--- title: slug: Web/HTML/Element/td tags: - Element - HTML - Reference translation_of: Web/HTML/Element/td ---

Table cell HTML 요소 (<td>) 는 데이터를 포함하는 표의 셀을 정의합니다. 이것은 표 모델에 참여합니다.

컨텐츠 범주 없음.
허용된 컨텐츠 플로우 컨텐츠
태그 생략 시작 태그는 있어야 합니다.
종료 태그는 요소 바로 뒤에 {{HTMLElement("th")}}이나 {{HTMLElement("td")}} 요소가 뒤따르거나, 부모 요소에 더 이상 다른 데이터가 없을 경우 생략 가능합니다.
허용된 부모 요소 {{HTMLElement("tr")}} 요소
표준 문서 HTML5, section 4.9.9 (HTML4.01, section 11.2.6)


이 요소는 전역 속성을 포함합니다.

{{htmlattrdef("abbr")}} {{obsoleteGeneric('inline','HTML5')}}
This attribute contains a short abbreviated description of the content of the cell. Some user-agents, such as speech readers, may present this description before the content itself.
참고: 이 속성은 최신 표준에서 폐기되었기 떄문에 사용해서는 안됩니다: instead either consider starting the cell content by an independent abbreviated content itself or use the abbreviated content as the cell content and use the long content as the description of the cell by putting it in the title attribute.
{{htmlattrdef("align")}} {{Deprecated_inline}} in {{HTMLVersionInline(4.01)}}, {{obsolete_inline}} in {{HTMLVersionInline(5)}}
This enumerated attribute specifies how horizontal alignment of each cell content will be handled. Possible values are:

If this attribute is not set, the left value is assumed.

Note: Do not use this attribute as it is obsolete (not supported) in the latest standard.
  • To achieve the same effect as the left, center, right, or justify values, use the CSS {{cssxref("text-align")}} property on it.
  • To achieve the same effect as the char value, in CSS3, you can use the value of the {{htmlattrxref("char", "td")}} as the value of the {{cssxref("text-align")}} property {{unimplemented_inline}}.
{{htmlattrdef("axis")}} {{obsolete_inline}} in {{HTMLVersionInline(5)}}
This attribute contains a list of space-separated strings. Each string is the ID of a group of cells that this header applies to.
Note: Do not use this attribute as it is obsolete in the latest standard: instead use the {{htmlattrxref("scope", "td")}} attribute.
{{htmlattrdef("bgcolor")}} {{Non-standard_inline}}
This attribute defines the background color of each cell of the column. It is one of the 6-digit hexadecimal codes as defined in sRGB, prefixed by a '#'. One of the sixteen predefined color strings may be used:
  black = "#000000"   green = "#008000"
  silver = "#C0C0C0"   lime = "#00FF00"
  gray = "#808080"   olive = "#808000"
  white = "#FFFFFF"   yellow = "#FFFF00"
  maroon = "#800000"   navy = "#000080"
  red = "#FF0000"   blue = "#0000FF"
  purple = "#800080"   teal = "#008080"
  fuchsia = "#FF00FF"   aqua = "#00FFFF"
Usage note: Do not use this attribute, as it is non-standard and only implemented in some versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer: the {{HTMLElement("td")}} element should be styled using CSS. To give a similar effect to the bgcolor attribute, use the CSS property {{cssxref("background-color")}} instead.
{{htmlattrdef("char")}} {{Deprecated_inline}} in {{HTMLVersionInline(4.01)}}, {{obsolete_inline}} in {{HTMLVersionInline(5)}}
This attribute is used to set the character to align the cells in a column. Typical values for this include a period (.) when attempting to align numbers or monetary values. If {{htmlattrxref("align", "td")}} is not set to char, this attribute is ignored.
Note: Do not use this attribute as it is obsolete (and not supported) in the latest standard. To achieve the same effect as the {{htmlattrxref("char", "thead")}}, in CSS3, you can use the character set using the {{htmlattrxref("char", "th")}} attribute as the value of the {{cssxref("text-align")}} property {{unimplemented_inline}}.
{{htmlattrdef("charoff")}} {{Deprecated_inline}} in {{HTMLVersionInline(4.01)}}, {{obsolete_inline}} in {{HTMLVersionInline(5)}}
This attribute is used to indicate the number of characters to offset the column data from the alignment characters specified by the char attribute.
Note: Do not use this attribute as it is obsolete (and not supported) in the latest standard.
This attribute contains a non-negative integer value that indicates for how many columns the cell extends. Its default value is 1; if its value is set to 0, it extends until the end of the {{HTMLElement("colgroup")}}, even if implicitly defined, that the cell belongs to. Values higher than 1000 will be considered as incorrect and will be set to the default value (1).
Note: In {{HTMLVersionInline(5)}} this attribute only accepts values greater than zero since it must not be used to overlap cells. Besides, Firefox is the only browser to support the 0 value as defined in the {{HTMLVersionInline(4.01)}} specification.
This attribute contains a list of space-separated strings, each corresponding to the id attribute of the {{HTMLElement("th")}} elements that apply to this element.
This attribute contains a non-negative integer value that indicates for how many rows the cell extends. Its default value is 1; if its value is set to 0, it extends until the end of the table section ({{HTMLElement("thead")}}, {{HTMLElement("tbody")}}, {{HTMLElement("tfoot")}}, even if implicitly defined, that the cell belongs to. Values higher than 65534 are clipped down to 65534.
{{htmlattrdef("scope")}} {{obsolete_inline}} in {{HTMLVersionInline(5)}}
{{htmlattrdef("valign")}} {{Deprecated_inline}} in {{HTMLVersionInline(4.01)}}, {{obsolete_inline}} in {{HTMLVersionInline(5)}}
This attribute specifies the vertical alignment of the text within each row of cells of the table header. Possible values for this attribute are:
Note: Do not use this attribute as it is obsolete (and not supported) in the latest standard: instead set the CSS {{cssxref("vertical-align")}} property on it.

DOM 인터페이스

이 요소는 {{domxref("HTMLTableDataCellElement")}} 인터페이스를 구현합니다.


Please see the {{HTMLElement("table")}} page for examples on <td>.


Specification Status Comment
{{SpecName('HTML WHATWG','tables.html#the-td-element','td element')}} {{Spec2('HTML WHATWG')}}  
{{SpecName('HTML5 W3C','tabular-data.html#the-td-element','td element')}} {{Spec2('HTML5 W3C')}}  

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