slug: Web/HTML/Element/tr
translation_of: Web/HTML/Element/tr
The HTML Table Row Element (<tr>
) defines a row of cells in a table. Those can be a mix of {{HTMLElement("td")}} and {{HTMLElement("th")}} elements.
사용 문맥
콘텐츠 범주 |
None. |
허용되는 콘텐츠 |
Zero or more {{HTMLElement("td")}} or {{HTMLElement("th")}} elements, or a mix of them |
태그 생략 |
The start tag is mandatory. The end tag may be omitted if the {{HTMLElement("tr")}} element is immediately followed by a {{HTMLElement("tr")}} element, or if the parent table group ({{HTMLElement("thead")}}, {{HTMLElement("tbody")}} or {{HTMLElement("tfoot")}}) element doesn't have any more content. |
허용되는 부모 요소 |
A {{HTMLElement("table")}}, {{HTMLElement("thead")}}, {{HTMLElement("tbody")}} or {{HTMLElement("tfoot")}} element. |
Normative document |
HTML, "The tr element" |
This element includes the global attributes.
- {{htmlattrdef("align")}} {{deprecatedGeneric("inline","html4.01")}}, {{obsoleteGeneric("inline","html5")}}
- This enumerated attribute specifies how horizontal alignment of each cell content will be handled. Possible values are:
, aligning the content to the left of the cells
, centering the content in the cells
, aligning the content to the right of the cells
, widening the spaces in the textual content so that the content is justified in the cells
, aligning the textual content on a special character with a minimal offset, defined by the {{htmlattrxref("char", "tr")}} and {{htmlattrxref("charoff", "tr")}} attributes {{unimplemented_inline("2212")}}.
If this attribute is not set, the parent node's value is inherited.
참고: Do not use this attribute as it is obsolete (not supported) in the latest standard.
- To achieve the same effect as the
, center
, right
or justify
values, use the CSS {{cssxref("text-align")}} property on it.
- To achieve the same effect as the
value, in CSS3, you can use the value of the {{htmlattrxref("char", "tr")}} as the value of the {{cssxref("text-align")}} property {{unimplemented_inline}}.
- {{htmlattrdef("bgcolor")}} {{deprecatedGeneric("inline","html4.01")}}, {{obsoleteGeneric("inline","html5")}}
- This attribute defines the background color of each cell of the row. It can be either an #RRGGBB code or an SVG color keyword.
Usage note: the {{HTMLElement("tr")}} element should be styled using
CSS. To give a similar effect to the
bgcolor attribute, use the
CSS property {{cssxref("background-color")}}.
- {{htmlattrdef("char")}} {{deprecatedGeneric("inline","html4.01")}}, {{obsoleteGeneric("inline","html5")}}
- This attribute is used to set the character to align the cells in a column on. Typical values for this include a period (.) when attempting to align numbers or monetary values. If {{htmlattrxref("align", "tr")}} is not set to
, this attribute is ignored.
참고: Do not use this attribute as it is obsolete (and not supported) in the latest standard. To achieve the same effect as the {{htmlattrxref("char", "tr")}}, in CSS3, you can use the character set using the {{htmlattrxref("char", "tr")}} attribute as the value of the {{cssxref("text-align")}} property {{unimplemented_inline}}.
- {{htmlattrdef("charoff")}} {{deprecatedGeneric("inline","html4.01")}}, {{obsoleteGeneric("inline","html5")}}
- This attribute is used to indicate the number of characters to offset the column data from the alignment characters specified by the char attribute.
참고: Do not use this attribute as it is obsolete (and not supported) in the latest standard.
- {{htmlattrdef("valign")}} {{deprecatedGeneric("inline","html4.01")}}, {{obsoleteGeneric("inline","html5")}}
- This attribute specifies the vertical alignment of the text within each row of cells of the table header. Possible values for this attribute are:
, which will put the text as close to the bottom of the cell as it is possible, but align it on the baseline of the characters instead of the bottom of them. If characters are all of the size, this has the same effect as bottom
, which will put the text as close to the bottom of the cell as it is possible;
, which will center the text in the cell;
- and
, which will put the text as close to the top of the cell as it is possible.
Note: Do not use this attribute as it is obsolete (and not supported) in the latest standard: instead set the CSS {{cssxref("vertical-align")}} property on it.
DOM 인터페이스
This element implements the {{domxref("HTMLTableRowElement")}} interface.
See {{HTMLElement("table")}} for examples on <tr>
브라우저 호환성
같이 보기
- Other table-related HTML Elements: {{HTMLElement("caption")}}, {{HTMLElement("col")}}, {{HTMLElement("colgroup")}}, {{HTMLElement("table")}}, {{HTMLElement("tbody")}}, {{HTMLElement("td")}}, {{HTMLElement("tfoot")}}, {{HTMLElement("th")}}, {{HTMLElement("thead")}};
- CSS properties and pseudo-classes that may be specially useful to style the
- the {{cssxref(":nth-child")}} pseudo-class to set the alignment on the cells of the column;
- the {{cssxref("text-align")}} property to align all cells content on the same character, like '.'.<