== cLen; ++cI){ for(var innerI=0; innerI!==cI; ++innerI) if(tokens[innerI]===tokens[cI]) {sub++; continue a;} resTokenList[cI-sub] = tokens[cI]; } for (var i=cLen-sub; i < oldLen; ++i) delete resTokenList[i]; //remove trailing indexs if(prop !== "classList") return; skipPropChange = 1, target.classList = resTokenList, target.className = strval; skipPropChange = 0, resTokenList.length = tokens.length - sub; } } function polyfillClassList(ele){ if (!ele || !("innerHTML" in ele)) throw TypeError("Illegal invocation"); ele.detachEvent( "onpropertychange", whenPropChanges ); // prevent duplicate handler infinite loop allowTokenListConstruction = 1; try{ function protoObj(){} protoObj.prototype = new DOMTokenList(); } finally { allowTokenListConstruction = 0 } var protoObjProto = protoObj.prototype, resTokenList = new protoObj(); a: for(var toks=ele.className.trim().split(wsRE), cI=0, cLen=toks.length, sub=0; cI !== cLen; ++cI){ for (var innerI=0; innerI !== cI; ++innerI) if (toks[innerI] === toks[cI]) { sub++; continue a; } this[cI-sub] = toks[cI]; } protoObjProto.length = cLen-sub, protoObjProto.value = ele.className, protoObjProto[" uCL"] = ele; if (defineProperty) { defineProperty(ele, "classList", { // IE8 & IE9 allow defineProperty on the DOM enumerable: 1, get: function(){return resTokenList}, configurable: 0, set: function(newVal){ skipPropChange = 1, ele.className = protoObjProto.value = (newVal += ""), skipPropChange = 0; var toks = newVal.trim().split(wsRE), oldLen = protoObjProto.length; a: for(var cI = 0, cLen = protoObjProto.length = toks.length, sub = 0; cI !== cLen; ++cI){ for(var innerI=0; innerI!==cI; ++innerI) if(toks[innerI]===toks[cI]) {sub++; continue a;} resTokenList[cI-sub] = toks[cI]; } for (var i=cLen-sub; i < oldLen; ++i) delete resTokenList[i]; //remove trailing indexs } }); defineProperty(ele, " uCLp", { // for accessing the hidden prototype enumerable: 0, configurable: 0, writeable: 0, value: protoObj.prototype }); defineProperty(protoObjProto, " uCL", { enumerable: 0, configurable: 0, writeable: 0, value: ele }); } else { ele.classList=resTokenList, ele[" uCL"]=resTokenList, ele[" uCLp"]=protoObj.prototype; } ele.attachEvent( "onpropertychange", whenPropChanges ); } try { // Much faster & cleaner version for IE8 & IE9: // Should work in IE8 because Element.prototype instanceof Node is true according to the specs window.Object.defineProperty(window.Element.prototype, "classList", { enumerable: 1, get: function(val){ if (!hasOwnProp.call(this, "classList")) polyfillClassList(this); return this.classList; }, configurable: 0, set: function(val){this.className = val} }); } catch(e) { // Less performant fallback for older browsers (IE 6-8): window[" uCL"] = polyfillClassList; // the below code ensures polyfillClassList is applied to all current and future elements in the doc. document.documentElement.firstChild.appendChild(document.createElement('style')).styleSheet.cssText=( '_*{x-uCLp:expression(!this.hasOwnProperty("classList")&&window[" uCL"](this))}' + // IE6 '[class]{x-uCLp/**/:expression(!this.hasOwnProperty("classList")&&window[" uCL"](this))}' //IE7-8 ); } })(window); // 3. Patch in unsupported methods in DOMTokenList (function(DOMTokenListProto, testClass){ if (!DOMTokenListProto.item) DOMTokenListProto.item = function(i){ function NullCheck(n) {return n===void 0 ? null : n} return NullCheck(this[i]); }; if (!DOMTokenListProto.toggle || testClass.toggle("a",0)!==false) DOMTokenListProto.toggle=function(val){ if (arguments.length > 1) return (this[arguments[1] ? "add" : "remove"](val), !!arguments[1]); var oldValue = this.value; return (this.remove(oldValue), oldValue === this.value && (this.add(val), true) /*|| false*/); }; if (!DOMTokenListProto.replace || typeof testClass.replace("a", "b") !== "boolean") DOMTokenListProto.replace = function(oldToken, newToken){ checkIfValidClassListEntry("replace", oldToken), checkIfValidClassListEntry("replace", newToken); var oldValue = this.value; return (this.remove(oldToken), this.value !== oldValue && (this.add(newToken), true)); }; if (!DOMTokenListProto.contains) DOMTokenListProto.contains = function(value){ for (var i=0,Len=this.length; i !== Len; ++i) if (this[i] === value) return true; return false; }; if (!DOMTokenListProto.forEach) DOMTokenListProto.forEach = function(f){ if (arguments.length === 1) for (var i = 0, Len = this.length; i !== Len; ++i) f( this[i], i, this); else for (var i=0,Len=this.length,tArg=arguments[1]; i !== Len; ++i) f.call(tArg, this[i], i, this); }; if (!DOMTokenListProto.entries) DOMTokenListProto.entries = function(){ var nextIndex = 0, that = this; return {next: function() { return nextIndex<that.length ? {value: [nextIndex, that[nextIndex]], done: false} : {done: true}; }}; }; if (!DOMTokenListProto.values) DOMTokenListProto.values = function(){ var nextIndex = 0, that = this; return {next: function() { return nextIndex<that.length ? {value: that[nextIndex], done: false} : {done: true}; }}; }; if (!DOMTokenListProto.keys) DOMTokenListProto.keys = function(){ var nextIndex = 0, that = this; return {next: function() { return nextIndex<that.length ? {value: nextIndex, done: false} : {done: true}; }}; }; })(window.DOMTokenList.prototype, window.document.createElement("div").classList); })(window);
The polyfill is limited in functionality. It's currently unable to polyfill out-of-document-elements (e.g. elements created by document.createElement
before they are appended to a parent node) in IE6-7.
However, it should work just fine in IE9. A major discrepancy between the polyfilled version of classList
and the W3 specs is that for IE6-8, there is no way to create an immutable object (an object whose properties cannot be directly modified). In IE9, however, it is possible through extending the prototype, freezing the visible object, and overwritting native property methods. However, such actions would not work in IE6-IE8 and, in IE9, slow the performance of the entire webpage to a snail's crawl, making these modifications completely impractical for this polyfill.
A minor note is that in IE6-7, this polyfill uses the window[" uCL"]
property on the window object for communicating with the CSS expressions, the x-uCLp
css property on all elements, and the element[" uCL"]
property on all elements to allow garbage collection and boost performance. In all polyfilled browsers (IE6-9), an additional element[" uCLp"]
property is added to element to ensure standards compliant prototyping, and a DOMTokenList[" uCL"]
property is added to each element["classList"]
object to ensure that the DOMTokenList is bounded to its own element.
명세 | 상태 | 주석 |
{{SpecName("DOM WHATWG", "#dom-element-classlist", "Element.classList")}} | {{Spec2("DOM WHATWG")}} | Initial definition |
{{SpecName("DOM4", "#dom-element-classlist", "Element.classList")}} | {{Spec2("DOM4")}} |
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