--- title: 502 Bad Gateway slug: Web/HTTP/Status/502 translation_of: Web/HTTP/Status/502 ---

HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 502 Bad Gateway 에러 응답코드는, 서버가 게이트웨이나 프록시 서버 역할을 하면서 업스트림 서버로부터 유효하지 않은 응답을 받았다는 것을 가르킨다.

Note: A {{interwiki("wikipedia", "Gateway_(telecommunications)", "Gateway")}} might refer to different things in networking and a 502 error is usually not something you can fix, but requires a fix by the web server or the proxies you are trying to get access through.


502 Bad Gateway


Specification Title
{{RFC("7231", "502 Bad Gateway" , "6.6.3")}} Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Semantics and Content

Browser compatibility

The information shown below has been pulled from MDN's GitHub (https://github.com/mdn/browser-compat-data).


See also