--- title: contextmenu slug: Web/HTML/Global_attributes/contextmenu tags: - Deprecated - Global attributes - HTML - Reference translation_of: Web/HTML/Global_attributes/contextmenu ---
contextmenu 특성은 폐기되었으며, 모든 브라우저에서 제거될 것입니다.
전역 특성은 이 요소의 컨텍스트 메뉴로 사용될 {{HTMLElement("menu")}}의 id
컨텍스트 메뉴는 마우스의 우클릭(right-click)과 같은 사용자 상호작용 중에 나타나는 메뉴를 말합니다. HTML5에서는 이 메뉴를 커스터마이징할 수 있습니다. 다음은 계층 메뉴(nested menu)를 포함한 구현 예제입니다.
<body contextmenu="share"> <menu type="context" id="share"> <menu label="share"> <menuitem label="Twitter" onclick="shareViaTwitter()"></menuitem> <menuitem label="Facebook" onclick="shareViaFacebook()"></menuitem> </menu> </menu> <ol> <li> Anywhere in the example you can share the page on Twitter and Facebook using the Share menu from your context menu. </li> <li contextmenu="changeFont" id="fontSizing"> On this specific list element, you can change the size of the text by using the "Increase/Decrease font" actions from your context menu </li> <menu type="context" id="changeFont"> <menuitem label="Increase Font" onclick="incFont()"></menuitem> <menuitem label="Decrease Font" onclick="decFont()"></menuitem> </menu> <li contextmenu="ChangeImage" id="changeImage"> On the image below, you can fire the "Change Image" action in your Context Menu.<br /> <img src="https://developer.mozilla.org/media/img/promote/promobutton_mdn5.png" contextmenu="ChangeImage" id="promoButton" /> <menu type="context" id="ChangeImage"> <menuitem label="Change Image" onclick="changeImage()"></menuitem> </menu> </li> </ol> </body>
function shareViaTwitter() { window.open("https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=" + "Hurray! I am learning ContextMenu from MDN via Mozilla"); } function shareViaFacebook() { window.open("https://facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=" + "https://developer.mozilla.org/en/HTML/Element/Using_HTML_context_menus"); } function incFont() { document.getElementById("fontSizing").style.fontSize = "larger"; } function decFont() { document.getElementById("fontSizing").style.fontSize = "smaller"; } function changeImage() { var index = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 39 + 1); document.images[0].src = "https://developer.mozilla.org/media/img/promote/promobutton_mdn" + index + ".png"; }
{{EmbedLiveSample("Example", "100%", 400)}}
Specification | Status | Comment |
{{SpecName("HTML5.1", "interactive-elements.html#context-menus", "contextmenu")}} | {{Spec2("HTML5.1")}} | Snapshot of {{SpecName("HTML WHATWG")}}, initial definition. |
[1] An experimental implementation was originally available via the command line option --enable-blink-features=ContextMenu
. Until Chrome 52 and Opera 39 it was additionally available by enabling the Experimental Web Platform features option, but got removed from that due to a Web compatibility issue. In June 2017, it was removed entirely from the browsers. This is documented in Chrome bug 87553.
[2] Support for the contextmenu
attribute has been removed from Firefox Mobile ({{bug(1424252)}}).